《Rise of the Mechanar》Tentative World Map


Ethros Map" alt="">In the west, a single continent dominated the page, split in three by Nephilim-ruled Vislanda in the North, the Adrestan Republic to the south, and the vast fractured Imperium at the center. It was almost poetic, when he looked at it. A battleground of ideas. The old ways entrenched in the north, with the new ways rising from the south. The two clashing in the middle in a conflict that had raged for half a decade.

To the south stretched the long dry landmass, ruled by two civilizations older than nearly all the others. The Barkhan Sultanate and the Pythian Shahdom. Nick only knew fragments of them, but was aware the two were plagued by enough internal issues to worry about anything beyond their coastlines.

Fractured Islands dominated the middle of the map. The three largest were clustered south of the Imperium and east of Adresta. This was the Kingdom of the Isles, renown for the freedoms granted to their citizens and the land of human innovation. It was in their forges where the first Bracers were created a century ago. Countless other useful inventions came out every year.

North of the Isles were the Voratian City-states, civilizations built on island clusters. Nick would make a stop by one of them, to reach his ultimate destination as his eyes moved to the east.

The eastern half of the map was covered by a massive landmass. The old continent, whose borders extended well beyond that which he saw on paper.

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