《Cultivating Earth [Hiatus]》Scene 11 - Memories and Dao
Nearly three days passed in quiet cultivation for Zhao Gang before he was interrupted by a knock on the door. The girl had not awoken in all that time, though the fact did not surprise Zhao Gang. While she had completed the vast majority of her… metamorphosis on Earth, he could still sense traces of natural energy coursing into her body. It was nothing compared to the sheer amount of energy available just floating around, but it was still far, far more than any mortal child should be able to take in. She hadn’t even opened her core yet! But despite these truths, the girl not only continued to absorb natural energy but showed no ill effects for doing so. It was even likely that whatever changes she was undergoing would have been stalled in a less dense environment, meaning that this little trip was benefiting the girl immensely.
“Come in,” called Zhao Gang, unfolding himself from his position on the mat.
“Immortal Zhao,” said a new servant. “You are summoned before the Eternal Throne. Bring the girl.”
Zhao Gang dared not hesitate. He picked up the girl in a smooth motion and appeared promptly at the door, ready to have his fate determined. “Please lead the way,” he said politely to the servant.
“Come along then.” The servant’s strides were long and brisk as he walked, eating up huge chunks of space as he walked and instantly confirming the suspicion that the previous servant had deliberately extended the length of their walk through the palace. In less than five minutes they stood before the open doors of the audience chamber. The entryway itself was large enough to fit one of Earth’s skyscrapers with room to spare, the doors made of some celestial metal and carved with intricate designs and runes so beautiful that it was not uncommon for great scholars to request the opportunity to visit the Highest Heaven just to study them. Zhao Gang resisted the urge to look at them, focusing his attention instead on the aisle before him. That was better than trying to take in the crowds of immortals that all seemed to be awaiting his arrival.
Unhappily, he realized he was going to have an audience for his presentation to the Eternal Throne. This was either very good or very bad. Very good because it could mean that the emperor did not think the business important enough to interrupt other, more mundane business. Very bad because it could mean that the issue was large enough that the Emperor would use it as an abject lesson in his power and authority. The chances of it falling in the middle were… slim.
It turned out to be a good thing that he had decided to ignore the crowds. As he walked the aisle that they’d left open the ‘mundane’ immortals were left behind and those of far more frightening and terrifying powers took their places. Out of the corners of his eyes, he recognized first great heroes of both beasts and men, then he was passing even their betters, beings of such enormous power and radiance that to look upon them directly would be to risk his very soul. Gods in their true forms, Buddhas of perfect tranquility and grace, stranger beings that fell into categories of neither man nor beast but something else entirely. All were present and all paid homage to the throne of the Eternal Emperor. The only beings not present were those of Devils and Demons, who resided in the hells. It wasn’t that the Eternal Throne did not also rule there, but there was a separate palace, and a different throne, for when he resided over the hells. Given their disposition, those of truly evil inclinations were not welcome in the Highest Heaven. The plane itself rejected their entry and summoned tribulation on them non-stop if they somehow managed to succeed.
Zhao Gang reined himself in and focused solely on the path in front of him, his eyes not rising from the first stair of the dais upon which the throne sat. More than once he was tempted to look to the side, his gaze almost caught by beings of infinite beauty both carnal and spiritual. Many were deliberately tempting, their very essence that of seduction, but just as many were tempting because of their perfection rather than any deliberate or innate inclination. He could only be grateful that the girl still slept. Stepping into this chamber while awake would have been a death sentence.
Eventually, after a walk longer than he would have thought possible at the speed of an immortal, he arrived before the first stair of the dais. Gently he laid the girl down and then knelt and kowtowed thrice before the Eternal Throne, leaving his head against the warm stones. To an outsider, one would be very tempted to assess this tableau as a peasant before a king, the peasant not daring to display anything but abject obedience. In truth, this comparison is not far off.
“Imperial Majesty,” said the servant next to Zhao Gang. Like him, he was on his knees, though he had raised himself to an upright position after completing his obeisance. “I present Immortal Zhao Gang, summoned on behest of Great Ancestor Denglong.”
“Brother,” said a voice that was not human, yet came from the direction of the Eternal Throne. Add in that it had called the Eternal Emperor, the highest being in existence, ‘brother’, and it could only be the Great Ancestor. “I have summoned this one for you to mediate between us. The issue is thus - he has bestowed some portion of my heritage upon the girl through unknown means, this despite taking an oath upon the laws of heaven not to violate my edicts. Being that he is here and whole, it is indisputable that he upheld the oath, yet here also sits proof of his treachery, as I can feel clearly that the girl is one of mine.”
“I would happily mediate for you in this matter, Brother Denglong, but in such a situation both parties must agree, else all other words are empty. So, Immortal Zhao, how say you? Would you accept my mediation in this matter?”
“Highest Majesty,” Zhao Gang said clearly, not raising his face from the floor, “I would be honored for you to stand in judgment.” Although he truly had no other choice, the words were not empty. The Eternal Emperor, for all his power, would not have retained his seat if he was not fair in all things. The primary doctrine of the heavens, after all, is that it never closes all paths. One simply has to find the path. Thus he had no hesitation in his heart when entrusting his fate thus.
“This is good,” said the Eternal Emperor. Zhao Gang could not see his face, but he could hear both reproach and something very akin to laughter in his voice. “So, Immortal Zhao, if I am to mediate such a dispute I require an explanation. Leave nothing out, for every detail will be part of my decision.”
Zhao Gang hesitated, but not because he wasn’t sure about revealing his secrets to the Emperor. To he who sat on the Eternal Throne, they would be worthless. But there were very many others in the chamber at the moment and quite a few of them might be greedy enough to steal what his effort had wrought, to mention nothing of Earth. His defenses were good, quite good, but he could probably more easily count the number who couldn’t breach his defenses in this chamber than those that could.
His thoughts whirled but he dared not hesitate and quickly came to a conclusion. “Highest Majesty,” he said earnestly, “I have no fear of sharing my secrets with the throne, for I am a loyal subject and will gladly surrender anything you ask of me, but this room is not empty. The secrets I have to share are both personally and politically valuable. Further, I would not waste the time of the Eternal Throne. Therefore, I would be honored to have the Throne delve my consciousness in private. I will not resist nor withhold any secret.”
There was a long pause as the crowd gathered realized both what he had asked and offered. They had come to see something momentous but were to be denied. At the same time, he had offered to allow the Eternal Throne complete access to his mind and memories. Not only would his actions be plain as day, but also his thoughts and intentions. He would truly be open for judgment.
“This is a very grave offer, Immortal Zhao,” the Eternal Emperor said seriously. “You understand that you will be judged wholly then, correct? Not just on the edict in question, but every edict made by the Eternal Throne. If you are found to have violated any you will be subject to its punishment. Are you so certain of your innocence?”
Zhao Gang took a deep breath and pressed his face into the floor. This was an all or nothing gamble. If he had unknowingly made some error in the past he would meet his end here. He could not claim innocence, none on the path of cultivation could, but he had always done his best to be on the side of the righteous. Never, to his knowledge, had he violated the will of heaven.
“I will accept the judgment of the Eternal Throne, Imperial Majesty. If I have violated the will of heaven, I have done so only in ignorance. For all my secrets, I believe I have nothing to fear from the Eternal Throne.”
There was another long silence, the gathered beings all weighing his words. Many among them were considering whether they too would have the courage to allow the Eternal Emperor to weigh not only the matter at hand but the entire length and breadth of their lives. Very few found that they would and even fewer came to that answer with any sort of confidence. It should be noted that the majority of the beings here had lived a very, very long time, seen the rise and fall of entire planes of existence as if they were nothing more than some passing fancy. In all that time, could they be sure that they had never once transgressed the will of heaven? Even those who were unfailingly righteous weren’t sure they would take the risk.
But this stripling, this newly made immortal, had done so and not only that, he had done so with very little hesitation. Young, he might still be, but this earned no small measure of respect in their eyes. Some were still bitter at missing a good show, but most agreed that the best part of the show had already taken place.
Finally, the Eternal Emperor answered. “We find this acceptable. Immortal Zhao, you will be guided to an appropriate chamber for your judgment. You are dismissed. Leave the girl. She will come to no harm. The Great Ancestor wishes to understand the state of her being, but he has agreed not to harm her until our judgment is rendered.”
Zhao Gang kowtowed thrice more and backed up 108 paces before turning his back to the Imperial Throne and exiting the chamber, leaving the girl behind. He wondered at her fate, but currently his own was truly all that he could concern himself with. Once he knew his own fate, for good or ill, he would turn his hand to helping the girl.
As he reached the doors once more he was met with another servant who led him deeper into the palace. While this walk was longer, it also gave Zhao Gang time to gather his thoughts and prepare, so he was not put off by it. He very much thought that the servant was doing it on purpose, whether on orders or out of simple kindness. Regardless, he was quite happy with the chance to adjust his state of mind for the trial to come.
Eventually, the servant stopped in front of a door and opened it respectfully for Zhao Gang. It must be said that his treatment by this servant had been much different than those he’d encountered previously. If he had to guess, his willingness to undergo a full consciousness scan had earned some degree of admiration from them, whether or not he survived the experience.
Not waiting for an invitation, he walked confidently into the room, unwilling to cower in the face of an uncertain fate. As soon as he entered, however, he dropped to his knees and kowtowed. There before him sat the Eternal Emperor, calmly awaiting him in an intimate sitting area for two.
The Emperor waited until he’d finished kowtowing before speaking. “Come, Immortal Zhao, and sit with me. I’m afraid this process is quite uncomfortable. No need to increase the discomfort by doing it while you are kneeling on the floor.”
Zhao Gang found himself flabbergasted. Had the Eternal Emperor, the ruler of all creation, the single greatest entity in existence, actually invited him to sit in his presence? For a moment he was so distracted by the implications that he nearly forgot that the emperor was there! Several moments passed before he managed to stumble out an answer, his tongue almost failing him several times. “Highest Majesty… Eternal Emperor… I… You… I couldn’t possible… How could I… I wouldn’t dream of such an honor.”
“Nonsense,” said the Emperor. “I have invited you. Will you be so discourteous as to decline?” Put that way he had no answer. His shoulders slumped for a moment as he moved towards the chair, then straightened himself as he sat. Regardless of the circumstances, this was the Emperor, or more likely an avatar since he had left the Emperor seated on the Eternal Throne. The was no difference between the two, however, at least as far as his power over Zhao Gang was concerned.
Once he was seated the Emperor leaned forward slightly in his chair and spoke. “It is quite rare, Immortal Zhao, for someone such as yourself, someone who has climbed up from the very bottom rungs to reach such lofty heights, to have the confidence to allow our judgment to fall upon them unreservedly. Know that, regardless of the outcome of this test, you have earned at least some modicum of respect from the Eternal Throne.”
The words jolted Zhao Gang and he looked up instinctively, likely part of the purpose of the words. As soon as he did he was caught in the gaze of the Emperor, a fly in amber. His eyes were indescribable, an unfathomable combination of the starless void and all the clouds of creation, sprinkled with the eternal fires of heaven. The view fascinated him, enraptured him, and he knew with utter certainty that unless the Emperor released him he was lost. For the first time in a very long time, Zhao Gang felt… small. Yet the gaze was not domineering, not oppressive, and did not inspire fear. It wasn’t comforting either, but it felt like… like all of creation stood before him. How could such a vast existence ever truly take note of him?
Do not fight me, said the Emperor, though the words had not passed his lips. As soon as Zhao Gang registered the words he also felt the other’s consciousness within his, like a seed waiting to bloom. He knew that this could be done forcefully, yet the Emperor had waited, allowing him to recognize and accept the invasion. The eyes of eternity pulled at him, drawing him in, and he let go, not resisting. How could he? How could he fight against something so vast and powerful? The being in front of him was the physical expression of the laws of heaven, their will made manifest. How could he resist?
The seed bloomed, stretching out to reach every corner of his thoughts. Zhao Gang watched with detachment, actively restraining the instinctive impulse to fight back, to deny the invasion into the most private part of his being. No woman had ever experienced defilement on such a level, save that this very thing had happened to her. Yet, strangely, he did not feel defiled. The flower that bloomed was one of inordinate beauty and tranquility. As it filled his mind, taking over and filling every thought, he felt a strange peace take him. Humility had earned him grace and through grace and acceptance, he had found a strange sort of fortune from this experience. For the plant growing in his mind did not just scour away for information, it sorted, examined, revealed, and explained. Some things that had never made sense before became clear. Some experiences that had left faint shadows on his heart were soothed. His mind became utterly his own even as it was taken away, his internal demons confronted and dealt with through the support of this incomprehensible flower.
Time passed as he and the Emperor examined his life together. He had no idea how much, only that it did pass, as the heavenly laws demanded it must. Whether it was a second or a year he would never truly know. Others had told him it was less than a day, but his recollection of the experience could never be skewed to match up with that time frame. All he knew was that he floated amidst eternity, at peace and tranquil, while the life he’d once lived passed him by once more, this time as more a play he was watching than something more personal. And as he watched himself he recognized his journey towards the Dao, his first halting steps, the joy of his first success, the flashes of inspiration and comprehension, the feeling of his very spirit deepening as he enjoyed year after year of silent contemplation. Played out before him as it was, how could he not recognize his winding path? How could he not see his missteps and those times when his feet found harmony with the path? And the more he watched, the more he saw the larger picture; the grand design of the path he was walking was revealed to him.
It was odd and exciting. He had listened to countless experts, untold thousands, expound upon the Dao. It was a time-honored tradition, the most fundamental form of passing on one’s wisdom, and one that every cultivator took the opportunity to partake in at every opportunity. Yet all of those lessons had been thin, second-hand. Now a true master of the Dao was showing him the way, not second hand, not through empty metaphors, but by showing him his past. As his memories scrolled past and he relived the more complicated and treacherous parts of his journey, he saw things he missed, he grasped meaning where there was none before. His mind expanded and his Dao appeared before him as if a paved street, clear and utterly without obstacle.
His path, for one brief and shining moment, was utterly revealed to him.
Then he passed out.
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