《Chasing Experience》This Means War
Stepping out into the world was tough for me – in my previous life I had been the next best thing to a hermit. In my own mind, the world invariably conformed to Sod’s Law and the inevitability of catastrophic failure had held me back from almost everything. Despite my presence in this new body and its fresh neural pathways, it seemed my soul remembered the habit.
Standing just within the door of the Steel Splinter, I looked out at the sea of people – human and otherwise – as they went about their lives, knowing that each of them was intent on tearing the meat off the bone of life and despite the phantom fears echoing around my mind, I took that difficult step, on my own for the first time since my arrival. As it turned out, I did not explode.
As small as that first step may have seemed a small one to many, but in that strange place – for me – it felt like a giant’s stride and it felt fantastic. I strode out into the crowd, mindful of the sensations I was experiencing, buoyed along by the sheer joy of the cultivation.
Stopping and turning, I made note of the tower stretching into the sky above the arena – I may not know the streets but as long as I could identify the tower, I could be able to find my way back.
I walked for a while in the general direction of Ro’s alchemical shop – since I had some cash on-hand, I was going to go take a look at the finer things, which meant venturing into the more affluent parts of Everwood City.
I was wandering through a market, taking in the mixed smell of food and raw spices when it suddenly occurred to me that I had not eaten in days, and I was not hungry. I stopped in the middle of the street, earning a few irritated looks from those around me. Walker had mentioned that most adults did not need to eat – that Experience took provided what the body needed directly – but it was a strange thing to experience. The incredible things I had witnessed since my arrival were strangely easy to accept – their reality may have been new to me, but I had seen them before, in games and other entertainment. It was all almost... familiar to me. The absence of so basic a need – something I had felt every day of my life - struck me an almost physical blow. It felt like suddenly missing a step, like being left stranded on the edge of falling.
I looked around and spotted a large fountain a short distance away, the wall just high enough to make for a comfortable seat. I made my way over and sat down, my elbows resting on my knees as I stared at the floor, trying to regain my equilibrium.
I had been sat on the fountain for a few minutes when a voice sounded next to me, deeper even than mine, but gentle.
“With polite regret, I am looking for an alchemist named Ben Won Ro, could you direct me to his shop?” Turning, I looked up, and up and had to actually lean back and away from the figure stood to my side before I was able to take them all in.
Standing even taller than my mentor and at least twice my height and width, the figure was dressed in burgundy pants trimmed in black and an open vest in the same colours. Their skin was a perfect, literal white, but their eyes were completely black other than the garnet irises which seemed to glow with a dull inner light. Other than eyebrows, and what was on their head, they appeared to be hairless, but what they had was every bit as white as their skin.
“Holy shit, you’re huge.” I spoke without thinking, shocked at the sheer scale of the individual
“In apology, I am considered of average size. Do you know where the location of the alchemist?” There was a subtle accent underneath the vibrating bass of their voice, elongating the vowels by a hair adding a hint of something Germanic.
“Average? You’re making me feel inadequate, my man. Ugh, but yeah, I know where Ro’s shop is. Ish. I can show you. Probably.” Looking at this giant man, it struck me that all the doors I had seen so far had easily accommodated my tall mentor with room to spare, and while it had not stood out to me at the time, it made sense in retrospect, if there were titans like that guy walking around.
“In sorrowful distress, I apologise if I have caused you distress. Your assistance in reaching my destination would be greatly appreciated.”
“Well, it’s not really your fault, big guy. My name is Hunter.” I stood and held out my hand reflexively.
“With regret, I am here as part of a diplomatic delegation and my brother bade me offer no offense. I am Reff Stonebinder, of the Stonebinder clan. Gratitude.” After a glance at my hand a barely perceptible hesitation, Reff held out his own hand – it hovered a couple of feet above my head, its position perfectly relative to my own. Grinning, I reached up and jumped to grab his hand before shaking it as best I could.
“Nice to meet you Reff. Do you mind if we stop at a tailor on the way, or are you in a rush?”
“With thanks, I believe that time can be spared - my current mission is not immediately urgent. Such a visit will create no real difference.”
“Great, let’s go. Oh, you’re not going to ask him to make you a Grand Harvest Body Refining Pill, are you?” It would suck, I thought, if I made it this far with my mission only for some rich diplomat to swoop in and make me fail right before the quest completed...
“With honesty, my mission does not include such a pill.”
It took us a little time to find a tailor – not wanting to look like I was leading my new friend aimlessly, I had decided not to ask for directions but rather to rely on my memory to lead us in the right general location. We were definitely in the richer part of the city when I finally spotted a wide window with clothes on display.
The inside of the shop was decorated with rich rugs, endless rolls of fabric and a lot of mirrors. A woman in a long powder blue dress started to bow to the two of us as we entered, but jerked to a halt as she took in my bare feet and overly large robe. After a blink and a flash of indecision flashed across her pretty face, the woman vanished through a curtain at the rear of the shop and I took a moment to take a look at various fabrics.
After a couple of minutes, a short man with greying hair wearing an immaculate Victorian era looking suit walked out from behind the curtain and stood in the middle of the room, hands on hips.
“And what might whe do for you... gentlemen? I am ‘fraid we do noht sell pre-own'edclowthes.” The short man’s accent was the thickest I had heard since my arrival, and sounded almost like he was trying to chew the words. The impulse to make him eat them was strong, but I resisted.
“Oh, you don’t? Better go for new then. It’s good to support small businesses like yours, wouldn’t want you to go under. Now, how much for an outfit – I'd definitely like pants, loose enough to fight in.”
The little tailor narrowed his eyes at me.
“You da-” I interrupted him before he could finish, I had had enough of that nonsense already.
“Please, stop with all the do-you-daring. Damnation, the people in this city are easily affronted. You’re not related to the Unceasing Squall clan, are you? You know what, never mind. Look, I have money, I want to buy clothes, because I look like a hobo. Will you please take my money?”
I took out one of the coin pouches and dumped the contents into my hand, being careful not to let any of the irregular coins drop. I gestured at him with the coins and he swallowed his words, before nodding. It seemed that even in the face of idiocy, money talked.
Reff was looking embarrassed and appeared to be trying to make himself look small, which was hilarious given his massive scale, but I thought I caught a hint of amusement behind his eyes as the tailor took my measurements. Taking out a huge book from somewhere, he sat in a nearby chair and began to read.
An hour later, having discussed my tastes – and being told I was wrong – we settled on 3 sets of clothes. The first set was in deep brown and green and included a sleeveless knee length robe over loose pants, boots and a shirt that tied to one side.
I bought a similar outfit in black, with a sleeveless gi rather than a robe – I intended it to be the outfit I practiced in.
The final outfit was back in browns and greens, but it came with a full, thick and hooded robe designed for colder temperatures and for keeping the weather off. Each outfit were made from materials in the upper-midrange and would provide some protection against cutting, though I was informed not as much as Walker’s robe. All told, at the end of my spending spree, I was left with 446 growth coins. Apparently, tailored clothing was expensive.
Storing the second two outfits, the black robe and my other meagre belongings in one of the storage rings – which were now safely on my toes – I thanked the reluctant clothier, and stepped back onto the street beside Reff, the act of wearing my own clothes somehow providing me with a weird sense of belonging. Before that moment, I realised I had always felt a little like a guest in this world – but now, I felt at home. It is strange what the little things can do to you.
“Thanks for waiting, Reff. I’ve been having to borrow my mentor’s robe due to some weird circumstances. It’s good to be fully dressed again.”
“In reassurance, the diversion was not long, Hunter. I would have likely wandered the city for many hours, increasing my chances of causing my brother problems, so you aid is most appreciated.” The huge man bowed deeply and it was like watching a tower topple.
“Hey, no worries. Honestly, you’re super polite so far, so I'm not sure what sort of trouble your brother thinks you’re going to get into.”
“Shamefully, I am known well for my rash actions and quick temper.” I found that hard to believe, Reff seemed like the most calm, deliberate person I had met since my arrival, even more than Walker who I had seen lose his temper, but I would keep it in mind.
“You do seem pretty rash... for a mountain.”
The giant sighed and it sounded like a strong breeze.
“In deprecation, it is so.”
The two of us made our way through the streets as they grew steadily more opulent and the doors grew further and further apart until finally, I spotted Ben Won Ro’s huge house standing tall amidst the surrounding buildings, and for the second time that day I approached the golden-brown building.
“This is Master Alchemist Ben Won Ro’s place. Come on in, I’ll introduce you.”
“With gratitude.”
I led him inside to find the interior empty – for a moment I was concerned, given our shared past, but then a chime sounded from somewhere, the solitary crystalline tone lingering in the air until the door to the back opened, and the apprentice in blue stepped in, performing a small doubletake as he flicked his eyes between Reff and myself.
“Hunter, you are back – did you forget something?”
“Hey again, Tang! I did actually forget to ask you guys something this morning, but my new friend Reff here asked if I could show him the way so I figured I could kill two birds with one stone.” This idiom seemed to have a local equivalent, as neither of the other two in the room with me looked confused.
“Reff, this is Tang – Master Ro’s apprentice. Tang, this is Reff – he's on some sort of diplomatic mission.” The two bowed to each other
“Reff, you are part of the delegation from the Blacksand Citadel?” I looked at Tang sharply, wondering for a moment how he knew so much, but I decided it made sense, given Ro’s position as – supposedly – the most skilled alchemist in the world.
“In humility, yes, Honoured Apprentice Tang. My brother - Raaf Stonebinder, Apex of The Mountain’s Seed has requested I come here to beg the assistance of Honoured Master Alchemist Ben Won Ro in curing an ailment that assaults our people.” Reff bowed once again, his head dipping below his knees as I stood staring at the apparent brother of an Apex.
“Reff, you should have mentioned why you were visiting – I wouldn't have stopped at the tailor!” I felt terrible- there I was wasting Reff’s time buying clothes while his people were suffering.
For his part, Tang spent a moment blinking rapidly before vanishing through the door once more and then returning on the heels of the master alchemist himself.
“Child, you did not mention you knew another Apex!” Ro scolded me before turning back to my new companion. “Honoured delegate, please explain your need.”
I was about to explain that I did not know Reff’s brother, but I thought it more important that he explain the situation. Even under the influence of my new body, I still retained some tact, it seemed.
“With deep gratitude, a year ago one of our warriors was injured while pursuing an assassin. Within the normal scope of events, she would have been healed, however in this instance she was afflicted with a virulent poison. This poison seems to possess a life of its own, and any attempt to eradicate it merely burns the victim in a flash of fire, leaving the poison unaffected. Worse than this, it spreads on the wind. We have sought to isolate those affected, but still it spreads.” Reff’s voice – which until now had been so calm – was rough with feeling, and I could sense the pain he must be feeling for the first time.
“Shit, Reff, that’s horrible.”
“You say it lives? And attempts to destroy it results in fire? I have never heard of such a poison; I will need to see it. We require time to prepare; we will come as soon as possible? Tomorrow?”
“In great debt, the Stonebinder clan offers lasting thanks. You will be compensated greatly for your kindness - regardless of success - Honoured Master Alchemist.”
“Hunter, please inform Walker that his personal request will be delayed.”
I nodded, unaware of which request he was referring to, but I did not need to know to pass along the message.
“With curiosity, Walker? You know the Apex of the Infinite Blades, Hunter?”
“I do, he’s sort of my mentor. Do you need to get back to somewhere, let them know Master Ro will be assisting? If not, I could introduce you to Walker, as well?”
“With anxious gratitude, we will not set out for the blacksands until the Honoured Master Alchemist is ready. I would like to meet another Apex, if it is acceptable?”
“Sure, anything I can do.”
Ro and Reff spoke for a moment then, arranging a place to meet and a time of departure for the following day, and then I set out for the Steel Splinter for the second time that day, colossal friend in tow.
In just over an hour, the two of us arrived back at the arena. As the doors came into sight, I saw a line of students leaving – I knew it was early for them, and I thought that maybe Walker had grown tired of them, but as we drew closer, I noticed a look of worry on some of the passing faces.
Making my way inside hurriedly, a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, I spotted my mentor stood just to the side and the two of us made our way over.
“Walker, what’s happening? People seem really worried?
“Hunter, I am glad you are back, I had begun to worry.”
“About me? Why?” My brow bunched up and I wondered what had happened since I left a few hours before.
“You recall Aella was pursuing the bounty set upon the group that abducted you?”
“Yeah?” My heart was racing and a gnawing worry was eating away at my calm.
“It seems she found them. Aella returned 10 minutes ago, injured. I would seem she has been poisoned.”
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Vamped up
Kurayami of the house of Akeldama. Has his entire family brutally slaughtered one fateful night. he is a Vampire Progenitor. how will he navigate this semi-futuristic world with the power to destroy nations? And will he find his true love? And build his harem. Will he be able to blend and mix with humans and take revenge for his family? Or will he be driven by his bloodlust and be led to ruin? (some fan service scenes)
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A World Away
Th world, and humanity along with it, has been taken, swallowed up by a larger universe. With no other choice humanity will have grow quickly, take what help they can get and master the use of the strange System that governs this reality. But not all of humanity were lucky enough to stay together. Some, were stranded, lost and alone at the other end of a dimension wider than they can comprehend. And they will never stop trying to get back.
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Addorn: "The Freed of The Void"
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Prince of the Underworld
I am Haden Deimos, Son of Hades. I'm the Prince of the Underworld. I'm a VK. The kid of a villain...obviously. I used to be the most feared kid on the Isle. Having Hades as a father gives you reason to be. Now...I live on Auradon...since Mal's mother, Maleficent was turned into a lizard. And my father was sent back to the Isle after he escaped when the barrier wavered. After having a brief fight with the God of the Underworld...Zeus sent him back to the Isle. The Cotillion is coming up and the 'good' life just got more stressful trying to be one of the good kids. After Descendants 1. Takes place during Descendants 2 and Descendants 3.I do not own Descendants or the characters...that is property of Kenny Ortega, Disney, and the creator of the series De La Cruz. I do, however, own Haden Deimos; his character and his storyline. Along with any original characters that I introduce in the story.Do not steal my story.© CORPSE_IS_GODAll Rights Reserved.Any songs used in this story go to either Disney's Descendants or to the rightful owners of the song.
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