《Protagonist: The Whims of Gods》Chapter 67: A (Different?) Protagonist is Born


High Priest Ephesis walked through the streets of Emer’Thalis, the steady warmth of the sun a match for-

Wait, I know this. This is the same as the vision crystal, isn’t it? But I’m actually aware this time. Instead of seeing everything directly through the priest’s eyes, I hovered above and behind him like a specter.

Hexaura winked into existence next to me, sitting cross-legged with a small box of ethereal popcorn.

If all we were going to do is watch a vision, she could have at least warned me… Think I’ve had enough surprises to last a lifetime lately.

At her words, the entire world seemed to flicker. The first thing to change was Ephesis himself — He was much younger than I’d ever seen him. It was hard to tell with Constitution messing with how people aged, but in Earth terms, he looked to be around 50.

Another flicker and another change, this time much more noticeable. Some of the people on the streets had disappeared, replaced by…

A wave of vitriol and abject disgust welled up within me, only, it didn’t exactly well up within me, if that made any sense? I could feel it, true, but it was somehow separate from me as well.

Odd. And frankly, not something I was sure I enjoyed. That sense of disgust was so deep, I felt it in my stomach.

As for what had brought on such revulsion, that was rather unexpected.

“Um. Are those kexids? What are they doing in the city?” Scattered throughout the streets, a small number of pedestrians had been replaced by the bug-like fighters I’d encountered on my first trip into the deadlands. These almost looked like a different species though, all of them completely clothed and with more intelligence in their fly-like eyes.

Vermin. Savage creatures that should stay in their dens. Once again, I experienced the odd sensation of having a thought, but it not belonging to me. Ephesis, apparently, was not quite a fan of the kexids.

Hex chirped.

I frowned, not sure what to make of that. “You mean the kexids were just normal citizens of Emer’Thalis?” What on earth had happened to turn them into the mindless zombies I’d seen in the deadlands? And why would they be scrubbed from the crystal he’d given me?

Hexaura tossed a fistful of popcorn into her mouth, her chewing not stopping her from mentally communicating.

That gave me pause. I suppose I hadn’t been looking for an underground city, but still, how did I not know that? I’d been living in Emer’Thalis for over a month now, and there was supposedly the ruins of an entire other city beneath me?

Cal’s going to be so pissed she didn’t know about it before anyone else.

Guess it explained why the dungeon portal was in that strange underground tunnel though. There were probably a bunch more of those tunnels leading to Kesser’Thalis. Although, the odds were out on if they’d have caved in by now.

It was an unexpected revelation, to be sure, but I still wasn’t sure what it had to do with anything. I almost wished Hexaura would just give me the TLDR, but considering she had a whole box of popcorn, she seemed fairly adamant on having me watch the rest of the show.

Ephesis was more than happy to oblige on that front.

How bold they’ve grown! Kexids on the streets of Emer’Thalis! It’s bad enough that they breed and fester below us, but to think to rise up? Blasphemy.

I raised a brow in my spectered form. It wasn’t like I found the kexids warm and cuddly, especially after seeing the zombie versions, but this guy seriously wasn’t a fan. What, did they eat babies or something?


Sadly, Ephesis did not deign to answer my silent question.

Why Aarris does nothing about it, I cannot decipher. Every time I bring it up, she keeps dancing around the issue, but this is too much. I’ve served long enough, and I’ll get a clear answer out of her this time around.

He stalked off, and suddenly everything began to grow blurry, giving me an intense wave of vertigo.

Hexaura mentally fast forwarded us through Ephesis’s memories, and the world refocused.

Unlike the crystal’s vision, however, there was no dire dark god attack. We weren’t even outdoors anymore. The scene shifted to what looked like a private prayer room in a church.

This time around, there were only two figures visible: Ephesis, and a looming golden figure who spanned the distance from the floor to the ceiling. She stood in front of the room’s altar, which I assumed was dedicated to her.

A box of sno-caps had materialized next to Hex’s popcorn, and she was now throwing one of the chocolate candies into her mouth as she watched.

In front of us, Ephesis and Aarris began to speak, with it clear that they were in the middle of some type of argument.

“Goddess, please understand. Their very existence is antithetical to us. For Light’s sake, they worship a dark god. It’d be one thing if you had managed to civilize them, but even with your church right here, they choose to worship filth!” The High Priest raised his voice, and from being able to see his surface level thoughts, it was clear that this was not a usual occurrence.

I have held my tongue on this long enough. For all the years that I have served her, she will forgive me some measure of disobedience. It is, after all, for her own good, is it not? The Light’s will cannot be to allow such creatures to lurk beneath us.

For her part, the avatar of Aarris frowned. “Child,” she admonished. “I do not begrudge others their own paths. The light exists to shine on all of creation, not to swallow it. The kexids have as much right to their homes as those above do.”

She skirts the issue once again. She cannot truly feel as such, can she? Perhaps she hides her discomfort so as not to worry me.

“Perhaps that is true,” he lied through his teeth. “But surely we cannot stomach them building temples to their dark god, can we? Such a vile, unholy, mockery of a god stands in direct opposition to our creed! I heard that it even communicates with the kexids using mental magic — what if such a foul monster started to brainwash the people of Emer’Thalis?”

If the words bothered her in the slightest, she didn’t show it.

They certainly bothered Aarris, however. Her frown grew noticeably deeper, and I thought I even caught her face twitch a little. “Child… I have not seen reason to share this with you before, but it is true that you have served faithfully and deserve an answer. Do you trust me?”

“Completely.” Ephesis answered immediately, without reservation. Despite questioning his god, the devotion he had towards her was true to a fault.

The hulking avatar of Aarris paused for a moment, as if deciding whether or not to continue. Eventually, however, she spoke.

“This city was built in such a way for a reason, child. It was not happenstance. I built this city with Hexaura. This ‘foul monster’ you speak of is my… companion.” She crossed her arms, gazing down at the priest as her words sank in, yet for all she played the stern adult, she still appeared a bit embarrassed to say it.


He coughed.

“Ah. A… business companion?” It would make a certain perverted sense, would it not? Perhaps there’s something beneath the city that she needs — some artifact or other — and she must begrudgingly put up with this ‘Hexaura’ until she gets it.

“No. That is not what I meant.” She tapped a foot, waiting for her priest’s brain to fill in the pieces.

“Companions… You mean you consider that thing a friend?” Such a thing isn’t possible is it? Unless, perhaps in her infinite wisdom, Aarris has offered her friendship to a lesser being so that it may eventually see the Light? That’s it, isn’t it! My goddess is so grand, she aims to convert even the other deities themselves!

“No, child. Companions.” Aarris lifted a hand to her face and let out a pained sigh. When she continued, it was in almost a whisper. “We are… uh… dating.”

I, of course, had caught onto what Aarris was saying before Ephesis had, but even so, it was a bit of a bombshell for me. I thought they were, like, trapped in a prison together trying to kill one another. Are we serious here?

What was my entire quest even for? Where was the big bad monster that I was saving everyone from? This was supposed to be how things had actually gone down?

If it was a shock to me, it was something entirely world shifting for Ephesis. He looked… broken. I couldn’t even read what the expression on his face was supposed to mean; it just looked like someone had stimulated his facial nerves at random.

“Ah. I see,” he eventually muttered. “Excuse me then.” He bowed his head and then left the prayer room without another word.

The world shifted again, but the room and its occupants remained the same. Were it not for Hex’s thoughts, I wouldn’t have even known time had passed — Ephesis still wore the same pair of robes, while Aarris’s avatar was likewise unchanged. He looked fairly calm and composed, but given that this scene was apparently weeks later than the one I’d just witnessed, it made some sense.

“Goddess. I have sat and given hard thought to my worldview. I have concluded that I was in the wrong. It embarrasses this one to ask, but I would request a favor of you.” His speech was much more controlled than when he’d been in the heat of an argument.

I would have thought that a god would be better at hiding their facial reactions, but for her part, Aarris was visibly relieved. “I am glad to see you have seen the Light, child. Ask, and I will grant what I am able to.”

Ephesis opened his mouth without speaking for a moment, as if waffling on whether to continue. Steeling himself, a look of determination crossed his face. “I would like to go on a trip.”

Aarris arched a radiant brow. “A trip, child? Of what sort?”

“A… A long one, goddess. I feel that I have not seen enough of the world, and perhaps it blinds me to the Light’s greater plans. I wish to learn and grow so that I may be of better service to you. I am aware this would cause me to abandon my duties in your temple, but I would ask your blessing and to be left alone for a time as I learn.”

Huh, I thought. Dude’s going on a soul-searching journey? Kind of weird, but fine I guess? Still not seeing how this all connects. Also, why can’t I hear Ephesis’s thoughts anymore? Hex must have turned them off for some reason.

“If you seek my blessing, you shall have it.” Aarris’s avatar extended a colossal hand downwards and grabbed Ephesis’s wrist. A pressure filled the room, like a build up of static electricity. Ephesis bore a look filled with both surprise and pain, but he didn’t make a noise.

Only a few short moments later, it was done. There, on the high priest’s arm, was a swirling golden mark. Ephesis was now a Protagonist.

I frowned. A lot more normal than my experience was.

“I- This- Goddess, this is too much! This is not what I had in mind when asking for your blessing.” He rubbed a finger over the mark as if to make sure it was actually real. No matter how much he attempted to smudge it off, however, it stayed put.

“It is well deserved, child. I have never opted to take on a Protagonist, but you have served me well for many years, and if you seek to go on a long journey, it will do you well. Go with my blessing, and we will be waiting for you when you return.”

Ephesis began to tear up, and I thought I was about to watch the man cry, but before the waterworks could start, the world shifted once more.

Instead of fastforwarding, the world seemed to rewind this time around, depositing us at the start of the conversation we’d just heard. Only this time, I could hear each of Ephesis’s inner thoughts.

By the Light, she’s been brainwashed, hasn’t she? How have I missed this? That foul beast has somehow infected my goddess. It must be. It MUST be. Tolerating the kexids is one thing. But taking on that thing as a companion? Who would believe such a lie? A farce.

It only went downhill from there.

I will save her. I WILL save her. I am her most trusted servant. Her most loyal priest. Her most beloved child. It is my duty. If I must scour the corners of the world for a way to free her, I will do so.

I had a sinking suspicion where this might be going now.

I will learn whatever I have to. If I have to practice mental magic for decades on end just to have a chance, I will do so. However long it takes, I will devote myself fully, completely, truly, to discovering the means to save my goddess. What other choice do I have?

That at least explained why he was so good at the mental side of things. I hadn’t really had much time for calm reflection, but it did strike me as odd that a light priest would be so good at mind control.

And at long last when I am ready, I will come back. If I cannot kill Hexaura, I will trap her. And once that’s done, I will free my goddess from her mental shackles, the kexids will be cast out, and all will be well once more.

Under different circumstances, it might have been funny, actually. After all, if I really thought about it, this was a story about a guy going on a grand journey of discovery so he could cock-block his goddess.

The vision, however, did not end there. The world shifted once more, Ephesis left Emer’Thalis behind, and then his story began in earnest.

Before I could squawk out a protest, my point of view rapidly shifted as my ethereal form was pulled towards the priest. In a moment, it was over.

Ah. Now how to begin my journey?

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