《Outlaw Country》Chapter 23 - Psychological Profiling (2)


I strolled over to the stables, wearing a dark crimson robe. It was far less opulent than the one I use when intimidating underpaid guards, though it was still enough to get me in trouble with the right crowd.

I passed the temporary stable of our newest 'horse', covering my nose, trying to block out the smell of rotten meat. I suppose the stablehand didn't know proper feeding procedure for carnivores.

I could tell it was intelligent. He very well may be able to speak, which means I'd have to psychologically profile a fucking horse as well.

Which was bound to be hilarious just for the novelty of it.

I mounted my own horse, Snowy, a beautiful white mare. Everybody makes fun of the name, which was exactly the point. I ought to have some endearing qualities, as it's the little things that convince people to let down their guards. She whinnied as I mounted, and I set off.

It would usually be very hard to find someone over such a distance, but I already had a bead on him. It was easier to find someone if they were already marked. He was in the Retches, where the unbelievers, illegal aliens, refugees, and, Adelmar forbid, the poor hang out.

I went straight through the Royal district and the Business district. It took about 20 minutes to reach the Retches. It was fun to watch Bucks's feelings sway back and forth. He had a healthy dose of wonder, curiosity, and contempt.

And he seemed to be spiking with anger, and...resignation?

Ah, and there's the pain, small as it is. Looks like he's getting to know the locals.

I trotted along, getting closer by the second. I wasn't in a particular hurry. If he gets seriously injured here, then he was useless in the first place.

I reached the building he was in. I'm genuinely impressed that he managed to beeline straight from the highest castle to the most notorious den of scum and villainy in the entire city, on his very first day in it. Unbelievable.

'Adelmar's Wenches' was one of those 'we can't afford to get rid of you, and you can't afford to challenge us, so we'll leave you be if you don't push it too far' kind of places. Illegal aliens from all over the...former continent congregated in Wolfbrunn, and the Retches were the only place they were accepted.


And this was the unofficial adventurers guild. It attracted the rough sort like flies to shit.

Buck's horse was sitting outside, completely untied, with all of its bags still on its back. Two people laid in the dirt, one groaning, holding his stomach, the other flopping on the ground like a fish, face bloodied.

I guess you didn't have to worry about your bags when they were tied to 2000 pounds of muscle.

I dismounted, leaving snowy outside the bar, and approached casually. The horse was watching the bar, feeling nothing but amusement. He noticed me and swiveled around, ready to kick. I felt recognition. And contemplation.

Contemplating if he was going to kick me in the head anyway.

"Does he do this shit often?" I asked.

I interpreted his emotions to mean 'Probably'. I didn't have much to go on. Whatever, I already decided against subtility.

"I know you can understand me. Can you talk?"

He whinnied and glared, scuffing the ground. I felt confusion, alarm, and...concern.

"Don't worry," I said, flicking my head towards the building, which was currently filled with the sound of breaking glass, cheering, and grunts of pain. "People around these parts are accepting of any species, especially the strong ones."

Honesty would get me further here. "Though I can't say the same for the rest of the city. It was wise of you to keep your intelligence to yourself."

The horse was debating, still staring at me. He finally made a decision, and a slight, unnatural gap formed around his mouth, just enough to remind me that he was somehow carnivorous.

"Is she single?" he asked.


"Your horse."

"Ah. I think so, though I don't mind myself with her love-life," I explained.

The horse nodded sagely. "I see. What's her name?"


He snorted. "Stupid-ass name."

I'm going to like this horse.

A man and a wolf came flying through the glass window. I took a step back, avoiding the splash of mud and dirt. Both were clearly injured, and both were fucking pissed. The man, who was obviously Buck, was only superficially injured, while the wolfman, who was known as 'The Wolfman', was much worse off. His face was less like a wolve's and more like a pugs, but he was still going at it.


They rolled around in the dirt, trading brutal blows. Buck roared as he punched him in the head once, and then punched the mud as the Wolfman moved his head out of the way. The furbag twirled around, knocking Buck off his knees, and flipped him over on his back. The roles were reversed now, with the Wolfman laying into him.

"What's yours?" I asked, ignoring the spectacle.

"My name is Jeff," said Jeff.

"I'm not going to say it," I remarked. Too easy.

"Professional standards? Please," he said, somehow rolling his eyes. "If you will excuse me... I think I'm going to go introduce myself."

"Hold that thought," I said, gesturing for him to stop.

Buck grabbed one of the Wolfman's wrists and twisted. The Wolfman cringed in pain, and Buck used the chance to knee him in his Wolfy crotch. Wolfy cringed, and Buck threw him off, reversing roles once again, seemingly determined to not be a bottom bitch. Brutal sounds of impact rang out as the two mud-covered brawlers kept going at it, both of them beyond normal stamina restraints.

Buck was a silver-core, but Wolfy had the species and melee-focused skills. Apparently, that put them on even footing.

"Don't you feel weird seducing horses that have the mind of a child?" I asked.

Jeff looked shocked. "What? No! She's an adult, and she's about to be a consenting one."

I shook my head disapprovingly, still ignoring the sounds of violence. "Her mind compared to yours might as well be a toddler. Its the difference in maturity and intelligence that really matters, not so much the appearance. Don't you feel dirty? What would you think of a human screwing an adult with an underdeveloped mind?"

Jeff looked devastated, and I could tell the feelings were genuine. "But...what am I supposed to do? I'm the only one of my kind, and my dick only fits in horses!"

So Jeff isn't just a different horse, but another species altogether. Interesting.

I nodded sagely. "I see, I see. I can understand the misconception, but that's not entirely true."

Jeff was hanging onto my every word now. "What else is there?"

I nodded towards the Wolfman, who was still in the game. The residents of the bar were watching from the broken window, cheering getting more fervent as the fight went on. Bets were being made, and money exchanged hands.

"Look at that guy's dick. Do you see that damn thing? That's gotta be four times as big as any human could get."

We both stared at the man's shlong, barely contained by his cheap fabric shorts. The Wolfman was huge, and his genitals were to proportion.

Jeff caught on quickly. "I see...if his species can reproduce..."

"...Then there are girls here that can take massive dongers," I said, finishing the thought. "Not sure he will be able to reproduce after your rider is done with him, as he is going for a disproportionate amount of crotch-shots..."

"Probably envy."

Heh. "...Which will leave a sizeable gap for sizeable women, if you know what I mean."

Jeff nodded, eyes tearful "Do you really think so?"

I put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, as the Wolfman finally fell unconscious. "I do. People might give you weird looks at first, but that gate is big enough to fit you. Why don't you head in there and mingle a bit? Who knows? You might just find someone special."

I could feel determination surge within the horse. "You're right. Thank you, doggie. I'm going to go put myself out there!"

Doggy? Nice. Jeff began strutting towards the door, much to the confusion of the still watching bar-goers and adventures.

"Go get 'em, tiger!" I yelled.

I finally looked towards Buck, who was staring daggers. He was lying spread-eagle, covered in dirt and blood. The Wolfman was unconscious, covered in even more of both. He looked like a rug that had gotten left out in the rain, then trampled on.

Buck spit out blood. "Thanks for the help."

I looked down towards my pristine robes. "I wouldn't want to get these dirty, you know? I'd have to clean them out in a hot-spring."

"Fuck you."

A well-groomed old man stepped past the rapidly dispersing crowd. "Excuse me, sir. Your drink is ready. Would you like me to bring it out for you?"

Buck groaned and began to sit up. "Naw. I'll come get it."

I offered my hand. "Shall we?"

He glared even harder, but he took it.

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