《Clockwork》Chapter 15 Familiars


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Last chapter of the week ppl. Be back the other week.

Starting tomorrow it will be The demon and the Angel chapters that will be released


After closing the forum after seeing the Magma Golem a few things popped into my circuits, first off I needed to call Bulk.

It took 2 minutes for the Knight to appear in the small clearing before the tunnel. I was waiting while sitting and when I saw him I stood up.

As he reached me he began.

Bulk: ‘Why did you need to see me personally? Can’t you do it through text?’

As soon as he was in range I took a low stance and a step forward with my right arm back. Taking the step my arm flew in an uppercut into his chest.

The sound of my fist hitting his chest as it rattled all his gears resound through the area as he fell down on his knee.

Techno: ”That is for talking too much on the forums and giving away my name”

Bulk: ‘What...are you...talking about?’

I open the forum and find his post in the clockwork forum page and send him the text.

Bulk: ‘...Fuck’

For the next few minutes I made sure to disapply him enough that he will remember never to mention my name or Nova’s on the internet without asking this is just the start of the game and if we are lucky it will die out and be forgotten.

After giving him a beating I let him go so he can do some repairs. My punches were heavy enough to dent his plating and he definitely got the message.

I had also made sure to point out the warhammer he didn’t want and how I could have used that to beat him instead of my fists.

Now then, with his beating out of the way I addressed the problem at hand. The magma golem is under this cave system. It was in a magma pool so that means this mountain is a dormant volcano. The problem is his size and fluid nature. We know that the golems’ core keeps them alive, or at least the small ones. The glow in his chest is nearly the size of a bulky golem so the core has substantial size and because magma is fluid but also denser in mass then shooting it out will be difficult.

Not only that I feel that the bullets we have would melt before they reached it, all but Nova’s metal stack. We would need something to blast the magma away from his body long enough to get some clear shots on it or a bomb.

Bombs...right my bombs though crude hold some power. It uses fuel (diesel) with a real basic signal activated shock device to cause the explosion. That is powerful, but for some reason I get this feeling it’s not enough. Most bombs in real life use black powder but that is made with various materials which we lack.

Truthfully I’ve been wondering if I can’t just sock the diesel fuel in some powder like ash and make it a substitute for black powder.

After the thought crossed my mind I actually began feeling anxious to try it. I have noticed that whenever I have an idea like this that sometimes work, I get this feeling of needing to tinker with it and realise it.

After about an hour of trying to forget the idea I gave into my curiosity and built a small metal box and went around gathering a big pile of coal ash. I then dumped the bombs stock of diesel in the box before throwing bits of ash slowly inside. I wanted to make it so that I had just the right amount without pouring too much in but not leave it overly damp.


After 10 minutes of slowly pouring ash in, I had completed the soaking and then I put the soaked ash into the bomb again and closed it.

I wanted to be safe about this so I went outside and put one 10 meters away with the help of a collector and then activated it.

What can I say my tinker’s feeling was right. The power was enough to make a small shockwave which I could feel and it caused a small hole to form in the rock below it.

(Please note that this is fictional and I just made this up)

The blast strength was nearly double so you could say I was grinning at my success. I made a second one just to check out the strength.

Ash powder Bomb


A crudely made bomb. The size is similar to a humans fist and made with a thin iron shell. The explosive material is a mix of coal ash and diesel (fuel) making something similar to black powder but it is still a much weaker than true black powder.

Blast radius: 3 meters

Damage 150-200

Heh so a nice blast range of three meters it could very well remove some of the magma with this much fire power.

Though I doubt that I can throw it that far but I’ll fix that. After I make this weapon for myself in good numbers I’m leading the dwarves into that cave and hunt down the golems with a vengeance so I can meet the level requirements. I’ll take Nova as well to deal with the fire golems. Genocide isn’t my cup of tea but it's their fault for starting this fight and their bad luck we got involved in it.

I work vigorously while helping the guards. My plan is to make something similar to a grenade launcher. The bombs are around the proper size of one so a gun to fire them at long range would help.

I used the space in my left shoulders which is relatively empty, to house the gun while connecting one pipe and hose to the steam tank while another much larger will go to an ammo box in my belly area. It will suck up the grenades and arm them before launching.

(something like this http://www.ominouscow.com/DoW/colossus_robot_wip_1.jpg)

It took one day to make a fully functional model.

I tested it all outside for safety and when I was happy with the results I headed back in.

The furnace was near completion and would finish today.

As my clock showed 6 pm I was just sitting about while dwarves were practicing with their hammers or two handed swords the collectors suddenly picked up a life sign.

Several of them actually. All of them moving through the tunnels and spread out in small groups.

I follow their movements and as these small groups met up, I saw they were heading up towards the village.

Sending an alarm message everyone came on the alert. The small army was split to both entrances because they were coming from both sides.

I sent Nova and Bulk to the other entrance while me and Rust took this side.

He had dual sawed-off double barrel shotguns. The stats on it were impressive. It was armed with blunt shots and could fire a shot that, if used on a human, would cause devastating internal hemorrhaging.

I turn back and signal then as the golems are nearly arriving.

I decided to test the launcher and got it ready. When there was 10 seconds before they arrived the collector appeared and I shot two shots in.


My own scanners could already pick them up and soon the golems appeared and began rushing out. Nova on her protector began blasting them with the miniguns while she took on the fire ones directly. It was scary her precision with that rifle of hers, and her control of the protector. She was doing both at the same time. I could see her all the way over here as the fire golems flew in.

Rust wasn't behind. Those blunt shots were literally drilling holes into the golems.

Now don’t think the golems are any pushovers. They seem to have learned from their mistakes and this time they came prepared. Of the 90 earth golems here at least 50 had come prepared with their arms already converted to the cannon form and were shooting at us.

I obviously wasn’t going to let that continue. From the back I shot three more into the ranks. A few of them saw the black ball and moved away but after it just stayed there they just laughed and began moving close again.

The next moment the two bombs in the corridor plus the three I just shot blew up injuring several in the blast range as well as throwing several outside of the blast range a few meters away into other golems.

With such a large gap in their ranks as well as such a splendid distraction done I put away the grenade launcher and pull out my swords and rush into the fray.

I could tell these guys were training ever since they returned. I guess 3-5 days of training skills as well as cooperative tactics made a big difference.

At level 20...wait 21 now. Well at level 21 with my current body I could fight evenly with the bulky golems and getting a bit more serious I beat them. The first time I fought the golem I was beating a bit but ended up winning with some reckless use of my dual swords. A few times when I wasn’t working I took to practicing myself and finally gained dual wield skill as well as sword mastery.

It’s a start and the skills help a lot to make it easier to use, but I will need to properly train with them from a real teacher if I ever want to get past the system assist.

Anyway, we spend half an hour fighting them and took some heavy damage. We beat them but not without losing some of our own. 30 warriors died and 20 are injured while 15 shooters were killed by the rock cannons and 8 were injured. From the clockworks, about 30 were destroyed but the heads weren’t damaged so we can simply replace the motherboard into another body and get the skilled worker back.

With this many losses, we will have to wait before going into the caves but by then the golems will have revived as well. I was hoping to head into the cave, but until then I will scout the place even more vigorously.

With the amount of time we have we can completely remake this town by the time they return. Why? Because the relic furnace is 97% complete so by the end of the day it will be complete.

As soon as it up and running all the dwarven gear will have proper iron gears replaced then the worker clockwork will be able to remake their bodies. This will tip the balance of the fight greatly to our side.

After I collected all the crystals I send a message that the remaining stuff left behind was for who wanted it.

I run to the other entrance and find Nova smiling while petting the head of the protector and Hino while bulk was on the ground with his right arm off and being repaired as well as his left leg.

Bulk: ‘Well look who is here. You seem fine’

Techno: ”You look like shit, what happened?”

Nova: ‘Bulk saved me when I was being attacked. Proto got hit in the leg and slipped.’

As soon as I heard that she got attacked I was doing multiple scans of her but didn’t find a scratch on her. Then I looked at Bulk.

Bulk: ‘Heh I’m sure you would kill me for not protecting her’

Techno: ‘Thank you for that.’

Bulk: ‘...No problem’

I pulled out several of my collectors and began repairing his leg while I took the arm and repaired that personally with the tools in my arms.

The repairs were done in a flash since I had already passed into intermediate with tinkering, and was nearing that with clockwork body construction too.

I soon attached the arm again and then finished up the leg and left him looking new again.

He had a somewhat surprised look on his face while I did the repairs so diligently.

Bulk: ‘So this is payback for saving her?’

Techno: ‘Your debt is paid’

What I was talking about was the first repairs when he began the game. I wouldn’t continue holding the debt over his head after he saved Nova.

After I fixed him up I repaired the protectors leg.

With him working again Nova hopped on and started to play again.

I need to make a lot of upgrades to both the protector and Bulk, as well as myself. I was currently level 25 after killing at least 20 of the golems.

I can see why there are PKs in the VR games. The experience you gain from it is nothing if not impressive.

As I stood up I looked towards the corridor and spot something I didn’t expect. Floating in the air were two small balls of fire and on the ground was a small earth doll.

I couldn’t help blinking a few times as I look at them.

Fire 1: ‘Um, is the fighting over?’

Nobody answered, but a few dwarves nodded. I looked at them for an answer.

Dwarf: ‘Guess a few golems were spared. Who wants to finish them.’

As soon as one of the dwarfs said that the two fireballs shrank and flew behind the small doll. A few of them moved forward but as the dwarves got near a deafening blast sounded next to me and something flew with furious speed past the closest dwarf leaving him pale.

Nova: ‘Don’t touch them. I want them.’

Everyone was speechless.

Bulk: ‘Nova, you remember those big guys we just fought?

Nova: ‘Ya and?’

Bulk: ‘Those little guys are one of them’

She looked at the small earth golem and the two fireballs then looked back.

Nova: ‘Who cares they are small and cute unlike those ugly guys from before. I’m keeping them as my pets’

Techno: ‘You’re not keeping them.’

Nova: ‘Even you bro. But I want them.’

Techno: ‘They aren’t pets like your toys, they are like you, real people.’

Nova: ‘No! They are pets and now they are mine.’

While this was going on nobody could understand what was going on with Nova for her to want to keep them.

Fireball 1: ‘Was it really safe to come here’

Golem: ‘Maybe we should run’

Fireball 2: I’m more scared of the girl than the large robots. What the hell is wrong with her to want to keep us as pets.’

While they discussed running away, Nova and I bickered and I threatened to take her robots from her for a whole week.

Nova: ‘I hate your bro. I wasn’t allowed to keep pets when I was with mom and dad, now you too, I hate you!’

Like a sharp dagger she stabbed right where it hurts the most. I began to sulk hearing this. She really knew how to hurt me bad. Not even the hits I got from the iron clubs hurt this much.

Nova: ‘I never want to see you again. I’m going to run away and have fun by myself. Only me Proto and Hino. Huh.’

If words could kill I would be in a coffin right now. I was sulking to the point of being coached and making circles on the ground while trying to not hear. All I could do was agree to let her do as she pleased.

Techno: ‘Fine, you can have them’

She made a hidden victory smile and brightened up.

Nova: ‘Thanks bro, your the best’

I know from the start she was faking but hearing her say that hurts even though it’s fake.

She goes to the three golems grinning with victory.

Nova: ‘Alright all three of you are my pets from now on, hehehe it’s going to be fun to teach you all tricks. I was never allowed pets so I can’t wait.’

Fireball 1: ‘B-but that's slavery!’

Earth golem: ‘Ya we wont listen to you.’

Fireball 2: ‘No way will you make us some pets’

I looked back and saw just Nova in front of the three. It was then that I spotted the protector walking up from behind.

As he got behind Nova he became like a looming figure of death. The three trembled. He then suddenly lifted both arms, aiming directly at the three golems.

Nova: ‘Mhh, did you say something?’

She tilted her head innocently while making a curious face.

Fireball 1: ‘Nope.’

Fireball 2: ‘You must be hearing things’

Earth golem: ‘Yep we wouldn’t think of anything better then to be with you’

She smiled wide and jumped around.

Moments later the last possible thing that I thought would happen appeared.

Parental control message:

Your sister, the Clockwork Nova, has taken 2 fire golems and 1 earth golem as her familiars. All are living players but are now bound to her and have had their accounts blocked and can no longer delete the character until Nova cancels the familiar contract.

They are treated as both players and pets and as such Nova and you (because of parental control) can access the skills and stats of her familiars. You are also able to teach them skills you know as long as you have adequate skill to pass it along.

I could only hold my head in my hands. To think there was a system like this. What kind of game did LIFE make to allow for player slavery? It should be used for catching criminals in action since they show their real selves here.

Anyway the tiring day ends with this kind of thing, which was completely out of my hands. I go to sleep early because of how bad I felt after Nova’s tantrum.

I think by tomorrow the furnace should be ready so I can start some upgrades to dwarven gear then but for now...Let’s forget about this little outburst of Nova’s.


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