《Clockwork》Chapter 1 Jail Bird


Do you know what a mental shock or trauma can cause to a person's mind? It can do so many things, the human mind is really strange because of that.

Why did I ask this question? Easy, I suffered a mental shock.

Here is another question, have you ever been framed for something you didn't do? As you can guess, I was.

My name is Nathaniel Rover, I'm currently 17 and was sent to the juvenile detention center because some people in my school hated me. The charges were of sexual harassment and rape.

Obviously, the victims was the biggest bitch in my school who bullied most of the school. Being from a rich family and the leader the cheerleading squad in our high school made her popular with the other snakes that wanted her money, including the leaders of the sports teams.

As you might have guessed already, they slightly beat her to get the proper bruising and then she called the cops and sent them on me.

I was 14 at the time and a freshmen. My life was ruined because she thought it would be funny to send someone she bullied to jail.

Her father even hired one of the best Lawyers to put me in jail for a hell of a long time. I got 10 years because of that and that was because they found no real "proof" in her to link me and make it worst but as any rich family would do. Money speaks louder and they won the trial.

Though this isn't what gave me mental shock, oh no. This only left me depressed. What did this was when I was getting a visit from my parents and she arrived. She spoke with me and said I would live hell in my cell.

After that I learned that my parents had a traffic accident. They only got a few minors bruises but my 5 year old sister wasn't as lucky. One of her lower vertebrae broke during the accident which left her paralyzed. I did try to tell the police about her threat but they only shrugged it off.

When I finally saw my sister come in with a wheelchair I snapped. I talked only a bit with them but that was the last time I spoke. My mind snapped and I lost my trust in anyone but my family and my ability to speak becoming a mute.

With nothing left to live for I just let myself be dragged around to eat and so on. She appeared a year after to see me in despair but what she found was a skinny body that looks to be starved in here. My hair was cut short but that was only because of the health policy because if not it would be down to my shoulders and a mess. My eyes were like a dead mans, without life. She tried to speak but all she got was silence and a blank look from my lifeless eyes. She made a disgusted face but not the kind where she looks down on me. It was like she was nauseous seeing me half dead.

It was one of the few times I reacted to anyone besides my sister who I look at and smile but words never leave my mouth.


At 17 now though, I said I had no future it was in this world. Why? Because me and everyone else is going to start a new program.

The warden gathered us all in one place to explain this.

Warden: Ok brats. As you know we are starting a rehabilitation program.

The groans could be heard in the crowds.

Warden: It’s not the same crap of sitting in a room with some old guy. What you will be doing is being reintegrate into society through the soon to be released game Etheria: The Ruined World.

A moment later there was an uproar in the crowd.

"Silence or you will be held back two days before being let in!" The warden shouted making the silence returned instantly.

"Good. As all you brats know this is one of the newest virtual reality games that is going to enter the market. The game is intended for hardcore players because of the setting." He continued in speaking in a loud voice

The game he mention is being made by the company LIFE. The CEO said once during an interview.

"This isn't a game. Those who think it is will not go far in it. This is a breathing world just like our own."

Though I had already locked myself by then, a few things I hear were still registered.

"Now what will happen to you brats is that you will serve you time in the Virtual world of Etheria." He said before pausing to let it sink in.

The moment he said that everyone froze.

"The company made a deal with the government to test one of the functions of the VR capsules which is known as feedback. This stimulates muscles while you play. All your parents have signed the documents allowing for this to happen. Just know your sentience can get larger if you do crimes even in the game. Though the laws in their will also be taken into account. Now the last part of this should interest a few of you." He said and taking another pause.

I was looking up towards him and notice his eyes stop several times during his moment of silence. It stopped at me for a moment as well.

"You will be allowed to have a single family member join you during your lives in this world." He said making a grin on his face while looking out towards us.

My eyes widen in my surprise for the first time in 3 years with real shock. Then a small but genuine smile appeared on my lips for a moment before it returned to a blank poker face.

"As you leave we will take the names of the person you want to go in with if any at all. Choose carefully because you are stuck with him or her and the other person must also accepted. The game will go live next month and that is when you will leave this world to pay your time. Oh the time within the game is distorted to make 1 real day into 5. You will be in there for five real years to complete 1 out here." He said and finished passing his message.

This left everyone slack jawed.


After that ended, we were guided back to our cells. As we passed the door I saw a guard sitting behind a small table with a laptop. He was the one taking names for who we wanted to play with. Nearly no one was going but I got out of line and went his way.

This kind of shocked the guards who knew me since I never go somewhere of my own will. As I reach the desk the man was looking a bit wide eye.

"Want something mute?" He asked raising an eyebrow curious.

"I...choose...my sister." I replied in a hoarse voice.

His mouth dropped after I spoke as did the guard next to him. My voice was a bit rough from not being used but it was heard as he blinked a bit and wrote my choice before I left.

"He must love his sister to talk." The first guard said.

"Yeah! Truthfully I feel bad for him being a victim of that girl. I really doubt someone like him before going mute would do that." The second guard replied with pity present in his voice.

"Think he would do that now?" The first guard asked.

The second guard shook his head while chuckling.

"There is a higher chance of him strangling the girl then raping her. We should tell the Warden we got a reaction from him. He will be happy." The second guard said and left to do that.

They both smile at the news.

I returned to my cell and awaited the day I can leave this world...and return my sisters legs.

The next month were the happiest in a long time. The detention center allowed everyone to meet face to face with their families without the glass or phone and all that. I was finally able to hug my little sister. To hug my family.

I heard from them that my sister left school and was being home schooled, because of that they let her come with me as long as I do my best to protect her. Being 8 years old she would have to censor some stuff in the game but that was small stuff. I was happy to get out and play with her.

Finally at the end of the month it was time for us to go. My sister came to the jail and when it was time to leave she sat next to me on the bus that would take us to the facility where we would be taken care of during the time we are in the game. I promised my parents that I would properly teach my sister everything she needs. I still have 7 years of my time to pay so 35 years in the game is more than enough time to make her into a fine lady, she will definitely come out smarter than most.

The institute was a huge building outside of the city, far from any city really. The buildings were four stories and really huge with like 20 buildings in the whole complex. My sister was on the window with wide eyes pointing at stuff and calling out cool things she saw. It drew the stares of others but they knew me so they didn’t say anything.

The bus caravan we were in was 4 buses long but as we neared the place we saw a huge line of at least 50 buses already in the parking lot. From all of them hundreds of under aged delinquints dressed in the orange jail jumpsuit coming out and heading in.

We parked near the middle and were unloaded and unshackled as well. I picked up my sister and carried her out before putting her in her wheelchair that a guard had already set up.

In a single file line we were led inside. The place was all white inside. We were taken to one of the largest buildings near the center of the compound. A man dressed in a scientist lab coat was waiting and greeted the warden who was there.

"Good evening. Are these your charges." The scientist asked looking around.

"Yes I hope everything is ready?" The warden asked.

"Of course. Your group goes to Room 13. The special capsules are there. They are open so don’t worry if they look strange. They will all be stuck in the virtual reality so we need to be able to tend to you." The scientist replied in a casual tone.

"What happens if we die in the game." One of the convicts asked.

"We made each capsule a special virtual space. When you die you go there and wait 24 hours of Etheria’s time before returning. During that time you can access internet and such but besides when you die you can’t logout." The scientist replied naturally.

"Ok move it you all." The warden shouted and began to herd is inside.

We were pushed in not giving us time to ask any questions. We walked down a flight of stairs that lead underground.

The rooms were located down there.

Room 13 was halfway in and was filled with enough capsules for everyone. It was as big as a large warehouse or maybe an airplane hanger. Each capsule was about 3 meters from the next and had medical gear attached to it. Many doctors and scientists were already preparing everything.

"Ok pick your capsule. They are all the same, a two seat capsule, but those who don’t have anyone. Well tough luck, you're on your own!" The warden shouted and releases us to find one we are comfortable with.

I walk down three rows before stopping at a random one and lifted my sister and sat her in the seat adjusting it to her size.

"So this is where I will get to live with you Nate?" She asked curious.

I nod and make a small smile towards her.

A female doctor comes to help me set her up and then help me. After we are seated she explains how the machine works. She told us we can start anytime. I thank her with a nod before lowering my sisters helmet unit and then my own and pressing the on button in between us.

A low hum sounds from the helmets and I feel my mind go hazy as everything goes black.

Connect to Etheria: The Ruined World?YesNo

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