《Leaves of Terranthir》Chapter 22 Tools
Chapter 22 Tools
Adrian sipped on his water, hearing the scratching and moans dulled through the first floor window. The undead had spread out again on their search for him, only a few even following into the same house he had chosen for a short rest.
Furniture shoved in front of the wooden door would likely be enough to stop them. It certainly would be enough to give him some time to react.
He glanced at the spear tip, dark blood covering the whole length of the steel, some even clinging to the sturdy wood below. Adrian had killed about thirty of the monsters before he chose to retreat. He was yet to be exhausted but he would try to avoid unnecessary risks.
Adrian didn’t plan to clear out all the undead on the way, instead fighting through to the next house and so on, until he would see the barracks and perhaps sneak in. Then again, he wasn’t particularly sneaky. The undead on the other hand weren’t exactly the most effective guards either, an even battleground perhaps.
Could jump from house to house maybe, Adrian thought, stepping out of the room and checking for a hatch or stairs to the attic. When he actually reached it, there wasn’t even a window.
Well, so much for that idea.
He couldn’t exactly break through the wood and tiles with his spear. Well maybe he could but the work required would simply not be worth it. Not when he could just kill the undead.
Near the wall there were many of the monsters but not nearly as many as on the main street, so he continued that way. Before he found the barracks, he came upon something else that seemed interesting, if only to shorten his journey. A guard tower. One that may lead up to the wall.
The door wasn’t locked luckily. His lamp at the ready, he stepped inside, finding a crouching soldier in the corner of the room. The being moaned when it heard the sound before its neck was pierced by a spear.
Adrian closed the door behind himself and looked to the small stairwell leading up. The soldier didn’t have an upgrade to his gear sadly. Nothing else useful seemed to be stored in the small room, just rotten food and a book registering the guards who had duty, incidents and shift changes. Not something that was relevant anymore.
Another soldier was up at the top of the tower. The small space made Adrian quietly put down his spear before he dispatched the creature with a dagger to its neck. The process was rather messy and he nearly stumbled, trying to hold the undead. In the end he managed it regardless, having the height and weight advantage.
Helmet – Faenhold Soldier Helmet [High]
Vitality +4
Magic Projectile Speed +4%
Adrian immediately replaced his helmet with the new one. He wondered if his thrown daggers counted as magic projectiles or if he needed to somehow throw them like Yrenor had thrown his fire.
Another door led out of the tower, confirming his hope that the walls could be traveled. They were broad enough after all.
A thin way led over the wall, parapets facing the wilderness where trees and ivy had taken root close by, some even starting to breach into the defenses. The other side allowed a good view of the shambling undead below, some few soldiers strewn in the groups by now.
Adrian was glad he could avoid the creatures, none actually standing on the walls themselves. The next guard tower held another soldier but his focus was once again to the wilderness, allowing Adrian to quickly kill the being with a dagger. He used his glass one this time, hoping that would somehow help his magic ability.
It didn’t really make sense as he was just using the magical creation in a physical way but he supposed it was worth a shot, considering how he acquired the skill in the first place.
He looked over the nearby houses from the guard tower and finally found the barracks, or what he believed to be them. One massive two story building that spanned the length of several houses, right next to three small and long one story structures, all walled in by a high fence of grated steel. If he had seen any military or guard buildings in Faenhold, this was it.
The problem was that there were hundreds of undead walking or standing around the area, a few dozen inside, all soldiers, some even wielding crossbows, halberds, and spears. He even spotted a few dogs.
His gaze moved alongside the fence until he came to the wall, smiling as he realized the complex was connected to the next guard tower. An easy way in, and an escape route. Couldn’t have planned this any better, he thought, seeing how well defended the main entrance to the area was. Not intentionally, it just so happened to be a rather well populated area, the civilians now undead still lingering near the large metal fence.
Yrenor really has to tell me what the fuck happened to this place one of these days, Adrian thought as he walked on the wall towards the next tower. He knew it was a difficult topic for the man, his entire purpose seemingly the cleansing of undead in Faenhold castle. But if it could help him understand why he was here or how he could get back, he ought to know.
One step at a time, Adrian thought, focusing back on the now. He could very well die a horrible death in this station, Yrenor’s warning not lost on him. He would surely come back to life, but he would lose his gear, nearly a day of time, and well, there was the pain. Really not something he wanted to experience again.
He shuddered, thrusting his spear through the undead soldier in the next tower. They really were quite slow to react. Groups were a problem for sure but single soldiers that hadn’t yet detected him, that he could deal with.
Adrian kept his spear close, his oil lamp hanging from his belt where it wouldn’t obstruct his movements too much. It still made noise when he walked but he wasn’t particularly good at being silent anyway.
The ground floor of the tower didn’t hold another creature, just another table with a small booklet, quill and ink. He noted the manhole covered in dust and half hidden by a carpet. Adrian only noticed it because of the muffled noises he could hear, some sort of clucking. It sounded irregular, the experience sending a shiver down his back.
Yeah, fuck that, he thought and turned to the exit. The key was luckily still inside the lock.
Adrian carefully opened the door and took a peek outside. The tower was located behind the largest building, a small overgrown yard between the wall and the barracks. Most of the creatures he had seen before wouldn’t be able to spot him here but he could already see a dog and a single soldier standing nearby, both luckily with their backs to him.
Dog first, he thought and stepped outside as quietly as he could manage. The steel grates nearby seemed to be tight enough to obscure him to the undead outside. He sneaked up to the two beings and struck the dog as hard and precise as he could, his arms ripping out the spear and thrusting at the turning soldier as quickly as he could. The weapon pierced into the side of the man, the deep wound killing him instantly.
Adrian turned to the dog but found it laying there motionless too. This might actually work.
Another thrust made sure the creatures were actually dead before he inspected the back side of the large building. It was either some kind of headquarters for the guard or perhaps the canteen, maybe even some kind of training facility.
He found an entrance on the back and decided to go inside instead of trying to clear out all the soldiers he had seen in the large yard in front of the building. The door again, was unlocked.
It creaked when he opened it, leading him into a small storage room. He found shelves stacked with bed linens. He checked a few of them.
Bed linens [Common]
Don’t know what I expected, he thought and moved on, another door leading into the structure. This one didn’t creak nearly as loudly, Adrian finding a large common room with tables and benches. A few soldiers were roaming around, all armed. He gulped when he saw one wearing a robe.
Yrenor had been right. There were mages here.
Adrian didn’t want to just give up and leave either but he had to think about his approach. If the mage could somehow block his spear too, he would have to try and see if his glass dagger did anything, the blade being of somewhat magical nature. Most effective would be a sneak attack before the mage could even do anything. The other four soldiers made that difficult.
He closed the door again when one of them turned his way. Maybe I can find another way inside, to get a better opportunity. Or I could make noise to lure out some of them.
Or. Maybe.
Adrian grabbed his crossbow, the weapon unloaded as he had focused on his spear. He looked around the room and found what he was looking for. A few glass bottles, all empty with some residue inside.
He sat down and grabbed one of them, holding a bolt in his other hand. It had been an idea for some time but he simply thought the glass too brittle to even try. With his new level and stats however, there may be a chance. Worst case, he could just run away through the back door. It seemed a safer option than luring something out or trying to find a better point of entry.
Adrian focused on the glass and felt a connection build near instantly. Slowly, he let it flow out, taking the shape of the crossbow bolt as well as he could manage. He made sure the size was similar, the point sharp. In the end he pushed on to make it as dense as possible, a last thought made him give the glass some added flexibility to make sure it wouldn’t shatter instantly. Not something he had tried before but he felt more than knew it to be right.
Freaky, he thought, looking at the result. A near perfect copy of a crossbow bolt, a pale blueish light slowly fading as his magic subsided. Never noticed that either… because it’s dark in here? Or because I’m getting better?
Either way, he had a bolt. A single shot he could try to use on the sitting undead mage. He nearly snickered at the thought of it just being a prisoner or priest who happened to be wearing a robe. All that effort because of a misunderstanding.
He wanted to make sure however. Adrian pulled back the heavy string and carefully loaded the crossbow with his glass bolt, the slight glow already faded, leaving the glass itself somewhat translucent. He didn’t feel the pressure yet, but he knew he only had one try.
Carefully, he opened the door once more, checking for all the undead. The mage was still sitting in his chair, the rest had moved through the room but none of them were close. He left his spear on the ground and prepared the crossbow, slowly stepping out into the room. When he was about six meters away from the robed mage, he aimed.
The chair was a little in the way, Adrian first aiming for the head before he decided to go for the upper back instead, having a higher chance of actually hitting the creature. His breathing steady, he felt the tension in his arms, the weight of the weapon. If felt like the world around him was slowing down before he pulled the trigger.
Adrian opened his eyes wide, the twang of the string resounding as his bolt shattered some kind of invisible barrier, hitting the undead with a dull thud. The glass penetrated deep into the creature, only a slight bit still sticking out.
The creature’s arms rose up before its head slammed into the table.
Adrian stood there and watched, like an absolute idiot. He was shaken into action by the moaning of the soldiers, three of them already converging on him, only slowed by the tables and chairs that stood in the way.
He quickly stepped back, letting go of his crossbow as he grabbed for his spear. Weapon and shield ready, he retreated into the small storage room, opening the door to the outside before he turned around and faced the first of the soldiers. He saw the sword in the creature’s hand and simply used the range advantage of his spear.
The undead ran into the bladed weapon without slowing down, its chest armor pierced a moment later.
Adrian gripped his weapon, pushing against the weight of the creature before he ripped out the blade. He watched the next two step into the storage room, the first one stumbling slightly on the corpse. Not letting the moment pass, Adrian stepped forward and thrust his spear at the creature’s neck, leaving a gash but not piercing through entirely. He saw the movement from the second soldier and was barely able to step aside when it threw a knife at him.
The blade cut into his shoulder, slowed by his armor but not enough to prevent injury.
He stepped back and ripped it out. Looking at the blade, he threw it back with the familiar motion, aiming for the undead that had injured him. The blade twirled in the air before it slammed into the monster’s face.
Adrian was so surprised by the bullseye that he failed to prepare for the last remaining creature. He hit the wall with the butt of his spear when he tried to attack, leaving him with no choice but to let go. The blade came at him, Adrian stepping to the right and pushing against the shelves as he deflected the sword thrust with his shield, unsheathing one of his daggers in the same motion.
The two crashed together, Adrian raising his hand before he slammed his blade into the creature’s jaw.
Adrian stumbled back, ripping out the blade in the process. He looked for his spear and knelt down to take it, eyes focused on the door in case the fourth soldier reacted to the commotion. What he found instead was a wrinkled and dried up face under a gray hood.
The mage moved his arms, the air in the room suddenly flowing towards him.
Adrian saw the tip of his glass bolt sticking out of the creature’s chest, blinking before a sudden blast of force sent him flying backwards. He hit the door frame with his back, the impact making him spin as he tumbled out into the small yard.
He blacked out for a second, breathing in deeply when his sight returned. He felt his legs still, his back letting him know that it had taken a serious beating. Adrian coughed as he stumbled up from the ground, blood mixing with the weeds. He had lost his dagger somewhere in the flight. Adrian saw the undead step over the corpses, another spell forming in his hands.
He dove to the side, coming up again with a roll as he saw a blast of wind slam into the city wall. A quick grab to his side revealed that his pouches were still there. He nearly stumbled again, the corners of his vision darkening as he wheezed for air. Something with his lungs was seriously wrong. He grabbed the first potion he could get with his left hand, his right going for his glass dagger.
Ripping open the cork with his mouth, he downed the liquid. The Wyne potion. It tasted like iron. Instantly he felt his sight return to focus. He could hear the moaning of undead, the panting of the dogs in the yard. And he could hear the steps of the undead mage as he walked out of the storage room.
Adrian knew he couldn’t reach the creature. He knew his injuries would mess with his approach and he knew the undead could form a spell faster than he could reach him. The only way he could win this lay in the glass dagger he gripped. With a quick motion, he turned the blade in his hand, watching as the undead waved around his hands.
He snapped his arm and wrist forward, the blade digging into the creature’s chest, interrupting its spell. Adrian didn’t stop there, his mind was clear like never before. He rushed forward, tackling the robed man with his full weight and momentum. A part of him registered that it hurt. His condition was getting worse. But he would have to deal with that later. Right now he looked for the dagger. He found the hilt, gripped it and pushed.
The weapon left a long gash along the monster’s chest, stopping when it got lodged between its ribs. Adrian pushed his shield down on the creature’s moving hand, using his other arm to rip out the glass dagger, the blade damaged but still in one piece. He slammed it down into the mage’s face, the weapon briefly stopped by an invisible barrier before he broke through with the next attack.
When the blade came to rest within the mage’s skull, the creature finally stopped moving.
Adrian remained on top of it, his hand moving to the potions. Lain, no. Wara.
He downed the second one, his breathing quickly returning to normal as he felt the pain subside. He rolled aside, panting hard as he forced himself to get up. The potions wouldn’t last forever and he had to make use of their effects while he could. Already he heard the remaining soldier walking towards the storage room, ready to investigate what had happened.
Essence – 1034
Level – 13
Vitality – 16 [25]
Endurance – 10
Strength – 9 [12]
Skill – 8 [12]
Intelligence – 16
Wisdom – 14
Soul skill – Shaping Glass Magic – level 4
Helmet – Faenhold Soldier Helmet [High]
Vitality +4
Magic Projectile Speed +4%
Chest – Faenhold Soldier Leather Armor [High]
Vitality +2
Warrior Soul Skill Damage +1
Arms – Faenhold Soldier Bracers [Adequate]
Skill +2
Hands – Faenhold Soldier Gloves [Adequate]
Strength +1
Belt – Faenhold Soldier Belt [Adequate]
Vitality +2
Legs – Faenhold Soldier Pants [Adequate]
Strength +1
Boots – Faenhold Soldier Boots [Adequate]
Strength +1
1h Weapon – Faenhold Spear [Adequate]
Skill +2
Off hand – Wooden Shield [Adequate]
Vitality +1
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