《Farming For Gold》Chapter 20
Winston looked down at his field of buckwheat with a complicated expression. Normally when a field was ready for harvest one could see various issue with the grain. Some plants would be larger or smaller, there might be some patches where the plants hadn’t matured as quickly, or had wilted slightly. His buckwheat field had none of that. Idyllic was the best word he could think of to describe it. The whole field looked like something out of a painting.
He’d known that buckwheat grew well in poor soils and he’d known that the soil here had been nearly perfect for it but this seemed extreme. He quickly harvested the first couple of plants and inspected the result.
[Superb, Regent, Food]
[A pseudo-cereal in the knottwheat family, buckwheat is usually grown as a cover-crop in crop-rotation cycles. It thrives in well-drained, acidic soil. Although edible, it’s not a widely cultivated crop. This buckwheat has been grown by a talented farmer in a good environment and is of superb quality.]
Winston snorted. His first superb quality crop and it was one he had no real use for. It wasn’t nearly as in demand as the more common grains and its prices would be much lower. He also couldn’t use it to fill the guilds quota. He sighed and harvested the rest of the field. As he finished green light flashed around him.
[Your Farming Skill Has Increased]
[Current Rank: Beginner Rank IV]
[Bonus Crop Yield: 19%]
[Bonus Crop Quality: (17% + 15%) 32%]
[Grain Sub-Skill has Ranked Up!]
[Grain Sub-skill]
[Grain Subskill: Beginner Rank III]
[Bonus Grain Crop Yield: 30%
Bonus Grain Crop Quality: 12.5%]
Winston’s eyes widened. He must've gotten a monstrous amount of skill xp from that. He’d just hit beginner III in farming a few days ago. Higher quality crops must give exponentially more skill xp. Maybe he would hit Apprentice by November. He still had almost 20 days.
He stored the buckwheat kernels then made sure to mix the plants and roots back into the dirt as he replanted regular wheat in all of his fields. He could feel the shift in the soil as he did so. It was as he’d hoped the buckwheat had improve
d the soil quality significantly. Tomorrow when the wheat was ready to harvest he’d see how much.
The answer it turned out, it was quite a bit. The result wasn’t quite as obvious as the buckwheat had been but Winston had to admit it was a good looking field of wheat. The sun was just coming up over the horizon and was bathing the golden field with morning light. Winston was about to start harvesting when Rimmi logged in and wandered over.
“Sooo how’d your date go?”
Winton had to think about that one. Honestly, things could have gone worse. Having your date’s ex show up and start causing problems is one of those things first date horror stories are made of. It hadn’t been that bad though. It had been more funny than anything. Trish had also spent the rest of the evening apologizing and the kiss she’d given him when he’d dropped her off had more than made up for the whole thing in Winston’s view.
“Pretty good.” He said honestly. “Was just dinner and a movie but we had a good time and I didn’t crash my brother’s car, so that’s always a bonus.”
“Were you expecting to crash?” Rimmi asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Not really but ya never know. Things like that do happen.” Winston replied. “Also, I’m not exactly the greatest driver ever.”
Rimmi laughed. “To be young again.” He said shaking his head. “Alright man, I gotta get to work anyway.” He wandered back to his side of the courtyard and Winston was left with his wheat.
When he finished the harvest blue-light exploded from him in a torrent that covered half the courtyard.
[You Have Reached Level 10]
[You Have Unlocked the Skill System]
[You Have Received 1 Primary Skill Point]
[You Have Received 1 Secondary Skill Point]
[You Have Gained a New Class Ability]
[You Have Gained the Ability Nurture]
[Rank: N/A]
[Duration: Variable
Cooldown: N/A
Cost: N/A
Effect: User selects a single plant to Nurture. Nurtured plant gains three times the benefit of any positive action done by user. This includes fertilization, watering, weeding, pruning, hybridization, mana infusion, or any other such actions. Effect ends when plant is ready for harvest.]
[Restriction: User many only nurture a single plant at a time.]
Now that was a solid skill. Nothing earth shattering, but it would let him easily make any plant he used it on of good-quality. He could usually reach high-quality with a bit of luck and decent fertilizer, like this he should easily be able to hit superb or higher. It was the opposite of his first skill. Instead of improving all the crops in a large area it concentrated on making a single plant exceptional.
Luckly, he had the perfect plant to try it out on. His cloudberries had just been harvested on friday, so he had all week to nurture one and see how it turned out. He headed over towards the spot he’d planted all three cloudberry bushes.
They weren’t doing very well. It wasn’t that they were wilted or anything the berries just weren’t maturing properly. It reaffirmed his guess that they were stealing from each other. There was nothing else for it. He reached down and prepared to rip two of the bushes out before he paused. Pulling out the other two bushes would be like thinning a vegetable patch wouldn’t it? That should count for his nurture skill and if he used it first he should get three times the benefit.
He reached towards the middle plant and activated his new spell. Soft green light started to radiate from his body and as he touched the berry bush and it too started to glow. Winston nodded then ripped the other two bushes out by the roots. He supposed he could have tried to transplant them but they only took a week to mature. He’d just have to plant new bushes further away.
Once that was done he tossed the two bushes into the first fertilizer pit and went back to his glowing berry bush. If he was supposed to take care of it. He supposed he should feed it air magic. All his magic skills were still at rank one but now that he’d leveled nine times he had a respectable, if small, mana pool. He held out his hand and summoned up a light breeze. He let it wash over the bush and held the wind for as long as he could. That wasn’t too long, he did have nearly 90 mana now, but that was only enough to hold the light wind for a few minutes.
[You Fruit Sub-Skill has Increased]
[Current rank: Novice IV]
[Bonus Fruit Crop Yield: 8%]
[Bonus Fruit Quality: 8%]
Winston panted with exhaustion as he cut off the flow of magic and the headache from magic overused slammed down on him. He really have to start trying harder to raise his magic skill ranks. He wouldn’t spend a skill point on them but even a few skill ranks would make him more efficient. He’s just add it to his list. It seemed every time he managed to cross something off there were always three more things to put on it.
He’d finally unlocked his skill points too and needed to find something to spend them on. He was interesting in animal taming. Bog would make a good companion and she had the build of an excellent farm animal. With some work he could use her to pull a wagon or a plow. He wouldn’t need that until he expanded to more fields but he hoped to work up to it eventually. That was only a single point and probably didn’t need the primary one.
Brewing or cooking would be the most logical picks but he couldn’t drink in game until he turned 18 and that would be at least another 9 months. Cooking was probably the most common non combat skill in the game. Other than that, he had no ideas. Buckwheat was supposed to be a good honey crop. Maybe he should take up beekeeping. He wondered what abilities that would unlock at higher levels.
He could also pick up mining. He’s claws were pretty good at digging but then he’d need to be moving around all the time and exploring to find new ore and veins. That was pretty much exactly the opposite of what he’d been doing as a farmer, which was staying in one place and building it up.
No, he needed a skill he could use in combination with his farming but let him stay in place. Maybe he should go with brewing. He couldn’t taste any of his creations which would be a pretty big problem when it came to testing but it could be worse. Well. he didn’t have to make up his mind now. He could try a few things out. It wouldn’t matter until he got the skill to beginner rank anyway.
He’d have Troll pick up some barrels and yeast next time he was out. Maybe he could make a Buckwheat beer. He’d have to grow his own hops to. Winston smiled. This could be fun, even if he didn’t spend a skill point.
Winston finished redigging his field then went to the stables to get Bog. It was time to visit the orcs.
“You’re just going to let him go?” Herston asked Therion from his spot on top of the keep.
“He’s not a slave. He can go wherever he wants.” Therion said with a shrug.
“He’s doing monster quests.”
“Lots of people do monster quests. Hell, some people only do monster quests. They have good rewards and there’s a lot of hidden quest chains and storyline you never get doing regular quests.” Therion countered.
“He could bomb the Swords reputation if the human NPC’s find out.” Herston complained.
“He’s not in the Swords he’s in a feeder guild. That’s half the point of a feeder guild. The seeds have hatred with like 10 cities because of people doing the exact same thing. It’s not going to be the end of the world if we have some backwater city in a backwater province pissed off at a back-up guild.” Therion said, exasperated.
“Why are you defending him.” Herston
“Why are you attacking him? What is making his life difficult going to accomplish? Are you going to earn some guild points out of it? Make some gold?” Therion asked.
“I’m looking out for the guild.”
“No, your not. If you were you’d be trying to recruit that kid instead of making trouble for him. Do you realize what that kid is? A gold mine. You saw that level up lightshow that’s level 10. He’s taken a production class to level 10 already. If we weren’t taking half his earnings he’d be making nearly two-grand a month and he’s still in the beginner ranks. Look at this place?” Therion said, gesturing around at all the fields, bushes, trees, and fertilizer pits scattered around the courtyard.
“He’s taken a place that was a dump and turned it into a real farm without any help from us at all. If we’d have given him proper equipment and a decent place to work from he would have been a great asset to the Swords. Instead we gave him nothing, which is exactly what we’re going to get in return. This is exactly why I got kicked out of the Swords. Instead of nurturing talents everyone is to busy patting themselves on the back and feeling smug.” He finished, with a sigh.
“I’m not letting it go.”
“Of course your not. That would be the reasonable and mature thing to do. Which means you’ll do exactly the opposite.” Therion shook his head.
“You’re not going to try and stop me?”
Therion laughed. “Why would I? I’m not your dad and you outrank me as you like to remind me. It’s not my job to stop you from being an idiot, just be careful. It’s the quiet ones you have to watch.”
The orc village was larger than ever. Orcs were everywhere and they’d even started a rough earth-works around the village for defense. More houses were being built on one side and there were a few goblins milling around as well as at least three distinct groups of orcs. Winston and Bog walked through it all. Ignoring all the hawkers and pedestrians clogging up the roads.
Ol’gar’s hut was still the same as ever and Winston knocked on the door post and waited until she called. Her voice sounded annoyed but her face looked relieved when Winston walked in through the door flap.
“Thank Krom’lar you’re here. The damn village is overflowing and we need more food.” The old she-orc said as soon as he walked in. Winston smiled.
“That’s why I’m here. Although I do have some things I need as well.” He said. Ol’gar looked a bit wary.
“You’re not going to stick it to us now that we really need the grain are you?”
“Yes, let me just rip-off a bunch of angry orcs. That sounds like a great idea. Beside like I said I need something from you guys too. It’s better if everyone keeps things civil.” Winston said.
“Well, we need at least twenty bushel of grain. We’ve absorbed two more orc tribes and one goblin tribe in the area. The hunter’s can’t keep up. What is it you need from us?” She asked.
“Two things. The first one is easy enough. The second is a bit trickier. Firstly I need animal corpses. With their meat, guts, and bones intact. Blood would be good to, but that’s more messy.”
“How many are we talking?” Ol’gar asked.
“Just three or four, depending on the size obviously. If your just getting me squirrel's or something make it more like a dozen.” Winston said.
“Easy enough.”
“As for the second thing. Do you guys know where the Shattered-Stump Ogre Tribe is?” Winston asked.
He’d done some thinking on it and it had occurred to him that he wasn’t an adventurer so he should stop thinking like one. He should do what he does best and let other people do what they do best. In a word, he was going to sub-contract. If the orcs wouldn’t do it, he’d just post on the forums and hire some players to do it. Going through NPC’s would be preferable since they were less likely to screw him over but if he made a good enough contact players would be ok too.
Ol’gar scowled. “Yes, we’ve been meaning to drive them out of the area but we never had the numbers.”
“That works out nicely then. I want you to go kill them all and bring back an item they have. It’s a trowel, for smearing on mortar.” Winston said simply.
“That’s a pretty big favor.”
“It’s not a favor. It’s a transaction. The question is how much how it’s worth. Since it sounds like you were going to do it eventually anyway.” Winston said with a shug.
[You Have Received a new quest!]
[Food For the Village IV]
[You are to deliver 20 bushels of corn, wheat, or rice to the orcs at Fire-Tooth village by this time next week.]
[Time Remaining: 168:00]
[Recommended Level: N/A]
[Difficulty: Normal]
[Rewards: 4 animal corpses, An orc raid on the Shattered-Stump Orge Tribe]
[WARNING: Orcs are considered a monster race by many civilized peoples. Trading with them will likely lower your reputation with other NPC’s if they find out.]
Winston looked at the quest and paused. Then had an idea. He reached into a pack and pulled out a few seeds of buckwheat. “Would you guys take this instead of corn or wheat. You can still grind it into flower or even brew with it.” He asked hopefully.
The she-orc looked down at the kernels and popped one into her mouth.
“Kinda weird, but orcs prefer meat anyway. We’ll take it but only at 2 to 1 for normal grain.” She bartered.
Winston sighed but accepted.
[Quest Updated!]
[Barter Skill Increased]
“So how’s the farming going?” Jason asked as he slumped down into his seat at the lunch table next to Winston. Winston’s stomach was finally feeling alright again, which was good because the cafeteria had tried chinese food today and he’d need all the intestinal fortitude he could muster to choke down the school’s version of sweet and sour chicken.
“Boring this week. I finally hit level 10 and got my skill but until my courier gets back with my magical sprinklers, or I get Apprentice rank I’m kinda stuck.” Winston said dully. The orcs were the ones that were sticking their necks out. Winston just had to wait until they finished killing off the ogres and brought him his trowel. That means I’m stuck in the keep farming dirt as usual.”
“Isn’t that basically what your always doing?” Ruger asked. From his own seat. “I mean, you are a farmer…..”
“Yes…. bit there’s a lot to do besides just stay in the keep. I’ve got quests to do for the orcs, stuff to buy and sell in town. I’ve gotta keep dumping off your berries I’m growing, and about a half-dozen other things.” Winston explained.
“Oh bitch and moan.” Jason said sourly. “You should see what I’ve gotta put up with at work. I’ll trade you for your farming problems any day. I’m the newest hire so I’m the one that has to clean the bathrooms.” He shuddered visibly. “Co-workers in there doing the nasty, little kids smearing poo and vomit everywhere, these have been the worst weeks of my life.”
Winston looked down at his vaguely orange chicken and pushed the tray away before turning a glare on Jason. “Thanks for that metal picture. I was trying to eat.”
“Why?” Jason said as he looked down at his own plate in disgust. “You think you’d know better than to eat this crap by now.” Winston scowled at him but Ruger interrupted before they could start bickering again.
“Where’s your girl, Win? Didn’t you guys go on your first date? I figured you’d be all over each other at school. Most couples are.” Ruger asked.
Winston shrugged. “No idea and yes we did go on a date but that doesn’t mean we’re going to be all clingy and weird about it. I mean, we’ve been friends forever and if I got clingy with her I’m pretty sure Trish would just beat me up.”
“How did the date go?” Jason asked.
“Pretty well I think. Why are you guys so interested in my love life anyway?” Winston asked.
“We’re single. We’ve gotta live vicariously through you.” Jason replied smoothly.
“Ruger’s got a girl. That’s why he wanted to grow those stupid berries for him anyway.” Winston replied, looking over at Ruger who was looking a bit awkward.
“Actually…. We’re not really dating anymore. We sorta had a falling out. Now i’m just selling the berries to her.” Ruger said a bit sheepishly.
“It’s ok man.” Jason said, patting Ruger on the shoulder. “I hear most of your relationships have money involved.”
Winston’s soda nearly came out his nose as he cracked up and Jason burst into laughter as Ruger knocked his arm away and scowled.
“You guys are being assholes today. I knew I shoulda went to the library with Brad.” Ruger said sullenly.
“Sorry man…. “ Winston said around his laughter. “You gotta admit that was a pretty good shot though.”
“Yeah, yeah. Next time someone bounces your head off that table I’m not standing up for you.” ruger said, but Winston could tell he didn’t mean it.
“Awwww common. Next time I might be able to do something other than flail about uselessly.” Winston said, raising his arm and flexing. It wasn’t a very impressive display but there was some real muscle under there now. “All that work in game is getting me into shape.”
Ruger shook his head, then laughed. “Fine, fine. Gonna need more of those berries though, you’ll have to buy me off.”
I can do that. Winston laughed.
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