《Deathless Dungeoneers》11: Celebrity Dungeon Owner
Jakira had only ever received an identification syntial; the small, binding tattoo that would reveal to anyone who inquired, exactly who one was and what they’d done with their life.
“How does this all work?” She asked, approaching the node cautiously.
“Well, as far as it’s been documented, there are four primary anima types; Kinse is related to body spells, Cebrum is mind spells, Mana is matter control, and Enon is space and time control. Within those anima types there’ve been five registered distinctions; Light, Dark, Life, Death, and Chaos. These were all divvied up and categorized by guild officials of course, so while some things will make perfect sense, others will seem a little off.
“The dungeon use information in our id syntials that translates the information stored within the node to present to us in a readable way. It leans on our own language and understanding of the world to find meaning, so, not everything looks the same to everyone, either.
"Still with me?” Rhen stopped for a breath.
Jakira nodded.
“The Prima syntials are the basic, big ones that can be built upon and specialized. Syntials keep your anima inside you as it grows. Using your spells and absorbing monster cores will grow your anima capacity over time. You can really only grow to a certain point without applying a syntial to exceed it, your body does not allow for the additional pathways to be created—something about self-preservation.”
“So what happens when the anima comes out?” she asked, chewing her lip.
“Weeeell, in a channeled way, through the syntials, it’ll come out in the form of a spell, whatever’s been inscripted. But if you grow your anima capacity beyond what the syntials can contain, you’ll start having random outbursts of power from where your body’s anima shield—the syntial layer—is weakest. And it’ll come out in completely random ways, but sometimes it’s destructive to both you and whoever is near you.”
“Why hasn’t this happened to me or anyone else without a syntial before?”
Rhen shrugged. “I didn’t really get any lessons on that in delver school.”
“It is just what Rhen said about self-preservation. The body will not grow its anima capacity if it will put itself at risk. But as soon as that safeguard is bypassed by the first Prima syntial, the body cannot prevent anima growth. This is true of all species across every realm we have investigated.” Aki, suddenly a font of information, added in.
“You’ve been studying us?” Rhen scowled, amused.
“We are curious about our reality, and every realm it touches.”
“Yet you don’t ever let anyone leave, and you have special accords with the Imperial Kingdoms to keep people out…”
“We are also a wary species. Our history is wrought with conflict.”
Rhen hummed thoughtfully. “Any more questions, Jak? Aki seems to know everything.”
“I think that’s it…” She took a deep breath and placed her hand on the mastery node to receive her first prima syntial, defender’s cry, A second later, she howled and ripped her hand away.
“Is it supposed to be so painful?”
Rhen gently guided her hand back to the node. “You’ll get used to it after a few inscriptions. Some people even like the way it feels.”
“Can’t imagine what kind of minds enjoy pain.” She steeled herself, taking a sharp inhale through gritted teeth. “Continue,” she said to the node, and the orange light flared to life under her tan colored shirt right on her diaphragm.
Jakira groaned, grinding her jaw side to side. After a few moments the syntial completed, sealing in her burgeoning anima and allowing her to channel it into the defender’s cry. She exhaled hard and pulled her hand from the node. Her cheeks were sparkling, flush from her racing pulse.
She touched the mark, smiling. “I can feel it, the power. I feel… contained. But not caged. Cradled, maybe? Guided.”
She sucked down a deep breath and the orange syntial came to life. “Whooo-hooo!”
Her anima amplified voice echoed through the room, invigorating Rhen. He felt like he could take on two of those massive hounds himself.
Aki pulsed a bright pink, his tentacles wriggling. “The effects are amplified through my water. I have so much energy!”
“I feel it too, like an eagerness to fight,” Rhen said, his hands itching for his crescent blades. “Aki, you go next.”
The Prelusk pulled one of the small father’s fennel cores from under his mess of tentacles and approached the mastery node. “I hope to infuse their regenerative abilities into my Aurora Wave, to create a spell that will heal many wounds at once.”
Pronouncing ones wish to the mastery node was an effective way to guide the node into finding the right way forward. Words held much power, though it was a mystery to Rhen as to why. The nodes were anima channeling crystals, much like the cores of monsters. They retained power, held and transferred information, but were they more like a thinking being?
Aki placed several of his tentacles on the node and closed his eyes. The green core of the father’s fennel plant dissolved and flowed into his body. That green light traveled through his body and into the mastery node, then appeared at the top in the shape of an information page.
[Syntial Additions and Expansion]
Available Options: 2
{Soothing Aura}
Ancilla I | Active | Cebrum | Light/Life | Cost: 5% Anima/Minute
Append to your Aurora Wave. When active, you project an aura of light that creates a calming effect on friends and foes alike. Reduce the chance that enemies will target you and anyone within your aura. Increase the likelihood of friends and neutral targets to be more amenable to ideas they may not have been previously.
{Radiative Regeneration}
Ancilla I | Active | Mana | Light/Life | Cost: 12% Anima
Append to your Aurora Wave. When casting Aurora Wave, you may infuse it with regenerative properties, allowing anything which steps into the stream to have increased healing and anima regeneration speeds. This spell cannot differentiate between friend and foe.
“These are both excellent options.” Aki’s skin pulsed yellow.
Rhen held up the huge core from the mega-hound. “So, get both.”
“What if there is not enough anima left for you?”
“Look at this thing, there’s plenty to go around.”
Rhen could feel Aki’s elation. “If you insist.”
He placed a tentacle on the hound’s core and agreed to add both ancilla syntials. Purple power was drawn from the hound core and pulled through Aki’s body into the mastery node, then with a burst of blue-green, it flowed back into Aki. The prima syntial glowed on the back of his head as two new petals were etched into the mandala design. They flowed like smoke, just like his aurora did, and Rhen marveled at the way the likeness of the spell was represented in the syntial.
Aki stepped away from the node. “Do you have a spell you are wanting to add?”
Rhen thought for a moment. He had good speed, and passive regeneration increases, a cloak of darkness, magic breath, and a high-powered vibration ability. What would complement his quick, not-yet-stealthy nature?
“Something to keep my enemy unaware of my presence.”
“Isn’t that what hiding in the shadows is for?” Jakira hefted her bone club over one shoulder.
“Yes, but the enemies have more than eyes with which to detect me. I want to be quieter, I suppose.”
Rhen placed his hand on the mastery node with that intent. Anima from the hound’s core flowed through him and into the node, lighting it up with neat purple rows of information.
[Syntial Additions and Expansion]
Available Options: 9 {Expand? Y | N}
Recommended Options: 1
{Dark Hush}
Ancilla I | Passive | Cebrum | Dark | No Anima Cost
Append to Caress of Night. When in the shadows, reduce the chance that enemies will detect your footsteps, breathing, or heartbeat by 5%. Effects increased by 20% when stealthed by Caress of Night.
Jakira hummed. “It amazes me how you can ask for what you want and get it.”
Aki fluttered happily. “Dungeon nodes are powerful things that bridge realms, impart magic, and even resurrect the spirit. They are quite a wonder beyond the ability to seek out the dungeoneers request.”
This was exactly what Rhen had asked for, but he felt some disappointment. Not in the node, but in his lack of imagination. There was still a good amount of anima in the hound’s core, so he decided to make one more request.
“What about something to prevent enemies from casting spells?”
Purple anima surged into the mastery node from the hound’s core, sucking the last of it dry and dissolving the crystal. Rhen stared with bated breath as the neat lines of information rearranged themselves.
[Syntial Additions and Expansion]
Available Options: 10 {Expand? Y | N}
Recommended Options: 1
{Curse of Anima Rot}
2x Ancilla I | Active | Anima | Dark/Chaos | 20% Anima
Append to Caress of Night with a sister ancilla linked to Tremor Blast. Choose one; Infuse your Tremor Blast with the black curse of anima rot. Anything in the path of your blast will be afflicted by reduced anima regeneration and increased anima costs when casting spells. Or, infuse your physical strikes with the black curse of anima rot when you are stealthed by Caress of Night. Landing a hit directly to an opponent’s syntial will prevent anima flow to that syntial for 15 seconds.
*Warning, this ability will permanently link Prima Syntial Caress of Night to Prima Syntial Tremor Blast, altering their affects.
**Warning, this ability will take up two ancilla slots, one on each Prima Syntial.
Now that was a cool ability. Dark hush was good, and would certainly help him with the sneakiness, but curse of anima rot was too good to pass on. If he could sneak up on an enemy, he could infuse his blades with the curse and disable their syntials before they knew what was happening… but that required him to be able to sneak. For now, he could open combat with an infused tremor blast. A good hit and a nice curse at the same time.
“I accept Curse of Anima Rot.”
Purple and pink light swirled up Rhen’s arm, settling on his left hand and his mid-back. Sharp, stabbing pain poked at him in both places as the boxy ancilla were added to the prima syntial. A vibrant pink line shot up his arm and over his shoulder, linking the two ancilla.
Rhen willed his id syntial to display his spell information in the mastery node.
[Rhen Zephitz – Full Assessment]
[Spell Assessment]
Number of Syntials: 7 | Highest Syntial Level: Ancilla, I
{Prima II: Swift Twitch}
{Ancilla I: Swift Healing}
{Prima II: Primordial Breath}
{Prima I: Tremor Blast}
{Ancilla I: Curse of Anima Rot}
{Prima I: Caress of Night}
{Duplicate - Ancilla I: Curse of Anima Rot}
{Prima I: Identity}
Syntial Build Analysist – Rogue/Fighter Type, High Damage
[Anima Assessment]
Anima Capacity: 1% *Use your abilities and absorb monster cores to increase your capacity.
{3x Kinse – Light, Life, & Chaos Alignments}
{2x Mana – Chaos Alignment}
{1x Enon – Dark Alignment}
{1x Anima – Chaos Alignment}
Rhen expanded both caress of night and tremor blast to see that the shared effects were not to their detriment. Tremor blast would have increased damage potential and a lower anima cost if it was cast from stealth, and caress of night now had the added benefit of reducing his vibrations—very similar to the dark hush ability. It seemed he was able to get everything he wanted.
Jakira yawned, then apologized. “I’m used to working long days, I don’t know why I’m so tired.”
“You are not used to sleeping in a tent and eating only bread and fish. That has something to do with it, I am sure.”
Rhen nodded. He wasn’t feeling at the top of his game either after emptying his anima well completely. “What if we head back to Yu and stay at the inn for the night? We could sell some monster bones and bring Fennica the herbs she requested.”
“And I could have a hot bath.” Jakira sighed at the thought.
“It would be nice to play with the Sephine bard again. I enjoyed her melody.”
“It’s settled then. Let’s mine a bit, get a few more materials to bring into town so we’re making the most of the trip.”
Jakira went topside, preparing several of the bones and ore for transport while Rhen and Aki mined out some of the padreote from the deceased father’s fennel plants. The gemstone removal was quick when the plants were dead, and in a short thirty minutes, they had a fair amount of the moss and the gems.
The hike back to Yu was getting easier every trip as they continued carving their path through the forest. The sun was nearly set by the time they arrived, and Fennica had closed up for the night, so they went to the inn for the evening.
The Sephine bard had already moved on, it seemed, and so Aki took to the stage alone. He hummed an enchanting tune and clicked the beak tucked away under all his tentacles. It was not the usual lute and song, but it was beautiful music all the same. When Aki had the attention of the crowd, he released his Aurora Wave spell in purples and greens. Rhen’s muscles relaxed, and he knew the spell had been infused with the magic of radiative regeneration.
The others around the room sighed with relief, rubbing their hands and feet as they all felt the magic doing its work. When the performance was over, many of the delvers approached the stage and dropped a mark or two for Aki, who did his best to refuse the money to no avail.
“He’s really great,” Jakira said, watching him with a serene expression.
Rhen nodded. But Aki’s presence was temporary. When Aki achieved his tertia syntial, he’d depart for the next realm on his pilgrimage. At their current rate of progress, that would just be a few short months.
Jakira placed her hand on Rhen’s shoulder. “You’re great too, ya know.”
Rhen chuckled. “Why do you say that all the sudden?”
“Well, you looked kinda sad, like maybe I didn’t think you were great.”
“No, that wasn’t it.”
They helped clear the tables and chairs to the sides of the room. Rhen had been adamant about Jakira getting her own room, though ten marks was steep. He used the excuse of all their wares needing a safe place behind a locked door, and that seemed to satisfy her. She bade them goodnight and Rhen unrolled his sleeping gear among the thirty other dudes.
It wasn’t so bad really.
Aki gave one last aurora performance, layering the group with a soft lilac blanket of light that made Rhen’s eyelids droop. He laid back on his lumpy backpack-turned-pillow and drifted into a dreamless sleep.
Rhen awoke to the dulcet voice of his favorite Cadrian and the scent of honey and licorice.
“Fresh bread for everyone,” Jakira said, closing the door to the inn behind her. She carried two heaping trays of green-tinted buns that had been folded over and over to create a flaky texture. Rhen hadn’t seen anything like it before.
He jumped up and met her at the door, taking one of the trays from her. “How did you make these? Where, more importantly?”
“You said Fennica wanted those herbs we collected so I went to her bakery this morning. The sun shined right into my window and woke me up so, I couldn’t help myself. She showed me how to make these breads. Try one!” Jakira pulled a roll off the plate and stuffed it toward Rhen’s mouth.
He took a big bite, then passed his tray off to the other delvers who were just rousing. Each layer of the crispy bread was coated with green, crystalized honey and the licorice was mild, almost smoky tasting. Shaved almonds provided a bit more crunch, and a salty balance to the sweet.
“Well?” Jakira asked his approval.
“Wonderful. So unique. How did you do it?” Rhen crammed the rest of the sweet and smoky bread in his mouth.
She grinned. “It took about an hour to layer all the dough, but it was simple. Thin dough coated in the father’s fennel infused honey, baked for just a few minutes. I won’t be able to replicate it until we have a proper kitchen, but Fennica said I could come bake with her anytime.”
“Hmm, right. I did want to get started on a real inn for you, part of my plan for those smaller, uncraftable bones.”
“How’s that?” She asked, puzzled disgust pulling her mouth into a grimace.
Rhen chuckled. “You won’t even know they’re there. We’ll dry them, roast them, crush them into a powder, then mix that with some stream water and a few other ingredients to make a mortar paste. It’ll help seal the inn, which will be primarily crafted from wood and dungeon rock.”
She cocked her head, now amused. “How do you know all this?”
“Well, I was raised in a delver’s school. My whole life was dedicated to fighting, crafting, and using everything that was available to survive.”
“Oh, so… your parents?”
Rhen shook his head. “I’ve never known them.”
“That’s sad.”
Rhen shrugged. “It’s just different. Like Aki growing up in a brood of sixty plus siblings. I’m sure his parents rarely had time for him with so many children. I honestly don’t know anything about his culture.”
“I guess that’s true, but you’ve never felt like, I don’t know, you wanted parents?”
Rhen laughed to shrug off the knot growing in his chest. “What does that feel like?”
“Well, loved, unconditionally, and supported.”
“I had many mentors impart all the knowledge they had for me, wishing the best for me, pushing me to achieve greatness.”
“Sure, but that’s not the same. It’s knowing that if you fall, someone will be there to pick you up.”
The knot tightened cross his stomach. “When I fell, it was my responsibility to pick myself up, and that made me who I am.”
She looked down at the tray, her eyes glistening. “I… right. I'm sorry. I guess I’m not explaining it well. It’s a wonderful thing to have parents, that’s all I was trying to say and so now I realize how stupid I was to have pushed the subject.”
The knot in his stomach twisted and a feeling of guilt spread. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
“I better pass these out.”
Jakira hurried away with her tray, moving between the groggy delvers.
Rhen groaned. He should’ve seen the signs sooner that he was upsetting her. Why did he have to argue? Why did he feel threatened by this idea of having nice parents? Why couldn't he just have said, "Yes, I wish I had parents," and moved on from it? He rubbed his eyes in frustration and set about rolling his bed back up into his backpack.
“Don’t you have enough for a private room by now, or is that profitable dungeon dryer than you’d thought?” A burly voice accused from behind him.
Rhen sighed and turned to face Welsh. He looked uncomfortable surrounded by the dirty delvers in his nice, buttoned-down vest, and clean slacks. “I do have enough, but I’m not better than sleeping on the floor, amongst the delvers.”
Welsh scoffed, a feral grin pulling his lips wide. “You’re not better than them, are you? How old are you, again?”
“Does my age have anything to do with this?” he deflected.
Welsh puffed up his chest. “Oh, I think it does.”
Rhen’s palms grew sweaty, and his heartrate picked up. “Are you trying to figure out whether I’m an eligible bachelor for your daughter? Sorry, I’m not interested.”
“You would be so lucky!” He snatched Rhen by the collar of his shirt and pulled him close.
The silent tension in the room was palpable. Jakira and Aki stood ready to pounce, but Rhen shook his head. He could handle this.
“There’s something fishy about you, Mr. Zephitz. You look about twenty-three, five if I’m giving your little chin stubble credit. How is it a boy of your age, with no friends, no family, and no meaningful connections, came into enough money to buy a dungeon plot?”
Did Welsh already know his secret? No… the age on his id syntial wasn’t that old. If Rhen had resurrected several times, it could’ve pushed his looks back… there were excuses that explained the discrepancy, he just had to evade, and play it cool.
“I think you mean, how can a man so distinguished as I remain so youthful looking.”
Welsh barked a laugh. “You maintained that cocky mouth of a twenty-something, too. I have smart people on my side, boy, and we’re going to get to the bottom of this. Don’t get too comfortable here.”
Peter turned and strutted off, leaving Rhen shaken. He had to stay calm, keep cool. No one knew anything. Neither Jakira nor Aki had taken note of the forbidden Maddox spell he’d used on the mega-hound. There was no reason for anyone to suspect he was someone other than Rhen Zephitz, as claimed on his id syntial.
“What did he want?” Aki asked.
“I’ve become a minor celebrity, it seems. Not the good kind.”
“What does that mean?” Jakira scowled.
“It means he’s going to try to make trouble for us. But we have more important things to focus on than some insecure prick who’s trying to threaten us. We won’t be bullied by the big fish in this small pond. He’s no Desedra, and the D.O.G. is not lenient on small-change like Mr. Welsh.”
“Would that not mean the same for you? Would the Dungeon Owners Guild care if we were sabotaged?”
Rhen chuckled. “Rule-breaking means fines. The D.O.G. loves money. We’re safe, don’t worry so much.
“Now, we have materials to sell and weapons to craft.”
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