《Equilibrium》Chapter 7 - The Armoury
As Peter was walking, he began to smell the coals of a blacksmith's shop. At least that's what he thought he could smell. He also began hearing the 'Tang' of hammers on metal. Peter thought it was actually pretty strange that he smelled the blacksmith before he could hear it. Wouldn't a hammer on metal be very loud?
Peter walked at an even faster pace. He knew he was in for a treat. He couldn’t wait to use [Identify] on all the armour and weapons he was about to see.
The first thing he saw was the orange glow around a corner. He turned the corner then noticed a peculiar look to the air. It was as if he was looking through a rippling pond. It covered the whole doorway and seemed to be like the side of a large sphere. Peter reached out to touch it, but his hand passed through like it was normal air. Peter decided that it wasn't dangerous. It was an open hallway that anyone could walk down. If it were dangerous they would have put up a sign, a barrier, or something else in the way. Right?
Peter passed through the wall of distorted air, and was immediately hit with so much sensory input that it felt like a truck had struck him. All at once the clang of metal became 10 times louder, the smell of smoke and coals choked him and nearly made him fall to the ground with disgust for it all.
A powerful hand grabbed Peter and pulled him further into the unknown location. Peter wasn't sure if whoever had him said anything, cause his ears were still ringing. All he knew is that where he was now had less of all the things that made him feel like his brain was going to explode.
Peter rubbed the stinging sensation out of his eyes, but decided to stay on one knee for now. He was somewhere much brighter even though he was on the bottom floor. He looked up and saw a large hole in the roof. It was like a skylight that came down into this section of the building. He could see smoke rising up and out into the open air.
"Ventilation shaft?" Peter asked nobody in particular.
"Yes. For an idiot, you're fairly sharp," a woman in a blacksmith's apron stood in front of him with crossed arms.
“I like to think I’ve got a good head on my shoulders.” Peter replied through coughing fits.
"Why're you stepping into a smithy without any kind of protection if you're so smart then?" She asked.
"Honestly, I had no idea something like that was going to happen. I've never been near a smithy before, and had no idea what to expect."
Peter rubbed his eyes one last time, then stood up. He towered over the lady who pulled him out of the smoke and opened his eyes fully. She looked at him for a few seconds, then her eyes went wide with horror. She dropped to one knee almost instantly.
"Forgive me! You must be Peter. I'm so sorry for acting so disrespectful to the Avatar of all people!" She nearly screamed.
"No no no, please don't behave like that around me. So far I've done nothing to earn any respect. Acting as if I have just by existing isn't right. Please stand."
The lady stood up, but would not raise her head. Peter used one finger to tip her face back up towards him. She looked more pitiful than a puppy who knew they had been bad. She had darker skin, with short dark-brown hair, and brown eyes. She was about 5'7" tall with a toned physique. A little too toned for a regular girl actually. She must be used to hard work. She had a brown blacksmith's apron tied around her neck, and tough looking clothing under that. She also had huge gloves stuffed into a pocket on the apron.
Peter shook himself free of the trance he was in by looking at her, then remembered what he was going to say, "Seriously! I don't hold it against you. Running off into an unknown area without checking it out first is sure to be a recipe for trouble," Peter said to mock his actions and lighten the atmosphere.
"Oh.. okay. Aha. I'm glad to see that the Avatar doesn't have the same mindset as nobles do in this kingdom. Forgive me, though. You're arguably the most influential person I've ever met, and I've never had a good time meeting nobles."
"Ah. I've been told about the nobles in Kurrenth. I guess Kayel was spot on." Peter said, putting a hand under his chin.
"Yes, you can definitely trust that anything Master Kayel says is true. He's a good man."
"I get that feeling about him too. But, um, if you don't mind me asking. May I know your name?" Peter asked.
"Oh my, of course! I'll fully introduce myself. My name is Chandi. I'm the head blacksmith of this temple." Chandi said with a dollop of pride.
"... Head blacksmith?" Peter felt guilty for being surprised by a woman yet again. It just really seemed like a job a girl would shy away from.
"Everyone has that reaction, don't feel bad. It's not usually the kind of trade women get into, that's for sure."
Peter looked at her, then said, "Something tells me there's more to you than meets the eyes," as he willed his skill [Identify] to activate.
Human Level: 26 Female Highest Stat: Strength
Peter smiled. She was in the upper tiers when it came to levels in this temple, and her highest stat was [Strength]. Of course, she'd need to be able to swing a hammer.
"You're probably a lot stronger than you seem at first, aren't you Chandi?" Peter said, trying to sound like he knew more than he should.
While his skill was a bit of a cheat when it came to using it for social situations, he still felt it was fair game. It was his skill after all. Nobody else needed to know exactly how much he could discern with one look and no effort. Peter might as well enjoy watching people squirm.
Chandi's eyes narrowed for a second, "You're the only one who hasn't scoffed, or blown me off after their initial surprise. Why do you believe me?"
"Because I'm the Avatar of Adrestia. I'm supposed to be able to Judge well aren't I?" Peter said nonchalantly.
Chandi's eyebrows raised a bit, "Hmm. That actually makes a lot of sense."
"I need to ask a couple questions, though," Peter shifted his weight, "How did you know I was the Avatar? As far as I know, nobody is supposed to have that information. I'm just supposed to be some big guy who's part of the temple now."
Peter's relaxed and informal way of speaking made Chandi visibly relax. Peter could tell she was still nervous until this point. Something must have really made her wary of nobles in the past.
"Well, that's easy! Kayel told me all about your arrival. It might be weird, but I'm actually one of the council members. It's necessary for the head blacksmith to be there during Order meetings to answer questions about when armour and weapons will be ready to be used."
"What are 'Order meetings'?" Peter asked.
"Oh, just a term for 'Order of the Justicar meetings'. It makes sense that kind of slang would be lost on you," Chandi said sheepishly. She still didn’t want to be disrespectful.
Peter was satisfied with that answer.
"One last question, what is that!" Peter pointed to the rippling, distorted air that seemed to surround the whole forge area.
"You mean the barrier? Ahaha, we also have Kayel to thank for that. It's a semi-permanent installment of atmospheric magic that blocks most sound, and keeps the smoke from the forge from spreading through the whole temple."
Peter was really amazed. He'd seen a lot of things in the last few months of his perspective, but this was the first true spell he'd seen. The smoke was funneled out of the room, and pushed up the ventilation shaft in the roof from the heat. The new air then rushed in from the other side of the temple to replace that air. The heat basically powered its own ventilation.
"A marvel of modern magic I suppose," Chandi added, "We used to just suffer through it. You happened to walk in right where the smoke usually catches and sits for a while before being sent up the shaft."
Peter nodded, "A marvel indeed. It's the first mortal magic I've seen yet. So far just divine magic from Gods has been used on me."
"J...JUST?! You do realize that nobody ever gets to see the Gods in action..." Chandi shook herself a little, "Sorry, even though you're not an uptight noble, I still shouldn't be like that. Here, follow me. I'll show you the best part of this whole wing of the temple. It's what you're really here for."
She began walking away, Peter stared at her for a second then began following.
"What am I really here for exactly?" Peter asked with a light-hearted tone.
Chandi turned around to look at him, but kept walking backwards, "What else?!" She threw her hands in the air, "The armoury!"
She turned back around and kept walking. Peter caught up with her and they continued down the hallway.
Peter and Chandi got along pretty well. They chatted and joked on their way to the armoury. She answered a few more of his questions too. She also asked him what was up with his glowing eyes.
"My what?"
"Your eyes Peter. They glow a light blue. Or they shine? I'm not really sure but they're not normal. Frankly, I've never heard of anyone but Adrestia's High Priest having glowing eyes, but his are white. You must have a divine kind of power inside of you. Something that resembles a God's power.. but clearly still different."
Peter's expression went dark. He still had regrets when it came to the Godlings. He knew they were just constructs for the test, but they were still technically creatures with a will. It saddened him to think 100 of them died unnecessarily.
"I'm not exactly sure what the reason would be. But I have ideas. None of them are good, so I would rather not talk about it anymore." Peter replied with a flat tone.
"Alright. Fair enough," Chandi said, "We're here anyways, so that's fine with me."
Chandi skipped ahead of Peter to open the door. She pulled out a set of keys from one of the pouches on her apron and swung the door to the side. Then she flipped to another key, and opened the gate behind that.
"Security is necessary. The stuff in here isn't meant for the regular troops. This is where the stuff we have that's a little... special... goes." She said with a smirk.
"Special?" Peter inquired, "What exactly qualifies 'stuff' as special?"
Chandi walked inside, gesturing for peter to follow her. Inside the walls were covered in racks. These racks had an incredible assortment of armours and shields.
There was equipment that glowed with some form of enchantments. Some armours and shields had gems embedded into them in a fancy design. There were also sets that didn't look like they were metal at all. They seemed to be made out of bones, hides, glowing wood, and snake-like scales. But each individual scale was the size of a spread out hand.
Peter's mouth went wide open. He ran up to one of the armour sets that seemed to be made out of bones. It gave off a chill that Peter could feel without even touching it.
"Identify", Peter thought.
Bone Armour of the Frost Giant (Heavy Armour) - Quality: Superior - Level Requirement: 125 Bone Helm of the Frost Giant Defense +35 Vitality +10, Endurance +10, Strength +10, Dexterity -5 Full Bone Plate of the Frost Giant Defense +80 Vitality +20, Endurance +20, Strength +15, Dexterity -10 Bone Gloves of the Frost Giant Defense +25 Vitality +5, Strength, +15, Dexterity -5 Bone Boots of the Frost Giant Defense +25 Vitality +10, Endurance +10, Dexterity -5 Full set bonus: Defense +30 Vitality +20, Endurance +20, Strength +20, [Ice Magic Resistance]
"Th....This..." Peter couldn't even think straight. His mind was losing the battle for his composure.
This was just one set of many. There seemed to be a total of 12 armour sets just as unique as this. Each had a different feel or vibe to it. One of them, weirdly enough, was locked in a cage.
"Haha, you seem to have an eye for quality." Chandi said with a smile.
"Did you make.. all of these?" Peter asked in a slow deep voice.
"Wha? ME?! No no no. These were donated to the Temple by the highest ranking members of the Justicar. They were things earned from entire battalions of Justicar soldiers going up against the enhanced monsters from the restricted zones." She answered quickly, "Nobody actually has the ability to make these. This in particular was the result of the world energy condensing after the death of a 10 meter tall Frost Giant. It was donated to us mostly because nobody is even close enough to being able to use this armour, and anyone who is high enough already has a set of powerful armour they use. Our top appraisers say this thing has a level requirement of 125."
Peter looked confused, "World energy condensing? I know that monsters are made from world energy, but why did it condense into this?"
Chandi said, "Ah, it's easy to forget that even though you're smart, you're still new to this world," She walked over and stroked the Frost Giant Armour, "The world energy from a monster condenses when it dies. All of that power then explodes back into the atmosphere, and spreads back over the world. But sometimes, when the energy condenses it can form loot. Loot can take a plethora of forms. From items, armours, potions, gold, and weapons.. nearly anything can be formed if enough world energy condenses at once."
Peter shook his head in confusion, "What exactly dictates that kind of thing? Energy in that state should be volatile, and destructive. What guides the energy to creating specific things instead of just exploding?"
"The same thing that guides all of us, from our stats to our skills; the system. If it can guide our soul's energy into constructive things like skills and stats, why couldn't it guide the world energy from monsters?" Chandi said, understanding Peter's confusion perfectly.
Peter raised his eyebrows. He was currently processing the idea. It really was a lot like a game from his last life. He couldn't remember if he played any or not, but he knew of them and their intricacies. It's amazing what this 'System' that governed the universes could accomplish.
"I've learned so much in the last 4 or 5 days, I feel like my head is going to explode." Peter sat down on a chair inside the vault. The chair was likely meant to be sat on while putting on boots.
"And I haven't even gotten around to asking what a level requirement is," Peter was getting more exasperated as he thought about it.
Chandi laughed, "You'll get a handle on it.”
She pulled up a chair beside him. She looked even smaller in comparison to him now that they were sitting.
"Level requirements are a representation of the soul power needed to equip an item. If you equip an item that you have too weak of a soul to handle.. bad things can happen. People have been known to have their souls destroyed on the spot. Some just lose their minds. Others gain debuffs that cripple their stats for the rest of their lives."
Peter perked his head up, "Power of a soul eh?" A wide grin appeared on his face, "Something tells me that I'll be back here to take a look at some of this armour."
Chandi narrowed her eyes and scratched the back of her head, "Aren't you still level zer... actually never mind. You're an Avatar. I don't want to tell you what you can and can’t do. Frankly it's not my responsibility and I lack the experience with Avatars to do so, haha."
Peter smiled at her, "I still lack experience with myself so far, so I don't blame you."
Peter stood up and stretched his legs. He walked around the room, deciding to [Identify] a few other sets of armour.
Scale Armour of the Water Hydra (Light Armour) - Quality: Exquisite - Level Requirement: 105 Scale Helm of the Water Hydra Defense +30 Vitality +5, Endurance +10, Dexterity +10 Light Scale Plate of the Water Hydra Defense +45 Vitality +5, Endurance +15, Dexterity +20 Scale Gloves of the Water Hydra Defense +25 Vitality +5, Strength +5, Dexterity +10 Scale Boots of the Water Hydra Defense +20 Vitality +5, Endurance +15, Dexterity +15 Full set bonus: Defense +25 Vitality +10, Endurance +10, Strength +10, Dexterity +20, [Health Regen. X4]
The Water Hydra armour looked like it was a body suit, and the stats seemed to scream 'Assassin'. Movement speed and survivability were the things it emphasized. The extra bonus was especially interesting. It resembled what Peter knew Hydras to be. Creatures that resemble serpents who regenerate entire limbs, even heads, in no time at all. His knowledge left over from earth was still serving him pretty well.
He moved on to a more normal looking set of Steel armour. It had an upside down purple triangle finely crafted on the front of the chest piece, and the helmet had a purple glowing gem inside the head piece. This particular set was not just mounted on the wall, it was also behind a small cage. Peter laughed a bit, because it resembled a bird cage. The armour looked a little eerie though, and gave Peter an ominous feeling.
Superior Steel Armour of the Arcane Vanguard (Heavy Armour) - Quality: Average - Level Requirement: 55 Steel Helm of the Arcane Vanguard Defense +10 Vitality +5, Strength +5 Steel Plate of the Arcane Vanguard Defense +20 Vitality +5, Endurance +15, Strength +5 Steel Gloves of the Arcane Vanguard Defense +8 Vitality +5, Strength +5 Steel Boots of the Arcane Vanguard Defense +16 Endurance +5, Dexterity +10 Full set bonus: Defense +10, [Soul Enhancement] Vitality +5, Endurance +5, Strength +5
Arcane Vanguard?! Peter instantly recoiled.
"Why on earth do you have this armour here?" Peter showed obvious discomfort in his voice.
Chandi tensed up when he looked at that armour, "Recognized that blasted purple triangle did you? That's a set we're keeping here as a trophy of war. Everything the Arcane Vanguard stands for goes against Adrestia. The Justicar have been waging a silent war on the Vanguard for as long as I have been alive. This set belonged to a vile general. The gem on the head piece consumes souls of the people that the wearer kills. Not monsters. People. Those souls can be used like fuel to make the wearer stronger temporarily."
Chandi spat at the armour through the bars, "I like to keep it shiny every now and then. Just for their sake," Chandi went over to the chair and sat down again, "To their credit, we have no idea how they made it, so it's also here for our mages to study. This one has a level restriction of 55, but that kind of armour only comes from world energy condensing.. as far as we know that is."
"So that's why they target people without [Mana]," Peter said, "They need souls to power themselves up."
"Not quite," Chandi corrected Peter, "Rumor has it that those people are used as sacrifices to create the armour in the first place. But nobody knows for sure. This is all just hearsay."
She walked around the room, looking at the excellent armour.
"The only thing we do know is they prey on the unfortunate: the people born without the ability to use Mana. Pfft. As if they weren't disadvantaged enough. And no government anywhere on Fulguran will stop them."
The two of them talked a little more about politics, and the role that blacksmiths play in the country.
There was only one thing Peter wasn't sure of though, and didn't want to ask because he didn't want to tell anyone his abilities without reason. Why did the full set bonus ability sit on the right side for the first two sets he identified, and on the left side for the Vanguard set?
When the conversation calmed down, Peter identified the rest of the sets of armour. None of the rest were nearly as impressive as the first two he Identified. There was one that stood out though. It was an armour set made out of a pitch black bark. It was clearly magical in nature, as the crevices between the bark gave off a soft green glow. The helmet was quite interesting too. It had a savage looking, symmetrical set of antlers that were made from branches.
Enchanted Bark Armour of the Blackthorn Ent (Medium Armour) - Quality: Exquisite - Level Requirement: 65 Antler Helm of the Blackthorn Ent Defense +15 Vitality +10, Strength +10 Bark Chestpiece of the Blackthorn Ent Defense +30 Vitality +10, Strength +10, Magic Resistance +20 Bark Gloves of the Blackthorn Ent Defense +15 Vitality +10, Strength +10 Bark Grieves of the Blackthorn Ent Defense +10 Endurance +5, Dexterity +5 Full set bonus: Defense +15, [Thorns] Vitality +10, Strength +10, Dexterity +10, [Photosynthesis]
This set caught Peter's eye for several reasons.
Number one was this armour was very strong compared its level requirement. Number two, was that it gave bonuses to one of his unique stats! How was this possible? Was this unique stat normally reserved for armour? Peter wasn't sure, but now he knew something wasn't quite normal about the right side of the armour descriptions that his [Identify] skill gave him.
"Ahh, The Blackthorn Armour. It's one of our prize possessions. It was acquired by slaying a blackthorn tree that came to life via world energy. The wearer gets plenty of protection, and if you wear the whole set you can get an ability to send damage received back to your opponents," Chandi happily explained.
She was just relieved to be on a topic that didn't upset her. She brushed her short hair back around her ear, and smiled again. Peter looked at her, then back at the armour.
"Just the damage reflection?" Peter asked, "Is that the only ability it has?"
Chandi was caught off-guard, "Y-yes... Why do you ask?"
Peter looked back at his page. He wasn't sure what was going on, but now he was sure there was something he was missing. He looked at the time in his status to see it was 5:10 PM already. The day had gone by fast, and he was already going to be late for when he was told to be back to his room for supper.
"No reason. Sorry for asking a weird question," Peter cleared his throat and walked to the door, "I need to go now anyhow. I need to be back for supper, and I have a lot of work to do tonight before bed. Thank you for showing me the armoury. Have a good evening."
Peter left in an awkward, hurried manner, nearly hitting his head on the doorway as he left.
"Hey! I didn't even show you the!..." Chandi called after him, but Peter was already gone, "... weapons..." She sighed, and began closing up the armoury.
"He'll be back... Maybe all this really is too much for him right now."
Peter double timed it back to his Room. He passed everyone in the hallway quite quickly, and didn't even bother to use [Identify]. Everyone made way for the very determined looking, 7 foot tall man with glowing eyes. That alone made his trip much faster.
Peter finally got to his room, and closed the door behind him. He saw that his food was waiting there for him. A piece of what looked like chicken, and a side of some unknown kind of veggie.
He ignored the food, and laid down on his bed. He had been ignoring this for a bit too long. He didn't want to half-ass this new life he'd just gotten the chance to have. To make sure he was living to the best of his abilities, he needed to know everything he could do, and he needed to know now.
"Status." He said sternly.
|5:47 PM|| |Status| |Backlight: [Off]| Name: Peter Valk Kastell Level: 0 Gender: Male Influence: 0 Race: Human Fame: 0 Class: Arbiter Unspent points: 40 Stats Health 100/100 Stamina 100/100 Vitality 10 Endurance 10 Strength 10 Perception 10 Dexterity 10 Processing 10 Karma -78 M. Resistance 10 Equipment Bonuses Defense: 7 Dexterity: 4 Traits [Powerful Soul: Rank X]
[Powerful Mind: Rank X] Evolutions [None to show] Skills [Auto Translate] Transcendent level 10 [Student of a God] Adept level 10 [Identify] Adept level 1 [Soul Drain] Novice level 1 [Evolve] Uses remaining: 1 [Exo-Skeleton] Novice level 1 [Momentum] Novice level 1 [Patience] Novice level 1 [Fervor] Novice level 1 [Toughness] Novice level 1
"Okay. I need to figure out exactly what all of my abilities and stats do before I begin training tomorrow." Peter thought to himself, "I'll start with the stats."
Peter went through all of his stats starting with [Health], all the way down to [Magic Resistance]. He used the perk to get extra status information on each one. When he did, a new window appeared which explained each stat just like when examining his skills.
Peter was relieved and a bit disappointed to find that all of the stat descriptions matched what either B67 told him, or what he learned from the Equilibrium Construct. He also noted that there was nothing under [Magic Resistance] that said it was a stat meant for armour. Peter was sure there was some form of enchantment in this world that would make armour defend against magic, but enchantments on armour appeared as skills. Why, in the Blackthorn’s case, did it appear as a stat?
"Alright, stats are normal. Time to find out exactly what these traits do."
Peter scrolled down to the traits and selected each one to expand.
[Powerful Soul] Type: Trait Allows you to resist almost all methods of enslavement, corruption, theft or attack on your soul. Skills that target souls are all but useless on you. Allows you to resist the negative effects of aggressive world energy, and therefore reduces level requirement for world energy armours and weapons by 5 per rank of this trait.
Rank X bonus: allows you to attack with your soul if your soul is attacked first. Cost: None Rank: X [Powerful Mind] Type: Trait Allows you to resist almost all methods of control, deception, or attack on your mind. Skills directed at you that cause fear, confusion, or illusion suffer a 9% penalty per rank of this trait. Improves memory, problem solving, and cognitive functions by a large degree.
Rank X bonus: Grants access to psychic type skills, even if your race does not normally allow for it. Cost: None Rank: X
Peter stared at the information in front of him.
"I should have done this the first night I got here." He thought.
These traits were seriously defensive in nature. Peter was fine with that though. The worst possible way to fail Adrestia was to die early to something stupid like someone controlling his mind, or 'enslaving' his soul.
Peter thought about the latter possibility and shuddered. It was a scary thought that there were people in this world who could do that. He figured that must be how the Ohmal Kingdom's 'slave collars' work.
"Okay, that means it's time to figure out these skills."
Peter went through [Toughness], [Fervor], [Momentum], [Soul Drain], and [Patience] first. He found that they were all just as the E.C. described them to be. Peter was really excited to see what the potential of the [Patience] passive could do. Eventually he would be gaining an incredible amount of extra stat points from it, and stat points were incredibly important in this world.
Peter already knew what the [Identify], [Student of a God], and [Auto Translate] skills did, so he only had the last two to understand.
[Evolve] Type: Active Evolves your race down one of several unique paths. Once you activate the ability, you will have 72 hours to choose the path you will take. If you do not choose within that time period, it will be chosen for you at random. Once this skill is used it will change to a new skill. Cost: None Uses: 1 [Exo-Skeleton] Novice level 1 Type: Passive Allows you to adapt your skin to any equipment you use. Adapted equipment will have additional stat bonuses based on the quality of the equipment. If equipment you use is made from world energy, that energy will make this bonus stronger, and may add extra effects. This skill levels passively when you fight or get kills while using equipment with bonuses from this skill. Cost: None Cooldown: -N/A-
"Just as I thought. Something really was going on with the [Identify] page for those sets of armour," he thought has he read through these windows.
Peter was very excited now. The combination of his [Powerful Soul] and [Exo-Skeleton] could make him many times stronger than he was supposed to be. [Evolve] was more of a wild card though. It's hard to say what could come from a skill like that. All Peter was sure of was that he needed to know what kind of fighter he wanted to be before he activated [Evolve]'s 3 day countdown.
There was still one thing Peter wanted to check out from his Status before he ate his supper and called it a night. He opened his status once again, and focused in on the name of his class. A window replaced his status screen soon after.
Arbiter (Unique) The Arbiter is a high damage, high survivability bruiser class. They are most proficient with medium armour so they don't lose too much mobility, and heavy weapons to take advantage of their high strength. Keeping with their status as 'conflict resolvers', the more opponents they face at once, the stronger they become. Ranged attacks are this class' main weakness. Gap-closing skills are suggested to make up for the lack of mobility.
Being an Arbiter makes you gain skills based on Armour, Heavy weapons, and physical attacks twice as fast. Adversely, it also makes gaining magical skills twice as difficult. Best armour type: Medium Best magic type: Physical enhancement Best weapon type: Heavy Weakness: Armour piercing + ranged attacks
Peter recalled how the Arbiter class was updated to V2.0 just before he arrived in this world, and couldn't help but have a sneaking suspicion that Adrestia had a hand in manipulating things to suit him better. Having a class that augmented his strengths, and had weaknesses that didin't affect him at all seemed too good to be true.
"Hmm. I wonder what this actually changes about my body. Is my [Strength] stat worth more than the average person's?"
Despite how many questions were answered tonight, Peter still had many more. Since he had as much information as he could get out of his status, he felt much more at ease.
It was now pretty late at night, and his supper was cold. Peter ate it anyways, then decided to get to bed. Combat lessons with Jogun began tomorrow, and he wanted to be well rested. If Jogun was anything like B67, Peter was in for a wild ride.
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