《Loser of Tarinath》Chap 37: A choice is made


You know what’s boring? Being a boat motor, that’s what. After two more days of sitting in the middle of the boat and acting as the stupid one speed motor I started making putt, putt, putt, noises just for something to do. That got Shadow to laugh and start a rousing round of ‘Row, row, row, your boat’, that got everyone involved for a while. We were actually looking forward to the random attacks by the

Merrow Scavenger

95 Health

They were pretty weak, but they offered a pretty real threat since being pulled underwater was almost an assured death sentence. Unless of course, you were willing to dump all your hard earned loot. Yeah, me neither.

So when we started to hear the rumble of falling water, we were pretty excited for the change, even though from the sound, it was a fairly substantial waterfall. We were all looking ahead of us when we drifted out of the large tunnel and into another cavern. The river continued straight ahead and into another tunnel about two hundred feet ahead of us, but the tunnel was blocked by vertical, six inch in diameter bars. The thunder of falling water came from that tunnel, and I was guessing the bars were there to ensure no one was stupid enough to keep going.

The river touched the cavern on our left, but on the right side, the river bank rose up five feet to form a sharp wall. In the middle of that wall, a set of stairs and small dock were carved out, allowing a boat to moor next to it. Beyond the river’s edge, the cavern floor extended back another hundred feet or so, and I could see another set of stairs carved into the rock at the back. This one started at the cavern floor on the far left and climbed two-thirds of the way up to the ceiling, a hundred and fifty feet above us. Who ever was safety conscious enough to put the bars on the waterfall entrance wasn’t involved in building the stairs, because they looked to be just wide enough for one person, and didn’t have a railing on the open side. There was a door set into the wall at the top, looking sort of weird sitting up there all by itself.

“This is our stop,” Skylark said from behind me as she steered us toward the stone dock.

“I need to cast a couple of spells after we park this thing,” I said, “so give me a couple of minutes.”

“Shadow, do a quick recon.” Skylark said as the boat glided up to the small stone dock. “Jake, yell out if your whip makes an appearance, otherwise let us know when you’re ready.”

Shadow was standing at the prow, but sort of crouching, and when the boat slid in alongside the dock, she jumped gracefully over the side and onto it, cloak flaring behind her, knife in her right hand. She gave the dock a quick scan, said, “The dock’s clear,” and faded away as she moved up the stairs.

I released the pole that moved the boat as soon as we were even with the dock, then immediately cast my armor spell, a group blessing, and Fist, before doing a Restore. I had a full shield spell still active that I cast after the battle at the fort, so I was ready to kick ass if necessary. I had used the last of my gems to create Chain Lightning grenades for Skylark and Zane, but they always sold theirs gems so didn’t have any in their inventory. I had four stun grenades prepared, but had started thinking I needed to talk to Seth, my blacksmith back in Mudtown, to see about getting him to make some iron grenades I could enchant.


“Ready,” I said as I pulled Bruce out, then stepped beside Zane onto the dock. Skylark followed us, then slipped between Zane and I to move onto the stairs, nodding for us to follow.

“After you sir,” I said to Zane, giving him a half bow and gallant gesture forward with my right hand.

“Very kind of you,” Zane replied with a grin as he tapped the brim of his cowboy hat with his staff and followed Skylark.

There were only a dozen steps before we were standing on the cavern floor, and Skylark was studying the area, sword and shield ready, with Shadow not in sight. We were about centered on the open area, the start of the stairs on our left, and four small caves in the wall to our right. There were bones in dozens of small piles in front of the caves, with various weapons and armor clearly visible in the piles. The caves were only a couple of feet high, so whatever came out of them wasn’t very tall.

“Some kind of scavenger,” Zane said, getting a nod from Skylark, who added, “We make a run for it.”

“Now!” She said intensely, then demonstrated by taking off at a sprint for the base of the stairs on our left. I had taken maybe three steps when Sam formed a short whip in my hand, causing me to look over at the caves.

Oh crap…scorpions. Dozens of them were streaming out of the caves. They weren’t as large as the one that attacked us in the Forbidden Lands, but there had to be twenty or thirty of them by the time they stopped coming out of the caves.

“Oh crap,” Skylark muttered, echoing me and making me look over to see that Shadow had appeared at the base of the stairs and was clearly busy disarming a trap.

“Zane, cover Shadow!” Skylark yelled back over her shoulder. “Jake, you’re with me.”

The scorpions were like a black flood coming our way, but we were faster, so managed to gather at the base of the stairs a few seconds before they reached us.

“I can see at least four traps on the stairs,” Shadow said, not looking away from what invisible trap thing she was seeing. “Got it!” she yelled over the loud click-clack of scorpion legs coming our way. Shadow dashed up a dozen steps, then knelt down to do her fiddly tricks again. Zane followed her, then turned to face the scorpions and began casting a spell. I moved up a couple of steps, and Skylark stood on the bottom one as the first wave hit us.

The scorpions surged forward, with a bunch scuttling sideways to our left to try and reach Zane and Shadow on the stairs. Their claws were waving and snapping, and their spiked tails were arched over their backs, ready to impale us given a chance. Skylark kicked the first one away, causing it to tumble sideways, allowing her to slice downward at the one beside it. The scorpions surrounded the base of the stairs, and I ended up basically protecting Skylark’s left side as the scorpions tried to come up the side of the stairs.

Sam cracked into one with a flare of fire and lightning, causing the;

Cave Scorpion

Level 10

Health 75

to screech in pain, then crumble into a small pile.

I began slashing continuously, unable to concentrate the couple of seconds necessary to call Fist, but the damage Sam did being enough to stun or delay the ones he hit. The scorpions were about thigh high on me, I used Bruce to bash aside their pincers, and used Sam to attack with. Skylark was…deadly. This was the first time I saw her in a battle like this, and whatever her stats were, it was clear she was buffed in both strength and dexterity. She managed to intercept the stingers with her shield every time one came her way, and she killed just about every one she hit with her sword. It reminded me of a combination of Dalmar and Maria.


Two of the scuttling bastards hit me at the same time, one with a claw to my leg, the other with his tail spike. Both hurt, but I almost panicked as I worried about being paralyzed. Thankfully, these smaller ones either were too weak, or to low a level, since I kind of seized for a half-second, then was moving again. Between them they did about 30 points of damage, so I ignored it for now and kept swinging.

“Got it!” Shadow yelled again, allowing all of us to take a dozen more steps upwards. Sam’s extended reach came into play here, as it allowed me to target some at the base of the stairs, and the greater distance also allowed me to call Fist a few times. When I did, it allowed me to kill whatever I hit, and that gave Skylark a couple of seconds of breathing room if I targeted the one behind the one she was attacking.

Zane suddenly shouted, “Temptian Frigala!”, from behind me, making me glance back to see him holding his staff up and frowning in concentration at a point over the scorpion horde.

I called Fist, turned and slashed at a scorpion pulling itself up the side of the stairs, trying to jab Skylark from the side, when I felt a gust of cold air flow over me. A swirling blue-grey cloud began forming thirty feet away, and twenty feet above the floor, and within seconds, ice began sleeting down to cover the scorpions, and the floor to within a few feet of where we were standing on the stairs.

“Moving up!” Shadow yelled, getting everyone to step backwards up the stairs. It looked like Skylark was finding that fighting something below her was somewhat awkward as her legs were bleeding from where the scorpions had cut her with their claws, getting me to cast a quick Heal her way. Zane’s magical ice storm had frozen two-thirds of the scorpions, and they appeared to be encased in ice, though a few at the outer edges of the storm could still move slowly. That left about ten still on the stairs, and a couple who were managing to slowly climb up the sheer side.

I took a quick look upward to see we were about half way, then turned back and raised Bruce as I called Holy Fire down on a point a couple of steps below Skylark. The ice storm was dissipating as the ring of fire formed and then flashed down to impact on one of the scorpions, turning it to ash, then a pile of gear as the ones around it were hit with thirty points of damage as the fire rolled over them.

An ice spike zipped down from Zane’s position to hit and knock one of the scorpions off the wall as Shadow yelled, “Got it! One more to go!”

I started to step backwards up the stairs when multiple messages appeared.

Quest Complete…

Level Up…

Level Up…

You have…

I couldn’t take the time to read any of them, and they disappeared when I wished them away, but the distraction was deadly as my foot managed to miss the stair, causing me to slip, then fall sideways and off the damn stairwell. I sort of swung Sam up in a desperate attempt to snag one of my partners, but this time Sam missed, his whip smacking into the wall behind Skylark. I was facing up, so my back hit one of the scorpions on the wall, knocking it off, and causing it to lead the way as we came to a very abrupt stop sixty feet later.

I think the scorpion was pulped, but I had taken some damage myself and got to enjoy that amazingly uncomfortable moment when your diaphragm locks up and you try to convince it to let you breathe again.

When I could draw in a huge gasp of air, I rolled to my feet and put my back to the wall, realizing as I did so that Bruce was still in my left hand. My back was throbbing, so I did a quick Heal as I assessed my predicament. Zane’s spell had done a number on the scorpions down here, and the majority were icy lumps to my right and front, though there were still a fair number of active ones at the base of the stairs to my right. A glance upwards showed four above me still slowly climbing the side of the wall toward my partners.

Right, time to get moving. I pulled a stun gem out, Sam having formed a gauntlet, yelled, “Cowabunga assholes!”, and threw it at the group of scorpions at the base of the stairs, a few of whom were beginning to turn my way. The gem erupted into bolts of lightning that snapped and arced throughout the pack of scorpions, including the ones a few feet up the stairs, causing them all to shake and jitter in place, with the ones already damaged by the Holy Fire crumbling to ash. Sprinting toward them, I did a quick glance up the stairs and realized there were six of the scorpions still active between me and my team, so I did the reach into nothingness to grab another gem as I rounded the end of the stairs, used a twitching scorpion carapace to push against with my left foot, slammed Bruce into a scorpion on my left that was just begging for a walloping, and hopped up the first steps as I yelled, “Cowabunga! Make a hole dickheads!”, and tossed the gem ahead of me.

In my old unit, we had a saying, ‘Nothing says hello like a grenade, so always lead with it’, and it was definitely true in this situation. I bashed two more scorpions with Bruce as I went by, his electricity adding to the fun since none of the grenade’s lightning touched me as I passed through the area of effect. Skylark was grinning as she said, “Welcome back,” and saluted me with her sword before using it to begin slashing into the last few stunned scorpions still on the stairs. I scooted between her and the wall and found both Zane and Shadow watching me, Zane laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes, and Shadow shaking her head, her expression telling me she was wondering about my mental stability.

“Holy shit,” Zane said, as he wiped the tears off his face, “that looked like fun.”

I was tempted to push him off the stairs, just to let him have some of the fun you know, but decided not to as I gestured up the stairs to tell Shadow to get a move on. She gave me a bemused look, then grinned and yelled to the group, “We’re clear to the door!” She didn’t wait for a response, just turned and dashed up the rest of the stairs as Zane and I followed, with Skylark pausing long enough to thrust downward to kill a scorpion that was coming up the side of the stairwell. motion to my right caused me to look over to see a couple dozen more scorpions scuttling out of the caves.

“It’s not trapped or locked’” Shadow said as the three of us crowded together beside her. The grenade’s stun looked like it was fading when I glanced back down the stairs, so I turned back and said, “Go ahead,” as Skylark said, “Go ahead and open it. Go in if it looks clear.”

We were all pretty pumped up, so when Shadow pulled the door open, took a quick glance, and yelled, “Clear!”, we let out a collective yell and surged into the torch-lit hallway the door opened into. If anything had been there it would have probably died of fright, but it was truly clear of any dangers. Skylark shut the door behind us and we all sort of took a slow breath and lowered our weapons.

“We’ll take a break and let Shadow check ahead of us,” Skylark said. She looked over to get a nod from Shadow, then said, “You guys get your mana reserves back up since I’m betting it’ll get more interesting at the end of the hallway.”

That worked for me. I slid down to a sitting position against the wall, then called up the messages that almost got me killed. The first one said:

Quest complete!

Retrieve a book from Lor Frell for Librarian Weldon.

Much was lost to the dragons, but it was not just weapons and treasures the Clans wished returned. The return of the Histories of Clan Frell, Clan Koss, and Clan Daana has been the reason for many expeditions over the centuries.

Quest Bonus!

Retrieve Harn el Teras-Kana

The first piece of the Hammerfist has been found!

Who shall lead the clans to greatness?

Cool beans, a double! First time I’d heard of bonus quests, but I was all for it, especially since it wasn’t like we would have left that hammer behind. It sounded like the other two cities, Lor Koss on the coast of the Forbidden Lands, and Lor Daana of the border of the Blight, each had their own book that would be worth some experience. It was the last line though that gave me pause, “Who shall lead the clans to greatness?” This world was pretty tricky about setting people up for a hurting, and that sure sounded like future trouble to me.

Level Up!

Level Up!

The next two were level up messages, which meant I got a double level up out of the whole thing. They opened together, then left behind;

You have gained one attribute point to distribute

You have gained two new spells

You may Enhance one spell

Telina’s Enhancing Touch

The priest can call upon Telina to grant a 10% + 1% / level bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Stamina, to one person, up to a maximum of 100%

Priest must touch the person to cast the spell

Duration: 5 seconds / level

Once a day

200 Mana/use

Telina’s Curse

When cast upon a living creature, that creature will suffer from ill-luck that will manifest depending on the priest’s level.

Level 1-10: 10% reduced stamina, 10% increase in damage taken from attacks, 10% reduction in dexterity.

Level 11-20: The above affects increased to 20%, plus 25% increase in damage taken from elemental attacks, 25% chance that attempts to cast spells will be interrupted, and 15% chance that the cursed creature will injure themselves while attacking.

Level 21-30: The above affects, plus 10% chance that the creatures weapon will break when hitting something, 10% chance that a random creature will appear and attack, and 5% chance that any hit taken will result in death.

Level 31-40: The above affects, plus 25% chance that the creature will be temporarily blinded, 10% chance that the creatures armor will be destroyed, and 100% chance the creature will suffer a permanent five point reduction in their primary attribute.

Duration: 1 hour

150 Mana/use

Enhancing a Spell

Priest chooses one spell to enhance and the primary benefit of enhancing that spell will be shown, at which point the priest will choose whether to enhance the spell.

Ok, this was going to take a while.The curse thing sounded like it would be a lot of fun, though right now it mostly sounded like it generally just weakened them. Of course that was just the lead in to enhancing spells. I remembered what my mage friend Sienna said about enhancing spells and how everyone was tricked by the way the system presented the information. She bucked the trend and chose to enhance the Magic Missile spell, contrary to popular opinion, and ended up being seriously over-powered.

Well, I might as well start with the obvious one. A list of my spells showed up, very obviously missing the Rune, Portal, and Potion spells, but also missing a bunch of others, as well as the two I just got. Whatever, I focused on the Telina’s Flame spell, and got:

Telina’s Flame: Enhancing this spell will increase splash damage to 50%

I dismissed that message, seeing very clearly what Sienna had meant about the information being misleading. My message mentioned one simple positive affect of the enhancement, which could mean there was a whole lot of negative affects I didn’t know about. I quickly ran through the rest of my spells, with only a couple showing me anything of interest.

Telina’s Fist: Enhancing this spell allows the priest to cast double strength spells at twice the normal mana cost.

Telina’s Beneficent Word: Enhancing this spell will reduce cool down by 50%, increase healing by 2% / level, and restore the priest’s mana.

Telina’s Minor Shield of Transmutation: Enhancing this spell will allow the priest to release the elemental energy at a time of his choosing. Allows the priest to choose if spell energy is used to heal party members or restore their mana. Increases maximum converted energy to 20 + 15 points/level.

Resurrection: Enhancing this spell means the priest can cast the spell after a creature has died and return them to life at the point of their death with no loss of level.

Now, no matter which one I chose, I would probably end up with regrets, but sitting on the floor in a hallway after a fight with a bunch of scorpions, my choice was clear. The problem I think most of us have in this reality is that unlike the old one, here, things do happen for a reason. I had been considering how my life here had been going, and my aggravation at not being a warrior type, but the truth was, Tennant did me a favor by making me a priest. One on one, my bag of tricks made me one of the most dangerous Eternals in this reality.

Before doing anything though, I pulled up a couple waiting messages to read:

You have one attribute point to assign


Serpent’s Strike: You have reached level 16. You can now absorb spells after they have been cast, but before they strike you. This includes any visible, damage inducing spell of an elemental or gaseous nature, as well as energy based projectiles spells. The spell can then be stored and cast on any following strike of your choosing, though only one spell may be absorbed at a time.

Silencing or Disarming an opponent cannot be done on the same strike when casting a stored spell.

The attribute point went to Wisdom, as I needed to continue working on my mana pool.

As for Sam’s new trick, well, we’d have to see how easily that really worked.

I pulled up the Enhancing message again, then plucked Resurrection from the list and accepted it as my choice.

Resurrection (Enhanced)

Cast on self or others, before or within one day after their death.

When cast upon a living creature, that creature may choose a new spawn point or choose to be resurrected at the place of their next death with no loss of level.

When cast, within one day, upon the location of a creatures demise, you may choose to resurrect them with no loss of level at that location, or select for them a new spawn point location that you have visited.

(Cool down: 3 days)

Cue wicked laugh.

I actually hadn’t meant to really laugh, but it came out, anyway, drawing looks from Skylark and Zane.


Aaaand the stats:

Healer Priest (Dragonsbane)

Level 16

STR 10 (13)

DEX 10 (22)

STA 20

INT 10 (11)

WIS 18 (21)

Health: 340

Mana: 210

Endurance: 200

Armor: 47 base : (24 spell) : x 1.3 = 71 base (92 spell)

Defender of the Faith

Priest focuses on aiding those in need and protecting the oppressed. Spells will focus on group and individual protection and aid, while the priest's personal aura will become a healing channel for your goddess's will.

Blessing spells now apply to all allied creatures within ten feet of priest

Healing spells cost half mana

+10 points health/level

10% damage reflected back on attacker

Armor 30% stronger

Priest's aura does following for allies within 10 feet of player::

+5% hit damage boost to party members (+5% every 10th level)

+25% mana restore rate


Telina's Gaze

Applies 65 points (+20%) of healing to the user or any creature selected

10 Mana/use

Telina's Fist

Applies 65(-15%) points of damage when activated and a successful hit is made

20 Mana/use (effective hit)

Telina's Restoring Touch

Restores mages mana when touched by transferring priests mana. Amount of mana restored chosen by priest

Each point restored removes one point of priest's mana. Cannot transfer more than presently held by the priest

Cure Disease

Cures disease (Level+10) of any creature touched

40 Mana/use

Telina's Holy Blessing

On creature: 25% increase in hit damage and hit chance

70% increase in healing rate

Duration: 6 hours

On flora: 75% increase in growth rate

80% crop amount

40 Mana/Use

(Does not stack)

Create Potions

(Cool down 12 hours)

Healing potion:

Vial of water with Telina's Blessing + Telina's Gaze

Healing= Telina's Gaze + Telina's Blessing + 2(Faith)

Cure Disease potion:

Vial of water with Telina's Blessing + Cure Disease

Cures any disease Level 75 and below

Mana Restoration potion:

Vial of water with Telina's Blessing + Telina's Restoring Touch

Mana restoration =Amount of mana chosen (not more than presently available)

Telina's Flame

Holy fire strikes to cause 120 points damage to creature chosen

Splash damage: 25% damage to enemy creatures within 10 ft

Double damage to undead

(+5/level to 120 damage)

75 Mana/use

Dispel Magic

Dispel Level+5 magic on creature or area chosen

-Does not dispel enchanted objects or potions

-Does not dispel own castings

(Cool down 4 hours)

75 Mana/use

Create Rune

Ability to learn and place runes of power

Player determines activation requirements

(Cool down 3 days)

Rune of Flame:

When activated by user will do 100 points +5/level of fire damage

100 Mana when placed

Rune of Retention

Placed on an item, it will allow the priest to store prepared spells for later use.


Item that has not already been enchanted through standard means

A Mage may imbue the item with the spell by casting it upon the item, but

Blessing by a priest after a spell is placed is required to retain it

Others may activate item if specifically identified by priest when placing the first blessing

Command word spoken when placed, then to release the prepared spell while holding the item

If more than one charge of the same spell is placed, the same command word is used, releasing a single instance of the spell each time

More than one type of spell may be placed, to a maximum of three spells

Spells can not mix Mage and Priest types

Item may receive a replacement spell after use of one, but must be the same spell

Usable once every seven days, though after placement of rune, item may receive spells at any time

Rune of Lightning


When activated will do 150 points of shock damage to a single creature, and stun for 5 seconds + 1 sec/level of caster

Chain Lightning:

When activated will do 50 points of shock damage and stun for 10 seconds all creatures within twenty feet that meet activation requirements

Mana required to cast: 180

Rune of Safeguarding

Creates an impregnable barrier across an opening that prevents access to any who do not meet the entry requirements set by the caster.

Access requirements determined by Caster

Requires 10 mana/square foot

Telina's Protective Aura

Player receives 10+level armor bonus for 2 hours (+30%)

(Does not stack)

40 Mana/use

Resurrection (Enhanced)

Cast on self or others, before or within one day after their death.

When cast upon a living creature, that creature may choose a new spawn point or choose to be resurrected at the place of their next death with no loss of level.

When cast, within one day, upon the location of a creatures demise, you may choose to resurrect them with no loss of level at that location, or select for them a new spawn point location that you have visited.

(Cool down: 3 days)

Group Heal

Heals completely all allies within 100 feet

Once a day

140 mana

Create Portal

Connect two points via an archway


One end of a portal must be within the aura of a shrine to Telina

The end situated close to the shrine must be defined by a carved, circular archway of 12 feet diameter.

The other end must be defined by an entryway. A cave entrance, room doorway, or something similar.

To prepare the portal. After placing the circular stone archway, it must first receive Telina's blessing. Within 21 days, the other end must be chosen, and a blessing placed on the entryway. The blessing must be repeated once a day for four days. Within 21 days, the circular archway must receive another blessing to bind the portal.

When completed, the portal may be used by anyone who has received Telina's blessing.

Telina's Beneficent Word

Shouting this holy word will cause all who hear it to do the following


Heal 50% +1%/level of accumulated damage.

Restore 50% +1%/level of used mana

Dispel all enemy spells presently active.


Do 8 points/level of damage (Double damage to undead)

Stun for 1 second/level

(Cannot be silenced)

Mana: 200 (One day cool down)

Telina's Minor Shield of Transmutation

Elemental Conversion:

Priest's aura blocks damaging elemental attacks and channels it into the priest's next weapon's strike

Spell Conversion:

Priest's aura blocks an enemy's non-elemental spell and channels it into restoring mana for any party members

*An enemy spell or elemental attack is completely blocked, but a maximum of 20 + 10 points/level of enemy spell mana or elemental energy is converted, after which the spell must be cast again.

180 Mana/use

(Cool down: 1 Hour)

+20% Healing Spell

-15% Spell Damage

+ 1.3% hand to hand

+ 96% light armor

+ 89% Blunt Weapon

+ 95% Concentration

+ 95% Cooking

+ 94% Repair

Legendary Weapon: Serpent Strike

Bond: 59%

The Safe Traveller (Necklace)

+3 Wisdom

+3 Dexterity

+8 Armor

Ring of Serizon

+1 Strength

+1 Dexterity

+2 Armor

Warrior's Heart (Ring)

+3 Strength

+2 Dexterity

+4 Armor

Serpent's Strike

-1 Strength

+3 Dexterity

+1 Intelligence

Leather Armor of Telina's Light

25 Armor

15% Magic resistance

+4 to dodge

Once a day player may send out a blast of holy light that blinds opponents within 50 feet for 10 seconds

Eridan's Boots of Dancing

+3 Dexterity

Usable by: All

Bracers of Diligent Defense

+8 Armor

+2 Dexterity

+4 Dodge

Usable by: All

Mace of Holy Lightning (Bruce the Mighty)

18-32 damage

+10% hit chance

10 points electrical damage

60/60 durability

Serpent's Strike (Sam)

As one of the legendary weapons created by Xirat Krisnon, Serpent's Strike must be won in battle. This weapons capabilities are determined by the wielder's skill, experience level, attributes, actions, and intent. Wielder be warned, once earned in battle, it cannot be removed, and a legendary weapon takes great patience to truly master. Becoming one with it's wielder, the Serpent will draw strength through the bond.

-1 Strength

+3 Dexterity

+1 to attribute of choice other than strength, for every 10 experience levels earned


1 point/level of impact damage

1 point/level of elemental damage (type determined during strike)

Level 1-5: Wielder may channel a spell through the weapon with 20% less mana required

Level 6-10: Wielder is capable of hitting targets up to 50 feet away. Wielder may cast silence once per day upon successful strike.

Level 11-15: Wielder can disarm an opponent with a successful strike against the opponents weapon

Level 16-20: Weapon strike can absorb incoming spells, then Wielder can direct the damage on any following strike.

Level 21 and above: ??


Ring of Wisdom

+1 to player's Wisdom attribute

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