《A Sith? During The Fall》2. Conversation on Kashyyk
“So, what is this dangerous mission you’ve picked us up for?” asked Alha. She was wearing the other set of Vizla armor with two blaster pistols at her side. The three of us were seated around the holoterminal in the main hold, while 2V served refreshments. We were leaving Korriban behind, though the new hyperdrive hadn’t been fully integrated, it was only a matter of minutes.
“How much do you two know about the Jedi?” I answered her question with a question both to get my thoughts together and to better understand how to explain my situation.
“They’re sorcerers and the protectors of the republic,” interjected Alhoy.
“They’re also the GAR’s leaders,” stated Alha. “Anywhere the republic is fighting, you can probably find a Jedi.”
“Correct. I assume you also know of dark Jedi, fallen Jedi, and the dark side?”
“Are you talking about Dooku? The Republic news channels have been calling him a Dark Jedi for a while now,” asked Alha.
“Well yes, he is a Dark Jedi, but in the past and among the Jedi they were known as the Sith. They are the greatest enemies of the Jedi,” I said.
“Wait, at the gate, you called yourself a Sith!” exclaimed Alhoy. “Listen, I’m all for making money, and we are in your debt for saving my sister, but I’m not exactly sure about fighting the Jedi…”
“Good because we aren’t fighting the Jedi, we’re planning on saving them. Or at least a save as many as we can. They’ve been caught in quite the trap,” I explained. “I am a Sith in more ways than one, but I’m not affiliated with Dooku or his master. I just happen to have knowledge of their plots.”
“But you’re still their enemy?
I nodded.
"So why save them?”
“For a few reasons, but the most important is that I don’t belong here. It will take time for me to figure out how to get home. The Jedi may leave me alone, but Sidious will take offense at my mere presence in the Galaxy. If there's one thing the Sith hate more than the Jedi, its unaffiliated Sith.”
Getting home, if I even wanted to do so, would be tough. The way I saw it, there were two options: Technology or Magic. Presumably, there was some kind of tech in the galaxy that would allow me to hop universes, though I wasn't privy to any knowledge on them. There were certain force based places that might give me an answer. Off the top of my head, the Whills and their priestesses might know how to get home. The issue is that they were hidden behind an unenterable nebula. You basically needed an invite to get it. There was also a chance the Father knew. Being an almost omniscient god of the force would mean he had to have some answers. Too bad he was long dead. I sure as hell wasn't going near the Mother. A picture of that tall ethereal woman with too many sharp teeth flashed in my mind when I thought of her causing me to shudder. Finally, there was that magic mirror on Ahch-To which should at least give me a hint. Much like a fairy tail it would answer your questions, though it would do it in such a vague way that you may end up knowing less information afterwards.
If I did end up going the technology route, I would probably have to look towards one of the builder species. Star Wars was one of those universes where the ancient aliens often had the best tech. Between the Rakata, Celestials, the Kwa, and the Iokath, I wouldn't be surprised if somebody had a time machine or a universe...hopping machine.
On the ship, I tried to explain our more immediate situation to my companions. How the entire war was a ruse, the two sides were played off each other in order to amass power in Sidious’s hands. How Skywalker would lead an assault on the Jedi Temple while the clone armies all across the Galaxy cut down their Jedi Generals.
“You’re saying that Palpatine has been the bad guy this whole time?” Alhoy blurted out.
“Pretty much. Each step in the war has given him more power over the republic. He currently has control of the banks and the military. The military itself has expanded to include police forces, intelligence, and jails. His new emergency powers have given him control over the legislature and the other apparatuses of power in the Galaxy,” I explained.
“So, I ask again, what exactly is the mission?” Alha says.
“Well, I’m not…entirely sure what to do. I really don’t know how I compare in strength against the current force users in the Galaxy. I’d usually do something like just go straight to kill Palpatine, but he's supposed to be the most powerful Sith of all time. He's also incredibly well protected," I replied.
"I think our best bet is to get in contact with Master Yoda. If my understanding of the timeline is correct, then he will have gotten to Kashyyk earlier today. We have until Coruscant's sunset tomorrow before all hell breaks loose," I explained.
“Ok, Master Yoda sounds like the right path,” she replied.
“Its…not that simple. I’m a warrior of the dark side and a true Sith. The Jedi have been looking for exactly someone who fits my description ever since the clone wars began. Almost any Jedi we meet will waste no time in trying to arrest me," I explained. I thought for a moment, then said. "Yoda is an enigma though. He's more open minded than most, but you never really know what he thinks since he only ever speaks in riddles and platitudes.”
“Is there anyone else who would listen?” asked Alhoy as he bit into a block of rations.
“I’m not sure, the Jedi are a religious group first and foremost. Using the Dark Side is akin to their greatest blasphemy. For the last few thousand years, dark side users have hidden in the gutters on the outer rim, reduced to boogeymen; hunted upon their first signs,” I explained. I pondered the thought though.
Mace Windu, as cool as he is from a spectator’s view, was out. Sure he might listen, but then he’d just attack Sidious and die. That's if he even listened to me and didn't try to attack me on sight. I didn’t know enough about the other Masters save for Kenobi and Yoda to even consider them as options. Kenobi was still on Coruscant at the moment...but getting there too early may tip Palpatine off. The ugly bastard has a knack for tracking down dark side users across the galaxy.
The more I thought about it the more it seemed like Yoda was the best option, his word carried the most weight and he can probably get the information to the rest of the Jedi if I could convince him.
“Set a course for Kashyyk, and I’ll have a message prepared to explain the situation for Yoda,” I explained while rubbing my temple. “Then, I’ll meet with him alone. That way you two can spring me from jail if it doesn’t go well.” It was a gamble to even talk to the man. I doubted these two would be any help in the situation, so it was better to have them wait it out.
I was really going out on a limb here. It wasn't just about weakening Sidious. I...had a duty to save those idiots. Yoda, Kenobi, plenty of Jedi were good people. They made the galaxy a better place. Besides, they seemed cool enough. I just couldn't help myself. It's like seeing your neighbors house on fire. The least I could do is let them know.
“Speak the truth, you do, at least in reference to your powers. In mysterious ways, the force works. Accept your parlay I will. Awaiting your presence in my base near Kachirho, I am,” the small projection of Master Yoda said in a ponderous tone. It was almost comical to see him confused about the whole situation.
“Thank you… Master Yoda, I will come alone and submit to any searches necessary to appear before you,” I replied while channeling my best business like demeanor from my previous life and cut the coms before it broke. Mentally, I understood the need to be respectful and tempered while on the call. Physically and emotionally, I found it hard to not lace my words with arrogance and disdain when dealing with such a powerful Jedi. These were the same group of people that glassed Korriban and forced the surviving Sith species to run for their lives. Zaros remembered that all too well. He trained his whole life to enact that revenge.
“Well, that’s that, make sure to look over those training modules while I’m gone. I can’t have my droids piloting your jetpacks forever,” I said as I made my way to the landing ramp. I looked back for a moment at Alhoy and X2 before saying, "Well, maybe I could let them have control."
It was early morning on the Galactic Standard Day/Night schedule, though it was midnight on Kashyyk when we touched down. It was a dark night, with barely any moon exposed, but the sun would soon be rising over the steel landscape of Coruscant. We were slowly but surely running out of time and should this meeting not go as planned, the best I would be able to do is swoop in and save a bunch of Jedi on my own.
I turned back and gave a wave as the Fury took off to find a safe place to hide out in space, leaving me on my own. Well, on my own, save for the fifteen restrained bandits on the ground behind me.
Kashyyk and the Forward Command center were exactly as they were in Revenge of the Sith. Impossibly tall trees rose out of the sandy beaches. The entire place would make a great view if there weren’t thousands of bodies and flaming metal slag pieces strewn across the beach. We landed far enough away from the fighting to avoid danger, but even from here, one could make out the mixture of blue and red blaster fire going on between the two forces.
Turning around, I was greeted by a squadron of arc troopers who all had their guns at the ready. “We’ve been asked to confiscate your lightsaber,” their leader explained. He, like the others, was decked out in green markings that accented their otherwise pure white armor. In one hand he held a small pistol while the other reached out, expecting me to hand him my saber.
I didn’t want to disappoint him, so I promptly tossed the weapon into his hand. “I suppose you’ll want to search me next?” I said whilst assuming a spread position.
Two of his men came forward and patted me down. As I hadn’t brought anything else, the search proved fruitless.
“You, done yet?” I asked them as they got a little too handsy around my backside.
“He’s clear,” the clone to my right said, completely disregarding my question. “What about the…prisoners?”
“They’re your problem now, free them or throw them in jail, it doesn’t really matter.”
“Why are they here?” asked the lead Arc trooper.
“I ran into some bandits and didn’t have a chance to dump them anywhere else,” I replied.
"And you're dumping them on us?" he retorted.
"I could kill them instead?" I replied and raised turned my left hand towards the sky. With a small amount of the force, I gradually lifted up Tenno off the ground.
The troopers didn't react other than to tense up with their guns.
Tenno began to choke. He clawed at the ghostly bonds around his neck.
“Fine! We'll take them. Follow us and try not to make any sudden movements,” the lead Arc trooper said before turning and marching along at a decent clip. A few of his men stayed behind to process the Tennowatts.
I was led along a winding path into the tree based city. Once inside a massive tree, we climbed hundreds of stairs into one of the large trees structures until we came to a circular room with large comfortable couches. Trying to act the part of an arrogant Sith I lazed onto one of them and stretched my legs. The troopers arranged themselves at the edges of the rooms, never allowing their hands to stray far from their weapons.
“So, will he be here soon? Or should I put in an order for refreshments?” I asked the lead trooper.
He said nothing and remained perfectly still as if he didn’t even hear me speak. After waiting a few moments for him to say something, I sighed and leaned back against the couch. I was still wearing the warden armor from yesterday, though I forwent any headgear. I had thought about keeping my face covered throughout my dealings with Yoda but had ultimately decided against it. Subterfuge was never my strong point, and any type of failed deception against the wizened master would just make him think worse of me. So instead, my admittedly handsome red face was out in all its glory.
Refreshments were served by a small quirky droid that was denoted by some combination of letters and numbers I forgot, which made me anxious at just how long this was going to take. To ward off those feelings I found myself trying to make small talk with the statuesque guards.
“Did you lot see action on Coruscant? I’m told Grievous cut quite a path through clones and Jedi alike. I heard he left Shaak Ti grievously wounded and hanging by a thread..."
"Did you know that just about every attack on Coruscant was a turning point in a galactic struggle?” I asked the room. Nobody responded.
“Thousands of years ago, Naga Sadow lost the Great Hyperspace war on Coruscant. Literally made it to the steps of the Jedi Temple before he lost.”
“A thousand years later, a surprise attack on the galactic capital allowed the resurgent Sith Empire to carve out half the Galaxy as their fief.”
“Now that was a battle! The Jedi temple was in flames while Darth Malgus dueled Master Ven Zallow.”
“Better yet, we broke into that damned temple by crashing- this is the best part- crashing a stolen republic transport into the place. The impact almost took the whole ziggurat down. You should have seen their faces when the ship opened up and dozens of Sith Warriors sprinted into the inner sanctums of the Jedi.”
“Speak as if you were there, you do. Quite odd. Took place millennia ago, the Sack of Coruscant did,” Yoda said as the doors in front of me opened and the short Jedi stepped through at a slow pace guided by his cane.
My mouth opened in surprise as I realized my mistake too late. Somewhere along the line, I stopped talking like the spectator I was on Earth and rather like the Sith Warrior who had really experienced these events.
“Yes, well I am an odd man that is for sure,” I said whilst recovering from the tongue slip. I rose to my feet and gave a slight bow to the esteemed Jedi. “Thank you for meeting with me, Master Yoda.” Again, I was forced to channel my previous work experience instead of allowing my emotions to come to the front.
“Yes, an odd Sith indeed,” he replied before taking a seat across from me. “Your name freely will you give?”
“Of course, I’m Dar- er, just Zaros, call me Zaros.” At the mention of my name, something flashed across Yoda's face.
“An urgent message to deliver, you have?”
I scanned the room for a moment and then hardened the expression on my face. “A while ago, you were experiencing a problem with inhibitor chips in a few clones. It led to an assassination attempt on the chancellor?”
Yoda cocked his head for a moment, then gave me a nod to continue.
“But the Jedi temple never got a real chance to run their own independent scans on the chips, am I right?”
The green master narrowed his eyes for a moment before shaking his head.
"You also know that Count Dooku was the one who instituted the Clones after he left the Jedi. Yet you chose not to release this information to the public..."
Yoda didn't react to that statement.
"And what did that malfunctioning clone keep saying after he shot a Jedi knight in the head? Something about killing all the Jedi and following orders?”
“He didn’t malfunction, he got sick. Where are you going with this?” demanded the previously silent ARC commander from his position behind Yoda.
“Fine, I’ll get to the point. You were deceived. There is no such thing as an inhibitor chip and even if there was, nobody would waste the time and resources to hide it as an organic chip. Those are command chips hidden inside the minds of each clone. Care to guess what the hidden command is?”
“Stop this! We have sworn an oath to the republic, to our brothers in arms and among the Jedi!” shouted the commander, losing all pretense of cool-headedness before Yoda silenced him.
“A grave accusation against my men you have made,” replied Yoda.
“Not against them, I believe every clone is a loyal soldier to the republic and to the Jedi. I certainly don’t believe in Kaminoans though. And I believe even less in the shady deal Sifo Dyas and Darth Tyrannus made with them in order to create your clone allies. So, I ask you another question, who stopped your people from reviewing these inhibitor chips?”
“Chancellor Palpatine…” Yoda said the words so softly they were almost imperceptible. I nodded.
“Who benefitted from this war the most? Who commanded Anakin Skywalker to kill Dooku before he could be questioned? Whose political power became unquestionable after the attack on Coruscant?”
“Saying that Palpatine is Sidious, you are?”
“Obviously!” I said getting slightly annoyed. “He literally chuckles and monologues the moment your backs are turned! It’s really obvious. There's Sith memorabilia in his office!”
“For a Sith to stay so close, so long undetected, immense power he would need to wield,” replied Yoda.
“I’m aware; in terms of power, he’s probably stronger than Vitiate...stronger than any Sith I can think of. He’s the culmination of the rule of two. Generations of masters and apprentices, each stronger than the one that came before them. Hell, there’s a reason he’s been burning through his own apprentices. He can’t even find anyone close to taking over for him,” I replied. "Well, he was burning through apprentices, though that has come to an end."
"Gave up on teaching, he has?"
"No, but your council just handed him the only person in the galaxy capable of taking his place."
“Anakin? Easier to believe, is it not, that you are the Sith we’ve been searching for?”
“Trying to convince you to remove a few chips and return to Coruscant isn’t the masterstroke move you seem to think it is. Listen, if you don’t believe me it’s…well not your funeral but just about every Jedi in the galaxy instead. That includes all the younglings and padawans waiting helplessly in the temple, so if you don’t believe me then we have nothing more to say to each other,” I replied.
"Even so, not so easily believed, your words are. Advantages a Sith always seek," Yoda mused.
"I...have no love for Sidious," I replied.
"Not seeking an alliance?" he said, digging deeper.
I gnashed my teeth. "As if I would," I replied before getting to my feet.
As I stood, most of the guns in the room were trained on me. “Sir, he’s clearly some type of darkside user. And he’s hinted at far too much top-secret knowledge we can’t just let him leave our custody,” stated the commander. Before he could resist, my saber flew off his belt and ignited in my hands.
“The only reason I’ve been in your custody was that I allowed it to be so,” I snarled.
“Enough, enough,” Yoda said calmly before he forced my saber to shut off with the force. That surprised the hell out of me, and I started to press the power button aggressively.
“Free to leave you are. Under consideration, I have taken your words," Yoda continued. It brought my attention back to the conversation.
“I suppose that’s a better outcome than I could have hoped for. Please, stay alert. I swear on my name that by the time night falls on Coruscant, your clones will be forced to turn on you and the rest of the order, at least tell your people to be on guard.” I pulled out a Sith Holocron and tossed it to him. “This has all the information we just discussed, among other things.”
“A promise of vigilance, I can easily give. May the force be with you, Wrath of the Empire.”
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Mark of Time: A LitRPG Timeloop
NOTE: This story has a patreon. It has not been linked into the fiction page due to some issues. You can find the Patreon at this link ***Previously titled Truth Seeker. Synopsis 1: In a trial of gods, where eight Marks would compete to find treasures unseen and vast, a ninth one appears with the ability to revert time. *** Synopsis 2: Jennifer was ready to enter Lienmont's Mage Academy, the place she'd been aspiring to reach for years now, in hopes of learning the many secrets of magic. What she hadn’t expected was to be dragged into the city's dungeon. Her journey found her in a trial of life and death that left a Mark seared on not just her body, but her very soul. And if that wasn’t enough, when she escaped the dungeon, she found her city in flames, burning as monstrous invaders slaughtered everyone they came across, including her. When Jennifer closed her eyes, she was certain her life had taken an unfair and tragic turn. But then she opened them, only to find that none of it had ever happened. The only proof she hadn’t gone mad was the Mark on her hand, burning with an inner fire.
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- - - Please note that this story profile only holds previous drafts for GGE and ONLY that. This means that this profile is just chapters that were being removed from GGE, but I wanted to keep them public to readers. - - - First written Jan 2017 on NU, when I was just getting into JPNs and figured I could write better than them. This is just getting ported over to archive, and so people can see where it's come up from. Please note that its not getting edited nor is these verisons are not being continued.
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