《No Longer a Game》Chapter 13: The Wrong and the Righteous
Sonsoft Studios - 46th Floor
Thomas Lanyard was having another bad day as he walked down the halls of the development department. His black hair was disheveled, his face wasn't shaved, and the bags under his eyes gave him a haggard look. Memories of the past two weeks filled his head as he looked down at the same slim-fit suit that he wore to the Challenger's interview. He shook his head in disgust. That interview had been the start of his bad luck.
When all hell broke loose for Sonsoft, they had sent Thomas to do damage control. Unfortunately, the damage, and the problems that followed, had already spread across the globe like wildfire. So by the time they sent Thomas, it was much too late. Lawsuits were a daily occurrence and protesters marched outside, clamoring for the game to be shut down immediately. The only saving grace had been the timing of the Ghostkilla broadcast and the fact that the entire situation was unprecedented.
Prosecutors argued for the victims that had suffered trauma and emotional scars. They claimed that such an atrocity shouldn't have been possible in the first place. Sonsoft's lawyers countered with cold hard facts. Since the very beginning, Chaos Online was advertised as a game that could provide an 'authentic' fantasy world experience. It had been repeatedly stated that the game supported independent, free-willed AI, and that there had been absolutely no restrictions to NPC behavior. They had created a living, breathing world fraught with every danger and peril that went with it.
Sonsoft argued that they had hid nothing from the players, and that all of the victims had subjected themselves to the environment while being fully aware of the possibilities. Inside the packaging of every Deep Dive is a user agreement that states that Sonsoft is not responsible for the actions of other players. Had an NPC sexually assaulted a player, Sonsoft was prepared to take full responsibility. Yet, the fact remained that every single case against them had been because of the actions of a human being, not an AI. Sonsoft claimed that their only crime was that they'd mistakenly held players, who were all 18 and up, to a higher moral standard.
After weeks of fighting in the courts, Sonsoft offered solution. While they couldn't do anything for those that had already suffered, they could implement a program to prevent further attacks within a week. The announcement took some of the heat off Sonsoft, but it didnt do much for Thomas' image. The repercussions of Sonsoft's lapse in judgment had even affected his personal life once he came into the spotlight. As the face of Sonsoft, Thomas had become a target for the all the hatred and rage of the victims while the rest of the world hammered him for answers he didn't have. With all the stress, Thomas was having trouble keeping his temper in check. He had been one of the first to start asking questions of Sonsoft. If they were going to throw him to the wolves, he wanted to be prepared, but the only answer he'd received was the same silence that had enraged the populace.
Thankfully, that silence would end today, and he would finally get answers. With his schedule freed up, he had time to go to the source. It was with this state of mind that he walked over to desk of one of the games programmers.
"Chad. Tell me you have good news." Thomas asked as he pulled up a chair from an empty cubicle.
Chad, his favorite Japanese American and comrade in arms, turned around in his chair with a small smile. "I got good news, but I have bad news too. What do-"
"The good news." Thomas interrupted, God knows he needed it.
"We have an update that's going down in a couple of hours that should alleviate some of the problems."
"But not solve them?"
"That's for next week. We're releasing what we can right now to show the players and the public that we're doing something."
"What the hell is taking so long! This should be a simple fix!"
"We're being asked to create a program that detects distress and ill intention from players. You'll have to excuse us if it takes a while to translate human thought into code. Do you even know how long we've been working on this!?" Chad replied in frustration.
"I know Chad, is just...," Thomas sighed heavily as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "how didn't you guys see this coming?"
"'Don't start that shit! I wasn't apart of the roundtable of idiots who thought it was okay to have sex in a VR without taking precautions! I said we should push it back do we could set some type of safeguard, but all we got for our concern was deadlines. The fat cats didn't care!" Chad threw his hands up as he recollected. We covered our asses though, even if weren't the ones making the final decisions. The so called 'solution' that Sonsoft's been telling everybody about would be no where near finished if we started when shit went down. Remember the patch that stopped players from logging out in dungeons?"
"The patch that was released in order to stop the new players from dying so often?"
"That's being taken out since its part of the problem. Let the noobs die for all I care." Chad sighed as he rubbed his eyes. He couldn't even remember the last time he had a day off. "We were so close to finishing this thing under the radar. The shit hit the fan two months from launch. You know what happened two months ago don't you?"
"Todos declares war on Naleng..."
"Fucking Todos! They kicked in the front door with players right beside as they ransacked and pillage everything in sight! Thank god for guys that talk to the broadcasting stations. Cause if they had focused on what happened after the battles, I'd be looking for a job right now. And while the guys upstairs are popping bottles saying shit like 'War huh? That's so cool!?', everybody down here starts losing their fucking minds! Everybody starts getting on there phones to call home cause they knew, they knew right then that shit got real! We all knew it was about to be nothing but late nights and overtime until we dug Sonsoft out of their own fucking graves!"
Thomas just sat quietly while his friend ranted. Watching him rage was as gratifying as releasing his own pent up frustration.
"Now mind you, we all wanted authenticity. You don't like slavery? Grab your sword and shut down the markets. You don't want the army to pillage? Then take command and say 'That shit ain't right bro'. We wanted to draw out the hero's, you know?Yeah you do. You're a hero if I've ever seen one. But when they got the opportunity-"
"Players joined in instead of stopping it...."
"And when they found out what they could do in-game, they fucking lost it! Just like I knew they would. Jesus, man. Even I almost got caught."
"What!? When!?" It was news to Thomas. He did what he could to keep his guild members safe.
"That sadist bitch Longfingers and two of her goons cornered me in a labyrinth on central."
"Paradise..." Thomas grit his teeth. Not a day went by when he didn't hear the name of that cursed guild.
"They waited till I was deep in the dungeon and couldn't log out. I had to make a suicide run to the boss room..."
They both sighed heavily and went silent. They'd encountered Longfingers' handiwork before. She'd kidnapped players and NPCs alike for her 'fun'. Players were spared by the system after a certain pain threshold was reached, but not the non-player characters.
Chad leaned back in his chair after he recounted his narrow escape. Thomas changed the subject.
"Tell me about this program. How does it work?"
"We call him Jeeves," Chad said as he sat up and pulled up the information on his computer. "He's going to be Chaos Online's 'etiquette coach'. He'll hone in on a player's distress, then he'll observe the situation to see where it goes."
"So he'll just watched what happens?"
"No. He steps in before the situation gets out of hand. Worse case scenario, someone's clothes get torn. We have him observe so that he doesn't take action when he's not needed. Players are going to be in distress when they fight bosses, but we don't want him jumping into those situations, right? We've worked out what he needs to look for and when he needs to jump in, but that brings us to the bad news."
"What is it?"
"Jeeves can catch players who attempt to assault another player. Once they've been caught the first time, they'll go on his shit list, and will then be specifically monitored by him around the clock. The listed players won't be able to attack other players or NPCs after that."
"But the players who only go after NPCs fly under the radar..." Thomas had hoped for better results, but the players were the priority.
"For the most part, but with the update that releases today, our hunt becomes a whole lot easier."
"Do tell."
"We've buffed passive stats, and added an alignment system. The first tier is purely based off of behavior, so it changes often. Tier two is reached when a player exclusively performs certain actions and quests on that side of the spectrum, or has a high level of certain passive stats. Knights with high Honor will be Good, and Assassin's with high Kills will be Chaotic. I'm not to sure about Diabolical or Righteous players. I wasn't working on the third tier, so I don't know the details."
"Will we be able to tell them apart?"
"Yes. The second and third tier has benefits as well as cosmetic markers. Chaotic players will have neon red eyes, and black will look really dark on them. Think, abyss black. Good players will get perfect smiles. They'll look pretty boss in white too."
"Perfect smiles?" Thomas raised an eyebrow in skepticism.
"You know, like the toothpaste commercials."
"Why not eye color?"
"The alignment system will reward players for killing someone on the opposite side of the spectrum starting at tier two. We made it harder for Good players to be detected on sight. In exchange, Chaotic players get more points for killing a Good player."
"So as long as Good players don't wear white, they can't be distinguished?"
"Pretty much."
"That'll certainly narrow down the list of Paradise suspects."
"Not only that, we'll be able to kill on sight without any consequences."
"It brings an interesting dynamic to the table. If I find myself standing next to a chaotic player once that update releases..."
"If it's Ghost, nobody would bat an eye if you two went at it. You've been at each other's throats since day one."
"Yeah..." Thomas made at difficult face at the mention of Ghostkilla.
"You haven't logged in since the interview have you?" Chad didn't miss his grimace.
"I'm not avoiding her. I just haven't had the time..."
"Well, if she doesn't kill you outright, it'll be a miracle. The chances she hasn't recognized your face on t.v. are slim."
"Then it's about time I faced the music." Thomas said as he rose from his chair.
"Good luck. I'll just be here, saving the company from damnation." Chad muttered to himself.
After saying goodbye, Thomas raced home to log in for the first time in a weeks. He needed to prepare his guild for the upcoming changes, and he also needed to make a few adjustments to the recruitment criteria. He logged in to find a blade at his throat.
"Welcome back Marius..."
In the darkness of the room, he could barely make out the woman with short cropped hair. Though he immediately recognized the voice.
"Ghost, wai-" he was interrupted by the force applied to the blade.
"You know Marius, you look an awful lot like that guy on t.v..."
Marius had chosen an elf has his starting race, but had made no adjustments to his face. From now on, he'd be immediately recognized by anyone who followed the news.
"I was going to tell you..."
"Upon my return."
"To late for that..." she whispered menacingly. The two stared at each other in silence. Neither one wanting to escalate the situation.
"What do you want me to do Ghost? Tell me..." he whispered in return, using hushed tones to calm the enraged Shadow Stalker.
"I want you to fucking care!" she hissed. Her world was in turmoil, and the one person she wanted to be there for her had disappeared, reappearing on television as a suit for Sonsoft. The blade at Marius' neck trembled, digging into the flesh.
"You think I don't care?" Marius cautiously reached for the blade and grasped the hand that gripped the hilt. He held her gaze as he moved the blade from his neck to his heart. Then he slowly pushed the tip of the blade into in chest. Ghostkilla froze.
"You think I don't care that I wasn't by your side that day?" Marius questioned as the blade easily pierced his tunic. Phantom Edge dealt burn damage if it pierced the target, immediately prompting a few drops of sweat on his brow.
".......!" Ghostkilla moved to remove the knife, but Marius was much stronger.
"You think I don't care that the world knew what had happened before I did?" He pushed the knife further still. It was millimeters away from his heart.
The moon cast it's light from the window, revealing the misty eyed assassin as she desperately tried to remove the knife with both hands. Like a true ghost, she had haunted his room to wait for his return. She'd watched to interview and wanted to hear what he had to say for himself. She should have known he'd do something drastic. He always did.
"You think I don't care that I wasn't beside you when you hunted them down?" Marius' voice was filled with sorrow and pain as his beating heart nicked the blade. "Yes, I work for Sonsoft. But that has nothing to do with my feelings for you. I care. If you don't believe, then do what you came here to do...." Marius spoke as he let go of her hand.
Ghostkilla's hands had stopped trembling as she looked down at him. They had both suffered apart. All that mattered now was that they were together.
She tossed the blade to the side as she fiercely put her lips to his. She ran her fingers through his hair, trying to grab hold of a part of herself that had been missing until that today. Then she embraced him as the white light cut through the darkness.
"Boyfriends are supposed to be there when it counts...." she cried in frustration.
"Forgive me." Marius hugged her tightly. Even if he was forgiven, he'd never forgive himself for not being there for her.
"And you don't log out without telling me first."
They embraced for a few moments before Ghostkilla detached herself, wiping the tears from her eyes. It had been a rare moment of sentiment for her, but no one would blame her given the circumstances. "The Guild's been waiting for you. Fourscore said something about finding a level 400."
"Good, I need to talk to them anyway. There's been a slight change in plans. Go. I'll be there in a bit." They never arrived together. They had a reputation of hating each other's guts.
Ghostkilla vanished and walked out into the halls of the guild house.
Marius whispered a healing spell as he got up to equip his armor. After what he'd learned from Chad, there were preparations to make. Passive stats were going to be a lot more powerful, and he needed the strongest if he was going to bring trouble to Paradise.
He needed a party that wouldn't lose to anyone, and today would mark the beginning of his search.
Two youths sat, overlooking a funeral pyre as the morning sun shined down on them. They were both masters in their own right, having been trained by the strongest swordsman that ever lived.
A man sat on the left of the pyre with one arm resting on his knee. His dark brown skin complimented his pure white robe in a striking contrast. He had a simple, neat buzz cut, and a clean shaven face that accentuated his strong jaw.
There was no devilish smile on his thick lips. The warm brown eyes that usually danced with joy, were brimming over with tears.
On the opposite side of the pyre, sat a young woman. She had her chin on her knees while her snow white hair shrouded the rest of her body. Her large silver eyes were overflowing as she cried. Streaks of tears covered her face, running down her button nose to soak her pure white trousers.
The two sat in silence, but the roaring of the flames filled the air. They watched as the body of their master burned. Refusing to bury him, they let the flames, that burned like his Fighting Spirit, carry him off to the emerald sea in the distance.
Thadius sighed as he looked at the messages he'd missed. After killing Corban, he had leveled up to 26. Yet, he had received so much experience, that the game
had given him a buff instead of further increasing his level.
Due to excessive experience, the maximum EXP. needed for the next 52 levels will be reduced by 10%.
He sighed again. His first kill had been his master, and it had been far from a fair fight. Corban had been weakened from years of fighting an affliction, and he had taken advantage of it to deal a killing blow. Thadius grieved, but he didn't regret what he'd done. Instead of leaving Corban to waste away on the mountain, he had given him a clean death. It was what his master had wished for when he had first met him.
Still, the last words of his master replayed in his mind, telling him that his heart would lead him to trouble. Thadius couldn't help believing his words. After all, this was the second time that his heart had lead him into making a painful decision.
He looked over at Yuna. He could still make out her crying face even with the heat haze distorting his view. They could stay a little while longer, but there was a whole world waiting for them below the mountain. It would do both of them some good to get away from the mountain as soon as possible.
As he got up to go over to her, a metallic glint caught his eye. Near the edge the pyre was a small rectangular piece of iron. Thadius touched it gingerly, expecting it to burn him. It was surprisingly cool, and as he flipped it over, small words magically scrolled the surface.
'A status card!'
Monster's Bane, Dragon Killer, War Hero, Mass Murderer, Immortal Blade, General, Love's Killer, Bully, Violent Child, Inquisitive Child, Moon Baby CLASS Sword Scholar NAME Corban(Deceased) RACE Human FAME: 210,746 LV. 432 ADVENTURER RANK SSS TODOS ARMY General HEALTH 0/10320 STAMINA 0/23040 VITALITY 1032 STRENGTH 1732 DEXTERITY 2002 WISDOM 5088 INTELLECT 4972 LEADERSHIP 437 CHARM 74 FIGHTING SPIRIT 6523 ENDURANCE 333 MAGIC RESISTANCE ICE 99% FIRE 0% EARTH 0% DARK -99% WIND 24% LIGHTNING 0% HOLY 0% WATER 20% -Cursed: Vitality, Stamina, Strength, and Dexterity cut by 66%
+Weapon mastery skills gain x10 EXP
- No experience from lower level enemies
+50% EXP from higher level enemies
+100% EXP and from solo boss kills
Thadius clutched the status card tightly. Even at a third of his strength, Corban had been formidable.
There was also a small chain next to where he found the card. Thadius wasted no time as he pulled the chain through the card to hang it around his neck. It would serve him as a small momento.
"Yuna...it's time to go." he said as he walked over to pat her on the head.
The young girl looked up at him. Her eyes were red, but she had stopped crying. After standing up and brushing herself off, she silently followed Thadius back to the compound where a woman waited for them at the entrance.
The woman had auburn hair that simmered gold in the sunlight as it fell just above her shoulders. Silver eyes, the signature color of Gods, looked down on them as a small smile spread on her lips. Her every feature complimented another, forming a natural balance that could only be called perfection.
"Hello Thadius, I've come to give you my condolences, as well as to give you this..." Tegaia lifted the book she was holding. The cover was plain leather, yet the pages glowed with a holy light. Thadius took book, opening it to a random page.
Yuna jumped back in surprise and shielded her eyes."Why is it so bright!?"
"Only those who have gained high faith from praying to me can look upon it."Tegaia answered. Then she turned to Thadius. "Does this fit your specifications?"
Thadius skimmed a bit. The glowing pages highlighted the scarlet letters, and the content seemed to fit the bill. Yet, something else bothered him.
"Is this your blood, Goddess?"
"It is indeed. It seemed an appropriate medium for what you hoped to accomplish with it. The blood of a God is quite powerful. Speaking of which..." She turned back to Yuna, who was still recovering from the binding light. "Yuna, I'm sorry for what happened. Had I known what Thena planned to do, I wouldn't have asked you to remain silent."
"It's okay...Thadius saved me after all." She replied with blushing cheeks.
"It's not okay. You've been wronged Yuna, and I will do all that I can to set it right." Tegaia's words were underlined with fury. Thadius was shocked. It was his first glimpse at Tegaia, Goddess of War. "But enough about that," she continued,"I'm sure you two are anxious to be on your way."
"Goddess, about Corban..." Thadius was hesitant to ask, but he needed to know.
"He has been guided to the Plains of Peace. Though I don't know where. The plains hold individual instances for every spirit that arrives. Once there, they are subjected to their own happy endings, and any spirit that knows them can be a part of it. I wouldn't be too concerned Thadius. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I take my time to find him."
Tegaia smiled knowingly. She knew precisely who had come for the sword master. "Now I must be going. There is much to do."
Thadius and Yuna agreed. They still had to sort through what they could take with them before they departed. After saying their goodbyes, Tegaia disappeared while the two explored the compound.
Although that was the plan, neither Thadius nor Yuna had many possessions. They collected the books and materials from Corban's office, as well as the ingredients from the kitchen. They'd perish eventually in Thadius' inventory, but it was better than leaving them to rot on the mountain.
They searched the supply room last. After all their years on the mountain, it was the one room they'd never entered. Corban had made a point of being the only one to go in. It was time to find out why.
Thadius opened the door wide before they stepped in. The inside was neat and orderly. Piles of training gear were stacked neatly near the front. Further in the back were more crafting materials, which Thadius tucked into his bag. All in all, it was an ordinary storage room, except for the mysterious door in the back.
As Thadius approached, he a also noticed a small wooden chest in the corner. He opened it first, but he didn't know what he was looking at when he opened it. There were small pieces of paper, organized neatly into two rows of four. On the front was some form of writing and a large red stamp. Thadius had a guess as to what it could be, so he shoved it in into his inventory and watched.
Down at the bottom of his inventory screen was the amount of money he had. 'G' stood for gold, 'S' was for silver, and 'C' was for copper. He still only had two copper from when he bought flowers. Or so he thought. Beside his gold amount, a 'N' had appeared. Whatever it stood for, he had over 5000 of them.
"Yuna...do you know what this is?" Thadius asked in a shaky voice. It was like they had won the lottery, and all they needed was someone to confirm the numbers.
"Paper...I guess. I don't know. Is it important?"
If 1G was equal to 100S , then 1N must be 100G. It was enough to make him jump for joy. What kept him sane, was the fact that he didn't know the market value of the world's currency. He didn't know whether 1G could buy him 100 loaves of bread or 1000. It bothered him not knowing their wealth, but at least he knew they wouldn't go hungry.
"Here, Yuna. I think it might be money. Master would want us to split it."
"Aren't we gonna explore together?" she asked with a confused face.
"Of course..."
"Then you keep it. I don't want to lose it."
"Fair enough."
After putting away the money, he examined the door. With nothing appearing out of the ordinary, he opened it to find a plain wooden wall behind it. He searched for some kind of mechanism or hidden switch, but it was simply a wall.
"Why would there be a door if it doesn't go anywhere?" Yuna asked as she walked up to exam it.
It was a good question. But if Corban hadn't mentioned it, then it wasn't worth mentioning.
They took one last look around before heading out. Then Thadius stood at the entrance, taking one last breath of the thin mountain air.
"Well, let's go. I'm ready to see what I've been missing." Thadius said as he took the first step of his epic journey.
Yuna moved to block his path. She had her hands clasped together with a begging look in her eyes.
Thadius knew what the deal was. "No."
Her eyes grew wider as they started to water.
"Fine." Thadius sighed in defeat,"But if you get caught, it's the end. Deal?"
"Yes!" In an amazing display of acrobatics, Yuna leaped into his shoulders.
Thadius just shook his head as he ran down the mountain at full speed.
Had they stayed for a few more seconds, they would have heard a voice coming from the storage room. Unfortunately, the tale of the mysterious door would be a story for another day.
Snow fell as Thadius rounded the ledge where they held the funeral. Then he leaped clear of the stairs he'd carved without so much as a pause.
"Weeeee!" Yuna cried as she lifted her hands up. She was having just as much fun as Thadius, who couldn't help but smile as he tested his top speed.
He ran at a breakneck pace for hours before he came to a familiar area. They had finally reached the trail the hunters used to climb the mountain, which meant that Yune wasn't far behind.Thadius continued his pace for a few more hours, and soon enough, they came within sight of a small hut on the outskirts of town.
Thadius couldn't contain his smile when he saw it, and slowed down as he neared the door. What he saw stopped him in his tracks.
Old Man Tony's hut was deserted. The side table, where he first met the old man, was flipped over, and the door was wide open. Thadius couldn't sense a single presence inside.
"Who lives here?" Yuna asked. She had vanished as soon as they arrived at the trail, but he could feel the shift in weight as she bent over to look at his face.
"A friend lives here. He's...gone now." Afraid of what he'd find within, he closed the door and walked away.
Tony had been as old as his master. It wouldn't be a surprise if he had passed in the last four years. Thadius was saddened, but he was determined to remain positive. There were other people he wanted to visit.
He strode into town with high spirits, which turned out to be a mistake. Everyone nearby moved away in fear from his Ambient Pressure.
"Thadius! The pressure!" Yuna whispered in response to his dumbfounded expression.
"Oops...." Thadius suppressed his pressure as much as he could without completely erasing his presence. The people around him breathed easier, but they were still wary. Unbeknownst to him, the entire city had been gripped by a sudden uneasiness from his pressure before he suppressed it.
They continued down the city streets with the citizens giving them a wide berth. Yuna looked around in awe. She'd never left the mountain, so every little thing had her thrilled. She had to catch herself from shouting out in excitement when something interesting caught her attention. She didn't want to lose her riding privileges on accident.
Before long, they stood in front of the Needle and Thread, the local tailoring shop. It had been a while, and Thadius had a lot to discuss with the master tailor and his daughter. Thadius opened the door to the shop and ducked inside to make it easier on Yuna.
Marshall was sitting at the front counter. His blonde hair had more streaks of silver than when Thadius had first met him. He looked up at Thadius with a tired expression.
"Welcome to the Needle and Thread what can-" Marshall stopped mid sentence as a confused look crept on his face."Thadius?"
"It's been a long time sir."
"Gods, people said that you went up the mountain...we thought you were dead..." Marshal whispered as he put a hand to his face.
"I'm a Traveler. Even if I died, I'd return. Is it that hard to tell the difference?"
"We don't get many Travelers. As far as I know, you're the only one. Well, it sure is good to see you. What in the hells have you been doing all this time?"
"Nothing much. Just training on the top of the mountain. Learning from the greatest swordsman that ever lived."
Thadius pulled out his late master's status card and showed it to Marshal.
Thadius had expected that reaction, his master had a ridiculous amount of fame.
"That monster was on the mountain this entire time?" Marshall muttered in disbelief. "And you say you trained under him?"
"He taught me everything he knew." Thadius couldn't help but swell his chest in pride. He had endured everything his master threw at him.
"So that pressure I felt a moment ago must have been you..."
"I can reign it in quite a bit, so traveling in the city shouldn't be too much trouble."
"Just what exactly did you do up there? Chop fire wood? Or maybe he had you push boulders?"
"On the first day, he told me to fight the cold and fight the hunger. So I did. It wasn't easy."
Marshal was stunned into silence. If anyone else in Yune had told him that they fought the cold on the mountain for 4 years, he'd call them insane. Yet, the proof was standing right in front of him.
"Well...okay then. What can I do for you?"
"I need you to show me some tricks of the trade. Is Christina around?"
"She's out there, selling flowers. Tryingto sell them, anyway. You...should see her. She was saddened when she heard you died."
"I planned on it. Right now I need your assistance. Now before I go into my presentation, I need your word that you'll stay level headed."
"I'll hear you out."
Thadius had thought of a plan to make money after he came down the mountain. He'd planned on borrowing money and supplies from Marshal, but he had inherited a fair amount of both from his master. Now he just needed to confirm his suspicions.
"Alright now, stay with me Marshal. What are you wearing under those pants?"
"And under that?"
"......a loin cloth."
"I knew it!" Thadius reached into his inventory and pulled out a pattern he'd created."Take a look at this."
Marshall looked over the pattern for the piece of clothing. But he'd never seen anything like it. "What is it."
"Briefs. Trust me when I say that it'll be much more comfortable than a loin cloth. Thadius had learned that lesson the hard way. Four years of pulling out wedgies would make any man want a change.
"I don't see how undergarments will make you money..."
"Normally, undergarments don't give stats...." Thadius said as he pulled out a shabby pair of underwear from his bag. "This is a prototype. It's nowhere near what it should be. I need to be able to thread the entire piece, not just cut out the pattern and stitch them together.
When Marshal looked at the underwear his jaw dropped.
Wolf Gear Prototype Briefs Type: Undergarment Durability: 134 /134 Quality: Low A prototype created in secret on top of the coldest mountain in the Todos Kingdom. Rabbit pelts were stitched together to create it. The creator aspires for more.
+50 Vitality
+50 Stamina
"How is this possible!?"
"A little trick I picked up from my master."
"I don't feel any magic, so it's like an enchantment? Except it's not. Can still be enchanted?"
"Stay with me Marshal. I'm not at that point yet. We're still on the ground floor of this thing. Now what is your daughter using to support her breasts?"
"Why you-"
"Marshal! Stay with me here. I'm still in the middle of my presentation."
Marshall sighed. Even Yuna had stiffened at the surprising questioning.
"Well, she uses some kind of strap, I guess..."
"I figured as much. Behold.." Thadius pulled out his prototype of a sports bra from his bag. "This not only provides support, it also holds. Where I'm from, physically active women wear it to prevent jiggle."
"And this is also called 'Wolf Gear'. So you'll be starting it as a brand?"
"Yes sir."
"Sounds like you've got it planned out. What do you need from me?"
"I need something that will allow me to craft these one thread at a time. I'll also need the top three softest materials you know of that can be turned into thread."
"I can easily get you a loom, but the materials are going to take time and money. For a share of the profits, I don't mind taking care of the starting funds."
This was the moment of truth for Thadius. He was about to find out just how much money his master had hidden away. "How much will all of that cost exactly?"
"The loom would be about 1000G while the expenses for a hunting expedition could range from 3000G to 5000G."
"So this should cover it?" Thadius handed over 60N and Marshals eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.
"T-that should...do it."
"I have to know Marshal. How much is this in gold?"
"6,000G of course. You mean you didn't even know? How muc- No, don't tell me. I don't even want to know. With this much, I could get started immediately. How long will you be in town? I don't suppose you'll be sticking around long if your a Traveler."
"I can stay long enough for you to go on the expedition. I'm headed to Todos next. My master specifically told me to seek out his mage friend there, and that's what I intend to do. Since it's also the capital of the kingdom, I want to set up shop there as well."
"Todos huh. Be careful. It may not feel like it, but the kingdom's at war right now. Heading to Todos now is as dangerous as heading to the battlefield. Even if it's you, watch your back when you walk the streets."
"Will do."
Thadius turned for the door. But just as his hand touched the knob, a torrent of messages assaulted him.
Chaos Online has been updated. Alignments are now available. Passive stats have received extra benefits. Your high Faith has shifted your alignment to 'Good'. Benefits are revoked if you stray from the path of the Righteous.
+Bewitching smile
+Divine White
+150 Charm
+NPCs intimacy raises faster As a Good player, actions and Quests that benefit the world add to your alignment meter. Yet, you must stay vigilant. Chaotic and Diabolical players may try and kill you for their own gain. Faith is now able to grant the holy attribute to some skills and abilities. Your high faith has changed a skill. Fighting Aura > Holy Fighting Aura
+Benefits allies in combat
+Individuals that feel your Pressure may be 'Awestruck' in addition to normal effects, depending on your Fighting Spirit.
+Attacks and Skills used with a weapon infused with Holy Fighting Aura will apply Holy damage. Fighting Spirit now affects every living being, and the individuals strength can be ascertained within a 10ft(3m) radius. Undead and Golems will not be affected. Individuals without Fighting Spirit can not sense the strength and are less affected.
The last message was a double-whammy for Thadius. As if his Ambient Pressure wasn't enough, the game had slapped a permanent 'DO NOT ENGAGE' sign on his forehead that couldn't be suppressed without completely hiding his presence. He could keep his Ambient Pressure in check, but from now on, anyone within 10ft would feel his overwhelming Fighting Spirit. He only hoped that his charm would help in making good first impressions.
Marshal sucked in a breath behind him. Thadius turned around to find that he had taken a few steps back.
"You alright Marshal?" he asked tentatively.
"Yeah, its just...I couldn't feel just how strong you'd gotten until just a moment ago."
"Its not that bad is it?" Thadius was extremely concerned about any future social engagements.
"It just took me by surprise, that's all. Its not like you're exerting pressure or killing intent, but I can tell it would be a bad idea to fight you."
Thadius sighed in relief as he said his goodbyes and ducked out of the shop. When he stepped into the sunlight, his robe glowed a vibrant white that nearly hurt to look at.
"Wow.." Yuna whispered in amazement. She had a front row seat to the spectacle. She wasn't the only one who'd been amazed though. Several NPCs that walked by gawked in amazement, and those that walked too close hurried away.
A woman across the square that had been sweeping the storefront was actually staring. A devilish grin appeared on Thadius' face as he winked at her. The woman flushed red and withdrew into the shop as she fanned herself.
Thadius laughed as he made his way to the temple. He still needed to see the blacksmith, but he put that to the side for now. It wasn't long until he was standing in front of an all white building, where a young woman was outside selling flowers.
With a woven basket in her hand, she pleaded to anyone within reach to purchase flowers for the church. Her blonde hair appeared dingy, as if she'd fallen to the ground several times. There was a pained expression on her angelic face as everyone denied to buy any, and her sightless blue eyes desperately searched the void for anyone who would aid her in her endeavor.
"Who's that Thaduis?" Yuna whispered from above. She was still riding his shoulders, determined to stay in her spot for a long as possible.
"She's very similar to you, in a way. She used to pray to Tegaia, but she was caught and punished for it. The Gods took her sight..."
Yuna grit her teeth. The more she learned about the Gods, the less respect she had for them. After she met Tegaia, she knew that there was something going on behind the scenes in the Tower of the Gods. Unfortunately, she'd been cast out before she could satisfy her curiosity.
Thadius patted her on the leg. "You don't need to worry about her. Tegaia will right this wrong soon enough."
Thadius cautiously approached the woman, wary of the effect his Fighting Spirit would have. Christina must have sensed his presense, for she turned to him as soon as he stepped into her direction.
"Excuse me, but..." she paused as she entered Thadius' range. She seemed shaken, but she pressed forward as she raised a flower in her trembling hand. "Would you like to buy some flowers? I know they aren't m-much to look at, but all the money goes toward the church."
"I could just give the money to the temple instead. Its right there." Thadius replied honestly.
Christina bit her lip as her eyes glistened. She hadn't sold any flowers in a long time, but she refused to give up. It was the only way she could return to the God's favor.
"Please sir! Something tells me you are a man of faith. I know its selfish to ask when the church is standing in front of us, but your kindness would be a personal help to me."
"I'm sorry, but your flowers are wilted."
"I know....I'm sorry." Christina lowered her arm in dejection, she knew by now when she should try someone else. She closed her eyes and whispered a silent prayer to strengthen her resolve.
"How much for the rest..."
Christina could hardly believe her ears. Only one other person had ever bought all her flowers at once. She was overjoyed as she quickly blurted out the first number that came to her mind. "Four coppers should suffice!"
"Four? Last time it was three. Are you trying to swindle me Christina?"
"....!" Christina froze as a wave realization washed over her. It was followed by a violent skip in her pulse. Could it possibly be? The man that had befriended her was said to have perished on the mountain. Dare she hope?
Christina reached her out her trembling hand once more. Thadius had Yuna jump down as he grabbed her hand and guided it toward his face. It didn't take long to convince her. She knew as soon as her fingers traced the smile on his face.
The torrent of emotions that she had endured for years gushed out as she fell into his arms. Joy, relief, frustration, anger. She'd kept it all in, and smiled only for her father. So to have Thadius, whom she trusted, return to her in the midst of all of it, was nothing short of a miracle. She didn't know that the miracle had yet to come.
"Why are you crying Christina? Today is a good day." Thadius whispered to her.
"I don't know," she cried. For her, it just felt good to let everything out.
"Well, just stand here for a moment. I come bearing gifts."
"What is it?" she asked as she brought her sobs under control.
"You'll have to see it to believe it."
Christina had a confused look on her face as Thadius broke away to address the small crowd that had gathered.
"Hear me people of Yune! Hear me!" His echoing shout drew in more people. His alignment and charm worked together to hold their attention. "You all know that this young woman has sold flowers for the church for years! But how many of you actually know why!? Do you know!?
Thadius pointed at the nearest man, who shook his head desperately. Many others in the crowd murmured amongst themselves.
"Then gather around as I tell you. Do not be afraid. For what you feel in my presence is the strength of my spirit and my faith." Thadius said as he walked amongst the crowd. With his height, he could see over everyone, and it was a simple task to gather the audience he needed.
"I must first warn you my friends. What I'm about to tell you is something the church would rather hide from you..."
The crowd was drawn in further. The mysterious man before them couldn't be ignored. Even the people who were just passing through, had stopped to see what the fuss was about.
"Young Christina was in training to become a priestess. She prayed and toiled more than any other priestess in the temple, but she was punished unjustly! Her supposed crime was that she prayed to the Gods equally. In truth, she was struck blind because she was caught praying to a single Goddess. Tegaia."
Now the crowd murmured in confusion, and the noise of the crowd drew out some of the people from within the temple.
"Who is Tegaia? I'm glad you asked." Thadius continued as he flashed a smile at the crowd. Everyone in the general vicinity smiled in return. "Tegaia is the Mother of all Creation. She is also the Goddess of Humility, the Goddess of War," Thadius stared the nearest woman in the eye," and the Goddess of Love."
The Bewitching smile was too much for her, and she had to a step back to collect her wits.
The entire crowd turned in surprise as the High Priestess walked out from the temple. Her robes were more intricately designed than the other priestesses, and there was a look of disgust on her wizened face. She walked up to Thadius, appearing completely unbothered by his Fighting Spirit. "What are you all doing here listening to this fool? This 'Tegaia' is obviously a figment of his imagination. No such Goddess exist!"
"Oh she exists, priestess. And she is far more powerful than the so called 'Gods' you worship."
"Listen to this! He actually thinks that there exist a being more powerful than the Greater Gods!?"
While she spout her lies, trying to convince the populace of her 'truth', Thadius pulled out a simple leather bound book.
Book of Tegaia Type: Divine Text Durability: ? /? Quality: Divine A book filled with the history of the Heavens as seen through the eyes of the Goddess Tegaia. The words are written in her own blood, giving the book a part of her power. The book was requested by her most devout follower, Thadius. It cannot be destroyed, and the book will return to him if parted for more than 24 hours.
+Able to wield the power of the Goddess Tegaia
Power: 1000/1000
"Watch closely good folk of Yune! You are about to witness the power of my Goddess, and see once and for all the lies this woman has fed you!"
Thaduis walked out of the crowd and over to Christina. She hadn't moved an inch since he started talking. Yuna stood quietly behind her.
"Christina. The gift I've brought for you is the sunlight. It is through the power of Tegaia that I give you this. Now close your eyes. The first rays of sunshine after years of darkness can be quite painful. Trust me, I know."
Christina closed her eyes obediently. She had heard every word of his speech, and if what he said was true, then she would readily accept his gift.
Thadius covered her eyes with one hand as he raised the book in the other. A blinding light engulfed the area as he opened it to a random page. He didn't need to read anything, but the light added flair.
"Tegaia, this one has been wronged by the very Gods she served! By your power, I return what has been stolen from her!" Thadius raised his voice for all to hear. They had to know that it was Tegaia that deserved the credit.
Swirling light transferred from the book to his hand that covered Christina's eyes, and with a snap, he closed the book. With the blinding light fading, the crowd would open their eyes the same time she did.
-175 Power
Christina opened her eyes immediately. She felt none of the pain that Thadius had talked about. It was as if she had only closed them for a moment. She looked at the bewildered faces of the crowd. Not a single person could believe what they were seeing. Yet there she was, looking them in the eyes.
Then she turn to Thadius. Garbed in a vibrant white robe, he looked down at her. He was just as she had pictured. The kind smile that brought joy to others. His tall and sturdy physique that offered protection and a shoulder to cry on. What she hadn't expected, was the stabbing pain in her chest when she looked into his eyes.
A stake had been driven into her heart, tethering her to his existence. In that brief moment of eye contact, she knew that wherever he went, she would follow.
"So do you like your gift?" Thadius asked.
"Yes." She answered immediately. Gone was the blind flower girl that worked tirelessly to please the Gods. Her baby blue eyes were filled with divine light and purpose.
"Good." Thadius replied, turning back to the crowd.
"This is the power Tegaia holds! With it, she will turn the Heavens upside down! Christina is only the first to receive justice! Yuna!"
Yuna instantly appeared beside Thadius. There were multiple gaps coming from the crowd.
"I see some of you recognize the Goddess of the mountain! She was cast out for simply befriending Tegaia! So ask yourselves..." He turned to look at the High Priestess. "Is your God a just God!? If not, then I strongly suggest you believe in another because the unjust will not survive the wrath of the Goddess of War."
Your impressive display of the power of your Goddess has earned you a new title. Hand of Tegaia
In Tegaia's name, you march forth, correcting wrongs and turning the masses from the false Gods that abuse their power. When you speak of your Goddess, your words carry weight and power. Your religious sermons and speeches will be more effective. You've created a historical moment that will live on in Yune for centuries to come. They will mark the day that the Hand of Tegaia healed the blind.
+500 Fame The voice that commands attention. The presence that cannot be ignored. Your eloquent speech and compelling performance have unlock the Charisma stat.
+15 Charisma
'All in a day's work' Thadius thought as he looked into the clear blue sky. The day was still young, and Marshal would want to hear the good news.
As he began to make his way back toward to the dispersing crowd, he stopped beside the dumbfounded High Priestess.
"An old man told me that you treated Christina well before you found out that she prayed to Tegaia. It leads me to believe that it was the Gods influence that caused you to react the way you did. High Priestess, did you really want to take the sight of such an earnest girl?"
"No.." She replied solemnly. She had never been one to ask questions, but when Christina was stricken blind, even she started to have concerns. Yet, she remained faithful, as priestesses should. Today had truly shaken her, and it would take her time to sort out her feelings again.
Thadius was satisfied. and with Yuna and Christina behind him, he walked through the crowd that opened had opened a path before him.
- In Serial195 Chapters
The Legendary Rebuilding of a World by a Realist Demon King
In a rotted away castle, Ashta awoke as a Demon King. With his ‘wisdom from a past life,’ he would rule over his lands as a thorough ‘realist.’ “Demon King, why are you attacking the level 1 Heroes?” “Defeat them before they become stronger. That is called strategy.” “Demon King, why are you sending fake money to the enemy country?” “To bring chaos to their economy so they will self-destruct.” “The werewolf troops have attacked. Should we use silver bullets?” “Not bullets, shoot them with canons.” And like that, Ashta ‘reformed’ the old tendencies. He became a lord who was loved by the people and his subordinates and would go on to be called the most powerful Demon King in history.
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Shipshape (Now writing book 2)
Jack had always wanted to be a Shaper, to form pure life-force into obedient beasts and monsters and lead them into battle. Unfortunately, the only way to Shape life-force is through the use of Patterns, and the knowledge of how to make Patterns was lost when the old-world fell. These days, what Patterns remain in the world are closely guarded by their owners, who charge exorbitant amounts of gold from anyone who wants to use them. It took Jack years of scavenging in the ruins of the old-world, evading deadly traps and ravenous monsters, to gather the gold needed to pay for access to a Pattern and Shape himself a pair of hunting Hounds, and take the first step into realizing his dream. Book 1 can now be found on Amazon Cover art by Amarihel Story will contain unusual/harem relationships!
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Silver, Sand, and Silken Wings
In the opinion of the common storyteller, Sylph did not exist. Frustrated and deceived by her mothers hiding the truth of her parentage, young dragoness Sylph heads out looking for answers along with a childhood friend, a young human alchemist. From the sky high walls of Carthia, through the winding, lively streets of Halfhill, her journey leads her all the way up north to the picturesque nightmare of snow where she hatched. And yet, the answers lie buried in the desert sand on the other side of the continent. In a world of cruel slave traders and a ruthless, self-proclaimed queen, Sylph uncovers the answers she seeks and realizes her grave mistake of ever leaving home. A singular misstep in the hostile city means death, or worse, and the guards are hot on her haunches after blundering her way through the gates. The draft for this work is finished. I am editing the chapters and putting them up. Updates every 14 days because I am tangled up in work.
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Live Life Homunclus
The end is not always the end. Nothing is permanent, and even death itself is merely a transition. This fact holds true for a certain young man who died quite tragically on Earth. Lucky for him, a new life was just around the corner. A world filled with magic, adventure, and oh so many dangers awaited. Everything would be perfect, if it wasn't for the fact that he reincarnated into a homunclus. An artificial life-form said to possess almost zero combat capabilities. An exemplary example of pure breed cannon fodder. Surviving in a world where dragons roam the skies and monsters stalk the lands, wasn't this a bit too unreasonable?
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Good Morning World
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❝are you an angel?❞ ❝do you say that to all the girls you meet?❞ episode i : the phantom menace( cover template by @estreIIas ) jess © 2016
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