《Rise of the Mechanar》Chapter 25- Rescue


Nick let go of the rope and landed on the grass. Soft enough to not break his knees but hard enough to be force him to a kneel. He stood up, staring at the remnants of the airship ahead.

The explosion and crash ruptured it like a cracked egg. The bow and stern lay split and flat against the forest floor. Fires crackled and smoldered along both structures.

He ran forward, hoping for the best while expecting the worst. Debris from the ship’s descent blocked his path. Tree trunks toppled over by the impact. Stray planks torn free from the hull. Smashed barrels leaking ale onto the dirt.

Upon arriving at the ship’s stern, he looked up to the fires burning out of control.

“Anyone there!?” he yelled.

Nothing responded but the rising flames.

“Ren are you there?!” Nick tried again.


Nick dipped his ear against the hull, following the direction of the sound. The voice carried a foreign and educated edge.

“Where are you!?” he said. “Are there any Vislandans among you!?”

“Who? No… it’s just me and Shara,” the voice coughed. “Please help! There is too much smoke! We-we’re trapped under!”

A hissing sound deeper from the forest interrupted his focus. Arachnids would be here in any moment. He looked back to shattered hull.

There was no reason to believe his brother was there. He had seen Ren escape, and it wasn’t like blonde hair was uncommon out in this world. Maybe he had just seen things.

As for these two strangers? It wasn’t as if he owed them anything. What did it matter if he just left a couple of lives to their fates? Just a few more drops in a pool of lives he had had a direct hand in ending today.

And there, Nick recognized the danger in his line of thinking. Of how he had been thinking. Just as Cedric warned him.

He peered through a gap between the planks. Smoke obscured his vision, but he could see a series of cages and the outline of someone struggling beyond. The wood appeared to be of simple make, which would make it easy to cut through. He wound the sword up.

“Hang on!” Nick readied his sword.

“Please!” the voice coughed. “Hurry!”

Activating: Empowered Weapon.

Violet light flared as he plunged the blade through the hull. It went through with little resistance, then he cut diagonally down. Nick pulled the blade back out, and formed another incision opposite, leaving the outline of a triangle.

There was a reason why he drove himself to such extents in the past five years. He hadn’t embarked on a quest for power to become another envious, jealous, small-minded bully. Another tyrant who abused their abilities for pure personal gain.

Valdric raised him to be better than that.

He kicked in the shape revealing a gap. Smoke billowed out, and Nick rushed in.

The helmet protected his eyes, and he peered past the empty cages to the only occupied one in the room. By a corner next to a collapsed doorway.

“Here!” A boy with short blonde hair gripped and rattled the bars.

Now that he was closer, it was obvious he wasn’t his brother. For one, he wore a red and white tunic that was probably worth at least a year’s worth of Ren’s allowance. Everything about him screamed wealth, from pale hands unused to labor and a plump figure likely built off a rich diet. His hair was tied back in a bun. Nick recalled seeing the same style among the rich in Imperial ports. Apparently fashionable among the southern peerage.


A girl lay on the floor behind him. Her eyes closed and she wore a more modest brown dress compared to the boy’s outfit. Curls of blue hair draped over her tanned face. Aether-cuffs bound her hands.

The boy’s golden eyes widened as Nick stepped through the smoke. He backed away from the bars to the furthest corner. His hands splayed against the wall.

“Not going to hurt you kid,” said Nick, before swinging his sword. The boy winced as the blade cut through the bolts along their cage and the metal door fell with a clang.

“Let’s go,” said Nick.

The boy focused his gaze, and nodded in acknowledgement. He drew down and knelt to lift the girl up by her shoulders. She didn’t stir, letting out a pained moan as she rose.

The three of them moved through the opening, and the boy tumbled forward as they entered forest. He wheezed and gasped, while the girl drooped over his shoulder.

“We aren’t out of trouble yet.” Nick paused. “We need to get out-“

A shriek and hiss came from above, followed by a shadow looming large over them.

“Move!” Nick tackled them to the left. He looked up to see the outline of a massive spider falling towards him, its maw of teeth wide open.

He rolled away to the left, a moment before it smashed onto the ground. Nick got back up, staring at the bulbous carapace. Brown and green stripes marred its hide, and six legs jutted out from it.

The arachnid tore its fangs out and turned towards the boy and the girl, identifying them as the closest and easiest prey.

Its legs wound up for a lunge right as Nick brought his sword down.

The weapon in its empowered state had the range of a spear, and the edge spasmed with violet light as it smashed through the monster’s length, carving it in half like a knife through butter.

It all happened so fast that the creature died before it could react. Its two halves fell flat upon the dirt, the surface crackling away and dissipating, leaving behind two halves of an agate.

The boy looked stared up at Nick with shock and awe.

Nick also looked at the corpse with surprise. A foe which gave him so much trouble just a day ago was now taken out with a single strike. Did he really get that much stronger?

He had little time to ponder more as another arachnid crawled out around the ship, behind the boy.

“Out of the way!” Nick lunged as the monster did. The boy turned, right in time to see a maw of teeth and knife-sized fangs rearing towards him.

A stone spike shot up from the ground, smashing the arachnid into the ship’s hull. Splinters flew out and wood cracked from the impact.

The arachnid screeched, every leg wriggling in the air as the spike pressed into its hide. Nick looked in the direction of the attack and saw Ali, his knees bent and one hand held out forward.

Ali stretched his arm completely, and the spike drove through the arachnid’s carapace, spraying out green ichor. The monster shrieked, then fell limp before withering away.

“Whatever happened to sticking together?” Ali crossed his hands, looking at the two freed captives. “You know I find it insulting you risked your head and neck for this lot, when not too long ago you were about to remove my head from its neck.”

“I wasn’t going to kill you.” Nick rolled his eyes.

More arachnids appeared in the forest clearing. From around the ship and from the forest. Surrounding them from all sides.


“Sure thing.” Ali stepped towards them, facing the monsters. Arms splayed out with rock spikes peeking up the ground beside him. “After this, I hope you give some thought about rushing head-long into danger.”

“That’s rich,” said Nick, squaring off with his weapon, on Ali’s flank. “After that little stunt you pulled earlier.”

“That was a calculated decision my friend,” said Ali. “Not done on a whim.”

“Enough lecturing.” Nick eyed the monsters as they approached. “You got your side, I’ll cover mine.”

“Fair enough,” said Ali. “Think we can take on the lot of these?”

“Guess we’ll find out,” said Nick.

Then the arachnids all moved at once.

One flew down from above, and now that he knew the extent of his strength, he swept his sword up and down in a wide arc. The violet blade bisected the monster. The boy cringed as its remains landed near him, backing up next to the girl and away from the spider.

“Stay where you are kid!” Nick said, before turning his attention to the next monster streaming towards him.

Nick slit through it with the empowered reinforced sword, cutting it apart swing by swing. Ali used his own powers, trapping and encasing spiders with pillars of stone before spearing through them with spikes rupturing up the ground. The slashing and smashing continued, the monsters falling one by one either by Nick’s blade or Ali’s spells.

And in a minute, it was all over. All the monsters were gone, and they were surrounded by brown gemstones shimmering among the grass.

Nick sighed, thankful it all went easier than expected. He lowered the sword and checking on their two rescues. The boy stared at him and Ali, face a mix of terror and admiration. He resisted the urge to smirk, even if the mask concealed his face. It was just like the aftermath of that incident on Eric’s ship. Just a few days ago.

The girl however didn’t stir. Nick strode up to her, and could see bruises marring her entire neck. Her breaths rose and fell. Weak and shallow. Fading.

“Shara?” the boy nudged her.

Ali stepped past Nick toward the girl, but the boy suddenly stood up, blocking his way.

“Hey there runt.” Ali raised his eyebrows. “I can respect spirit, but that girl needs help.”

“What are you going to do to her?” said the boy, his face narrowing at being called runt.

Ali raised a finger, and blue light radiated off it. Nick had seen enough healers perform their duties after Vislandan sparring matches to recognize it for what it was. The boy raised his eyebrows in surprise, realizing the same.

“Your face says everything,” said Ali. “Now are you going to let me treat her or not?

The boy nodded and stepped aside.

“Good lad,” said Ali and he knelt beside the girl, placing the finger against her neck.

“Is she…” the boy stood next to him with concern. “Is she alright?”

“It’ll take me just a moment,” said Ali.

“You have dual elements,” said Nick. “Healer as well?”

“I don’t use water too often,” said Ali. “Only when needed.”

Nick nodded. It at least explained how he had recovered so quickly after being given mana. A healer supplied with aether would never go hungry or thirsty.

“Not good.” Ali shook his head. “All her wounds are internal. Hemorrhage everywhere. Shit.”

“Hemorrhage?” the boy asked.

“It means she has blood spilling out inside her,” said Ali. “And this isn’t just one of her monthly phases. Move boy.”

Ali laid her flat on the ground, as Nick and the boy stepped away. The southerner tore through the fabric of her dress, exposing her mid-section. The boy’s eyes narrowed in outrage. He moved forward but Nick pulled his shoulder back, keeping him in place.

“Hold on,” said Nick. “Let him do what he needs.”

Ali placed both his hands on her stomach, one shining blue and the other brown.

“I can stabilize her,” he said. “But that’s it. Once I run out, she won’t live a minute longer.”

“There has to be something you can do!” said the boy.

“Not without medicine.” Ali squinted. “Best say your prayers for her. And you are in no position to start making demands. Boy.”

“I have a name you know.” The kid took on a defensive posture. “It’s Liam.”

“Is there truly nothing we can do?” said Nick, interrupting to nip the rising conflict in the bud. He didn’t need any arguments out here. Not now.

“Again, not much without medicine.” Ali shook his head. “Sekovan Leaves. Ploombark. Cannae Root. Probably can make do without the root. Not exactly easy to come by.”

“The criminals have some,” said Liam. “I saw them keep a stash in the Captain’s quarters. Where they keep the rest of their treasures.”

“And,” Ali looked to the burning wreck of the bow in the distance. “It’s probably all long gone. Fire doesn’t exactly a preservative.”

Nick agreed, but turned his gaze from the burning wreck to the intact vessel floating above them.

“We still have another ship,” he said. “I’ll check if there is anything up there.”

“Best make it quick,” said Ali. “I won’t be able to keep her afloat much longer.”

Nick was a bit nervous of leaving his body out here, with these two people he had just barely met, but the girl’s life was at stake. It wasn’t that he expected saving one life to balance the scales… but it was something.

He brought up the blue screen. Ali and the boy were oblivious to its presence, and he pressed the options to jump bodies.

He felt himself rise out rushing above, and then found himself in one of the droids still on the deck.

Of which only two basic units and a support droid was left. Along with Legatus One.

“You two.” He pointed to the basic units. “With me.”

The droids cricked their heads, and followed him as he sped down the stairs.

Though he lacked any sensation in this body, he still toed around the mess of the hold. It seemed even dirtier than the last time he was here. Cleaning it definitely would be a priority for later.

He passed through the stove kitchen, ignoring the black crust atop it along with whatever else appeared to be growing on it, and passed through the door marked “Kaptain’s Quarters”.

As he pushed through, he came across a trove of items packed from floor to ceiling.

Coins minted from various countries. Sacks marked as spices. Barrels of wine, decent vintage based on the smoke-stamp on their lids. Weapons with gemstones engravings. Countless other precious assets. They formed a slope, sliding down to the edge of a bed with red drapes and a quaint antique desk full of parchment and papers. On the opposite side of the bed was a pile of clothes. And judging by the color and texture of the fabric, all from a variety of wealthy backgrounds.

Between the bed, the clothes, and the pile of treasures, it left scarce room to walk.

Nick’s eyes caught a cabinet peeking out among the trove. A blue star with a brown outline seared into the center. A universal symbol for healing and medicine.

“Get that drawer out.” Nick pointed.

The droids dropped their weapons, and creaked forward to pull the bit of furniture out. As they did, Nick noticed something familiar from the pile of clothes. He leaned over and dragged it out.

It was an old Imperial military overcoat. He recalled Valdric used to own one just like it. Tapered just below the knees. Completely black save for a few yellow stripes lining the collars in and stretching down to equally bright buttons above the waist-belt. The ranks were missing off the shoulders but it was otherwise in good condition.

Nick took a closer look at the fabric. Thistle-weave, which enabled it to hold a steady temperature in both the cold and the heat, all while heavily resistant to tears, punctures, and any sort of damage. He brought it next to his body, and measured it to be just about his size.

He laid back atop the pile. There wasn’t much need for clothing for now, and he turned around right as the droids got a grip on the drawer and dragged it out.

Their efforts caused the other items to clang and clatter against one another. A vase rolled off the slope, and crashed into pieces on the floor. It looked expensive, but he had other concerns in mind.

Nick flipped the cabinet open, and behind the drawer lay at least a dozen gray sacks. He prodded one open, and saw something which looked vaguely like a medicinal herb. However, he had no idea what was what, or which was needed. Which meant he would just need to bring all of them.

Nick grabbed a sack below the slope, emptying its contents. Rubies, sapphires, agates, topazes, and emeralds clattered to the ground, creating a series of small boxes notifying him of their resource content. Nick ignored the blue boxes, piling the bags into the sack, then hauling off out the room and back up the stairs.

He strode across the deck, sliding down the rope to the forest floor, and ran in the direction of Ali and the others. As he got closer, he could see Ali kneeling beside the girl, while the boy looked up at Nick’s frozen body.

“What happened with him?” said Liam. “He’s just… standing there.”

“Probably getting one of his droids,” said Ali.

“His what?”

“I’m back,” said Nick.

The boy turned, jolting away as Nick approached in his droid body.

“Wha-what is that thing?” the boy pointed.

“Droids.” Ali glanced up to Nick.

“Wait,” Liam turned his head from the droid to Nick. “You were-?”

“So… Nezra,” Ali interrupted. “Body-hopping too? At this point you could grow wings and fly and I wouldn’t be surprised at all.”

The healer’s gaze turned to the sack.

“Found them?”

“Maybe.” Nick laid the sack down then focused, drifting back into his human body. “Couldn’t figure out what you wanted so I brought everything.”

“Eh, my mistake,” said Ali. “Should have given you a description. Anyway, I can’t exactly rustle through everything so you’ll have to help me with it. Here’s what I need…

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