《Kill 10 Rats》Volume 2: Chapter 1
I was suddenly in sterile white room, looking into the amused eyes of some sort of technician. I could hear droning buzz of fluorescent lights interspersed with other voices. My arms and legs were being held in some of exercise machine but the technician removed them swiftly and efficiently while I was still trying to pull my thoughts away from mating and into a more useful arrangement.I looked around wild eyed unsure of where I was at or what the hell was happening.
I looked around and could see rows of similar machines with other technicians seeing to other confused half-naked people. It wasn’t until I saw the catheter and the feeding tube on the table next to me I finally figured out what was going on. I was finally free and wanted nothing more than to be back in the game.“How much do I need to pay you to send me back for like a half hour.” I asked the technician frantic.
He looked puzzled for a moment then glanced my my groin and laughed. “They said you weren't supposed to remember anything from the game. Sorry boss but the server is down. They are rolling out the 1.0 patch tonight and wiping all characters. Even if I strapped you back in it wouldn’t do any good.” He paused for a moment then asked with a speculative grin.“Professional or Amature?”
I groaned putting my head in my hands. “Village girl, Blonde hair, brown eyes, and stacked to the ceiling.” I mumbled defeated. Life really was unfair. He whistled and gave me a sympathetic look.
“Well don’t feel to bad, You’ll just have to look her up again when the game goes live. Launch is in two weeks. Best part for you is the company is giving all testers a discount on a reserved system.” He leaned closer. “Seriously, buy it. Even if you don’t wanna play. The pre-orders are backed up for the next two years, and most stores are only getting a unit or two. You could E-bay one of these things for about fifteen grand right now and they are offering them to you guys for only two.” He explained. Then he saw something over my shoulder and backed up. He helped me down onto the ground and my feet touched real earth for the first time in a month.
A tall skinny woman in a business suit walked up to me holding a clipboard. “Mr. Ritter.” Please sign here. She said handing me the clipboard. I quickly read the paper while trying to adjust to being suddenly back in the real world. It was a legal document stating that I was a voluntary tester for the upcoming game Otherworld, and I’d been involved in a prolonged test of their Full Emersion Mode. Ten thousand dollars were to be deposited in my bank account. With an offer to buy my testing machine for two thousand. I absolved them of all legal responsibility and was agreeing that I was healthy, safe, and had been satisfied with my experience. It was written in dense legalese and was pretty well constructed for being an outright lie.
After meeting that goddess or whoever it was. I’d gotten my memories back. I knew who I was, I remembered being kidnapped out of my apartment and drugged, as well as all of my previous lives in game. Apparently my latest incarnation had been my 8th character. The other 7 times I’d died to wolves, goblins, or simply starved to death, the entire time having no idea what was going on. It was a little sickening really. Those bastards had been basically torturing me for a month. However, this didn’t seem the time to point that out. Telling someone who’s willing to kidnap you that you remember it happening is more likely to get you killed than it is to get you justice.
I signed the paper, checking the box to agree to the purchase of my capsule. She nodded curtly and told me to expect the deposit by the end of the next business day and that the capsule would be moved to my residence sometime by the end of the week.
Then she had the technician walk me out to the parking lot where my old Corolla was waiting for me with the keys in it. I opened the door, slid into the driver's seat,and just sat there. The familiar smell of my car clashed with my memories of last month. I had a great deal to wrap my head around.
In a half hour I’d gone from making out with a beautiful, albeit digital, woman, to waking up in some corporate rat-farm, being handed eight grand and a new sparkly super game system. Then being shuffled out the door. My old beat up Corolla was waiting for me in the parking lot, and It would be a 50 Mile drive from the Nexus Office in Indianapolis back to my apartment in Bloomington. I wasn’t sure exactly how I was supposed to feel, so i just sat there in the driver's seat trying to put my head on right.
I’d liked who’d I’d been in otherworld. I’d been a badass. I’d been trapped, but I’d had money, a job, a girl, and some pretty freaking cool powers. Before I’d been Noob Slayer. Now I was Tom, computer repair guy, average college student, and owner of one beat-up Toyota. I suppose it’s true what they say. The grass is always greener on the other side. When I’d been there I wanted to go home, and now that I’m home I want to go back.
I reached down into my cup holder and plugged in my phone. It started beeping frantically with missed messages and missed call Alerts. I touched the screen and looked at the date. Wednesday, July 2. I’d been stuck in the game for 31 days. Sighing, I started the car.
“Where the hell you been dude?” My friend Chris asked as he stuffed another handful of corn curls into his mouth. I’d gotten home late last night and collapsed into my bad. Chris had worked all morning and he’d only gotten home a few minutes ago. “I’ve been jonesing for corn curls for a month.” He said as we sprawled on our couch watching Chicago get slaughtered by St. Louis.
“You do realize they sell those at….. Everywhere. If you like them so much you could just buy them, and I told you I was testing Otherworld at Nexus. ” I said rolling my eyes.
“They never taste as good when I buy them.” He said around another mouthful. He was rail-thin, with light-brown hair and blue eyes. “So how was it? Is the game awesome?”
“You know I’m under NDA and can’t actually talk about it.” I responded. Chris looked over at me and raised an eyebrow. “It’s freaking awesome.” I said grinning. “There are about a million skills to unlock. Fifty playable races. Two hundred fifty classes, and the magic system is unbelievably awesome.”
Chris looked excited. He was a hard-core gamer like I was. It was how we’d ended up roommates. We met at a game tournament freshman year and become fast friends.
“Well? Details man, Details. How are the graphics? What about the crafting.” His eyes were about as big as saucers.
“That’s the part I don’t get.” I said becoming serious. “It’s too good.”
“What do you mean too good?” He looked at me baffled.
“That’s just it. The graphics are true to life. Photorealistic, Like 30k high def. It’s not just video either. The machines aren't just visual like those goggles they sell now. They are Full Dive VR. Touch, taste, smell. You can feel everything like it’s the real world, and the NPC’s are so lifelike. And their lips are so soft……..” I trailed off realizing I might have said a bit too much. I looked over at Chris a little sheepish.
“Well,” Chis said grinning. “That explains why you’ve been looking down. Find yourself some sexy cat-girl healer to warm your bed?” Then he trailed off. “Wait Can you can seriously have sex?”
I shrugged. “No idea actually. I was about 30 seconds from finding out when the test ended. But I’m sure you can. The game is just that detailed. You can literally do ANYTHING you could do in real life. It’s insane. That’s why I’m so confused. It’s not two years ahead of the competition it’s at least twenty. You honestly feel like you are in Otherworld. I have no idea who cooked up their tech or how they managed to keep it secret.”
“It’s really that good?” He asked disbelieving. It was pretty obvious he wasn’t buying it.
“Better” I said serious meeting his eyes.
“Well then we better get supplies ready for the camp out. I hear BestPrice is only getting five units, We’re going to have to go full bore If I’m gonna buy one. “ He nodded his head as if preparing for some epic quest.
“You do realise those things cost like five grand right, then a hundred for the game and thirty bucks a month?” I reminded him. Chris was a poor college kid like me. Granted, his parents had some money but I thought five grand for a glorified game console would be pushing it.
He waved his arms as if brushing such petty matters aside. “I’ll just tell dad I’m planning to re-sell it. He’s always trying to convince me to look for good investment Ideas. I”ll just tell him I found one. He’ll come through.”
“Alright man,” I said giving up. “We going a full 24 hours?”
“Pffft. This is a college town. You know how many nerds are going to want one? We better go three-days at least. Your lucky your boss fired you for being gone. Now we’ll have time to prepare.” He said, rubbing his hands together and while he started making a list of supplies.
Laughing, I picked up the phone to order a pizza when there was a knock on the door. I opened it to two rough looking workmen. They pushed into my apartment carrying a giant box with my system inside. I pointed to the only open corner in the place. I’d spent an hour this morning cleaning out a spot for the thing. Although, if Chris was buying one too I had no Idea where the hell we were going to put it.
The men left and Chris and I sat ogling the machine. It was pretty sci-fi looking. Like some off cross between a gyro-sphere, exercise machine, and crazy VR Trainer. I’d never really had a good look at it. I’d been in one for a month, but hadn’t ever had the chance to look at it in detail. I’d been pushed out of the office about 20 seconds after I came out of the game.
“Well” Chris said examining the system. “I think I’d better add truck to the list.”
We arrived at the BestPrice on Schedule. Midnight exactly three days from release. We took our camping gear out of the truck we’d rented and started to set-up. Surprisingly we weren't the first ones there. A couple incoming sophomores from the University had beaten us. It was summer break, and apparently they didn’t have much to so, and were more than willing to take time off their part time jobs to be first in line for Otherworld.
“Told you we should have gone a full week.” Chris said sullen. His face had fallen the second he saw we weren’t the first ones here.
“We’ll still get one relax. This just means we played our cards better. We still get a machine, but we had to stand in line for four days less.” I replied trying to mollify him. He was the reason we were here anyway. I could just pick up a copy of the game since I had my testing machine. He was the one that needed an actual. system.
We sat and chatted with the other two. There were apparently physics majors who managed to out nerd even chris and I, and we had fun chatting and planning our character builds. I didn’t mention I was a beta tester. That would have lead to nothing but three entire days of getting peppered with ridiculous questions. Instead we chatted, grilled hamburgers on the mini grill we brought, and generally screwed around. It was a good time, and a great way to spend a week on summer break.
At 24 hours a couple showed up and joined the line. At first they were really upset since there wouldn’t be enough machines for both of them, but I told them I didn’t need one. When they asked I lied and told them my uncle worked for the company. A few more people trickled in after them but most left when they saw the rest of us in line.
Then the store finally closed on the last day the manager came out and started talking to us. Apparently the entire state had only gotten 300 units, and he was happy they’ed managed to get five. He chatted with us while midnight approached when another girl got in line behind us. She looked more like a punk-rocker than a gamer. Her complexion was darker than mine, which isn’t hard considering Ritter was about as German as you can get. She had dark eyes, straight black hair, and a full sleeve of tattoos down her left arm.
Chris elbowed me in the rubs. “Stop staring dude your going to creep her out. This is why you’re going to end up with virtual girls forever.“ I frowned. I’d liked Hanna. She wasn’t exactly warm or kind but I had respected her and she did look good naked.
He was right though, I’m surprised my eyes hadn’t popped out of my head. I loved black-hair and had a rather unfortunate taste for punk and goth girls. Which is likely why my relationships always ended badly. Interesting they maybe but, it wasn’t exactly a look that the emotionally stable took up. Or maybe it was just me. All my failed relationships did have me as a common denominator.
Jasmine sighed as she got into line. She’d driven from indianapolis because every store in the city had sold out of games on pre-order because of all the testers who were buying copies. She’d been here about two minutes and some nerd was already making eyes at her. At least he wasn’t staring at her boobs but he still looked like his eyes were about to roll out of his head like the wolf on Looney Toons. He was tall and broad, brown haired, and sporting a badly trimmed goatee. He wore a tee-shirt with a giant red-orc on it swinging an axe. She wasn’t sure what game it was from, but he might as well have had nerd written on his forehead in marker.
Granted, she was also standing here for a midnight release, but judging by the tents he’d been one of those nut jobs who’d decided to camp out. His friend elbowed him in the ribs, and he finally looked away, before starting to walk in her direction. She groaned inwardly.
“Hey, Uhhhh There’s not really a good way to say this, but the store only has five units. Standing in line won't do you much good.” He spoke as he approached. His voice was firm, and he met her eyes as he spoke. They were a vivid green that raised his stock from terrible merely annoying.
“That’s alright, I don’t need a system, just a game.” She replied. The man lifted an eyebrow in question, obviously curious. She sighed hoping he would just leave. Apparently, he picked up on her not-so-subtle rebuff as his face darkened and a scowl appeared.
He spoke more loudly this time rolling his eyes. “Well, your highness. I’m sorry a mere mortal has made a sin so egregious as actually talking to you. If you ever deign to descend from your throne long enough to converse with the peasantry. Feel free to come talk to me.”
With that he turned and stalked away before Jasmine could respond.
Chris was laughing openly as I took my seat again. “I told you not to go over there. It’s not good to chase chicks you're actually attracted too. Puts the relationship too much in their favor.” He laughed again, then held out his fist. “Epic burn though.”
I shook my head and bumped his fist. “What a bitch. I wasn’t even trying to hit on her. I was just being a reasonable human being and trying to save her an hour standing out here for no reason. Then she acts like she’s better than me even though she’s standing out here too. Christ. I hate girls like that. They act like they’re doing you some great favor by even talking to you. Looking at you like your some drooling mutt, all the while there banging some rich frat-boy with two other girls on the side and whining to their friends about how men don’t respect them.”I finally noticed that Chris looked like he was about to have a heart-attack from trying not to laugh. I sighed again and added. “And she’s standing right behind me isn’t she.”
“Well, the important part is you're not bitter. And yes… She is.” Chris got out before he broke.He doubled over laughing as I turned to see the girl standing behind me with a raised eyebrow.
I extended a hand “Tom Ritter.”
She took my hand reluctantly her expression angry and dismissive.“Jasmine Martinez. I was going to come over here and apologize but I’m not really feeling sorry anymore.” She replied coolly.
“Well great then, that makes two of us who aren't sorry.” I spat out. ” I’m so glad we could achieve mutual dislike. I’ll go back to being a nerd, you can go back to being a bitch, and we’ll both have stories to laugh about with our friends. Now if you’ll excuse me Miss Martinez.” I drew out the z sounds to sound extra snide. “I believe they are opening the doors, and I’ve got a giant VR system to pack into our truck.”
I headed into the store with Chris still laughing beside me. We walked in bought our games, checked out and went around back with the truck to load up the system. By the time we got it home and started hooking up all the wires I’d finally calmed down.
“Well you certainly have a way with the ladies.” Chris finally said as he plugged in the ethernet cable and started picking up all the packing materials we’d scattered around.
I groaned. “You just had to bring it up didn’t you”
He laughed again. “What are friends for? Besides I’ve never seen you lay into anyone like that. You were being a bit of an ass.”
I finally cracked a smile and the tension I’d been feeling melted away. “I really was, but she just pissed me off . Not really sure why she got under my skin so much.”
Chris shrugged. “Must be love.”
I rolled my eyes. “Not likely, I’ll never even see her again. “ I said feeling oddly wistful.
Chris snorted.” I knew it. You're already done man. If you think it’s so than put your money where your mouth is.” He grinned evilly. Both of us liked to bet, and we’d both been forced into some pretty embarrassing situations from losing before.
“Alright you're on.” I said smiling. We hashed out our bet while we continued plugging in wires. It took a good hour of set-up before we were ready.
Note: Bit of a slow chapter but things should pick back up with the next couple chapters. Thanks again for the support and let me know if I made any silly grammar mistakes .
Edits: Trying to get the formatting right.
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