《A Beginner's Guide to Napping, Sunbathing, and Slaughtering Your Prey》17: Classes Drag On As Usual
Fang was not lost.
However, the path to a cat's goal is rarely a straight line. For example, Fang's current goal was to go back to his humans. He was due for some petting and he needed to check that his familiar was doing okay without him. However, while his familiar bond pointed him along the shortest path to this goal, the feline path took him in the exact opposite direction.
A naive observer might theorize that Fang's current heading had something to do with the localized storm of ice and sleet engulfing the forest behind him. Such a simplistic observation naturally could not encompass the depth and wisdom of the feline decision-making process.
Fang's impeccable feline intuition simply told him that this was the correct direction to achieve his goal. Perhaps there was some cliff that would be in his way otherwise, or perhaps this would avoid causing a rainstorm in a decade. The thoughts of cats run deep; far too deep for any mouse or man to comprehend. Fang was simply dashing through the forest at the top Dimensional Stride speed with shards of ice zinging through the bushes around him because he felt like taking the scenic route.
Anyone who dared to say he was running away from the floating blue crystal at the center of the mobile storm was a flashy avian liar.
Fang had found the crystal floating in the middle of a small clearing in his search for more fluffy things to snack on. It was a bit too pointy to be a good marble and had been just floating there, flashing and sparkling in the sun like it owned his precious sunlight. Fang had immediately taught it some humility by smacking it around. And sure enough, it stopped glittering immediately. Unfortunately, it had done so due to the sudden appearance of storm clouds overhead. Fang had decided that his lesson had been satisfactorily imparted, and left the clearing at a perfectly normal speed.
Fang dashed under a log, between some boulders, into a tree, across a brook, but the cold front stayed right on his heels. It froze the ground solid as it passed, changing leaves to crystalline blades and whipping them in all directions with gusts of wind. Behind it, the forest returned to normal within seconds, apart from the broken branches and scattered leaves. The crystal at the center floated along with no regard for terrain.
Fang was beginning to feel the bite of ice on the tip of his tail when he spotted a cave. Cave was a generous word, it was more of a deep crack in a cliff, perhaps two feet across at its widest point. But the only reasonable thing to do when the weather gets bad is to shelter inside, and Fang was nothing if not reasonable.
He dashed into the gap in the rocks, slipping along easily with his whiskers guiding the way. Soon he was far enough that he felt safe from the inclement weather and sure enough, the biting cold that had been threatening his tail had faded to a chill breeze wafting into the tunnel.
Fang continued forward at a more sedate pace. It was clearly still cold outside and his whiskers told him the passage was still wide enough to safely pass. The fact that the tunnel was too narrow to comfortably turn around was a completely unrelated coincidence.
He made his way onward until the crack began to widen again. Before too long he emerged into a small cavern with several tunnels connecting to it. Some led up, some led down, and some were too small for even his lithe feline form to fit through. However, there was one that stood out. While the other tunnels were all dark and mildly chilly, as tunnels typically are, one tunnel had a faint light glinting off the rocks, and a warm breeze wafting out of it.
Fang naturally abandoned the idea of going back the way he came after seeing this. He couldn't get lost anyway, and the warm, light tunnel was infinitely preferable to the extra chilly hole he had emerged from. He confidently strutted through the space and into the inviting tunnel, striding down it until it widened once again.
This time he found himself in a bright chamber. The top was a large hole, letting in the noonday sun. The rays fell upon a pile of shiny reddish-black rocks, surrounded by a pile of various smaller shiny things.
Fang was ever a cat of action, and with the sun pouring down on a sunning stone in such a manner, naturally, he did not hesitate. He leapt up and paced around on a relatively smooth rock, flopping on his side and spreading himself out, displaying maximal surface area for perfectly optimized solar charging.
The sun beat down from above, a pleasant radiance he hadn't had the chance to appreciate since going into that frustrating cave. The rock was warm as well, both sun-warmed, and in the same way as his sunning stones in the clearing. The sunlight flowed into him with every breath, steadily refilling his reserves and washing the stress and unpleasantness away. Before long, Fang had entirely forgotten about disgusting mice and disobedient pets and red boxes. He started purring, and the rock purred back.
Fang was slowly drawn out of his sunny bliss by a profound realization. Rocks shouldn't purr. That right was reserved for felines. However, upon cracking an eye open, Fang was much more confused. A single slitted eye was staring at him. It certainly looked feline, but it was embedded in one of the rocks. The iris did appear to be made of slowly flowing magma, but such coloration was a minor detail compared to the magnificence of the feline eye shape.
Fang's other eye opened as he attempted to better make sense of the situation. One of the rocks was supported off of the ground by other rocks that snaked around to join the main pile. But the more Fang looked at how they moved, the more he realized that they were not truly rocks. They were some sort of large creature, with glittering metallic scales, a long, serpentine neck, and molten feline eyes on either side of its boulder-sized head. He was laying on its flank, where the rumbling originated from. Fang decided that this thing's eyes were feline, which was enough justification to allow it to continue purring. Mystery solved, Fang closed his eyes and returned to dozing.
However, just as he was settling in for a proper nap, a hot but uncomfortably moist draft ruffled his fur. He cracked an eye back open to find the snout of the creature just a few inches away from his own. Any closer and it would have been brushing his whiskers. Its breath smelled of sulphur and ash, which wasn't exactly to Fang's tastes.
He decided to fix this by craning his head upward and rubbing his face against the scaly snout. The scent glands on his face marked the reptilian behemoth as his. Now it smelled like a pile of sulphur and ash with him sitting on top. Fang approved of this smell. Satisfied with his work, Fang settled back in to resume dozing, allowing his new pet to go about its business.
However, before he could drift off, a sibilant, deep voice interrupted him, "Ssstrange, furred one, what is your business with me? I-"
Fang opened his eyes to glare at his pet for interrupting his sleep, then he made a quick little hop onto the dragon's snout. In his experience, the best way to stop a noise was to step or sit on it, so he turned a quick circle on the creature's snout before settling down into a loaf. He faced away from the dragon's eyes, digging his claws in just slightly in order to keep himself from being dislodged.
The dragon's slitted eyes crossed to focus on him as it paused for a moment. Its eyebrows did a little dance as it attempted to puzzle out the enigma that was Cat before it continued, "I do not deal with demons, but you certainly do not act like one of their usual messengers. I ask again, what is your purpose in ssseeking me out, little beast?" The dragon paused, waiting for a response. As Fang's breathing slowed and no response came, the dragon continued, "...can you understand what I am saying to you, little one?"
Fang reluctantly opened his eyes as his rest was disturbed for the third time. It seemed he would not get any rest while this new pet had its attention on him, so he decided to simply sunbathe instead. He yawned and stretched his invisible limb. His status popped into view. He figured, if he had to deal with troublesome blobs of text, he might as well do it while enveloped in tasty sunshine. Then again, he could also relax and have some fun.
"Ahhh, sapient already, and at such a young age too. Perhaps you are not as simple-minded as you seem," the dragon took in Fang's status with practiced ease as it spoke, "Did you seek me out to help with your advancement? A wise choice, but such assistance does not…"
The dragon trailed off as Fang put a point into strength, and it prepared to correct him on the frivolous spending of points. Its words died in its throat though as the cat immediately rejected the change. And put a point into charisma. And rejected it. By the third rejection, a rumbling began to fill the cave. By the fifth, it had become loud enough to dislodge the gold pieces at the dragon's feet. On the eighth flames began to wisp out of its nostrils, warming Fang's whiskers, and when Fang finally confirmed the point in dexterity on the tenth iteration, the dragon burst into a fit of giggles, tail slamming against the wall and flames geysering from its nose.
Fang looked around in alarm, his fur puffing up and his claws digging into the cracks between the dragon's scales as his seat jiggled and rocks fell from the ceiling. Eventually, the dragon's seismic mirth subsided and it took a deep, steadying breath. "Or perhaps you are even more simple-minded than I thought. Treating the system which determines fate itself as some sort of amusing toy, that was the best laugh I've had in years. I suppose it's worth a few pointers. If this is your approach to the System, you obviously need it."
The dragon's tail curled around, the dust and stone chips from the shattered cave wall cascading off of it. The tip narrowed to a fine point, the spikes along its spine melding into a blade-like ridge. It used the needle-sharp tip of this weapon to point at the little plus next to Fang's species. "I shall assist you in selecting a suitable class. Show me your optionssss."
Fang looked curiously at the tail hovering next to his status. It swayed slightly, so he batted at it with a paw. However it didn't bounce around like a string, so he gave up on it after a few attempts. He turned his attention back to his blue pet and realized the tail was hovering right next to the little plus. Curious, he poked it with his mental limb.
Greater Cat
Harder, better, faster, stronger than a Cat, the Greater Cat's stats all increase significantly, as well as their size. A great improvement over a Cat.
Cat Girl
A humanoid body with feline features such as ears, slitted eyes, and a tail. Greatly raises Intelligence and Charisma. Grants knowledge of the predominant local language. Only available in female gender due to cosmic regulation R63:100D.
Slaver Cat
Some are simply better than others. The Slaver enforces this fact. Sapient beings that the Slaver recognizes as inferior will be more easily controlled, restrained, and manipulated.
Phoenix-Blooded Cat
Those with the blood of the Phoenix are unbound from the cycle of life and death, yet more tightly woven into its flow than any other. This evolution grants you the ability to return to life at will, but shackles you to preserve the cycle.
Lich Cat
The lich cat is an elite among the undead. Their soul is unbound from their body, allowing them to repeatedly use their own flesh as sacrifices in profane rituals. Grants increased necromantic affinity.
Phase Feline
A large beast with razor-sharp claws, two pairs of extra limbs, and innate illusion and dimensional magic, the Phase Feline is a story told across the multiverse to frighten children who are cruel to animals. However, all good boogeymen have a kernel of truth.
Thrice-Charred Cat
Legend tells of a great pyromancer from ages past. He survived three close encounters, each with a mighty beast of fire that possessed might far beyond him. From each, he stole the barest sliver of their power. Their combination became something more, and he walked a path surrounded by incomparable flame and destruction. You have taken the first step on that path. This is the second. Greatly increases Fire Affinity and grants increased magical ability.
Fang's ears flattened as the box attempted to jam an ice pick of knowledge directly into his skull. He closed his eyes and lashed his tail as the ache faded. He heard the dragon chuckling once again and kneaded his claws into its steely hide.
"Ah yesss, the System is quite oppressive for a nascent sapience. Most raise their intelligence somewhat higher before their charisma reaches the threshold. Just ssssit tight for a second." The dragon narrowed its focus, two slitted, fiery eye focusing in on his blue pet.
Fang, satisfied by what was obviously a profound and sincere apology, opened one eye a crack, ready to take on the new blue box. He started from the top, with the "Greater Cat" class. Fang bristled as he read the description. Such impudence! This arrogant blue bastard thought he, a cat, was inferior to this "Greater Cat" whatever that was. Fang lowered his estimation of this box's intelligence by several notches. That estimation sank still lower when he looked to the next class. Why in the world would he ever want to become less like a cat and more like a human? Let alone giving up his tomhood for such an unwelcome gift. Maybe this box was just exceptionally stupid, like the flashy human.
However, the box partially redeemed itself as he examined the next option. It acknowledged his rightful superiority over others. It did imply he was less than perfect, but in truth, it was difficult to control his humans. Just thinking about how his rotting pets had been so disobedient made him bristle, some assistance in wrangling their inferior intellects would be much appreciated. Not to mention garnering additional sunshine scritches.
The dragon's forked tongue flicked out of its mouth as it read Fang's status, and as it finished, it crossed its eyes to examine the fluffed up lump on its snout. "You have had a very interesting few years of life, haven't you little cat? The Phoenix evolution I can understand, those chirping pests are practically an infestation in this forest. It's not worth the restrictions anyway. A lich evolution though, that is not easy to unlock. Most I've seen with it were already commanders of undead armies or servants to some higher being. And I've certainly never seen it on a beast who unlocked a humanoid evolution. That usually requires blending into human society for longer and more smoothly than any necromantically aligned monster is capable of. Then you have the slaver class…"
The dragon thought for a moment, then chuckled. "No, on second thought that one makes perfect sense. If you show this level of arrogance to a dragon in her own lair, I can only imagine how you must treat your average encounter. You can ignore Greater Cat, that line is only for the exceptionally unexceptional or beasts too dumb to choose properly. This last one though, it smells of something rather unique. I suppose cultivating with my aura may have been one of the three, but such encounters are not easily arranged, nor easily survived."
The dragon focused its eyes in on the studious feline, then gave a slight nod, shaking Fang's seat in the process. "It is always a risssk to take such a strong class. The greater the boons offered, the greater the obstacles the system will set in your path. But, should you fail to overcome them, it shall hardly come back to bite me, and should you succeed you will doubtlessss be thankful…" The dragon raised its tail, aligning the tip with the Thrice-Charred option. "Choose this classs, little Cat."
Fang stared at the tail. It had been moving nicely a moment ago, but now it was perfectly still, and between him and his blue box. Fang waited. The dragon waited. The blue box waited. Somewhere, Lillian waited for water to boil. The dragon blinked. It wiggled its tail to emphasize the point, and Fang's eyes tracked the tip, ears angling forward as he wiggled his butt a little for a proper grip. The dragon finally lost patience and sighed, small gouts of flame issuing from its mouth and nose.
It lifted a claw to its tongue, the lines between its scales momentarily brightening with a molten glow. A sliver of dragonbreath danced down its tongue and alighted on the top of its claw as a tiny, blinding spark. Then the dragon lifted its claw, and with great care and precision, tapped it against Fang's forehead. Fang nuzzled up into the sudden, pleasant warmth, but the dragon quickly withdrew its claw. It pulled its tail away from Fang's status sheet as it spoke again "Can you underssstand me now, little Cat? My name isss Maglana, matriarch of-"
Just a little closer… Almost… Hey, get back here! You're MINE! Maglana cut herself off at the thoughts flowing into her mind. She tilted her head to the side in confusion at the exact moment Fang leapt after her receding tail, causing him to tumble through the air in a wild 360° front-flip I meant to do that, before landing on all fours, gracefully absorbing the landing. Witness my perfect landing! Then come down here so I can hunt you, pointy-wiggl- Fang's eye was suddenly caught by a golden coin his landing had set rolling, and his mental demands were replaced by a tirade against the 'false marble' as he chased it and batted it around the dragon's hoard.
"Well that'sss not supposed to happen." The dragon broke out into giggles once again as Fang's mind continued to spew vitriol at the evasive shiny, though she was not as earth-shakingly boisterous as before. "Perhaps I shall sussstain this spell further. But first…" The point the dragon had touched on Fang's forehead blazed once again, brighter than before. Fang stopped and crossed his eyes, confusion radiating to each of the connections in his mind. As no immediate solution presented itself, he licked a paw and tried to wipe away the shiny thing stuck to his forehead like a cobweb. "If that does not do it, you will simply need to ssseek your own path, young cat. Open your ssstatus."
Fang jumped, his grooming interrupted as for the first time, words entered his brain. Even stranger was that he could understand them, with none of the discomfort the blue boxes gave when shoving fully formed concepts into his head. He arched his back and raised his hackles, looking around for the source of this unknown sensation. Rocks, rocks, glowy living rocks, shiny rocks, no snowy rocks thankfully, there was nothing that could be a threat in his vicinity, just rocks and that unfortunate mutant cat.
"I am not a cat. I am a dragon." The concept of 'dragon' did cause a small spike of pain between Fang's eyes as Maglana's ego attempted to fit itself through the narrow connection. Fortunately, Fang's own ego was of such a nature that the concept was expressed as a minor modification of his own self-worth. Unfortunately, this did little to alter Fang's perception of the jagged cat, other than to make it clear the pile of rocks was, in fact, a normal cat mind in a different body. He looked with pity at the beast. Not a single patch of fur on it.
"..." The dragon sighed. "You are lucky you will provide more amusement once you leave than irritation while you stay. Now open your status, before that balance shifts."
Fang's fur flattened as he was called lucky, amusing, and annoying, all qualities he took pride in. This voice was far more comprehensible and pleasant than the blue boxes, so he opened his status with a flick of that imaginary limb, followed by his class selection screen. If this strange cat wanted to handle the unpleasant deluge of words, he was more than happy to let it. Good servants were har-
Fang yowled and flattened himself to the floor as a blast of white-hot flame passed over his head, singing the tips of his ears, which were now flattened straight out to the sides. "There are limits to what I will tolerate for amusement and potential future gain. Select Thrice-Charred Cat, before you do something you won't have time to regret. Or select another option. It makes little difference in the end. Your Path is your Path, no matter the route."
Fang looked over at the pile of smoking rocks, licking a paw and grooming the ashed hairs from his fur as he considered the description of the indicated class.
Thrice-Charred Cat
Legend tells of a great pyromancer from ages past. He survived three close encounters, each with a mighty beast of fire that possessed might far beyond him. From each, he stole the barest sliver of their power. Their combination became something more, and he walked a path surrounded by incomparable flame and destruction. You have taken the first step on that path. This is the second. Greatly increases Fire Affinity and grants increased magical ability.
Yep, made no sense to him, apart from a headache as the words tried to pack themselves in. He prodded the option, tired of this blue box with its endless headaches and nonsense. His ser- fellow cat had indicated this one was good, so he selected it. A cat couldn't be wrong after all.
A rush of… something flooded through Fang's intangible limb, suffusing his body with an energy quite different from sunlight. Fang didn't have time to ponder on the difference though, as it was suddenly, definitely, absolutely time for a nap. He barely had time to curl up into his favorite napping posture (head tucked over his feet and tail curled around his side), before the urge to nap overwhelmed him, and his world faded to black.
- In Serial146 Chapters
The Foretold: Sun Child (Complete)
As a sixteen year old commoner, your future is bleak. Worse, your appearance sets you apart from others. Your only achievement so far, is befriending the second son of the Lord of the Keep. He has been your only friend for eleven years, initially partner in mischief and later your hunting companion and confidant. Now your friendship is being torn asunder, he has turned eighteen and is being sent away to become a Judge Knight Aspirant. What is to become of you? Before your friend leaves, there is murder and conspiracy! Magic left the land hundreds of years ago, all you have is your bow and hunting skills, nevertheless you must fight to survive and save another to have any hope of a future! Note: The graphic isn't mine; it is a re-imagining of a few separate images, any objections by original artists let me know. N.B. If you are looking for Sexual Content every chapter, or every second, third or fourth chapter this isn't the story for you - the Sexual Content is required for a plot device, not a way of life and the later chapters reflect that - please stop dropping Low Ratings when you feel I haven't met your idea of "fan service". This is finished as much as a multi book vision can be finished. At 750,000 words give or take and very little readership I can only blame myself. I have learnt a lot, possibly forgotten a lot as well! I will probably return to the Chapters at some point - a touch up here and a touch up there. The second book though will probably remain in my head for a very long time, so yes "cliffs" although I hope the characters and their motivations are developed enough that you can have a good guess at the content of Book Two and tell me so I can confirm or deny! This isn't a LITRPG where classes are developed, great foes are defeated by a hero of immense power. This is a story based within (I hope) a very real and consistent culture, that leaves breadcrumbs for the reader to work out what the heck is happening and why. This is a slow burn story as the MC is stumbling around discovering her new place and role. Author's Note (Apr 2021): I dropped the Fantasy Genre for the Mystery Genre, because while the setting mentions magic, is it about past glories and trying to return to them. Whereas the MC from Chapter One doesn't understand her predicament and the range of mysteries she must solve to survive. If I have this wrong PM me and I will change this back.
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