《The Precipice of Power》The Precipice of Patreon?


Hey guys! How are you doing? I hope that you're having a wonderful day so far!

So, I've been slowly writing my way back into a (still rather minuscule) backlog, and it kind of struck me that this story has gotten big enough where I could feasibly open a Patreon. (By the way, thank you so much for 800 followers! I'm sending an internet hug to every single one of you right now ^.^)

Now, I'm still planning on posting everything to RR eventually (as well as the double chapters I still owe you guys!), but I thought that I'd see if anyone would like to pay a few bucks for early access.

Here are the prices I've decided on at the moment. (I don't at all have the 3 dollar tier written yet, but just for future reference)

1 Dollar - 3 Advanced Chapters

3 Dollars - 11 Advanced Chapters

If you'd be interested in becoming a patron, I'd really appreciate it if you'd respond to the poll below! Please don't feel forced to become one, though. As I said, everything will be going up on here sooner or later :)

Other than that, please remember to stay hydrated, and I hope that you have an absolutely amazing rest of your day!

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