《A Dragon's Dungeon》Chapter 10 (Revised)


Chapter 10

“How could you fucking Ravens fail to kill one miserable, lowly, C-ranked woman? What's the point of us looking the other way, allowing you fucking birds to exist, if you can't even kill a simple woman? Now, a dungeon has slipped through my fingers, and there's nothing I can do about it. That dungeon is twenty miles from my land. Twenty fucking miles, Ravenlord. I want my 500 gold coins back,” said Duke Doscue Hallowedlash.

“You look the other way because we tell you to look away. And if you don't like that, you'll be receiving an unpleasant visit from one of us birds. As for the girl, we'll complete the assignment,” replied the Ravenlord.

“Even if you kill her now, the crown will simply re-claim the land.”

“Not if she sells you the writ of ownership before dying. It'll be on your desk in a few weeks. Now piss off before you anger me, you fat piece of shit.”

Duke Doscue stomped out of the warehouse, fuming with anger. He hated that there were people more powerful than him. But as only a high B-ranked chi practitioner, he knew better than to respond to the S-ranked Ravenlord's insults. The duke looked around Khal City's port and almost vomited. He hated having to come to this dump; he raised a perfumed handkerchief to his nose and swiftly walked away.

Returning to his mansion in the noble district, Duke Doscue began to shiver, and it wasn't due to the cool, Spring night. It was due to the man waiting for him in his bedroom. Walking in, he looked at the cowled man and shivered. He said, “They will finish the mission, and we'll have the writ within the month,” Doscue said.

The cowled man just looked at him. “We? We'll have the writ?”

Doscue shuddered, “I meant you, my lord.”

“Good, never forget your place. And you had better be right this time, Doscue. You are on your last chance. Once Ilsan invades, they will attempt to curry favor with the previous lords, looking for stability. They will allow you to keep your land; thus, you will have the dungeon within your lands before that happens, or your head will no longer be too closely associated with your shoulders. Our plans for the dungeon can have no obstructions.”

The cowled man became indistinct before vanishing altogether. Doscue just stood there, shuddering.


The Scarlet War-Mages and Kiera were sitting around a table in the D-Housing's inn. Jerry was currently serving them their third round of ale. Jeromy stood up and spoke to the entire group, “Guys, I think we're being too morose. Let's look at all the positives. The dungeon is still here, and it's an awesome dungeon. This is the last time we'll be in this inn with peace and quiet, if my guess is correct. Our glorious leader is no longer being Dominated. We've accomplished our mission, and everything is good. We should be celebrating!”

“It's a little hard to celebrate when you've been Dominated for over two weeks,” replied Roderick.

“There are two important questions. How did someone find out that we were doing a dungeon exploration, and why did they want a dungeon destroyed?” said Hendrik.

Mina furrowed her brow. “The only reason to want the dungeon destroyed is to harm Khal. From that perspective, it makes the most sense that Ilsan was responsible.”

Lina said, “But we can't be sure without proof.”

Roderick just sighed. “They won't need proof to start the war. In fact, there's a 50:50 chance that someone in the monarchy ordered for me to be Dominated. If it wasn't for the shields that this dungeon had, we would have a destroyed dungeon right now. The monarchy would be furious, and would probably go to war with Ilsan. We might have just screwed up our own country's plan.”


Jeromy piped up, “Fuck them. No seriously, if it was our own government who ordered you Dominated, then fuck them. We are adventurers; we owe our allegiance to money, not the crown. If our government just tried to destroy a dungeon for an excuse to go to war, then I say, fuck them.”

Hendrik said, “It could have been anyone. It could have been Ilsan, and it could have been our own government. It could even have been the Churches or an unknown faction in the adventurer's guild. The more important question is how anyone found out.”

Kiera, who was sitting together with the mages, said, “Someone sent an assassin after me, wanting to know why I bought so much land and went to the adventurer's guild. Could it be the same group?”

Hendrik said, “Once again, it could be anyone.”

Lina said, “Well, the only people who knew about the dungeon should have been Kiera, Warley, and us. I didn't tell anyone about the mission, and I'm assuming none of you did either?”

A round of head shaking followed Lina's question.

Roderick quickly spoke up, “I see where you're going, but don't leap to conclusions so quickly. There's a high possibility of someone spying on Warley's office using magic. Any group or organization could have been involved.”

Mina said, “It comes down to means and motive. We can't determine the means, as it could be a mole somewhere in the adventurer's guild, or it could be a highly leveled mage spy from another country or faction. As for motives, all we have to do is head back to report our findings and see who looks suspicious.”

Hendrik snorted, “We're not exactly trained in counterintelligence. How are we going to be able to determine who was responsible? And just because someone looks suspicious, it won't prove anything, one way or another, because we won't know if the person was working on orders of our government, another country, or a secret faction we don't know about.”

Jeremy said, “So, what are you saying? That we're basically screwed? Is that it?”

Roderick said, “Yes, that's what he's saying, Jeromy. We're basically screwed. It's because we don't have any power, be it chi cultivation or political power. We were just pawns used to attempt to destroy a budding dungeon.”

Kiera then added another question to the mix, “If someone was powerful enough to Dominate Roderick, why didn't they just come and destroy the dungeon themselves?”

Hendrik said, “That's actually a very good point. This points to the idea of a single, high-leveled individual being a mole in either our government or the adventurer's guild. This person couldn't disappear from his or her position for four weeks, to travel to a remote dungeon and destroy it. It would raise suspicions if a person was absent for a month, and the dungeon just happened to be destroyed while this person was away.”

Roderick said, “So we've narrowed it down to two possibilities. First, a mole in our government or the adventurer's guild working for a foreign entity. Second, a scheme by our own government to drum up an excuse for going to war.”

“Let's go back and report our findings to Warley. If it was our government, they will be excited to have a powerful dungeon within the kingdom, and they'll just have to find another justification for the war. If it was a mole, well, I'm not even certain whether an SS-class adventurer could break through those shields, so we don't have to worry about this dungeon being destroyed,” said Lina.


Roderick said, “Very well. We shall return, but we must be extra careful not to be silenced or drawn into any more political plots.”

“Will you come back the dungeon afterward?” asked Kiera, who had come to like the War-Mages.

“Not for a long time. This dungeon is simply too low-leveled for us; it offers us no benefits. When it becomes a B-ranked dungeon, we shall return,” replied Roderick.

“I guess this is goodbye, then,” said Jeromy.

“Good luck building the village,” said Mina.

“Thanks, I'm sure it will turn out great. I plan on overseeing everything.”


The War-Mages got up and left the inn. Kiera looked around and said to Jerry, “I guess it's just you and me then, Jerry.”

“Yes, miss.”

“And you, Dorn.”

Dorn spoke out, “I was wondering when you would remember I was here. Anyways, enough being sentimental. I've been going over your idea for owning land within me, and I've realized it's simply untenable.”

Kiera furiously responded, “No way, no going back on our deal.”

Dorn said, “Just wait until I finish. It's untenable for you to own land because you will be unable to prove to anyone that you own it; further, how will you enforce your ownership? What will you do if someone just ignores you and builds whatever they want on your land?”

Kiera looked depressed, “Couldn't you help me enforce it?”

Dorn gently said, “That would not help you; it would just cast you under great suspicion. And I will not break my promise to have no dungeon-caused danger on this level. Finally, the D-Housing village will be only one of the many towns and cities that will be within me as time goes by. Yes, it will likely always be the most populous area, but the true gems will be the higher leveled housing villages. I've decided to alter your compensation, to a level I'm sure you will be fine with. Come to my level,” Dorn said.


Dorn watched as the redheaded girl showed up in his throne room. “Kiera, step forward,” Dorn ordered.

Outside of the shields on an earthen pedestal laid a crystal orb. “This is a chi affinity testing orb. Place your hands on the orb and inject it with some of your mana,” Dorn told her.

Kiera obediently placed her hands on the orb and injected some mana. It then lit up like a miniature star. A full half of the orb lit up in bright orange-red, the color of flames from burning wood. The other half lit up in three colors, gray, brown, and a pulsing white.

Dorn said, “Wow you're lucky. That's almost a perfect set of affinities.”

Kiera curiously asked, “What does each color mean?”

“Here, take a look at this stele,” said Dorn, raising a stele with a table displayed on it. It looked like this:







Dark Blue


Light Blue






Dark Yellow




Pure Red


Pale Yellow


Bright Silver




Pulsing White


Pulsing Black


“You have a major affinity with Fire magic, and minor affinities in Earth, Soul, and Healing. This makes you a one person party. You have Fire for attacking, Earth for defending, and Healing for any wounds you do get. Finally, knowing Soul magic is crucial for any mage, even if he or she doesn't have an affinity for it. Luckily, you do. Being able to defend yourself from attacks of the soul is crucial. Be wary, however, Soul mages fall under great scrutiny, for most offensive Soul magic is considered illegal in all countries.”

“So what is my reward for helping you?” Kiera asked nervously.

“Some books and a piece of advice. You may also choose to forgo this and take 5,000 pieces of gold,” Dorn said solemnly.

In a rare moment of insight, Kiera took the more valuable reward: “I take the books and advice.”

Dorn projected a grin. “Your reward is great. For the books, I offer you two B-level application books on fighting, one on movement and one on defense. I offer you one A-level style book on chi cultivation. Finally, I offer you one B-level application book for each of your affinities. And now, for my advice: give up on owning land and taxing everyone who comes to this dungeon. Not only will you end up assassinated, but you will not make as much money as you could. The richest people in this world are not the nobles who own land, it is the SS-ranked adventurers. When I was masquerading as a human adventurer, I had more money than I could ever spend. Remember, strength always comes first. Wealth will follow. As you continue in my dungeon, you may even come across more formidable style and application techniques.”

Kiera was overwhelmed. “Thank you so much. This is exactly what I need. I'll be able to get revenge on my brother, finally. I'll become the richest adventurer in Sorenia.”

“Now, these books are too dangerous for you to bring outside this dungeon. Luckily, as a C-ranked chi practitioner, you have an eidetic memory. Read these books now. When you finish, I will destroy them.”

Kiera promptly sat down and started reading the books. It took her eight hours to read through all seven books. When she finished, Dorn shined a light on the books, vaporizing them. He said, “Remember three things. First, strength always comes first. Before you can get rich and get revenge, you must have sufficient strength, and you must be patient. Second, allow no one to ever find out what books you know. Be careful of assassins. You've already been targeted once. Find out who targeted you and why. Only then will you be safe. Finally, I will no longer protect you, and that includes in this dungeon. Get yourself a good party who you can trust, like the Scarlet War-Mages have. Good luck.”

Kiera thanked him once again, before taking the teleportation glyph back to the D-Housing.

Emelia flew out of invisibility and said, “You must really have come to like her. I've never seen you treat anyone with so much kindness.”

Dorn said, “Bah, she's been more trouble than she's worth. I was constantly having to watch her to make sure she wasn't killed. With these new books, maybe I won't have to perpetually be her nanny. Well, regardless, she has already completed her main purpose by announcing my dungeon to the world. Or at least the human world. Now I just need to figure out how to get word to the beast-kin and dwarves.”

Emelia said, “I think someone's in denial. Now, you also need a new source of DP's because you are completely out. You're going to need a lot of D-level adventurer deaths, just to finish off your D level floors.”

Dorn grinned. He said, “That's the good thing about D-level adventurers, ninety percent of them die in dungeons. It's why the countries with large amounts of dungeons, like Ilsan, don't have a big poor population. All the poor sign up as adventurers and then die in dungeons.”



Name: Dorn'axial

Dungeon Name: A Dragon's Dungeon

Dungeon Level: 15

+1 for 16,000 DP's

Floors: 7/13

Dungeon Points: 1,213

Dungeon Rating: D6 – Your dungeon

is dangerous enough to kill the

average human adolescent!



Kiera returned to her room in a great moon. First, she just sat down and started training by the method in the A-rank style she had received. It was simply called Dragon Cultivation - Abridged. She thought to herself, if the abridged version is already an A-level technique, I wonder what the original version is, and when I'll be able to get it.

Dorn just scolded her, “You're not ready for the original version. First master the abridged one, and then when you get past my S-ranked levels in the future, you might acquire it. Anyways, stop whining, I just gave you an A-level style book.”

Instead of responding, she closed her eyes and felt for the ever-present mana. Grabbing hold of some mana particles, she ordered them to move towards the pores of her body indicated in the book. When the particles of mana entered her body, she started circulating it through a complex path. It followed specific mana veins and vessels in a large cycle, from the dantian to the chest, followed by the arms, through the head, and into the legs. The cycle completed by going to the chest and into the dantian.

Kiera instantly broke through to C3 cultivation. Wow, this method is incredible. Let me try it again. Kiera sent some more mana particles through the cycle dictated in Dragon Cultivation. She broke through to C4. Oh my gods, this method is too powerful. It's a good thing the Scarlet War-Mages aren't returning soon, as I wouldn't be able to explain how I advanced in chi cultivation so quickly.

After she finished cultivating, she began practicing her fighting techniques. She had already received master training in dual dagger fighting, now she worked on her movement and defense. The movement application book's name was simply called Evasive Steps. She wondered to herself, why do these incredible books have such simple names? Kiera thought that the great techniques should have long, pretentious names. What Kiera didn't know was that these were all techniques created by Dorn as he masqueraded as a human. When he named his techniques, he didn't bother to give them long, complicated names. The humans' style and application books all had names like Great Sun Martial Cultivation of the Seven Flames or Dancing Steps Swiftly flow through the Nine Currents. Of course this was all nonsense given to raise the feelings of superiority amongst the nobles.

Evasive Steps was a method of quick dodging, focusing on releasing mana from specific points in the legs and feet. Learned to completion, the user would instantly vanish from any spot where he was standing. One could even leave after-images by moving so quickly. Her defensive technique was named Defensive Form, and it was a guide to using mana to strengthen the skeleton, the musculature, the organs, and the skin. Strengthening the skin would prevent piercing attacks from penetrating. Strengthening the skeleton, musculature, and organs would protect from crushing attacks.

Soon, Kiera's life entered a simple cycle. She would spend her nights alternating between cultivating and fighting practice. She would spend her days in the dungeon's levels four through six, using her techniques in real practice. Quickly, she found that even the sixth level was beneath her strength. Kiera's cultivation had always been above the danger levels listed in Dorn's floors, but without the techniques to express her strength, her fighting prowess had been stunted. Before she knew it, four weeks had gone by and it was time to meet the city planners and construction workers coming to build a town outside the dungeon.


Warley, the head of the adventurer's guild, was leading a large and diverse caravan. Behind his horse were dozens of carts housing construction workers, city planners, miners, lumberjacks, healers, blacksmiths, masons, alchemists, and enchanters. Warley was happy that the dungeon found had been more than expected, and troubled that it had almost been destroyed. Luckily, the dungeon was well protected, so he wouldn't have to worry about anyone destroying it moving forward. Especially the Churches. The adventurers and the Churches never got along. As the head of the adventurer's guild, he had to frequently deal with the Churches; their knights and priests were some of the most arrogant people under the sun. They really gave the nobles a run for their money. He was not looking forward to the day the Churches showed up at A Dragon's Dungeon and started their inevitable holy crusade against the dungeon. Although, he would appreciate the looks on their faces when they inevitably failed.

When they arrived at the entrance to the dungeon, everyone was shocked silly. Standing almost 300 feet tall were two incredibly breathtaking sculptures. He had of course spoken with the Scarlet War-Mages about their trip to the dungeon, but seeing it in person was a whole other experience. Standing in between the statues was Kiera, the stunning redhead. She had a grin on her face and ran up to his horse.

“Man, am I glad to see you guys. I've been going stir-crazy with nothing to do except dive in the dungeon. I'm surprised you came with the trip, Guild Master Warley.”

About to speak, he reflexively felt her cultivation level and closed his mouth. Holy shit, her cultivation has increased by two levels in six weeks. That's impossible! And her background is non-existent. I couldn't find any record of her existing prior to showing up in Khal City. Who is this woman? Warley finally opened his mouth, saying “Congratulations Kiera on your two breakthroughs.”

Kiera blushed and immediately kicked herself for not wearing the ring she had gotten from the assassin, the one that hid cultivation levels, she said, “Thank you, Guild Master, I merely got lucky. This dungeon is a great place for cultivation.”

“Yes, so I understand.”

That was when she heard a characteristic cheeky laugh. Looking over, Kiera was stunned to see that Jeromy Wither was here. Surprised, she asked, “Jeromy? What are you doing here? Did the rest of the War-Mages come with you?”

“Nope, I decided to leave the War-Mages and come back here by myself. Thought I could maybe show you the ropes, help you train a bit. Although, I gotta say, it looks like you don't really need any help with cultivation. You're faster than anyone I've ever seen in cultivating, and that includes those hoity-toity nobles.”

“Yes, having Jeromy along made for a very pleasant trip,” Warley deadpanned. “I think I only came close to killing him eight or nine times.”

“Aw, Guild Master, I'm hurt. Hurt, I tell you. I was going for at least a dozen.”

Warley just shook his head; he really couldn't stand being around the man. Turning back to Kiera, he said, “Kiera, we have much to discuss regarding the dungeon and your experiences with the Scarlet War-Mages, but first we should negotiate a rental agreement and location to build the city. It's a shame that there is no water source nearby. That will make it incredibly difficult to build this city, but not impossible. We will need to construct a long series of aqueducts from the nearby Blue Sea. It will be a monumental undertaking, but for this dungeon, it is worth it.”

“Actually, Guild Master,” Kiera responded, “I had a different idea.”

“Oh, what were you thinking?”

“There's a perfectly good region of land in the dungeon, with an accessible river running right through the middle of it. Let's just build the village there.”

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