《Cheep!?》Notice of Edits; Not a Chapter


Alright! So, normally I wouldn't put a post of any nature as a chapter body for content, but I believe this to be the easiest way to notify you guys of the sweeping changes beyond just a pre-chapter note. Also this is because I've rewritten and added nearly five beefcake chapters into the story worth of text and strained myself and my wife who is my editor to the limits of what we can really do. There are 13 Chapters that have gotten the rework treatment. Many of those on the Patreon, but I'm not regretful of doing them.

It needed doing. On reflection the story had taken a turn that I didn't find that I actually wanted. At the time, it was easy to get carried away in exploring options that were frankly not completely fitting with the narrative I'd built to that point. It also just didn't quite fit in the world, considering the mechanics that I've built up in the background. Many people decried the tonal shift and pointed out to me the clear flaws in the characters reactions. I'm only human, so I thank many of you for you constructive feedback, and would like you all to know that I've taken what I could from your suggestions and made them my own in adaptations that I don't feel will betray the story I've made and will be making in the future.

Hopefully, these changes don't alienate even more of you, but I completely understand if they have. This is a large change, done to ensure that the narrative isn't damaged while improving on the quality of the story, but some of you may have liked how things had been. It was a darker turn, far more suitable for a grimdark fantasy rather than what I'm trying to create. It created an impasse, rather than a mere obstacle to navigate, that wasn't to be a central tenant of the story. In trying to explore that facet of reality, I'd destabilized a strong foundation that I'd built, as some of you have pointed out both in reviews and otherwise.


Now, that out of the way, I want to say that I hope none of this comes off as overly defensive of myself; my intent has always been to try to have a positive dialogue with my readers, though that's become very difficult in the most recent chapters. I'll likely dip in and out of the comments section as my social and writers anxiety allows, and I'd like to shoutout to those who were especially vocal in maintaining constructive criticisms and calling attention to issues. It provided great impetus to correct those issues. For those of you who may feel that some issue was left unaddressed, I do have to admit that I may not have gotten everything. I'll call it like the excuse it is, I'm only human, and some issues will remain, whether by oversight or by design, but I'm open to review, as always.

I won't be releasing a chapter today, which is Tuesday the 24th, or tomorrow because I'm awake mostly at night, but I should have one for Thursday and things should resume a normal schedule. In light of all of this, I may be doing four chapters a week for a short while in order to ensure quality control, but the story won't stop. As always, I try to improve where I can, and I always like when someone enjoys my work.

So, to leave this on a positive note, thank you all. I'll be here, continuing my work, and I hope to see you all later! As always, have a wonderful day!

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