《Clockwork》Chapter 8 Upgrade


As we walk out I notice Bulk following us. He didn’t put the head piece on.

"Hey where...are you...going?" Bulk asked.

"Bro is taking me to explore." Nova

She said that excited.

"So where...does that...go?" He asked.

“The surrounding scrap mountains? Want to find a mechanic clockwork.” I reply pointing to the surrounding mountains specifically the ones near the clearing the tanks were found.

"You want...to be...a mechanic?" Bulk asked me.

“It's a class with a lot of freedom and importance in this worlds setting if you think about it..”

I continue walking for a while. Bulk follows behind and soon we leave the cave. As we walk out we find a large number of half built clockworks moving about fixing themselves.

“Guess Clockwork isn’t an avoided race anymore.” I say looking at the many people fixing themselves.

“Did you...see the...quest completion...message. It said...it was...permanently unlocked. Does that...mean their...are requirements...to keep...a race...unlocked?” Bulk asked me while following my gaze.

“My guess, secure the most essential thing for you races survive and advancement. For us it’s the furnace that can let us remake our bodies.” I said guessing from what has happened.

We continue on towards the west and after we go around the base of one of the mountains I stop and put Nova down and sit. I then remove the still working collector and begin repairing. Once I had all the legs working I unbolted the head cap and put him inside my head and took control.

“Going to...upgrade?” Bulk asked.

I didn’t reply and when I found the transmitter I unplugged it and checked the wires and thankfully it works.

I removed the queens transmitter and put it in my head and had the collector push it into place and into the socket.

I had a just fit in my head but that was fine. I remove the collector and close my head.

You have installed the queens transmitter.

Transmitting range 20 m -> 40 m

Scanners range has been increased, it now scan with better detail.

You can now controls 5 complex robots or 25 drones or 50 collectors, at one given time.

“What was...that?” Bulk asked

“Better transmitter” I say/

Not even to Bulk would I say what it really was. Something like this was going to the grave with me. I then pull out all the collectors I had gathered and have Nova do the same.

On the ground I began repairing them and was intent on teaching Nova how to repair them. Some day she will need to fight for herself so I wanted her to be able to repair herself and having these guys make all the difference.

Bulk ended up helping out since he didn’t have much to do and we repaired 36 collectors. I gave 8 to Nova and kept the rest but left 10 out and activated then. I had them disperse and enter the mountain of trash behind me through small openings.

I was going to scan it from the inside and try to look at the inside that my scanners weren’t mapping.

I was going to spend the next four days looking the surrounding scraps to find the mechanic. If I got one I could get more advanced tools and for a machine it was the best class. Especially when you have a transmitter that can control complex robots. I wasn’t stupid I did pick up the queen’s other transmitters there were 5 and each were a special model made just for that purpose. They work like a substitute motherboard so I can make a clockwork without giving it life.


With that in mind us three searched for the next four days the surround mountains sometimes giving a hand...or leg, to a new player who doesn’t know how to start up.

Bulk said that in the forums clockworks have a low rank in popularity along with the constructs because of the fact that everyone starts half broken.

Other races have it bad as well, humans are scattered nomads in extremely tiny tribes and most players wake up in destroyed towns and cities with little to no resources left there.

Elves are scattered many devastated forests and sea creatures like Mermaids and Siren have to leave the water fast after login in because the lakes and oceans are heavily polluted.

It was clear to see why the game was called The Ruined World. Not a single race got away from the ruin. Just like Clockworks start in a scrap yard everyone else starts in the worst possible situation for their race. Though with the success of the quest we secured more or less the safety of the clockwork so we can go at a more casual pace while we live in this world.

4 days later

We arrive in the growing clockwork base. As we walk through the corridors we see hundreds of clockworks. I could only imagine how much fuel these guys are eating up. I had gathered my own supply so I didn't care.

Now as we walked down everyone looked at us and moved out of our way. Bulk Nova and I walked down the center but it wasn’t because of us but what was walking behind us.

“Wow bro look everyone is staring.” Nova said looking around while others looked back.

“Jealous ones...ignore them.” I tell her.

“That’s harsh...man. Still...it’s amazing we actually found these and they were still working.” Bulk said.

“Those who are slow will only cry in the end.” I say.

We ignore all the glowing eyes looking our way and walked with the two behind us and finally reach the huge final chamber.

At the corner we could see the huge furnace had been set up and was pumping out metal instead of drones now. From far we could hear Rust giving orders. I wonder how this place will be after we leave with him.

As we approach he looks our way hearing the heavier than normal footsteps from behind us.

“Hey Rust…been a...while.” Bulk calls out to the clockwork.

“Bulk, Techn…” He begins saying.

He stopped mid-sentence and looked at the two behind me.

“Where did...you find...them?” He asks pointing to the two behind me.

“We searched the scrap” I tell him.

As he looked at us we heard even heavier footsteps Nova quickly got scared and had me pick her up as she hid her face in my shoulder.

“Oh so this is what all the ruckus is about.” Rein says appearing from behind.

“The kid did it again huh.” Bolt says as he spots me.

“Hey...isn’t that a mechanic...and a knight?” Hub says spotting the two behind me

Yep the clockworks we found were just what he said. The mechanic we found on day two. It was near the spot the tanks were in. His figure was 2.50 m tall, this chest was really large to hold the unique furnace engine in it. The arms had quite a number of tools for different things many of which I didn’t know what it was for.

As for the knight it’s just like the name says. At 2.30 m tall it has a padded body with armor resembling a knight. Inside the arms are the remains of some guns it had but it's far too rusted and no ammo making them useless. Next to the guns were two long blades that came out of the arm for close combat.


“Like them...we found...it in...the scraps. Oh when...can we...use the...furnace to...make our...bodies.” Bulk said.

“Doesn’t the mechanic...have a furnace engine itself?” Rust comments on the large engine.

“I’m going to take it apart it's too bulky and has too low mobility to work as my body” I tell them.

“Your body. Haha you’re going to kill him for the body.” Rein said laughing.

“Neither of...them are...awake. The motherboards...were broken...so they...are just...robots that ...Techno is...controlling. We just...put some...transmitters and...they worked...like drones.” Bulk explained.

“Ah that makes sense. Shame would have been nice to get the experience of a mechanic again.” Rein said looking at the rusted mechanic.

I then pulled out several chips.

“If you guys make it so we can use the furnace until we have the quantity of metal we need for our bodies. I will upload a copy of the memories of the mechanic into a new clockwork.” I said.

It took a moment for them to read everyone and as soon as they finished the result made me crack a small grin.

“ALL YOU RUST BUCKETS MOVE AWAY!!!! Those still working get it done quick!” Rein shouted scaring all the players and revived clockwork.

“You're a horrible man.” Bulk said

"Like I give a damn.” I tell him indifferent of all the stares.

With the three giants everyone was forced back and those working had to finish quick and we were given free rein of the furnace.

I had the two robots drop all the metal we had gathered and throw it into the furnace before I deactivate them.

"You should...prepare yourself. You are...getting a...new body...but it...will be...a normal...working class." Bulk warned Rust.

"I don’t mind." Rust said.

After we began smelting we stripped the mechanic down to his skeleton. There was an impressive amount of tools in it.

I scan the structure of the knight first and get a basic skeleton model and then we start making it. A 2.50 m tall knight skeleton.

"Why are you making a knights skeletons?" Rein asks me confused.

“That mechanic has no mobility, it's crap. To fight I need to run a lot.” I tell him.

The size was larger than the other knight because it would house a larger engine. It was an engine from the drones. We got our hands on two before coming down here.

The furnace engine was going to be made into a separate clockwork specifically for forging.

After the skeleton was done we attached the engine and began building the gears.

With our skill at body building at level 3 we were just thankful that the furnace made most of the parts ready to attach. We just needed to input the shape and thickness. In other words it was quick experience since we needed correct measurements. I’m happy I copied the mechanics memories cause it let me learn a bit about body construction and sizing the body properly.

After the gears came the equipment I was going to have. I kept the swords because it was actually part of the design and didn’t take so much space in the arm. I took many of the old tools and remade them before building them into a tool gear. The parts came out the furnace mostly ready and only attaching it to make the gear was a bit annoying but putting them into both arms was relatively easy.

Wiring came with the equipment and ended at the brain were I built it all. It was almost twice as large as my head and I could make it larger.

Plating came next and it was like any clockwork. It closed in and could open where it mattered to use the tools and gears we made.

With the iron mechanic knight done I took the queen transmitter and a larger drone headpiece and put it in the brain in the transmitter spot and then the real part began.

“Rust I need you to remove my memory chips and the motherboard and put them in the brain of my new body." I told him.

"That is a...lot of trust...you are putting...in me." He replied

[I]“You three if he tries anything crush him.” I tell the tanks.

"Sure." Rein said for the three of them.

"WHAT!" Rust shouted.

The threat was clear so I turned myself off and left my body in their hands.

I don’t know how long it was but soon a screen appeared.

System booting…System has detected a new body scanning all systems...System scan complete. Body fully functional. All systems turning on.

My vision was restored and I found myself in front of the furnace again. The plates were all open so I sent a message to close it all and one by one the plates sealed my body leaving only a robotic knight.

"So are...you techno?

“Who else would I be” I said to the idiot.

You stats have changed in all perimeters calculating new statsStatusNameTechno GearRaceClockworkClassKnight MechanicLevel:17Free stats points42Durability570/570Energy50/200Strength65Agility40Dexterity68Toughness60Intelligence50Wisdom50Charisma20Leadership10Luck30TraitsParental control

A system skill that lets you teleport your child or sibling that is below age and has wondered a certain distance from to backClockwork scanner

A basic system in a Clockworks body that allows them to scan their surrounds and check tools and parts.

Also allows them to identify items at a certain range.

1 energy every 15 secondsSkillsClockwork body construction (Basic 6)

Being of the Clockwork race you instinctively know how to make parts for your body

+7% increase in ability when making a body or body partScavenger (Basic 9)

Able to find useful scraps and parts from trash.

Increases chance to find something by 12%Tinker (Basic 8)

You have the natural skill to tinker with any machine.

11% Increases ability when tinkering with a machine.

5% Chance of thinking of new tech while tinkering.Crude Blacksmithing (Basic 2)

A form of blacksmithing used by using poor equipment and materials. It is a style used by self-learned artisan in poor conditions with poor structure to make proper weapons.

(This skill will be replaced with real blacksmithing if you learn from a real blacksmith)

+2% increase when smithing with poor equipment.Blunt weapon mastery (Basic 3)

Using a blunt weapon or club has given you some understanding of such weapons

+6% damage when using a blunt weapon

“Cool...My stats went up with the new body” I said slightly happy.

"What are they?" Bulk asked me.

“Ranges from 40-68 the physical ones.” I tell them.

I move my body and marvel at how quiet I was move. I did feel a few things here and there that was off but it wasn’t something a bit of modifying later on or replacing wouldn’t fix.

We turned to the knights body now. Since the structure was already there we just left the skeleton there and slowly took one part and replaced it and then began again.

All in all another half hour and another body construction level went into it before we finished.

I did notice they my hands were less practical for working as a mechanic but it was obvious they wouldn't be. That is why the tool gear was made to move at our will if we wanted. As long as that happened I could work as a mechanic.

Once done Bulk’s motherboard and memory chips were put in and a quick charge was sent through his body and soon he started up. His stats were similar to mine but as the message said my dexterity was greater.

What was made next was Rusts body. We used Bulks old body since it already had a weapon. This was quicker and soon we had a brand new Rust in his new body.

Nova came next and I gave her my old body but I melted it completely and made it with female shapes. It represented a 15 year old but the brain I made sure to overhaul before putting her in there.

Completely new both Nova and Rust remained as worker class but their stats ranged from 25-35.

I did a bit extra for Nova since I put one of the queen's lesser transmitters for her. She can control up to 5 drones and 25 collectors.

With all that done we metaled all the remaining metal into the shapes for the last thing and then took it to the corner. We had taken a long time holding up the furnace so we let everyone get them again.

I did as promised as well and handed the memory chips to the tanks. They would put it into a revived clockwork and have him use the surviving memories to make a mechanic.

The final project was to make a body to carry the furnace engine. It was my ticket to better blacksmithing. This body would be different. In my head I took the image of a large animal that would fit as a mobile forge but could still fight. What came to mind was a Rhino. With that in mind we made the iron skeleton and then put the engine in. It sat behind the head in between the front legs.

We went through the whole process. For the plates it was decided to make him heavily arm like the animal should be. We attached a lower plate that opened up when he was to enter forge mode, and above both the legs a large thick metal plate was attached to protect the remaining openings. These two plates would move forward and back when he needed to open. In the back a proper anvil was placed for both balance of the body as well as for me to use when he opened.

With all done we made a brain and I attached a transmitter and connected him to my system. He was my first complex robot and one I was sure to upgrade in the future as we travel.

"With this we are finally leaving." Rust said clearly with his new voice box which wasn't monotone.

"Yay we get to adventure." Nova shouted excited as well showing her excitement in her voice.

"What about this place. Didn’t you become some leader or something." Bulk asked Rust.

"Someone else will pop up. Clockwork are like that. Leadership is to the first to rise." He replied shrugging it off.

"Have you guys found the exit?" Rein asks.

“No but we will leave to find it. Let’s go you three.” I said and called the other three.

"Yay adventure!!" Nova shouted and jumped onto my shoulders.

"Can’t wait." Bulk said following behind.

"Ahead we go then." Rust said like a old man while shrugging.

The tanks say their goodbyes and we leave and start head south.

After about half a kilometer Rust noticed something.

"You guys seem to be heading in this direction with purpose?" He says.

"Of course. One of the exit from the scrap yard is this way." Bulk says.

“50 km south is the wall with a gate.” I tell him without stopping.

"How do you have scanner reach for something like that?" He asks me.

"Secret." I tell him.

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