《Rise of the Archon》Proceeding Forward on the Rewrite


So, though I wanted to do otherwise, honestly I've decided on a rewrite from scratch, and stop this story.

Been listening, and relistening, to a bunch of stuff on YouTube, mainly from Brandon Sanderson, reading some stuff on self-editing, etc over the past month or so, and it just seems the best option. Rather than split my time between keeping the original going, rewriting, and other real-life responsibilities, just too much to do and not enough time. So, I've decided to focus on the rewrite, and keep my attention on that.

At this point, the first dozen chapters are mostly done, and I've been progressing pretty quickly. I plan to work on as many as possible over the next few weeks, befor releasing from scratch on a new story. I'll post something here directing anyone who wants to read the new, hopefully better, version. Should be releasing at a pretty accelerated pace to catch back up to the original within a month or two.

That being said, anyone who feels frustrated with the fact that you'll have to wait for the story to progress, or feels burned by a rewrite, totally get it. I've been there, and I totally understand if you aren't feeling like continuing to follow. For me, it came down to the fact that I didn't feel as good about the story as I wanted to, and felt I could do a lot better.

Anywho, if anyone has questions or comments on it, you can say as much down below. Thanks for anyone who's followed along so far, hope you continue in the future!

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