《Loser of Tarinath》Note from the author


Hi all,

I thought I would say a little about the story you are reading, and explain a bit about the formatting.

The concept of VR life has been done quite a bit by now, but I wanted to try my hand at building a story around the idea, and you have been reading the result. This work is not meant to be something you would pay money for, so I have been making the plot up as I go along, which you've probably noticed.

Feedback is always appreciated, positive or negative, though I would most like story or plot related criticisms or praise. I find the whole text entry system on Royal Road to be aggravating and aren't interested in spending the time figuring out how to make it work for me. I have been copying and pasting from Pages into a text editor, then into this webpage. It strips all the italics and bold print out, so a lot of emphasis or highlighting is lost. The stat pages and such are in italics in my original, making it a little easier to read.

Jake has actually turned into a bit more of a hero than I had intended, but what can you do? I am considering following a different character for a while, a mage, one you haven't met yet, so you might see that down the road.

Anyway, I appreciate you taking the time to read my story and hope you take the time to leave a little feedback.


S. Zaplosky

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