《Necrotourists》Arc 1 extra illustration + Author's Note


Hey, guys. Author of Necro-tourists here. As you may (or may not) have realized it, I'm new to the whole writing business. After analyzing my story a bit, I realized my story telling was still lacking so I'm trying to explore ways to improve it. Let's be honest here - The story is too short and you (also me) want more carefree undead roaming around.

For now, rest assured that I'm already working on the Dwarven Cities Arc. I'm still deciding how to go about doing release schedules. I'm currently leaning on releasing half-arcs, what with juggling between writing a story, drafting stories, scrapping them and making illustrations (I'm still new to this, please go easy on me ; _ ; ). But in the meantime, I'll give you guys a sneak peek at the Dwarven Cities Arc.

As always, I'm open to criticism and grammar checks. I tend to miss out some grammar mistakes here and then but I'm sure I'll get used to checking grammar 50 times before submitting them.

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