《A Dragon's Dungeon》Chapter 21


Chapter 21

Two cowled men sat at a table surrounded by darkness. It was an area remarkably similar to the virtual areas that Dorn had been to when making his avatar. Only black, instead of white.

“Progress?” asked one of the two men.

“The puppet and I will be there within a few days; I will dominate the core when I arrive.”

“And the contingency plan?”

“There's no need for a contingency plan; I could not possibly fail.”

“Silence! That is not your decision to make, as you well know. All must be perfect for the family. Now answer the fucking question.”

“The dark elves have been notified; they will come for the tree, if nothing else.”

“Good. See to it that your hubris does not interfere with the plan. The family will be arriving in a month, and all must be ready.”

Then, the man asking questions disappeared.

“Asshole,” muttered the one who was still there, before continuing, “When I succeed, we'll see who has the higher position in the family.”


“Well, this is nice,” said Jeromy.

“Looks like the meadow up on floor six, only bigger,” said Thalia.

The team, minus Vossan who was mining, had just met up on the eleventh floor, after going through the gatehouses separating the races.

Kiera asked Thalia, “Have you seen the village area yet, or did you just come straight here?”

“No, I figured there was no point in seeing an empty plot of land, so I came over to meet with you,” answered Thalia.

Kiera, knowing better, said, “Well, let's go look at the humans' area anyways; might as well go to the inn and see if there's another Jerry.”

“Yeah, what is it with this dungeon and its naming sense?” asked Jeromy.

Suddenly, Dorn's voice came into Kiera's head, “Seriously, can I please just kill him? It would make me feel so much better.”

Kiera just grinned, saying back to Jeromy, “I don't know. Why are all the elves identical-looking and named Jerry?”

“Why does he use only elves as his slaves, is the better question,” said Thalia with a frown.

“Eh, it probably just means the dungeon looks more favorably upon elves than the rest of the races. I wouldn't read too much into it,” said Jeromy.

“Actually, it's because the only patterns I had when I built this place was for elves or beast-kin. And we all know how humans here react to beast-kin,” said Dorn into Kiera's head.

Kiera suddenly asked Dorn, what is it with the people in Khal and their attitudes towards beast-kin. Are they really that awful? I've never even met one, and the people here seem to hate them.

Dorn answered, “There's been many wars between the two, leading to bad blood. But, for once, the humans do have some reason on their side. The beast-kin are not a very civilized people, albeit with some exceptions. As for meeting them, well, some have just settled in the D-floor, so you might be meeting some sooner than you think. Also, Jeromy's waving his hand in front of your face, again.”

“Gods Kiera, would you stop daydreaming in the middle of conversations? It's really annoying,” said Jeromy.

“Sorry,” said Kiera, somewhat abashed. “I was just wondering about the beast-kin, and if they will ever end up here, in their quadrant.

Jeromy suddenly got a dark look on his face. “Let's hope not, because those animals cannot be allowed to live here.”


“Is that really fair? I've never met one, but supposedly, they are sentients, like us,” asked Kiera.

Jeromy glowered, before saying, “They are nothing like us. And you two had best hope you don't meet any, as women. They have a great liking for human and elvish women.”

At this statement, Kiera shivered. She knew all too well what Jeromy was talking about, having dealt with Earl Hallowedlash, as well as farm managers for a decade.

Thalia gave another frown, saying, “I don't like stereotyping based on race, so I will reserve judgment until and if I ever meet any.”

“You'll see. Animals is what they are,” was all Jeromy would say.

“Alright, enough on that topic, I'm sorry for bringing it up. Let's go see the town and get something to drink,” said Kiera in a happy tone of voice.

While they were walking towards town, Kiera projected her thoughts towards Dorn. Are the beast-kin really like that? As Jeromy says?

Dorn answered, “Unfortunately, many are. Not the ones I've invited here, so you needn't be too worried. In fact, I'm more concerned that when the humans find out there are beast-kin here, they'll be all killed off.”

That's a relief, and well, as long as they are safe in their quadrant, they can't be killed off, right? asked Kiera.

Dorn stayed silent for a while, before finally saying, “The Space shields in the housing floors are not permanent fixtures. They will eventually come down, in all but the highest ranked housing floor.”

What!? Dorn, no, you can't do that. There are children up on those floors. If you bring those shields down, there'll be riots and war. You can't do that to them.

Dorn hummed while thinking. “It won't be for a long while, so it's not something that you need to worry about quite yet. I will give ample preparation time for the people, before I do so.”

But you didn't even let us build walls, Kiera complained.

“Ah, no, I didn't let you build walls for taxing reasons. Humans can feel free to build walls for defensive purposes. Actually, you might want to mention to Warley to try again to build walls.”

Gah, we'll talk more about this later, Kiera thought, as they were rapidly getting close to town.

As they reached the town, Thalia and Jeromy were flabbergasted.

“Did the dungeon build all this? This is incredible,” said Thalia, checking out one of the alchemy rooms.

“Wow, the crafters are going to die and go to the gods' realm when they find out what is down here for them. This is amazing,” said Jeromy.

Kiera said, “Let's go check out what buildings the dungeon has erected throughout this town, so we can give Warley a report when we get back.”

Jeromy suddenly brightened, “Good idea.”

Kiera just looked at him sadly, knowing what a hopeless battle he was fighting.

The team then traversed through the cobblestone streets, looking into each of the buildings. Finally, they returned to the inn, to sit, drink, and think.

“So, we have smithies, alchemy shops, enchanting shops, crafting shops, and even tailoring houses,” recounted Jeromy.

“Don't forget the bank,” added Thalia.

“Plus the bath houses. Definitely can't forget the two bath houses,” said Kiera.

“Right, as well as this far and away better inn. The rooms even have attached bathrooms, and the beds are soft. This place is as nice as any human-made inn I've ever been in,” said Jeromy.

They were all contemplating the wonderful town that the dungeon had built for them, when Vossan came running into the inn.


“Did you see it?” shouted Vossan.

“Yes, obviously we've seen the town. We're in it,” answered Jeromy.

“No, not the town. The giant fucking Colosseum!”

“What?” Kiera asked, trying to sound surprised.

“There's a huge Colosseum in the middle of the floor, with shields surrounding it from all sides, floor to ceiling,” said Vossan. “There was a stele outside it, saying it would open in five days' time!”

“Well, that's cool and all, but what do we do with a giant Colosseum?” asked Jeromy.

At this, Jerry5 came over to the table with Vossan's drink and said, “Yes, dear guests. The dungeon would like for me to give you four these books. Please enjoy.”

They all took a book and started flipping through it.

“No. Fucking. Way,” said Jeromy, one word at a time.

For once, even Thalia joined in on the excitement, saying “This dungeon is giving out style books?”

“This is incredible,” said Kiera, still just as excited as when she had first gotten the book.

Reading the rules in the back of the book, Jeromy said, “A lot of people are going to die. But these rewards, it's completely worth it.”

Thalia had finally turned to the alchemy rewards section, and suddenly gasped. “What is solid alchemy?”

“Solid alchemy?” asked Kiera.

Jeromy said, “I have never heard of solid alchemy.”

Kiera and Vossan agreed. They all turned to the alchemy section and just stared at the five available solid alchemy products and three available recipes.

“C-Advancement Pill,” Thalia read out. “I wonder what that is?”

At this question, Jerry once again came over to the table. He told them, “The dungeon would like me to inform the four of you, that solid alchemy is popular in the Central Fantisa continent. It is the art of making medicinal pills from herbs, turning them into training assistants for chi cultivation. The C-Advancement Pill you mentioned, can only be taken once while in the C ranks. It will allow a person to raise one level immediately.”

It was like a bomb went off. Thalia got a manic look on her face, suddenly shoving her nose in the rewards book to see how she could get enough points for the recipes. Jeromy just kept his jaw open, in disbelief. Vossan just started shouting loud noises, as if happy. And Kiera just thought towards Dorn, What the hell, Dorn? Why didn't you tell me about this?

“I wanted to see everyone's look on their faces when they found out. And let me tell you, it was worth it,” Dorn replied.

“Someone needs to go tell Warley about this,” Kiera said.

“I'll go,” said Jeromy, with a happy look on his face.

“Okay,” said Kiera. “Bring him a copy of this book, while you are at it.”

“I need to go tell my people,” said both Thalia and Vossan.

“Kiera, you should stay here, as it's too dangerous with the King of Khal coming with that Earl,” said Jeromy.

“Okay, I understand,” said Kiera, a little sadly. As they were just about to leave, Dorn entered into the inn.

“Well, this place is nice,” he said.

“Who are you? You must be new to the dungeon. Did you get to this floor alone?” asked Jeromy. He was wondering how such a strange-looking C-ranked practitioner managed to make it to the eleventh floor alone, almost at the same time as them.

“Ah, my name is Dorn, an adventurer from the Central Fantisa continent.”

Thalia said, “Oh, so you're Kiera's mysterious benefactor. It makes sense that you would be from Central Fantisa. Why are you so weak, though?”

“Yes, I was once much more powerful, but I suffered a near-fatal injury to my dantian, causing me to drop all the way back to a C-level practitioner,” said Dorn.

“Can you give the rest of us gear like Kiera's?” asked Vossan.

Dorn responded, “No.”

Kiera grinned, saying, “He's not exactly the most talkative person around.” Dorn slightly frowned at Kiera.

“Hey, Dorn, you're from Central Fantisa, right?” asked Jeromy.

“Yes, I just said that.”

“Have you heard of solid alchemy?”

“Of course, what made you think of it?” asked Dorn.

“Here, check out this book,” said Thalia, handing him a book.

Opening it, Dorn of course pretended to be stunned, saying, “This is incredible; I can't believe a dungeon would be able to give such amazing rewards, and at such a low level too. Although, I wonder how it plans to transmit the style books.”

“Yeah, it's pretty incredible. Anyways, the three of us have to go inform our people, do you mind staying here with Kiera for a little while. We should be back soon,” said Jeromy.

“Of course, no problem. This book should give us plenty to talk about.”

After they left, Dorn and Kiera just looked at each other, before Kiera started giggling. “Nice acting,” she said.

“Thanks, yours wasn't too bad either.”

As they sat with drinks, they made some small talk. Suddenly, in the middle of the conversation, Dorn whipped his head upwards towards the ceiling.

Kiera asked, “What is it?”

Dorn frowned, saying, “The King just arrived.”

Kiera said, “Oh, well, you were expecting that, right?”

Dorn just answered, “I didn't expect him to come with an S-ranked Soul mage.”

“Gods. Is that dangerous for you?” asked Kiera with concern.

“No. Only an SS-ranked Soul mage with a major affinity in Soul magic could defeat me...but,” he said, trailing off.

“But what?” asked Kiera.

“There's no way anyone would know that. And I've never, ever, heard of there being an S-ranked Soul mage in all of East Lucenia. Especially not in Khal. I wonder why he's here.”

Suddenly alarmed by a thought, Kiera said, “Is Emelia safe from him? Could he get to you through the link between the two of you?”

Dorn, suddenly looking panicked, immediately called Emelia over. When she arrived at the inn, she too had a scared face. Dorn said to her, “Until this mage leaves or is killed, you are to remain with my core at all times, staying invisible. Is that understood?”

“Yes, I won't be going anywhere,” Emelia said nervously. Emelia then disappeared through a small portal to the core floor.

Suddenly curious about this Soul mage, Kiera asked, “What does he look like?”

“I can't tell; he's wearing an enchanted cloak, with his face hidden behind a cowl.”


The King of Khal's procession moved solemnly towards the D-Housing village. As they neared the entrance, a large crowd of people could be seen on either side of the main road. In the middle of the road was Warley, with the adventurer's guild members lined up behind him. He led the people in kneeling, saying, “We greet his highness, the King. Long may he live, and long may he rule.”

The King asked everyone to rise, before talking to Warley, “Warley, it is good to see you again. I see that the dungeon village is coming along nicely. Congratulations. This is due to the efforts of all of you fine adventurers. I'm sure you've met Duke Doscue Hallowedlash and his son, Earl Anatole Hallowedlash. They now own the land surrounding this dungeon, with a mana-bound contract. And this here is my new adviser, Friedrich,” said the King, gesturing towards the cowled man.

Warley frowned, saying, “It's a pleasure to meet you, Friedrich. That is a foreign name, is it not? May I ask where you are from and if you have been in Khal long?” Warley was displeased with whoever this new adviser was, for an adviser should be telling the King to ready his forces for the invasion from Ilsan. Furthermore, there was something that just seemed off about this cowled man.

Strangely, Friedrich didn't even reply. In fact, his head never even turned to look at Warley. The King simply laughed, saying, “He's a man of few words, Friedrich, but his advice has been invaluable. I never would have realized how loyal and valuable the Duke and Earl are without his information gathering.”

At this, Warley looked strangely troubled. As he was about to speak again, the King cut him off, saying “We can discuss more in the adventurer's guild hall.” After saying this, the King's procession continued to move into the village, with all the pomp and circumstance involved in an event such as this. Warley simply continued to watch the procession, frowning all the while. It was at this time that Jeromy came running from the teleportation glyph entrance to this floor.

“Guild master, guild master,” called Jeromy.

“Not now, Jeromy, I must make haste to meet with the King,” answered Warley.

“Trust me, you'll want to see this,” said Jeromy, handing over the book.

Looking through the book, Warley became more and more amazed. “Where did you get this?” he asked.

“From the Jerry in the C-Housing inn,” answered Jeromy.

“I will meet with you later; in the meantime, do not show this to anyone. Especially not anyone in the king's procession. Meet me tonight, in my office.”

Jeromy gulped, saying, “Yes, guild master.”


“Warley, you've done an admirable job of getting this village started,” said the King. “Now that the village is on the right path, I believe that your talents are better suited elsewhere. Leading the adventurer's guild is enough of a task for any man.”

Warley, his frown deepening, said, “Respectfully, my King, I disagree. I believe that helping grow the village is my most important task, at this moment.”

“No, no,” dismissed the King. “Now, you've simply been having too much work. As Friedrich has pointed out, and I must say that I agree, it would be much better to put the task of governing the village in the capable, and experienced, hands of the Duke, here.”

Duke Hallowedlash gave Warley a large and sinister grin at this statement. Friedrich still had his face cowled by his coat. He was simply staring down at the ground, as if trying to pierce the floors with his vision.

With no other choice, Warley said, “Yes, my King. I will return to managing the adventurer's guild.”

“Good, good. Thank you Warley, for your service to this dungeon and to the kingdom. You may withdraw,” said the King.

“My King,” Warley protested. “I believe I still have valuable information about the construction and progress of this village, that could assist you and the Duke greatly.”

The King finally frowned, and repeated what he said, “You may withdraw.”

Warley kneeled, saying, “Yes, my King,” before rising and leaving.

Something is wrong. Something is dreadfully wrong.


Dorn watched as all this happened. He let Kiera view it with a crystal orb.

“Hmmm, what do you think, Kiera?” asked Dorn.

“I think that soul mage has an undue influence over the King, and that his advice is mostly bad. Why would he exclude Warley from both his position and the meeting about the future of the D-Housing village?” Kiera asked.

“Hmmm, why indeed?” repeated Dorn.

After a brief silence, Dorn said, “Would it help you to realize his intentions if you knew that the King was completely dominated by this Friedrich, with the Duke and Earl clearly acting as his stooges?”

Kiera gasped. “Are you serious?” she asked.

“Indeed. It looks like there are four people from the King's procession here, including the King, but all the actions are directed by that one cowled man.”

“What is he really doing here, then?” asked Kiera.

“Well, let's look at it step by step. Putting the Duke and Earl in charge of the village is a disaster in the making, and Friedrich clearly knows this. No one can become an S-ranked Soul mage without understanding people, a great deal of intelligence, and a powerful force behind them. Creating a disaster is the best situation for a power grab. He either wants to seize control of this dungeon, or he works for some entity that wishes to seize control of the dungeon. I'm leaning more towards the latter.”

“So does that mean he's working for Ilsan?” asked Kiera.

“If the Ilsanians had an S-ranked Soul mage at their disposal, I would be willing to eat my hat. Not that I wear one. The point is, this mage is clearly not from East Lucenia. I would know if this continent had such a powerful Soul mage. And until the last few months, it clearly did not.”

Kiera frowned, thinking out loud, “So, a foreign power has sent an S-ranked Soul mage to infiltrate the weakling Khal kingdom and usurp the power of its King in taking over a dungeon? This really makes no sense. If a power has the ability to create an S-ranked soul mage, why bother? Why not just come in force and take over the dungeon?”

Dorn decided to help her out, saying, “What's the only true way to control this dungeon?”

A look of horror passed through her face, “To control you. And so...”

“And so, the power sends out an S-ranked soul mage to come and dominate the newly formed core of a dungeon, something that is easily within the powers of such a mage. The family later arrives in force, re-instates order, gains the favor of the people, easily replaces the king, and secretly controls a dungeon.”

“But why, what's the ultimate goal?” asked Kiera.

“Only really two possibilities, as I see it. They are a declining power that wishes to regrow their strength by controlling a dungeon, before victoriously returning to their homeland. Or, a family has sold out to the devils and demons, and is working to create another infernal dungeon. Doing this in secret and slowly converting the people within would be well within the plans of the devil and demon plane,” said Dorn.

“Oh my gods. Dorn, isn't that what you hate the most?” asked Kiera. “Why aren't you more upset?”

“Because I don't know for sure, yet, and I am waiting to find out. For all I know, this mage' family could have a completely different reason for doing what they are doing. And most of all, they picked the wrong dungeon. Any other new dungeon besides mine, and this plan would work. But their plan is going to fail, and fail spectacularly. As long as they don't get at Emelia, who is now protected by being near my core. All I need to do is sit back and watch, while waiting for Friedrich to inevitably rush through the dungeon to get to my core.”

“And what are you going to do to him?” asked Kiera.

“Just wait and see, little Kiera, wait and see,” answered Dorn.

“Don't call me little Kiera, it sounds like I'm your kid,” muttered Kiera.

Dorn just chuckled, saying, “Well we wouldn't want that.”

Then they both continued to watch the crystal orb, as it showed the actions of the cowled man, who was still staring into the ground. He slowly looked up and stared directly into the screen, as if he could see Dorn and Kiera. The orb abruptly went black.

Dorn chuckled some more, saying, “I guess he didn't appreciate us spying on him.”

Kiera said, “Dorn, how can you be so calm? This is a serious situation.”

Dorn responded, “Because it's like watching an ant trapped in a glass. No matter how the ant struggles, it's never going to be able to escape the glass.”

Dorn finally turned serious, turning to Kiera. “Come, let us continue our exercises in protecting both mind and soul with magic.”

Kiera groaned.

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