《Blessed Time》Chapter 109 - Epilogue (Arcs I-IV)


“Your mind is made up?” Jo asked, leaning against a nearby tree. “After all of this you’re really just going to Sandrovok?”

“I’m not sure I’d say ‘After’ all of this,” Micah chuckled, putting a crate of clothing in the back of the crude wagon he’d made with wood magic. “I think it’s more fair to say I’m leaving ‘because’ of this.”

“But the Durgh destroyed Westmarch.” She was almost pleading with him. “There weren’t any survivors that know you were the one to kill that knight guy. There isn’t any reason to leave.”

“There’s still Baron Hurden.” He stopped, wiping the sweat from his forehead. The days were getting shorter and colder, but the heavy work of packing up the camp by the edge of the lake was still enough to tax his body. “Plus, after all the time I spent in and around Basil’s Cove, it was time for a change of scenery. I honestly might have gone mad if I had to sneak past those gate guards one more time.”

“But the Grand Duchy?” Jo shook her head. “Really? Pereston has fought five wars with them in the last thirty years. It's almost a running joke at this point.”

“I don’t know if you’ve noticed,” Micah replied with a smile, “but I don’t really have that many positive feelings toward Pereston. I know Sandrovok isn’t that much better, but they will need tailors and strong spear arms just as well as the next nation. My family will do just fine there.”

“I know but.” Jo shuffled her feet, obviously uncomfortable with the moment.

“You could come with you know?” Micah leaned against the wagon. “Drekt is following Trevor and coming with, so there’s no need to break up the team. Plus, I’m sure there’ll be plenty of work for us in the Grand Duchy. They aren’t exactly known for being peaceful.”


“I can’t,” she muttered unhappily. “Sarah has things she needs to do in Basil’s Cove and there’s no way I could abandon her to run off on some adventure.

“Then tell your sister ‘thank you’ for standing by me when she didn’t have to.” Micah nodded, a bittersweet smile on his face. “You too Jo. Even if we didn’t end up needing you in the end, both of you put a lot on the line for me. That’s something I’ll always remember.”

“I guess this is goodbye then?” The unshed tears in her eyes went unmentioned by both parties.

“It isn’t the first time.” Micah extended a hand to her. “And who knows? It might not be the last either.”

The clasped hands, shaking them one final time before Jo turned around and began walking away.

“Until we meet again.” Micah called to her receding back. “Take care of yourself Jo Redflower.”

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