《No Longer a Game》Chapter 15: Welcome to Todos
A blizzard raged as two Travelers made their way to a remote dungeon on the outskirts of Todos. They were wrapped in fur cloaks that made it hard to determine their professions. The snow reached their knees, and the wind chill had them leaning against each other as they walked. It wasn’t a good day for them.
“Dude! You're so heavy! Lean the other way!”
“But I’m cold! Hold me..”
“Don’t even try it!”
“Nooo! Don’t leave me!”
The two laughed and horsed around as they made their way. It's not like they had anything else to do, and it passed the time they as they walked. They could've rode horses, but they couldn't afford it. So the journey to the dungeon was always a hassle. Yet, they relied on each other to make the best out of a bad situation, trudging along on the plains surrounding the capital with white as far as the eye can see.
“J--j-j-jeez, we’re gonna die out here!”
“D-d-d---don’t j-jinx it!”
They huddled with their heads down to save their faces from the freezing gusts.
“W-who’s bright idea was it to come out in a blizzard!”
“Y--y--you’ll t-t-thank me l-later. I b-bet you anything that the d-dungeon is empty. No one in their right m-minds would come out in this...”
“....then w-who the hell is that!?”
They both looked into the distance as two silhouettes moved closer to them. The shadows solidified as the figures drew closer.
It was a man and a woman walking towards them. The man was dressed in a pure white robe that blended perfectly with the background. There were iron bands on each of his shoulders that hinted at the harness holding the shield on his back. Then as the wind blew, a sword belt and a shirt of chainmail was revealed beneath the folds of his robe.
The woman beside the man was dressed appropriately for the weather. She wore a thick fur coat and padded leather leggings which was the standard this time of year. She was quite the beauty, and the soft glow of her blue eyes captivated the pair of sniffling Travelers.
“Bro, do you see her?”
“I’m standing right here aren’t I? And look at that guy, he doesn’t even seem cold.”
“Right!? That’s got to be some sort of ability or resistance.”
“Probably...Let’s get a closer look. They don’t look like bad players.”
The two walked closer to the pair as they whispered amongst themselves. The man looked to be a part of the Good alignment, so they didn’t need to be too wary. Not to mention the fact that he was walking beside such a beauty. A woman like that wouldn’t be with an evil guy.
“You see his gear, right? Iron. Must be a lower level cause he doesn’t look too str- WHAT THE HELL!?”
“Dude, there’s no need to-whoa. Is that his Fighting Spirit? That dude’s hella strong.”
“Even you can feel it!? Just how high is it!?”
“It’s gotta be in the high 900’s. People without Fighting Spirit can’t sense anything lower than that. He might be a boss NPC.”
The pair of strangers walked up to them as they finished their conversation. The warrior, who had felt the full force of the man’s fighting spirit, sucked in a breath when he got a good look at his face. Then the air around them warmed as the strangers stopped in front to them.
“Good afternoon gentlemen. My companions and I are headed for Todos. Are we going in the right direction?”
The mage spoke up first as his friend was still gawking at the man. “Yeah, it’s just a couple of hours in that direction. You couldn’t miss it even if you tried.”
“Thank you. I was worried we may have made a wrong turn somewhere.”
“Where did you come from? If you don’t mind me asking.” the mage continued.
“We came from Yune.”
“That’s a good couple of days from here. Did you guys walk all the way? It’s...not very nice weather for traveling.”
“I think it’s quite nice outside.” the man turned to his female companion. “What do you think?”
“The snow is pretty when you don’t have to worry about the cold.” she said as she smiled knowingly.
The warrior finally snapped out of it. “Hey! Aren’t you-”
“Yes. Yes I am.” the man interrupted him. He seemed to know why the warrior had been speechless.
The mage looked in confusion as his friend happily shook the man’s hand. What just transpired between them?
“Well, I hope you two have a safe trip. My companions are weary, and I’d like to get to the capital as soon as possible.” the man said as he started to walk off.
“Wait a minute. You said companions, right? Then where’s the other one?”
The man smiled while his female companion narrowed her eyes. She seemed annoyed that he had brought it up.
“If you can’t see her, then don’t worry about it. She’s quite good at hide and seek.” the man replied.
The two Travelers looked at each other quizzically as the strange pair, or trio, disappeared into the blizzard. The warrior watched them go with a satisfied look on his face. The mage couldn’t help but feel like he’d missed something.
“So what was that all about? You know that guy? I feel like I’ve seen him before. Maybe on campus?”
“Bro, that was Brandon Welding.”
“...yeah right. No, wait. Now that you mention it, I saw Eva Mendes at the market this morning…”
“Dude, you literally drank out of a cup with his face on it this morning…”
“You can look like anyone is this game by changing your features in the character creator. So what?”
“The game doesn’t do complete facial reconstruction.”
“Yeah, that’s the face you should have made. Now come on. Whatever he did to stop the cold is wearing off.”
Thadius smiled as he made his way through the blizzard. Just like Christina had said, the view from inside the storm was quite majestic once you ignored the cold. Not only that, one of the first players he had met recognized him from his NFL days. It had him feeling warm and fuzzy inside.
Yuna, who was fully enjoying his shield as a back rest, leaned forward to look at him. Her ‘hero-long-sword’ was slung over her shoulder like a bowman’s quiver
“Thadius, did you know that man?”
“But he seemed like he knew you.”
“Many Travelers will know my face. I’m well known in my world.”
“Your world?” Christina looked at Thadius with a concerned expression. She hadn’t heard anything about this.
Thadius stopped in his tracks and looked down at her. “I’m a Traveler Christina.” he declared as he watched her react to the revelation. It had completely slipped his mind that she didn't know. Now that she knew, what would she think?
Her brow furrowed a bit and she blushed under his gaze, nodding after a brief moment. It wasn’t that big of a deal to her. In fact, it just meant that Thadius was even more special than she realized. “What did you do in your world that earned you such a reputation?” she asked quickly. She wanted him to realize that she wanted to know more about him. His past wouldn't change how she felt about him.
“I played a sport called football.” Thadius started as he recounted his rise to fame. Yuna had heard the story many times, so she kept watch on the horizon.
They’d encountered a few monsters out on the plains during the past couple of days, but they weren’t attacked. The monsters stopped before they could get into Thadius’ Fighting Spirit range. When they all started stopping at the same distance of 20ft(6m), Thadius came to the conclusion that beings with Fighting Spirit could sense each other's strength when their areas of effect touched. Which meant that he and Yuna would have even more trouble with first impressions, or at least Thadius would. With Yuna on his shoulders all the time, the strength of her Fighting Spirit was masked by his.
After Thadius finished his story, Christina pummeled him with questions about his world. Before for long, the conversation had degraded into Thadius doing impersonations of famous people and animals from his world. Yuna jumped at the chance to watch Thadius make a fool of himself.
“Thadius! Play me next!” she shouted over the gale.
Thadius cleared his throat. High pitched voices were nearly out of his vocal range. “‘What do you mean there’s no more beef! Heroes need meat! How can I grow into a hero without meat!'”
“That’s not what I sound like!” she protested, pulling on his collar.
“Hey, hey! Don’t pull on the robe! This is Corbae!” he laughed.
“Then do Christina next!”
Christina’s eyes went wide. “Wait, why me!”
Thadius quickly pulled out a flower from his inventory. His eyes widened as he held it up with trembling hands. “‘Excuse me sir! Would you like to buy some flowers?’”
“That’s not funny Thadius!” she pouted with a red face.
“‘Oppsie.’” Thadius said playfully as he dropped the flower at her feet. When he went to pick it up, he slid a hand down her torso. Christina chewed her lip in irritation. She was disappointed that she could barely feel his touch through the coat, and frustrated from the fact that she had been caught multiple times trying to feel him up.
“T-that never happened!” she lied.
Thadius just laughed as Christina threw snow at him. Soon, the impersonations turned into full blown dramas as they continued on. Both Christina and Yuna had been ensnared in his imagination.
“Put the princess down demon!” Yuna cried as she raised her sheathed sword.
“Never! The girl is mine!” Thadius snarled as he and Yuna circled each other. He had one arm over Christina’s legs as she sat on his shoulder.
“Save me hero!” She yelled dramatically.
“I’m coming princess!”
“What can you do fool? I’ve never seen a hero so small!” the ‘demon’ Thadius said as he threw back his head and laughed.
“I may be small, but my heart is strong and my sword is long!”
“Taste my blade forged from truth and justice!” Yuna yelled as she leaped into the fray, poking Thadius in the belly.
“NO!” he hissed as he fell dramatically. Christina rolled off his shoulder and tumbled playfully in the surprisingly warm snow.
“Now demon, allow me to introduce my sword to your face!”
“Wait hero!” ‘princess’ Christina said as she walked up to stand beside Yuna. “His face is too handsome to ruin with a blade. Go for the heart.”
“As you wish.”
“Ha ha ha. You think this is over hero? The fight has only just begun! Witness the glory of my final form!”
Thadius knew exactly what he wanted to transform into, and gathered the air into chest to release a threatening roar. The effect was far stronger than he had anticipated, and the sound that came out of his mouth was something he’d only heard in movies and games.
The ballad of death. The sound of impending doom. You’ve unlocked Dragon’s Roar Dragon’s Roar LV.10 Novice
Anyone within a 50ft(15m) radius is pressured at full strength regardless of how many targets are within range.
Thadius immediately ran over to Christina, who'd buckled from the pressure. Yuna had withstood it, but she was still shaken.
“Christina!” he cried as he slid in the snow to her side. Her crytal clear eyes had become milky white, and as he met her gaze she bowed her head. When he reached out to comfort her, she shrank back from his hands.
“Dammit! Yuna!” he called out. He turned around to find Yuna still standing there. He ran up to her in concern. He was worried he may have deafened her since she was the closest. When he saw her face, her eyes were the same milky white as Christina’s.
“Yuna.” he whispered.
“Yeah.” she said through gritted teeth.
He was glad that her hearing was still intact. “Can you see?” he asked hesitantly. He feared the worst.
“Yes.” she replied. Her body quivered. It was as if she was struggling.
’Doesn’t she have broken Fighting Spirit?’ It was odd that she would be trembling in fear.
“Are you afraid of me?”
Yuna made a confused face. “Afraid?”
Thadius put a hand on her shoulder as he looked her in the eyes. As soon as he touched her, Yuna bent her knee as if in reverence. He knew then what had happened.
This what it looked like when a someone was ‘Awestruck’ as a result of his ‘Pressure’. The new status effect was added when his Fighting Aura was converted into Holy Fighting Aura. The skill didn’t mention how high the chances were, but this is what it looked like.
Your convincing performance of a demon that transforms into a dragon has earned you a new skill. Pretender LV. 6 Novice
Not to be confused with Mimic or Disguise. Instead of concealing one’s identity or taking another’s, the user creates and assumes a separate identity that comes purely from their imagination. The more people that believe in the identity, the more convincing the performance becomes. Ranks are unlocked as the level increase. Benefits are unlocked with ranks.
’What!? Oh, boy...’
He waited until the effect wore off to apologize to them. Once he confirmed that he hadn’t actually hurt the young women, he suggested that they press on. They readily agreed. The playful mood had been thoroughly spoiled.
They marched through the blizzard for a few more hours with Yuna and Thadius pushing out their Auras to keep Christina warm. They arrived sometime in the afternoon when the blizzard had calmed into a light snowfall. The capital city stood proudly in the distance, welcoming all those who needed shelter. Thadius marveled at the sight of it.
The entire city was sitting on a giant foundation of stone. From afar, it looked like the city just had high walls, but as you got closer, you could see the giant staircases that were carved into each side of the city's base. Everyone was itching to get a closer look.
“Alright, you two. I want to try something, and I'm going to need your help. Will you help me?”
Yuna and Christina nodded immediately. It wasn’t often that Thadius asked for anything, so they listen carefully as he explained his plan. Minutes later, the trio arrived at the steps of Todos, where guards lined every bend on the way up.
The walls loomed over 300ft(91m) high. The line to get in wasn’t very long since the blizzard had stopped only a few hours before. The way out was a large archway further down with dozens of people pouring out with their carts and luggage. It made one wonder how merchants entered the city with their goods as their carts couldn’t possibly acsend the stairs.
Christina walked up to the guard at the foot of the staircase with the watchmen up the first flight watching over them. Beside her was a hunchbacked old man covered in a dark brown cloak. His hair, turned white with age, nearly touched the ground as he hobbled beside her.
“Status cards.” the guard said with outstretched hands. He never took his eyes off the old man who had his face entirely hidden underneath his hood and hair.
Christina flashed her card while the old man searched his cloak. “Hmm, that’s odd. I could have sworn…” he mumbled to himself.
“Status card, old man.”
“I’m sorry dear boy, I seem to have forgotten it.”
“Grandpa! I asked you if you had it and you said yes!”
“No,no. I’m sure it’s here somewhere. Just let me get my spectacles and I’ll take a closer look.”
The old man continued to search himself while Christina apologized to the guard. “It’ll just be a moment sir. I’m terribly sorry.”
“N-not a problem.” the guard stuttered. It had been a while since he’d seen such a beauty.
“What’s the hold up?” said the guard from the first flight as he stepped down to stand beside his colleague.
“The old one can’t find his status card.”
“Seems too strong for an old man.”
“Ha! When you’ve spent as much time on Central as I have, you’re bound to get this strong boy. Though I admit, I’m long past my prime.”
“You’ve been to the central continent? I find that hard to believe.” the first flight guardsman said.
A heavy pressure weight down on the two guards as the old man took a menacing step towards them. The first flight guard put his hand on his sword in panic.
“Have you ever seen a Lorian Strangler boy? It's a dog-like beast with blades for fingers and swords for teeth. When Loras sent their expeditions into the Forest of Nam, they woke the damned things. The beasts were named after we found one of them gnawing on the throat of a Lorian scout, and for you to tell me that I didn’t witness such a thing.” the old threatened in a low voice.
The guards took a step back as Christina scolded the old man. “Grandpa don’t scare the nice men!”
The old man released his pressure and the guards breathed easier. “I’m terribly sorry, I’m afraid my age is starting to show, disrespecting such honorable guards. Come child, let’s go back and look. We’ll turn Yune upside down if we have too.”
“Go back!? Grandpa, no way!”
“Wait a minute, old man! Just go up.”
“Y-yeah. No need to go all that way. Just make sure you stop by the Adventurer’s Guild once you're inside the city.
“Thank you!” Christina smiled as she put her arm around the old man. ”Thank the nice men, grandpa.”
“Thank you boys. It’s good to know that our soldiers know kindness.”
The two moved passed the guards with Christina supporting the old man as he took his first steps up the staircase.
“Damned stairs.” the old man muttered to himself as he took the stairs one at a time.
Beneath the old man’s cloak, Yuna shook with mirth. Getting a piggyback ride had already put her in a good mood, but when Thadius had used her hair as his, she nearly burst out in laughter.
Christina looked back as they turned to climb the second flight. “I can’t believe that worked.”
“Of course it did child. This hair is 100% real after all!” Thadius replied in his best old man voice.
Yuna could no longer suppress her amusement and laughed hysterically, using the collar of Thadius’ robe and the cloak to muffle the sound. Even Christina found it hard to keep a straight face as they climbed.
After about an hour, they reached the top, and Yuna quickly hopped off of Thadius so he could equip his shield and put away the cloak. Only to regain her seat as soon as he was situated.
The city of Todos was huge, and they were all astounded as they looked upon the capital for the first time. Sitting upon the foundation, was a city of pure stone. Rows upon rows of buildings formed neat and orderly streets. Towers and huge buildings littered the city, drawing all eyes to their magnificence. All of it was encased by a 10ft(3m) wall from where the guardsmen could stand watch over the city and the world outside. Then all of it was topped off with a heavy layer of snow.
Yuna and Christina could barely contain their excitement. Thadius on the other hand, had his eyes glued to one structure in the distance. He knew it at first glance as the bloody stadium where gladiators battled for gold and glory. In the heart of Todos, stood the coliseum.
"We finally made it." Christina smiled as she enjoyed the view.
"Now the fun part begins." Thadius replied as he led the way.
He asked the first person he ran into for directions. Even though the streets where in order, one could easily get lost if they didn't know where they were going. The first place they headed to was the Adventurer's Guild.
Thadius wanted to get a status card for Yuna and himself since it truly was a standard form of identification. Although he was a Traveler, the only person to identify him as one, without him saying anything, was Old Man Tony. If he could get a status card, he'd be implying he was a NPC without actually saying it. He thought it’d be more interesting if he posed as one since he practically lived here anyway.
Thankfully, the Adventurer's Guild was located close to where they entered the city, so Thadius led the way while Christina followed closely beside him. The sun shined down on the trio, giving a glow to Thadius’ robe as they turned down the street where the guild was located.
To their surprise, people started to move away from them as they walked the street. Thadius had reigned in his Ambient Pressure to the bare minimum, but people were avoiding him all the same.
“They look wary of us.” Christina whispered.
“No, they look wary of me.” Thadius replied solemnly.
“Why?” Yuna asked.
“I don’t-”
Suddenly, both Thadius and Yuna felt a stabbing coldness penetrate their Auras, followed by a foreign entity. Thadius leaned forward as he pushed Christina to the side. Yuna leaped off his shoulders and rolled to the ground as a two blades struck his shield.
The steel blades left visible indentations in his iron shield, and sparks flew as he rolled with the momentum. His sword was at the ready before he returned to his feet.
Standing in front of them was a person clad in all black leather armor that seemed to absorb the light around it, diming the colors in the general vicinity. The face of the would be assailant was hidden from the nose down, and neon red irises glowed ominously from underneath a large hood.
Thadius immediately thought about the last update, and how the game warned him about attempts on his life.
Christina moved in behind Thadius as the two watched each other. The assailant was looking at his equipment while Thadius was waiting for any signs of attack. His wait was a short one as the Chaotic player charged him.
The speed wasn’t that fast, giving Thadius enough time to grab his shield and turn the first lunge aside. His opponent moved inside, trying to use the range of the daggers to gain the upper hand. Yet Thadius' eyes were wide open, following every thrust and slice while resetting them useless. He could have used his pressure to restrain his foe, but he'd never get battle experience like that.
So he dragged out the fight, using every second to learn as from his enemy as he could. Soon the assailant fell into his pace, breathing heavily with every attack.
Dragon's Scales is the most arrogant form of the Dragon's Path sword style. You wither away the opponent with nothing but pure defense. You give them hope by being constantly on the defensive, only to have every attack become a glancing blow. Like a dragon that pays no heed as a knight swings his sword in vain. Then when the knight throws everything into attacking in an attempt to pierce the dragon's hide...
Thadius lowered his shield, inviting an attack with feigned fatigue. The Chaotic player gladly lunged at the opening with both daggers in an attempt to finish the fight. Unfortunately, the trap had been prepared and set long before this moment. As the blades reached out for his chest, Thadius hid his presence completely. Then he aimed a blow at the legs that was filled with his Holy Fighting Aura.
The assailant reacted instantly, moving his daggers to parry the blow. However, what met the blades was Thadius' lingering Fighting Spirit; a phantom attack created by completely separating his Aura from his body. The confusion was still clear in the assailant's eyes as a iron sword plunged into his chest.
You've killed SmartYeti in single combat. As The Iron Dragon, a one time reward equaling 10% of his fame/infamy has been awarded.
+1267 Fame Chaotic player killed
+100 Alignment
You've leveled up!
You've leveled up!
You've leveled up!
Without a shedding a single drop of blood, Thadius quickly removed his sword. The stranger was dead before he hit the ground.
"Shit..that guy just got owned."
"I thought that noob was done for with that iron gear , but he's pretty good.
"Still, it's been a while since a Good player was seen in Todos. I thought they all left."
Thadius flicked his sword before he sheathed it. With his Concentration, he listened carefully to the comments of the spectators.
He was just attacked in broad daylight on crowded city streets. Yuna could handle herself, but if Christina had been harmed because of him, he wouldn't have been able to face Marshal ever again. It seemed like he would have to put the trip to the Adventurer's Guild to the side for now.
"Yuna, stay hidden, and keep an eye on the rooftops. I don't think our trip to the big city is going to be the adventure we were looking for."
"Okay." she replied as she fell back to trail behind them.
"Christina, we need to get you to the temple as soon as possible. It's no longer safe around me, I'd feel better knowing that you're with the church."
"But what about you and Yuna?" she asked. She didn't want to part from him, but if it was for her safety, she could tolerate a brief absence. Especially when she witnessed the danger first-hand.
"For now, Yuna will be with you. Whoever that was, has seen you with me. Since it was a Traveler, they'll resurrect in four days. So until I can confirm that they won't try to get revenge, I don't want any other potential attackers to see you with me. I should have expected this. From what your father told me and what I heard just now, this isn't exactly the safest place."
"Where will you go?"
"Well..I'll be walking around the city. Maybe drawing some more people that want to do me harm. I also need to talk to a tailor and find the mage my master was talking about. Don't worry, I'll visit you guys every day."
"Just be careful Thadius..."
"I'd rather you worry about yourself more than me because traveling with us means putting yourself in danger. Unless you become stronger, you'll always be relying on us to protect you. I'll do so gladly, but do you really want to constantly put your life in someone else's hands?"
Christina couldn't find the words to respond. She knew she'd been a hindrance since they left Yune, and that fact had been reinforced when she watched Thadius fight. If she was going to travel with him, she needed to do more than just stand there. If anything, she wanted to be beside him when the fighting broke out.
"I understand..."
"Good." Thadius said as he looked around to ask someone for directions. "Excuse ma'am, which way to the temple?"
They changed directions and followed the instructions to find the temple. The building was made of the same white stone that they saw in Yune. Except this temple was at least three times larger. On either side of the doors was a statue of the Goddess Thena.
Thadius saw them off at the door, making sure that Yuna watched over Christina from the shadows.
"I'll return later today. But if you don't see me for a couple of days, don't worry about too much."
"Wait a minute! What does that mean!?" Yuna whispered fiercely from in front of him. She had used 'Vanish' to remain hidden.
"I'm just preparing you for the possibility of my death."
""What!?"" The girls shouted in unison.
"Where exactly are you going!?" Yuna questioned.
"I may stop by the coliseum..."
"Then take us! I want to fight too! Why do you get to fight and I don't!?"
"No. The most important thing right now is for Christina to continue down the path of a priestess since she is otherwise defenseless. However," Thadius leaned down so only she could hear him, "If Christina was capable of fighting for herself..."
"I'm listening."
"It could possibly prevent situations like this in the future. All she needs is a teacher."
"You do it then!" she hissed.
"She may be a bit...distracted if I taught her."
Even with Yuna 'Vanished', Thadius could still tell that she was putting her hand to her face in realization. She knew exactly what Thadius was talking about.
"Well then, I'll leave you to it." Thadius said as he headed toward the coliseum. The gigantic stadium was visible from every corner of the city.
He walked with his Aura stretched out to the limit. If anyone tried to attack him again he'd be ready.
After an hour of uneventful walking, he was standing beneath the coliseum. It was exactly like he'd seen it in movies and shows. Tall columns shouldered massive walls of stone. The air was filled with dust and the thunderous roar of the crowd within. A giant archway welcome spectators and competitors with a statue of Braumas, God of Strength and Order, leading to it.
"Soon Goddess, it'll be your image that stands proudly outside the arena." Thadius declared as he walked past the statue to the entrance.
Inside, torches lit the corridor as the sunlight was blocked out. There was a door to the left and a larger door on the right. Straight ahead was a small crowd of people leading out to the stadium, but Thadius had different plans. He looked around for a guard and walked up to the first one he found.
"Excuse me, sir. Where can I register to fight in the arena?"
The guard tensed up as he approached. "That door there leads to the amateur waiting area. You can get a bite to eat and ask for a registration form." The guard said as he pointed to the small door.
"Then what's the other door for?"
It made sense to Thadius. The gladiators needed somewhere to sleep too. He quickly made his way to the door.
When Thadius walked into the amateur waiting area, NPCs and Travelers alike quieted down and stared at him. A group of people whispered excitedly as they watched him with wide eyes. They had no doubt recognized his face. Thadius took a look around, not shying from the stares and glares that met his eyes.
The waiting area was more like a tavern. There were tables all around where adventurers and other patrons could order food and drink. The counter, where you could register for the arena, was off to the left. Waitresses came out from behind the counter carrying food and beverages, so the kitchen must be located further in the back.
Thadius found an empty table at the opposite corner of the room and waited for one of the waitresses. Unfortunately, any waitress that looked like they were about to serve him, turned away when they came within range of his fighting spirit, making uncomfortable expressions as they walked away.
So Thadius sat patiently as he leaned back in his chair. He had a feeling that there would be some discomfort from his Fighting Spirit, but he didn't think it would be to this degree. Minutes passed, and he began to receive even more stares from the other patrons. He looked to the counter, hoping that he wouldn't have to talk to a manager.
Some of the waitresses were in the back talking amongst themselves. Even with his Concentration, Thadius couldn't make out what they were saying. Though it was obvious that they were arguing about who was going to serve him since they all kept glancing in his direction.
Just as he was thinking about asking for management, a woman came out from the back. The waitresses swarmed around her in relief while she looked down at them in confusion.
The woman towered over them. Her caramel skin had a light film of moisture from the heat of the kitchen, and jet black hair was wrapped neatly in a scarf on her head.
One of the other waitresses motioned towards Thadius and the woman's eyes meet with his. Her beauty was apparent in every feature: the sharp angle of her jaw, the prominent green of her hazel eyes, the strength and poise in her stature. She was a lioness among alley cats.
She raised an eyebrow when she looked at him. "He doesn't look so bad....He's actually quite handsome. Why hasn't he been served?"
"I know he doesn't look scary, but he is!
"Yeah! We can't tell how strong people are like you can, but this guy is different!"
"Even we can feel it!"
The woman looked at the mystery man again. This time, he was the one with the raised eyebrow. Silently asking if she would be the one to help him. She held eye contact with him, debating whether or not to help the cowardly waitresses. Then he motioned ever so slightly for her to come over.
"I'll take this one girls. He's piqued my curiosity." She said as she smiled at the man. The confident ones were always interesting, and according to her co-workers, this one was especially so.
Thadius sat up as the lioness strode to his table. He could tell that if he stood up, she would be just as tall as he was. As soon as their fighting spirits overlapped, the woman made a surprised face, but she kept going without so much as skipping a step.
Grabbing a menu from an empty table, she came to stand right beside Thadius. Her fragrance washed over him like tsunami, drowning out all other smells. If 'everything nice' was a perfume in Chaos Online, then she bathed in it. The scent would drive him mad if he let it.
She watched his reaction carefully because she knew exactly what he was experiencing at the moment. She'd learned to gauge a man's character by his actions once he was exposed to it.
Thadius was snapped out of his trace by the growl of the wolf within. Only a second had passed before he responded to her presence.
"Good afternoon." he smiled casually, flashing his bewitching smile. The waitress stopped breathing for a fraction of a second before she she returned the greeting.
'Extremely handsome, and his reaction was good too.' she thought. Many men had lost themselves to her ridiculously high charm stat.
"I apologize for the wait sir. I'm afraid our staff isn't used to a man of your strength."
"No need to apologize. It's not the first time something like this had happened."
"Thank you for your patience. What can I get for you?" she asked as she handed him the menu.
"Well, for starters...how about your name?"
"My name is Sarene."
"Sarene? It matches your presence. You have a calming air about you."
"Well thank you." She smiled.
"Now let's see...I wouldn't mind having some of this, Seredin Tea? I hope I pronounced that correctly."
"I'll bring it out shortly." She replied, taking back the menu to return to the counter.
On the way back, a man at one of the nearby tables slapped her butt. Before Thadius could intercede, a crisp jab flew to the man's nose faster than he could return his hand to his side.
The man had a dumbfounded expression as blood trickled down his nose while Sarene looked down at him, waiting for him to explode in rage.
As he stood up, a crushing pressure seated him. He looked at Thadius, who was shaking his head with a smile on his face.
Ignoring the man who started to sulk at the table, Sarene moved on to the kitchen and returned with a glass pitcher of light grey liquid. No one tried to slap her this time.
"You seem to be quite popular." Thadius said as she returned to the table.
"He's the first one in a while to do it. Most of the people here are veterans, so they know not to toy with me. But he knows now, and so do you." She said as she poured him a glass.
"I wouldn't dream of doing such a thing...in public."
"Is that so?" she laughed, sliding the glass to Thadius. He took a sip and made a satisfied face.
"This is pretty good."
"Of course it is. I brewed it myself."
"In that case, try adding some lemon next time. You might be pleasantly surprised."
"You have the cooking skill?"
"I do."
"I see...well then. I'll give your suggestion a try. Is there anything else I could get for you?"
"Could I possibly have a moment of your time? As you can probably tell, I'm new to the city, and it wouldn't hurt to get some information. Though I hope your employer won't mind." Thadius smiled again. He knew it had some effect.
"She won't mind, but I don't share tables with strangers..." She said, giving Thadius a knowing look.
"My friends call me Thadius."
"Oh?" she smiled too, sitting down on the opposite side. "What do your enemies call you?"
"The Iron Dragon."
Sarene tensed immediately at the mention of that title. No one had heard from The Iron Dragon in years. When she heard he was taking students, she had desperately searched for him. She made it as far as Todos before she lost his trail. "He was your master?"
"Yes he was. Unfortunately, he's no longer among the living."
"I see. Well then, Thadius. What do you want to know?"
"I want to sign up to fight in the arena, but I'm interested in hearing how it works."
"Nothing to it really. We hold tournaments here daily. If you want to enter, simply pick a tier and regis-" Sarene paused as a young man clad in armor walked up to the table nervously.
"Excuse me...I know I'm interrupting, but aren't you-"
"You must a Centurion fan." Thadius cut in.
"Yes I am! I knew it was you the second you walked into the door! I know this is strange, but...can I have your autograph!?"
"Really? I don't see how-"
"I know. I really do, but I never thought I'd get the chance! Please sir!"
"I don't mind, but I don't have anything to write-"
The young man immediately pulled out a quill, some ink, and parchment. Thadius just smiled as he dipped the quill and scratched his signature on the parchment. Then the man shook his hand before running back over to his table. It was the same group that had been whispering when he first walked in.
"It seems I'm not the only one who's popular." Sarene commented as she watched the young man return to his table. Then she turned back to Thadius with a puzzled expression. "What was that about? He seemed absolutely thrilled from you scratching nonsense on a piece of paper."
"I'm afraid that's a story for another time. I'm quite anxious about fighting in the coliseum at the moment."
"Another time then. As I was saying, the tiers at the moment are bronze, silver, and gold. You seem strong enough for the gold tier, but your equipment isn't good enough. So I'd suggest you pick silver when you register." She said as she looked around. The waiting area was beginning to clear out.
"Actually, you might want to register now. They should be closing the silver brackets soon."
"Oh!" Thadius raised from his chair in excitement. He didn't want to miss his chance.
As he walked passed Sarene, she reached out to stop. She'd thought she'd grabbed his arm, but he was standing a foot from where he was supposed to be. She didn't grab air though, for in her hand was a single gold coin.
"Keep the change." Thadius smiled as he walked up to the counter to register.
He filled out the paperwork quickly. It was a simple form asking for a name, tier, and who to send the body to if he died. There weren't any restrictions as far as level. It was up to the competitor to know their own strengths.
"Hey Thadius!" Sarene called from the table. Thadius already had one foot out the door, but he turned to look at her one more time. "Make sure you get to the finals. I heard the champion is pretty strong."
"We'll see about that!" Thadius called back as he rushed out the door.
Sarene walked back to the counter carrying the pitcher of Seredin Tea. The other waitresses swarmed her as she reached for the kitchen door.
"What did he say!? Spill!"
"You two looked like you hit it off!"
"Yeah! Tell us!"
"Nothing happened. He drank his tea, and we chatted for a bit. Nothing to get so worked up over."
Sarene said as she moved on to the kitchen. An old woman was in the back washing the dishes.
"Damn those girls. Making you do their job for them."
"Don't worry about it gran. I'm here to clear out the trouble makers after all." She smiled.
"I know that look. You found another one didn't you? Why don't you just ask for a duel instead of referring them all to the silver tier?"
"And ruin the surprise? No way. I enjoy the looks on their faces too much."
"I have violent con woman sleeping behind the kitchen..." The old woman sighed as she returned to work.
Sarene laughed at the old woman's plight. "By the way, do we have any lemons left?"
"Lemons? Check over there with the rest of the fruit."
Sarene continued through the kitchen to a door leading into a back room, grabbing a lemon on the way.
It was a simple room with a single bed. There was a suit of armor in the corner with a mythril sword leaning against it. Sarene picked up the sword and tossed the lemon. With a blindingly fast stroke, she cleanly cut the lemon in two.
After squeezing a generous amount of lemon juice into the pitcher, she took a sip. The sip turned into a few gulps. Then she dropped the sword as she drained the pitcher with both hands.
"Whew. That's pretty damn good Thadius." She said as she picked up her sword. " And I look forward to seeing you again soon." She grunted as she returned to her sword practice, swinging her sword at blinding speeds.
On her bed was a gigantic belt gilded in silver.
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Xianxia: My Junior Sisters Are Freaks!
Su Xing traveled through ten years in time and secretly checked in for ten years at Tianquan Peak. He thought he could continue to develop, but he suddenly got three junior sisters.
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The Natural
Leo's first order of business when he is dropped unceremoniously into the pokemon world is to survive. Seeing as he is in the middle of the wild with only a small pocketknife, some papers, and a backpack, and with no signs of civilization in sight, that is setting up to be quite the task.
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A LITRPG novel that has the protagonist Anon making his way through a new virtual game world, There are no gold farmers, no alts and no overpriced economy at least not yet. Anon is not in a hurry to level but is content to enjoy the game and explore the new world at his own pace. But like all new games there are bugs and problems.
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Gamer wars
[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] Andy has little to live for and even less fucks to give. When at the end of his rope, a stranger offers him a deal to enter a competition with life and deaths stakes in a series of games against other gamers, he doesn't hesitate to accept. After all the prize for winning is enough to turn everything around for him.Authors note - WARNING, spoilers ahead: The first game played is a hardcore engineering focused space survival. So stay away, if that's not your sort of thing.
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Tribe of fang
A man born into the wrong world forgotten and kicked to the side by his family was given a second chance to live his life the right way, the way he always dreamed...Right? With his new found family and the new and exciting encounters with this world. Though it may be a little off... This is the story of Fang and his wonderful adventures in his new found world. ~ I have a random way of writing some of it may change as the chapters go on but all try my best to make it interesting and go back and edit for a final version. I hope you guys like it. Feel free to leave me suggestions in comments of the chapters. Though I also plan to write this story for a pretty long ass time so you guys are stuck with my writing style until get better. :P
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There's Nothing Without You (Under editing)
Previous Title : Tum Jo Nahi Toh Kuch Bhi NahiHe was sitting emotionlessly. He looked toward her in anger. She also looked at him but she was confused and couldn't actually know what's going on in his mind.Mantras started and time was passing, He was doing whatever the priest was saying but his mind was roaming somewhere else.HE (monologue): You didn't do right. I thought you are a nice girl and you will understand me but I was wrong . I wanted to marry HER and live my life with HER but you ruined it. I can't believe you can do this. How could you stoop so low? She told me to marry you for my family and papa but I can't do this. I will never marry a girl like you.He stands up in between mantras and say what left her shocked. "I can't do this marriage."........She cried at her fate and helpless to do anything else rather than looking at him while he was accusing her for something she never did. What she did was to .... Love him ALWAYS...💞. That's the greatest mistake of her life but she could never hate him and only loved him immensely.Join the journey of The love hidden behind her SILENCE. How she finally got the love she deserved without even speaking a word. Yes, she was MUTE but her eyes expresses her heart._________________________________#1 Indianlovestory on 5.10.20WINNER:-* Ist position YOURS CHOICE AWARDS* 2nd position in INFINITY AWARDS (Reader's choice)* Best emotional story in SWASAN FAMILY AWARDS ( 2nd )* SWASAN NEWBIE AWARDS (consolation prize)._________________________________
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