《Clockwork》Volume 2 Chapter 6 Payback


As a few of you saw the Poll on D&A book 2 the poll tied. Because of that i will drop the book 2 and start the new book. I was hoping you guys would help me choose a good name because i can only come up with lame names like Life of a Dungeon -_-

this is the prologue link so you guys can have an idea.



Bulk PoV

We were looking at the confused Gaia who tilted her head while wondering about what he said. After a bit she simply shrugged then looked us over.

Gaia: ‘Well I’m sure you all want new parts right. What kind?’

Techno: ”For now, we need cast iron. From there we will train in some monster dungeon until we reach level 30 before returning to steel.”

Gaia: ‘Seems good, anything else?’

(you have doomed yourself Gaia, asking that question mwahahahahaha)

Techno: ”Of course. We want every schematic that involves any kind of tech I developed. Snipers, protectors, knights, bombs, grenade launchers and all the weapons that originated from those scans you got off us without asking before we left.”

Gaia’s jaw dropped and was only being held on by its hinges. To make it worse he didn’t stop.

Techno: ”Not only that, we want a small well armored ship built. The junker we had won’t do for us within this improved world we are returning to. It can be as small as a caravel. We saw that was the smallest ship you all have, so make us one. Oh and set up a workshop for me, I will be busy with some new stuff I prepared. I want those weapons sent to the workshop as well. Now then, chop chop.”

He finished off so splendidly that no one could respond. The guard knights that were in the room all received the messages that Techno sent out. When he talks he always sends it out to everyone near him, just like his voice would have reached those in the room.

He turned around and left calling me and Nova to follow. No one even tried to stop us as we walked through the building and left. We did draw attention from the players since we were coming out of the rulers building. Since we were still rusty, they knew we were players and wondered about our connection.

Bulk: ‘That was...harsh.’

Techno: ‘Hehehe’ ”Not harsh enough i think. But since i don’t have anything else to rip out of her claws at the moment i won’t push.

Bulk: ‘At the moment. Are you planning on continuing this?’

I looked back at him with a grin. He frowned thinking how creepy it looked. I was used to Techno being the expressionless guy so to see him like this was a bit...different. Well anyway it was good laughs now that i think about it. When i size up what Gaia did to Techno, i would say he paid her back at least 30 times over.

Doing stupid stuff like this is what keeps me following Techno.

We walked around the town and looked through all the new shops. Unlike before there were many more proper forges separated in many smithies. In them were dwarves working and with the parts being made the clockwork and gnomes inside a separate workshop were building weapons and gear.


Techno examined the gear on the dwarves since it has been greatly improved on. I got in on the scans and he showed me the old ones he still had stored. The specs can’t even be compared to the old stuff.

I instantly saw that techno was already in the process of building new bodies. I then thought of the weapons he was having Gaia get him. If a lot of weapons were made i think we will be stuck here quite a while before he is satisfied with tinkering. He did as for the schematics so it could be faster.

After a while Rust came and found us. He had a worried expression and was puffing out lots of steam.

It doesn’t go unnoticed by Techno who tells Nova to be careful.

We were led into the south gates walls and up into the dock area.

We walked past a number of ships until we reached a spot where several Caravel like ships were flying. They were like the other ships, with new model and were totally new.

Rust: ‘Gaia says to choose, she doesn’t want to see you for a while since she is extremely pissed to the point of wanting to punch several holes through you.’

Techno: ‘Hehehe.’

Rust simple shook his head and got out of the way of Techno who walked about from one ship to the next. I was wondering what he was looking at since they were all the same.

After a while he returned.

Techno: ”We will take the third to from the right”

The ship looked like all the others but whatever. It was enough for about 15 people so caravel sized more or less. It had ship sails like those on water but on the sides you could see large propellers spinning to keep the ship afloat. The front was adorned with metal plates that seem more decoration than armor while the rest was wood.


Rust nodded before he started doing something and asked Techno to allow him to download something.

After a bit it was done and he led out. I connect to Techno since i was curious.

Bulk: ”What did you download?”

Techno: ”Ship ownership documents.”

We followed quietly until we were led to a large building near the city walls. The inside had robots setting up a workshop while others set up some monitors. Seems computer systems were brought back online.

As they were turned on one by one i see how primitive they were. It made our normal PC’s looked like high grade stuff.

Rust: ‘This will be a larger download than the other. This one is all the blueprints we have that was developed from technology taken from you. Your things will be brought here as well. Cast iron is in the storage as well as with steel parts. There are enough for various bodies if needed. If you need any more you will need to purchase.’

Techno nodded before they both fell silent. I could see a grin appear on Techno’s face so i was guessing there are a lot of blueprints.

I sit down with Nova and chat about the time she spent with him during their week.

Techno PoV

Ah how it feels nice to get payback on that snotty bitch. Not only that i also gain so much from it. So much was made with stuff related to our tech. Ship parts, weapons, body parts, dwarf gear, so many things.


This would speed stuff up by so much. First thing i need to do is repair these bodies to some degree. I also need to replace my corrupted codes. I’m sure that only Gaia and Delta are the only clockworks that don’t have corrupted codes.

As soon as i finish the download Rust rushes off to get his own work done. He seems rather stressed but when you think of it, it's not so strange. He is working under that idiot Synthoid so he must do all her work while she is the face of the government.

I go and pull the cast iron parts from the storage. Gears, plates, weapon parts, they were all here. I looked through the schematics and find Nova’s sniper and all the sniper models after hers. They all had level restrictions but since she would probably level 26 i look at the lowest leveled ones.

My own model which was finished could still be called a prototype compared to the new ones.

The lowest leveled one before my own was level 30 so i couldn’t do anything except fix hers up.

I spend a while changing part by part for new one literally rebuilding her body.

The elemental idiots i let them go explore the town since they were a nuisance the repairs would take a while so Bulk went with them.

Once i was done with Nova i started on myself.

I used all my drones and the repairs were done somewhat faster. My tools needed parts replaced as well but nothing serious like my body.

A while later Bulk returned and i remade his body.

Looking at our stats with Cast iron i would say that from the 60% stat reduction we already gained back about 15%.

Since we were stuck in here a while we went outside. Bulk and the others had found a kind of farm area that was built during the rapid time skip. Several monsters were inside but none aggressive unlike the ones that are outside of the town.

We spoke with those in the town. I did notice that they acted a bit differently to us compared to the other players.

While some NPC’s would outright insult the player for being those idiots who consider the NPC’s simple programs to us they to light bows and smile as if greeting a high ranking noble.

When i think about it, this could be the effect of helping so many races in the past. Clockworks did gain a lot of fame because of us so to see all the races act this way towards us isn’t strange. Well not all the races. We met with a few demons and ogres and they couldn’t care less about us treating us like the other players.

We returned to the workshop after a while. Nova was tired so i let her go to sleep and Bulk went back out with the elementals who didn’t want to stay here.

With the place nice and quiet i began repairing Nova’s weapons. The guns were rusted over and broken so i had to remake them. I made a better model that was for level 20 and up. It was an arm rifle like her own but much more stable and wouldn’t get stuck as much. The sniper i made sure to repair as well since it’s her main weapon.

I then turn to the Protector. In my head i had several models for different situations. Nova’s model was a scout model so it was fast. I wanted to keep that so i pull up an upgraded version of a scout protector and get upgrading. I needed to replace a good number of small gears but besides that nothing else was bad. His upgrades were more suspension systems and weapons upgrades. The engine also got better and improved his coding.

Then i turned to Hino. There were few advancements on this except for making robots to rush in. The skeleton was improved and the engine as well. I looked around the workshop and found a few old weapons that were on our old ship.

I take one i liked and began repairing it before opening Hino up and remodeling the space that would hold the weapon.

Two weapons were added and i added Proto’s suspensions on his legs which would improve his speed and rushing power.

The turtle was left in a corner. It was a simple forge, i would need to remodel the furnace soon though. I have lots of things i can improve.

Still we need levels and stats. as much as i want i can’t bring them back without grinding.

With our weapons and systems back online and upgraded with all the programs i made during my month outside we are ready to start grinding. Through Rust we are told of several robot dens near the city so we head out for some grinding.

Gaia PoV

That asshole! To think he would take advantage of my kindness with such a straight face.

I want to make him into a roll of cheese. My fist is really itching to punch someone but i force it down since i have lots of work to do. This bastard had better get his stuff ready and fast cause i want to leave this hell hole i created for myself.

Ah how i miss the battlefield where i could punch someone and watch their bodies explode from the pressure. Man i miss the wars. Its so boring now.

Delta: ”It’s best not think of wars so lightly Gaia.”

Gaia: ”Shut it brat. I can think of them however i want. It’s better than being stuck pencil pushing while that idiot clockwork gets to have all the fun traveling the world.”

Delta: ”And yet you gave him everything he asked for. What is keeping him here?

Gaia: ”His pathetic level and body. Also he doesn’t know how to make magic alloys so i still have a trump card to get a bit of payback on him.

Delta: ”You are a worse brat then me you know. Grow up a bit and don’t keep trying to get payback. It will only end far worse for you. You saw how Techno gets payback. You said you flipped him back during the first awakening. Look what it got you. Don’t do something stupid girl he isn’t so merciful to think he can’t get you back. Even if he has to wait a few months and years he will come back and bite back hard.”

Gaia: ”Stop being a worry wart. I will be ready next time. If he wants payback he should be ready for a battle he won’t see coming.”

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