《Leaves of Terranthir》Chapter 11 Execution
Chapter 11 Execution
Adrian came to with a start, moving backwards before he hit something hard.
He felt cold and naked.
He checked his arm and thigh before a shaking hand moved to his brow.
Adrian felt tears roll down his cheeks, the memory of the pain pulsing through his mind as if the jaws were still clenched around his limbs.
He was naked again.
Naked, without a weapon or any armor to protect himself.
“That was stupid,” he murmured, wiping away the tears. Pain and fear, if I had remained focused.
He stopped himself.
You got overwhelmed. Who could have known there were dogs down there. Now you know.
And you know that dying really isn’t the end. It seems.
He looked up and saw one of the golden leaves snap off, slowly swaying in the wind as it was blown away.
Was that?
He stood up and rushed to the side of the terrace, trying to grab the floating leaf before it sailed over the railings.
Adrian caught the thing, looking at it in his hand.
The silver is fading.
Did… what does it mean?
Just give up.
He ignored the voice, angry at being shot by an undead soldier. He looked at the leaf and went back to the white tree.
I mean it’s obvious. But how am I connected to you?
“Can you talk?” he asked.
Nothing answered him.
Thought as much.
It could just be a coincidence.
There are no leaves on the ground here.
He sighed and lightly punched the bark, falling to his knees.
“Get a hold of yourself,” he said to himself.
Adrian opened his eyes, taking the leaf and pushing it into the dirt.
This is the second time I die.
And it’s going to be the last.
He looked inward.
Essence – 16
Level – 1
Vitality – 11
Endurance – 10
Strength – 9
Skill – 8
Intelligence – 12
Wisdom – 11
Soul skill – Slot 1
“My glorious one level is still there… but of course no equipment,” he murmured to himself.
And I lost one hundred Essence again.
That means it’s not getting more expensive to die. Or at least not yet.
He snickered to himself.
“What a way to look at my life…,” he murmured, grasping at his throat, his hand moving up to his brow.
He shot me.
Does that mean I can die as many times as there are leaves?
There were hundreds, all shimmering in the remaining light of day.
Get dressed Adrian.
He looked down on himself. Did I lose weight? Already?
Adrian didn’t care about being naked, not right now. And still, he made himself go to the royal chamber where he changed into a new set of clothes and armor. This one wasn’t as good as the one he had lost but it served its purpose.
He grasped a sword in his hand, feeling it quiver slightly.
Maybe some more training…, he thought and walked out onto the terrace.
This time however, something had changed. Not on the terrace itself but beyond.
He ran to the railings and looked out into the town.
Adrian saw something rise up to the sky. Gray smoke. Not a lot but clearly visible. It came from somewhere quite far away, near the walls perhaps.
Someone’s here?
He debated if he should shout for help but quickly decided against it. If it’s someone who would help, they’d have to fight through all the monsters to get here. There’s a higher chance of me attracting something’s attention. And it’s very far away… they wouldn’t hear it in the first place.
Who knows if they’re friendly. They could be on the side of the monsters.
“Could also just be an accident… maybe some undead bumped into another and it dropped a torch,” he murmured to himself.
Adrian knew how unrealistic that scenario was.
The smoke meant that there was something out there. Someone maybe, that could help him get back.
He took a deep breath and looked at the sword again. He stopped the quivering with his left hand, opening his eyes before he set off towards the stairs.
The door looked the same as it had before. The corpses upstairs had remained, yet to be stripped of their gear.
Your body is going to be out there.
He gulped, his hand resting on the latch.
Adrian ground his teeth and opened the exit as silently as he could.
The courtyard looked the same, undead patrolling around with their weapons drawn.
This time he made sure to check lower, looking for dogs that might be hidden. In the end, there were too many obstacles in the way for him to see.
Adrian opened the door further, as quietly as he could, hearing tearing and growls from ahead. He prepared his sword and sneaked out, his eyes opening wide when he saw the dog biting deep into his own face.
“You dare,” he growled in a low voice while closing the distance.
The dog looked up, its snout covered in blood, pieces of flesh hanging out.
Adrian didn’t give it time to react. His sword dug deep into its skull before it could so much as yelp. The weapon nearly slipped from his hand as he looked down at the body.
It was him. There was no mistake. How is that possible…
The noises ahead made him look up. He had attracted the attention of one of the patrols.
Damn monsters. I’m not gonna let myself rot out here.
He sheathed his sword and grabbed the corpse under its arms, trying very hard not to look at the mangled face. What was left of it that was. Adrian heaved, nearly buckling under the weight but keeping on anyway.
The undead weren’t moving particularly quickly, only attracted by the noise so far.
He managed to drag the body back into the stairwell, closing the door and checking for close by undead. None had followed. I was fast enough.
He sighed, his eyes still focused forward and towards the door. The wood looked old but sturdy. Thin lines showed the make of it, a few spiderwebs still clinging onto the uppermost part, ripped now because of his sudden exit.
Turn around.
The latch looked well made. Steel, its form made to be effective more so than aesthetic.
He finally wrenched his gaze from the exit, finding himself staring instead at the corpse he had dragged inside. A wooden bolt still stuck in the person’s head, a man, a little bit on the heavier side but not yet overweight. His face had been chewed off near entirely, one glassy eye staring into nothing. He looked like an adventurer, wearing armor made of leather.
What the hell am I supposed to do with this.
Adrian sat down on the stairs next to his own body. I need the gear. It’s the best set around and it seems in alright shape. Mostly.
“What am I even thinking about,” he murmured quietly, sheathing his sword before he cupped his face with both hands. “I need to get out of here.”
What you need to do is investigate the smoke. And kill more undead.
You can’t die anyway, not really. What’s the big deal?
The voice in his head had grown quite annoying in the last half hour.
“At least you don’t have to listen to that anymore,” he said dryly, looking at the body next to him.
I should bury it. Or better, burn it. Maybe I can signal whoever made the smoke with my own.
“I’d need a lot of wood though… and the fire might spread,” he said to himself.
Use your momentum. Use your anger.
I’m more ashamed really. Two dogs? A crossbow bolt? Really? I’m better than that.
“So what do I do now. Undress myself?” he asked nobody in particular. The answer was yes. He needed the gear, at least everything except for the pants and shirt below, which he was grateful for.
Arms – Faenhold Soldier Bracers [Damaged]
That’s a problem, he thought, checking each piece separately. In the end only the bracers and pants had been declared damaged, their magical bonuses now gone.
Adrian simply put on everything else that was still intact, leaving his other gear in the stairwell. He didn’t dare go up to his room, lest he remain there.
Instead he carefully opened the door, not giving his corpse another look as he stepped outside.
The nearest patrol had passed this side of the courtyard, now moving with their backs towards him.
Do I make sound and draw their attention?
He sneaked to where he had died and grabbed his shield, glancing at the dog quickly. It had bled out, lying on the stone floor unmoving.
They can run, but they’re not the fastest.
He checked for more patrols but right now he only saw the one close by. Four undead soldiers, one holding a crossbow. I have to get that one first.
Adrian didn’t wait any longer, not about to let more enemies sneak up on him while he contemplated his approach. He fastened the shield to his left arm and moved towards the patrol, as silently as he could.
The shuffling steps of the undead monsters were loud enough to shroud his more dexterous approach, in part surely attributed to the Skill he gained from his current gear.
Adrian grabbed his sword with both hands, glad to see the crossbow holder being the last in the small formation. He closed the distance and slammed his weapon in and through the man’s neck. He twisted the sword violently on its way out, leaving a deep gash in its throat.
The other undead were slow to respond, turning towards the sound with confused moaning.
Adrian already closed in on the second one, his sword stabbing into its face with a powerful thrust. At this stage he had plenty of confidence in his stabbing abilities. Neither was anything more truly needed.
He ripped the blade out and turned tail, running away until he closed the door behind himself. The man slid down on the door, his sword clattering to the side as he tried to get his lungs and heart under control.
Come on. Two more.
His hands were shaking but he focused on the bloodied sword next to him, wiping away at his eyes as his vision blurred. A moment later he managed to push himself up, focusing on his breathing.
My exhaustion from before… it’s gone.
Pounding and scratching on the door made him turn around. He prepared his sword and pushed the entrance open with as much strength as he could muster.
One of the soldiers stumbled back, letting go of its weapon. The other one was slightly stunned.
It was enough for Adrian to stab its throat. He wrenched out the weapon and rushed to the second monster, stabbing its side as it tried to get back the sword it had dropped.
He stabbed another five times with increasing violence and decreasing accuracy. The result was the same.
“That’s what you get,” he said in a tired and raspy voice, glancing around to see if anything had heard him. The small courtyard had quieted down, his breathing loud and his heart pounding away.
Focus. One chunk of the mountain down, more to come.
He moved as silently as he could, crossing through the yard in a crouch until he reached the two undead soldiers he had killed first. The Crossbow was loaded and intact. Adrian sheathed his sword and grabbed the weapon.
2h Weapon – Faenhold Crossbow [Adequate]
Skill +1
Less skill. Fuck it, he thought and grabbed the corpse’s shoulder before he turned it onto its back.
He found four additional bolts inside a small quiver like container fastened to the undead’s belt. Carefully putting down the crossbow, he checked his surroundings before he started to loosen the straps.
Adrian saw another patrol round a corner a few dozen meters ahead, a dog walking next to four soldiers. None of them held a ranged weapon.
I’m in luck, he thought, taking the small quiver before he sneaked back to the door with both his new weapon and bolts in hand.
It took him a few minutes to strap the thing to his belt but in the end it was barely more annoying than the sheath for his sword. The quiver didn’t show in his list of equipment, nor did it provide any additional bonuses.
I wonder if it’s the same with an arrow quiver slung behind my back, he thought and breathed in deeply. Get the dog, go back and reload. You can do it.
Adrian slowly pushed open the door, peeking out to find the patrol rather close.
The dog walked a little ahead of the group, turning its rotten head towards the slight noise.
He didn’t wait for the thing to discover him, instead aiming at the close target and firing a moment later.
The bolt struck true, hitting the dog in its side and sending the small critter skidding a few meters back, dead before it hit the ground.
I love this thing, he thought and closed the door before the soldiers even turned towards him. His back to the wood, he focused entirely on reloading. The motion felt familiar to him now and he found his hands barely shaking.
The first undead slammed into the door behind him. The gate however remained shut, more sturdy than the feeble room doors above.
He looked at his own corpse on the stairs, glaring at the bolt sticking out of his head before he turned with a frown on his face. Adrian opened the door slightly before he shoved as hard as he could. The tactic had worked before and now too, the undead stumbled back stunned and confused.
He aimed at the closest one and sent a bolt right into its ugly grimace. The soldier slammed to the ground from the powerful impact.
Right back at you.
Two of the others had regained their composure, rushing to the open door right before it shut before them.
Adrian turned around again, reloading once more. “See, not that hard, is it?” he said to his cold dead body. If anything he was angry that he had died to dumb monsters like these.
I’d be the dumb idiot that dies to the slow zombies in the first week of infections.
The soldiers uselessly stabbed and crashed against the heavy door, letting him take a little longer to catch his breath.
When he felt ready, Adrian pushed the door open. This time, one of the three soldiers had stood too far away to get hit, running at him with sword in hand.
The bolt slammed into its stomach, slowing it down a little.
Adrian raised his shield, letting go of the crossbow before he unsheathed his sword. He slammed away the fumbling undead’s weapon with the wooden tool before stabbing his sword through the weak protection on its stomach, right next to where the bolt had entered deeply.
He already started retreating, giving the collapsing undead another look before he rushed up the stairs.
Two more, he thought and kept on running, through the hallway littered with corpses, pots, and pans. Finally he rushed up the small circular staircase before he stepped into the guard room and closed the door.
His weight would be enough to stop them, even if they followed all the way up here.
Adrian found that despite the whole ordeal of the last ten minutes, he wasn’t absolutely out of breath. Just mostly. He still had the presence of mind to hold his sword and check the straps that kept his shield fastened to his arm.
They’re just stupid undead.
And you’re human.
He didn’t make a noise for the next five minutes, letting his stamina recover slightly as he twirled the sword in his hands nervously.
Are they not coming?
Another five minutes passed before he heard a scraping sound from beyond the door. There you are.
He turned around and prepared himself, listening intently. Only one.
When the undead scratched at the door, Adrian opened it and kicked the wood as hard as he could. He both heard and felt the impact, rushing out to find the undead had hit the wall and toppled over, dropping its sword in the process.
It tried to grab the weapon but not before cold steel dug into its unprotected neck with a powerful thrust.
One to go. Don’t get cocky now.
Adrian didn’t hear the fourth member of the patrol. He slowly crept down the stairs, sword and shield in hand as he focused on his breathing.
At the end of the hall, he saw the soldier. It had turned around, currently shuffling back towards the stairwell leading down.
Do take your time, he thought and waited.
A few minutes later, the creature was gone and he followed. He grabbed and loaded his first Crossbow, the one providing two in Skill before he sneaked down the stairs.
The undead hadn’t gotten far, just now reaching the door out into the courtyard.
Adrian aimed from above and fired a bolt right into its back.
He must’ve hit something vital because the creature slumped down a few moments later.
And that’s number four, and enough for the bloody day, he thought, and walked down the stairs. Another thrust into their necks made sure the undead were truly gone.
He dragged a few of the corpses inside the stairwell, their bodies in the way of shutting the door.
The last thing he did was rip out the bolt still sticking in his own body’s head and dragging the corpse up and to the terrace.
It’s okay. You’re still you. Probably.
It took a while and by the time he was halfway there, his body felt sore and entirely spent. The adrenaline had worn off and the impressions from his encounters came back to him as he kept on pulling the heavy corpse towards the terrace.
Essence – 140
Level – 1
Vitality – 11 [16]
Endurance – 10
Strength – 9 [13]
Skill – 8 [13]
Intelligence – 12
Wisdom – 11
Soul skill – Slot 1
Helmet – Faenhold Soldier Helmet [Adequate]
Vitality +1
Chest – Faenhold Soldier Leather Armor [Adequate]
Vitality +2
Arms – Faenhold Soldier Bracers [Adequate]
Magic Projectile Speed +1%
Hands – Royal Faenhold Silk Gloves [High]
Skill +4
Rogue Soul Skill Damage +3
Belt – Faenhold Soldier Belt [High]
Strength +4
Warrior Soul Skill Cost -2%
Legs – Faenhold Soldier Pants [Common]
Boots – Faenhold Soldier Boots [Adequate]
Skill +1
1h Weapon – Faenhold Shortsword [Adequate]
Vitality +2
Off hand – Wooden Shield [Common]
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