《Farming For Gold》Chapter 2
It was nearly dark by the time Winston got home. Chuck had borrowed a pick-up from somewhere and Winston and some of the other guys in the house had helped them load it. A short trip across town and Chuck's little gang of impromptu movers all unpiled from the truck like clowns from a clown car. They all grabbed the system and started moving the massive thing towards the house.
The Mark III was an older version of the Mark V that his parents had bought for Josh. It had the same basic shape. It looked like one of those old Gyroscope exercise things that used to be in arcades with the big rings with straps for your arms and legs. That all sat on a large block stand that was chock full of sensors, network equipment, computer processors and all the other things that was needed to bring Otherworld to life in Full VR. Josh's mark V, was a sleek work of art. Whereas the Mark III looked like a something that Winston's friend Brad had built his his basement with a spool of nine-gage wire and a soldering iron.
They picked the massive thing up and headed towards the house, however Winston winced as his father stepped out of the front door. He looked truly furious and Winston's own anger, always close to the surface these days, rose up to match.
"Where the hell have you been? It's nearly sun-down and not a word to me or your mother." He started, his voice rising as he saw the people behind Winston. "What have you done? Who are they and why are they holding that thing? You couldn't go one day without pulling some stunt could you. It's always about you and you can never be happy for your brother." He ranted. Winston had never really gotten along with his dad but this was so ridiculous.
"You guys can just sit it down there. I'll have Josh help me carry it in later." Winston said, ignoring his father and turning back to the others. "Seems I'm about to get in an argument with dad. So feel free to get out of here before we really get started."
Chuck nodded and he and his guildmates sat down the machine, then hopped back into their truck and pulled away. Only then did Winston turn back to his father. Who looked even more angry.
"You think you can just ignore me now? Don't have any respect for anyone. Get your ass in here and take that thing back where you found it. I'm not letting you keep it here." He said, glaring down at Winston.
"What the hell is your problem. Every single thing I do, you're always trying to upend? Why? Does it just make you feel like more of a man to yell at me. You don't wanna help me? Fine. You don't wanna be a father to me? FIne. I don't need you. I just need you to stay the hell out of my way." Winston shouted back. "If you hate me so much, then stop screwing with my life. I promise I'll leave if you give me a chance. Then you won't have to deal with me anymore."
He didn't know what he'd ever done to poison his dad against him but he'd never been good enough. Didn't matter if he got A's or won the science project, nothing. With no talent in sports his father had never cared. That was always fine with Winston, but this was something else. It was like his dad was actively trying to sabotage his life.
The front door banged open and Winston's mom came out, apparently attracted by the shouting. "Would you to stop making a scene out here. Half the neighborhood is watching. Both of you get in the house… NOW!" She snapped. Mom hardly ever got involved in their arguments but she had the money and made the rules in the house. Winston shrugged and headed inside while his dad stomped in after him.
Both Winston and his father sat at the table glaring at each other as Winston's mom stomped around the kitchen like a very short bull. She was looking pissed and she didn't get pissed often.
"Now what is the problem?" She snapped. Looking at both of them like a school teacher who's caught two third-graders fighting on the playground.
I have no idea." Winston said. "I know I sorta snapped last night but I was jealous, but tonight all I did was work out a deal with some guys to get myself system. Which I bought with MY money. No parental involvement necessary. And now I come back and he's going off the deep end on me. For what? I didn't use your money, I didn't bring up Josh, I seriously have no idea why he's so angry." Winston said.
"Well John?" She asked with a raised eyebrow as she shot her husband a glare. The glare seemed to make him even more furious and his entire face seemed to redden.
"So you're taking his side, of course you would you've always…." He started, but she cut him off.
"No I haven't. I've given you free reign with Josh, who's turned out to be a good person despite everything you've done to him. Winston on the other hand is just a normal boy so If he's doing something on his own. Then let him. I didn't want EITHER boy to get a VR system, but you insisted for Josh to help his training and I caved. Now we can hardly be mad at Winston when he managed to get his hands on one for himself." She turned to Winston who was staring at her wide-eyed. He'd NEVER seen his mother stand up for him. This was way out of his expectations.
"Don't look at me like that." She said, looking at Winton. "I'm not standing up for you. I'm just making sure your dad plays fair. I won't let him cheat you with stuff you manage on your own but I'm not going to help you either, that was the deal." Winston just stared at her and had no idea what she was talking about. What deal? What the hell was going on with his parents.
"Ok then, well thanks for not helping then." Winston said slowly looking up at his mother confused. "In that case I'm gonna go grab Josh to help me bring that thing inside before it rains or something." Winston said as he stood up from the table. He headed out of the kitchen and towards Josh's room. He knocked then entered at a word from Josh. Josh's room looked nothing like Winston's. He had a 70 inch flat screen on one side of the room. One of those really fancy ones with the bend in it. Standing floor speakers sat in the corners of the room, all hooked up to a top of the line receiver. Then there the game consoles, movie posters, a top of the line PC, and posters of hot girls in bikinis. It was a sweet pad.
Josh looked up at him from his desk, pencil in hand. His math book was open in front of him, along with a notebook. He looked puzzled at Winston's entrance, but pulled the earbuds out that he was wearing.
"Sup man-o." He said as he spun in his chair to face Winston.
"I need your muscles. I've got heavy things that need carrying." Winston said as his brother stood up. Josh laughed closing his math book, while using his pencil to hold the page.
"You know, usually it's old women who tell me that." Josh said as he followed Winston out of the house and into the yard where the system was still sitting.He looked down at it then laughed. "So this is what you and dad were fighting about?" He asked as he bent down and got his hands under one side.
"Sorta, but I'm pretty sure that's not what it was really about." Winston replied as he picked up his side of the contraption. It was heavy, but not overly so. It was awkward though since it was so tall and top heavy. Winston grunted as they started to waddle towards the house. "I don't know, him and mom were talking like they'd made some sort of deal about me. Dad honestly seemed to really hate me, but mom was acting like she was just following the deal. I can't imagine what that was about though. Who makes a deal about one of their kids and why? It was just strange. Everything is strange lately." Winston tried to explain. He knew he wasn't really making things clear for his brother but he was just as confused. The whole situation was odd.
"Dad doesn't hate you." Josh said as he stepped backward up onto the porch. He adjusted his grip until he held his side of the machine in one hand. Then reached behind himself with his other hand and opened the door. Winston just shook his head as he struggled to keep his end from falling. It really wasn't fair.
The two moved past the large sofa in the living room, then struggled upstairs and into Winston's room before they dumped the thing in the middle of the room. Winston gasped for air as he let go and leaned against the wall while he tried to regain his breath. Sweat was streaming down his face and he was pretty sure he was going to collapse
"Too much caffeine little bro, makes you sweat and you should really do some cardio. Your puffing like a bellows and that wasn't even that heavy. At least playing is supposed to be good exercise.." He said with a grin, obviously not winded at all. Winston scowled at him.
"I hear alotta house-wives and office workers play just for the workout. It's supposed to be damn hard work, especially in the beginning." Josh said as he watched Winston.
"Great…" Winston muttered darkly.
"So Win… Give us the scoop man. Did Jessica take you back to her lair and have her wicked way with you." Ruger asked as Winston plunked down his plate on the formica table-top and slid into his seat. Jason and Brad were both there and they looked up from their own lunch as he sat. It was lunch time once again and Winston finally had time to tell his friends what had happened.
"Not really, It was pretty much just dumping me off at her brother's and leaving. Trish was right, she was using me but I got what I wanted in the end as well. So it worked out, although dad threw a giant fit when I got home. It was strange... anyway. So yeah. Starting tonight, I'll be a real boy." Winston said grinning.
"Grats man.." Ruger said, smiling broadly. "So you're just working for them or what?" He asked, as he stuffed a handful of chips in his mouth. Brad and Jason both looked curious so Winston responded.
"I think so, Although they didn't say exactly what I'd be doing. They gave me a promo code I'm supposed to use, and told me to log onto the game tonight at six. I'll meet the other newbies there and be told what we're supposed to be doing. Three months… That was the deal. They sold me a old mark III for a thousand bucks, and their picking up my sub in the meantime." Winston explained.
"That seems a damn good deal, what's the catch." Jason asked. He was picking at the cheezy-mush that was supposed to be potatoes au gratin.
"Basically I'm an indentured servant who's being paid the equivalent of eighty cents an hour." Winston said with a shrug. "
Eighty cents? Shit you could make that picking up cans." Jason snapped. "That's seriously terrible. Why would you even agree to that. It's not like you're that hard up for money." Winston shrugged.
"Honestly with the discount they gave me on the system? It's not actually that bad. It's basically a loan I've gotta pay off with work. Since my parents have always been against me getting a job it works out pretty nicely for me. I've just gotta slave for a few months, then I'm free to keep the system. It's a bad deal, but it'll solve most of my problems, by christmas break I'll be home-free." Winston said with a shrug.
Winston was about to continue when he saw Jason glance at someone standing behind him. Winston got no more warning than that when someone grabbed a fist full of his hair and smashed his head into the table-top. Light flashed behind his eyes as his head hit the table. He faintly heard Ruger and Jason shout but it was muffled and sounded distorted. The room swam as someone jerked his head back up then a voice growled in his ear.
"Stay away from Jessica little nerd boy. She's way too good for you and your little pack of freaks." Then the hand was gone and Winston was trying to figure out why the lunchroom was whirling around him. He heard distant shouting and saw people moving around him but he was having a hard time trying to understand what was going on.
The world started to came back together as someone helped him to his feet. Winston saw Ruger step into someone's face and start shouting. Another senior, who looked like someone from the popular crowd, pushed around tried to separate the two but Jason came in from the side and decked the kid trying to settle the situation down. Jason then caught a punch from another senior standing nearby which send Ruger into a fit. A haymaker that must have started from Ruger's ankles, smashed into the jaw of the first senior and the older student went down like a toppling tree. Then the fight erupted in earnest. Soon half the cafeteria seemed to be brawling and Winston was still trying to figure out what was going on when a fist plowed into his nose and the lights went out.
The principal's office was up in the administrative area and Winston hadn't been here more than a handful of times. The office always had a sort of sacred air to him. It was a place that was in the school, yet totally apart from it. There was always some hint of mystery there. Where the high and mighty did things not for the eyes for the students. That was obviously ridiculous and he was sure that nothing actually interesting really went on there but he'd always wondered.
It was like the girls locker room. It wasn't that he wanted to peep on girls, hell he had the internet for that. Logically it would be the same as the boys locker room with lockers of smelly gym clothes. The fact that he wasn't supposed to go someplace or see something automatically made him want to know what was there. He supposed that was human nature, always wondering what was beyond the next horizon.
The secretary's phone rang and she picked it up. Then she looked up at Winston while she talked briefly then hung up again. His entire face was a throbbing mass of pain. The school nurse had reset his nose and he was sure he had two black eyes. He'd never actually been knocked out before and he was feeling embarrassed. His first real fight and he hadn't gotten a single punch off before getting KO'd.
"Go on in. He's ready for you." the secretary said, pointing towards the door labeled 'Principle'. Winston sighed then opened the door and stepped inside. The office was large but was sparsely furnished. Just a desk and a few bookcases with diplomas, certificates, and those odd plastic plants that adults feel the need to scatter everywhere to take up the empty wall space. Winston grabbed one of the chairs opposite Mr. Harvey's desk and sat feeling guilty for some reason.
"The nurse says you likely have a minor concussion, but I'd like to ask you a few things before sending you home. What actually happened?" The principal asked from behind his desk. "I've talked to a few of the others involved and they all say you were the one attacked first." He said looking stern.
"I honestly have no idea. I was just sitting at the table then someone grabbed me from behind and slammed my head into the table. By the time I got my wits back half the lunch room was brawling." Winston said honestly.
"Do you know what it was about?" The principle pressed.
"What else, a woman." Winston said feeling more than a little bitter about the whole thing. It really was so damn typical. Hot girl paid nerdy guy some attention and someone kicks his ass for it. The worst part was that he was being screwed over by the girl too. He'd gotten beaten up because a girl had used him. It really just didn't seem fair. "Jessica Richards to be more more specific. I had a conversation with her yesterday, and apparently Rich didn't like it." Winston explained to the older man. He'd had to find out who'd started the fight from Jason once he'd woken up.
The principal, Mr. Anderson stared at Winston looking more annoyed than angry.. "This isn't the first time something like this has happened. I just wish you guys wouldn't have your fights during school. I understand, I was your age once and understand that sometime boys just need to fight it out, but by doing it at school you're forcing me to act. I'm gonna give both you and Mr. Brumley a week suspension for fighting."
Winston just about lost it, luckily his brain was working slightly faster than his temper and he realized how much he wanted to be suspended. "That is.... fair." Winston said finally, doing his best to look chastised. He was sure he failed, he'd never been particularly good at hiding his emotions.
"I swear, it seems that everytime I suspend someone they are always happy about it. They never realize how much strain it puts on their grades. Even smart students have a hard time with classes when they can't hear the lectures and have to get everything out of their books." The principle said, stern again.
Winson supposed that was likely true. He'd would have to keep up on all his homework but even so it would save him hours everyday and he wanted to get established in Otherworld as quickly as possible.
"That's probably true." Winston said. "But if there's nothing else can I go home? My head is killing me." Winston said. The principle stared at him for a moment, obviously unconvinced but then he shook his head, washing his hands of the situation.
Winston finally got home about 2:00, the school had let Josh out of class to take him home, but he had to return for class and practice. Winston's parents were still at work so he had the entire house to himself. It didn't happen often. Winston headed to the fridge, pulling out a pepsi, then parking himself on the couch. He propped his feet up on the coffee table and just stared at the blank TV in front of him. His silent contemplation only lasted a few seconds before he pushed power and flipped the channel to gaming news.
An attractive college-aged girl with Asian features was sitting behind a news-style desk with a skinny white guy. Both of them looked towards the camera and the girl was in the middle of speaking.
".... have been talking about nothing but the next expansion for months. All the major guilds have been staying relatively quiet, all of them trying to hit new raids and gather supplies and resources for the big push. That however has opened up opportunities for smaller guilds who's been taking this opportunity to make bold moves in an attempt to grab some of the spotlight.
We've received news that at least eight guilds who live in the southern lands have formed what they are calling the Rebel Alliance. An interesting name choice. They seem to be implying that the top guilds are the evil empire and that they are trying to fight against them. That seems a bit melodramatic, doesn't it Chad?" She said, before turning to her co-anchor.
"That's actually not too far from the truth in some cases. The large guilds are massive but their sheer size is also their biggest weakness. They need a ton of gold to keep operating and pay the taxes on their lands and castles, as well as any real life assets they might have. For a small guild completing a single 'raid' class dungeon would set them up for months. However the large guilds need to compete multiple 'raid' class dungeons a week just to keep operating. They are like massive beasts with high metabolisms, charging around and devouring everything in their paths just to keep themselves alive. However 'raid' class dungeons are nearly always found by solo explorer players or smaller guilds. They then sell that information to the major guilds for a tiny fraction of their true value or the major guilds just take them over with force. Personally I think it'll be fun to watch the fireworks." The male anchor answered.
Winston sat sipping his Pepsi and listening with half an ear. He didn't really care too much about the large guilds. It made for fairly interesting television but it didn't affect his everyday gaming too much. Winston was sprawled out on the couch watching the TV and doing some some homework. He wanted to get it finished before he had to log on.
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