《Necrotourists》Dwarven Cities Arc - 8: One too many ‘greats’


Since Boss allowed us to roam free, we needed someone to watch over Asha. Unfortunately I got voted to watch over since I had experience with dealing with children, that I had some before I became undead. Being the oldest of the group was annoying sometimes.

“Hey, Maven. You’re free to go anywhere.” I nodded at Maven and she happily ran off, leaving me with Asha. She was looking at a piece of paper and hid it when she heard me coming.

“Hey, kiddo. You’re stuck with me. The others are off touring while the Boss is out,” I told Asha. She nodded silently as she fixed her apron.

“Actually, Sarjay. Um...can I have a private talk with you?” Asha looked to her sides, checking if there was anyone near. She obviously didn’t want anyone hearing what she wanted to tell me so we both agreed to talk about it in my room.

Once we got to the room, I took out an amulet from my pouch and poured some mana into it. It shone brightly and the light spread towards the wall where it dissipated. The walls were covered with thick air, almost like steam.

“What’s that amulet for?” Asha asked as she looked closely towards the wall.

“Well, it’s an amulet which causes vibrations from going through it, I think. It keeps sound from going out or in from the room. It’s given to me by Boss,” I said as I tossed the amulet on the bed. I took off my greatsword and allowed it to rest on the side of my bed. I stretched then sat on my bed.

“So? What is it that you wanted to talk to me so badly in secret?” I asked. Asha took out a piece of paper from her apron then face it towards me. I leaned in closer and tried to see what it was. It was just the piece of paper that had our names on it. She tapped on my name repeatedly.

“What? Why are you pointing at my name?” I asked her.

“You are aware that I am a noble, right?” She asked me back.

“Yes? What about it?”

She took out a pocket watch then gave it to me. I looked at the pocket watch and opened it. It seemed to be an ordinary watch. Asha closed the watch and pointed at the cover. On it was an insignia.


“This is House Follis’ insignia.” She pointed at it. There was some engravings on the left half side of the watch but the other side was blank. I let my thumb slide across the bronze cover, trying to understand what she was hinting it. I sighed and gave up.

I looked up and straight into her eyes, “I don’t get it.”

“Look at your name then at the insignia!” She folded the piece of paper then placed it by the left half. Side by side, it spelt my name. It wasn’t that clear since they were of different proportions but I could still see that it was my name that was written there. I took the piece of paper off her hand.

“Why the hell do you have my name on your pocketwatch?!” I shouted in surprise.

“The House of Follis had the name of the founder engraved in Ancient Commons. We lost the right part of the name, so we left it blank.” As she finished, she looked at me straight through the helmet slits. Wait...that means? No way.

“Ah ha ha ha. No way. I can’t be the founder of your house! It must be just a coincidence. How can you be sure that I am the founder?” I chattered. Asha closed her eyes to think a bit then walked over the room.

“There’s a legend passed down in the family. It was said that the name of the founder of House Follis could grant the strongest and most ferocious fire to any weapon that we engrave his name unto. And guess who had their name engraved onto a certain weapon that burst into fire?” She stopped then pointed at me while proudly doing a pose, “So, I ask you, good sir. Who are you?”

If I could sweat, I would’ve had cold sweat from this. What was I supposed to do in this case? I looked at the side of bed and towards my greatsword. No, I’m not a mindless killer. If what she says is true, then that makes Asha a family member? It would’ve seemed that the jig was up, Boss. I hope you accept my apology! I sighed as I stood up and placed my hands on my helmet.


I slowly lifted it and light invaded my bare face slowly. The more my skull was uncovered the wider Asha’s eyes and mouth was. The entire time, she was silent and frozen to the ground. I let her study every bit of my undead self.

“Let me introduce myself again. I am Sarjay of Phollicia. Pleased to meet you.” I bowed at her.

“Wh….wha..wha.wha..WHAT?!” She jumped back with surprise.

“What? I thought you figured that I was the founder.” I shook my head.

“Well, I expected that, but I did not expect the fact that you’re a SKELETON!” She pointed at my skull. I explained to her why I was like this and also explained to her that the rest of my group were also the same. I talked to her about Boss briefly.

“Well, since you’re part of my house, that makes you my descendant?” I shrugged.

“Wait, that means you’re my great great great great great…”

“Stop! You idiot! Will you add 15 greats to my name everytime you call or mention me? Just call me Ancestor or Sarjay!” I interrupted her.

“Ah..right...ah...Ancestor Sarjay.” She took some breather and calmed down. Once she collected herself, I sat back down at my bed while Asha sat on my floor. I liked the sound of ‘Ancestor Sarjay’.

“So Follis is the modern common for Phollicia, huh,” I said thoughtlessly to myself. I remembered that before I went into seclusion with Boss, I had three children. I was the founder of an upstart family named after the place I lived in, Phollicia. I had a wife, but she died long before I started the noble house. Once my sons were old enough to join the military, I happily joined Boss in his isolation without regrets. To think my bloodline had survived for this long...Speaking of bloodlines…

“Kiddo, you have my blood, right?” I asked my greatest grandkid.

“Yes, I’m pretty sure. I’m part of the main branch, after all.” She tilted her head.

“Oh ho! That’s great! Show me your best Phollician fire ability!” I excitedly waited in anticipation, I wonder how much stronger did the family magic got after a thousand years. I’m sure they would at least develop hundreds of new techniques and abilities.

“That is...I told you I’m gifted with fire, but the only extent is that fire doesn’t hurt me. None of my family knows any other special fire abilities other than the fire magic that everyone knows.” She scratched her head.

“What? You don’t know what a Phollician fire ability is? Here, I’ll show you the most basic.” I stretched out my palm and fire started to spread all over my gauntlet. Soon my arm was engulfed in a small fire. “This is the most basic ability. This ability strengthens the user’s body by engulfing the body in fire.” I proudly flexed my arm.

“That...we don’t know anything like that. We only know things like fire ball…”

WHAT?! WHAT HAVE MY IDIOT SONS DONE?! I stood up angrily and grabbed my sword. I disabled the amulet and stuffed it into my pouch. I stamped my feet towards the door and kicked it open.

“Kid, pack up. We’re going to the courtyard to teach you your rightful inheritance,” I ordered Asha then started to walk out of the room and down the corridor.

“Wait! What about the dwarves? They’ll go crazy knowing there’s a group of undead at the heart of the palace!” She hurriedly ran to catch up with me.

“It doesn’t matter. Everyone in this palace but you are undead anyway.” I shrugged and started explaining, “So, today, we’ll go over the basics of the Phollician fire ability. It’s not like magic that…..Asha?”

I turned around when I realized that Asha wasn’t beside me. Behind me was Asha lying down on the floor, fainted. I walked over her unconscious body and noticed the ‘I give up’ face plastered over her head. Sigh, I could tell this was going to be a fun family bonding time.

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