《The Most Overpowered Floofer》Chapter Five: Ultimate Floof!!!


Depositing the dog-thing in front of Hooman Dave, Petey sat back, his tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth as he waited for everything to speed back up again.

Even as he thought of it, Dave smashed back into full speed, his eyes widening as he glanced around. "Petey!? No, don't run! I'm sorry I got m-"

Petey's eyes wrinkled in happiness. Dave had seen him, and now his mouth was hanging open like Petey's after a good run! Then Dave's eyes slid down to the dog-thing Petey had found, and he jumped back, startled. "Holy - where the frick did you find a Sleiphound!?"

Petey scratched his ears with his back foot, unsure of how to answer the question without barking a lot, but then he remembered his earlier howl, and Dave had understood what he was saying then! Running straight up to Dave, Petey looked up at him, tongue lolling, and woofed experimentally, "Pupper?"

Dave blinked. "What?"

Petey was, sadly, not understood. He didn't quite know how Dave had known he was saying hooman before, but whatever had happened then wasn't happening now. He had to settle for one of his favorite games.


But what to Fetch!?

Pausing for a moment, Petey contemplatively stared off into the distance, gazing with an almost noble bearing. At least until Dave started scratching his ears. Then he started rolling on the dirt, his happiness sweeping across the ground and somehow digging a hole at the same time.

No! He had to focus on Fetch!!!

Getting to his feet with an almost irritated(!?) woof and mentally apologizing for the sound, Petey shook his head and thought for a moment.

Easy! He had to Fetch the door!

Dave had an expression of mild concern. "Petey? Is everything o-"


Petey sped back to the city, his feet skipping and his fur lying flat against his body. He was moving EVEN FASTER than before!!! Deciding not to wonder why, Petey sped through the hole (which was being fixed by really big men with horns) and hurtled through the streets, his sniffer up for the CAT!!!!!! that he'd seen earlier. It only took him a few seconds to find it, and once he did, he ran in and started searching for the door.

The door wasn't where he'd left it, which was a bit confusing, but he grabbed the top piece in his mouth and started heading back. Stopping at the doorway he'd shot through, Petey tilted his head. Most of it was destroyed, yes, but how was he supposed to fit the door through?

There was only one way to find out!

Walking forward resolutely, Petey carried the piece of the door through the doorframe. Petey was a little surprised - that didn't work most of the time. Ever, actually.

He shrugged the confusion off. Well, now it'd worked once, so it'd probably work every time!

Increasing his grip on the door, Petey started going back to Dave, then paused. There was a man that looked like one of his less-nice owners, yanking a yummy-looking bag away from a very nice-looking lady. The lady was probably very pretty most of the time, but she was crying very hard and looked upset. Like everyone else, they were frozen in movement, not so much as twitching.

Petey was a little torn. What was he supposed to do when people weren't nice to each other? There were some instincts that rose up when he saw stuff like this happen, instincts that made him want to bare his teeth, but he'd buried them so deep he didn't know where they were anymore.


Tentatively, Petey put his mouth on the less-nice man's arm and tugged ever so gently. Slowly, the man started to fall over, and Petey felt satisfied. He looked fine! That kink in his elbow was probably normal.

Grabbing the bag, he put it down at the lady's feet, a little slobberier but still okay, and stood back, wagging his happiness. He was such a Good Boy!

Turning around, he found the part of the door he'd selected sneakily moving away. Apparently he hadn't quite stopped all the way when he'd let go of it. Hastily grabbing it in his mouth, he started heading back for Dave, being very careful to avoid hitting anything with the potentially dangerous door.

It was only a few minutes later that Petey returned to Dave, holding the piece of the door. Setting it down, he waited for everything to speed back up.

Once again, the moment he had the thought, it went back to normal. "-kay?" Dave finished, continuing his gesture. Blinking, he glanced down at Petey and pointed at him with two fingers. "Dude. That's freaking me out. How did you get faster so... fast?"

Petey frowned, putting his tongue back in his mouth. How fast was he?

And then the board showed up again!

It was kind of tall and a bit wide and had a LOT of big numbers on it. He didn't know what any of it meant, but it looked really important!

Dave walked towards it, his mouth widening into an O. "Holy... how many digits is that!?" He started counting, running a finger along the line. "Sixteen, seventeen... Eighteen digits!? Are your-" He started thinking really hard, his forehead wrinkling. Petey tilted his head worryingly. Was he okay?

He jumped away abruptly, screaming, "Double!? Your stats - freaking - DOUBLE!? Every stinkin' time you level up? Do you know how dumb that is!?"

Petey lolled. What exactly was wrong with the hooman? He seemed a little upset about something.

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