《The Natural》8 - Time Flows On
Leo hadn't known what he had been expecting when he met Giovanni for the first time, but it hadn't been what he found. He had been searching for Professor Oak for the past hour or so, his freshly-named Slowpoke, Santiago, following at his heels. He'd found a solution for his predicament in the form of the Youngster License (wasn't the news a wonderful thing? Even if all it did was disparage said License – rightfully so, in Leo's opinion – at least it gave him the information he needed to circumvent the age-fourteen trainer restriction) and wanted to push the idea onto Oak.
He knew the man probably wouldn't like the idea, as Leo was just a kid in Oak's eyes, but if he had proved anything at all it was that he could take care of himself. So, he searched Oak out, tried to think of a convincing argument, and ran into the group of Oak, Victoria, and a well-dressed man he came to know as Giovanni having an intense discussion by the river.
"…is not any of your business, Giovanni," Oak said in a firm tone, crossing his arms and glaring at the sharply dressed man. Leo's eyebrows rose at the name, and he faltered in his steps as he observed the leader of Team Rocket.
His first impression? The man was classy. His charcoal-colored suit was immaculate, while the silver wristwatch he wore spoke of wealth. The way he held himself – back straight, shoulders set but not over-exaggerated – projected an air of cool confidence that left Leo with little doubt he could be the leader of the pokemon equivalent of the mafia.
"Of course not, forgive my curiosity. It is simply not every day one gets to examine the records of a former champion," Giovanni said coolly, a placating smile on his face.
"There's a reason for that. Champions like to keep their secrets," Victoria grunted out.
"All Masters like their secrets, Victoria. Including both you and myself," Giovanni countered coolly, turning to smile at the woman and, with that motion, spotting Leo. "Would that happen to be…?" he asked, looking back at Oak and indicating Leo.
"Ah, Leo. I thought you were doing…research, was it?" Oak asked as more of a statement.
"Yeah, I was looking up stuff about Tyranitar but I got distracted," Leo said, eyeing Giovanni. He couldn't help but feel a little nervous knowing he was approaching a literal mafia boss, but having Professor Oak and Victoria there – Oak being an ex-champion and Victoria apparently being a Master of the normal type (which Leo hadn't realized was a rank, not just a title, until Oak spelled it out for him) made it a bit easier to bear.
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Leo. My name is Giovanni, Leader of the Viridian Gym," the man himself said, stepping around Victoria to greet Leo, who looked up at him silently. Giovanni stood a good head and a half taller than him, clean shaven and with immaculately groomed hair, his calculating grey eyes maintaining a respectful eye contact.
Leo resisted the urge to raise an eyebrow at him, but extended his hand in greeting regardless. "Leo. It's a pleasure," he said. Giovanni smiled and shook his hand, giving him a proper, firm handshake.
"Your story has gripped the hearts of many, young Leo. Surviving the Silver Mountains for six months, without a pokemon partner no less? Even experienced Rangers may have trouble with that," Giovanni praised, though Leo doubted Rangers would even get themselves into that situation in the first place. Plus, he had gotten lucky. Extremely lucky.
"Thanks, but it was a lot of luck involved," Leo said with a shrug, gently shoving Santiago away as the small Slowpoke tried to eat his shoe foot and all. "Knock it off, Santiago," he muttered, glancing down at the Slowpoke.
"You finally named your Slowpoke?" Victoria asked, picking up on the name. Leo nodded, grinning as he remembered how he had come up with that name.
"Yeah, it's actually quite the story. While I was reading something he was down by the river, right? He's down there for at least a good half-an-hour, so when I finish reading I go down there to find him, only to see him digging his feet into the ground as he struggled up the hill, tail in the water, and the biggest freaking Magikarp I've ever seen hanging onto it. I honestly could only stand there as he struggled his way up the hill, pulling the Magikarp that was easily twice his size out of the water, where he just plopped down and stared up at me. The Magikarp ended up letting go of his tail and flopping away, but it was still pretty funny. Anyway, Santiago was a famous fisherman I'd read about back home, so that's how he got the name," Leo explained, bending down and rubbing Santiago's head fondly.
It had been a good two hours since then, so Santiago had enough time for a nap and to regain some energy. Hence why he was now following Leo around, rather than being carried.
"Slowpoke are known for the fishing talents," Professor Oak allowed, smiling tiredly. "What brings you here though, Leo?" he asked, and Leo blinked, having momentarily forgotten his purpose.
"I was reading the newspaper today, and had an idea. Why don't I apply for the Youngster License? I've got the survival skills for training, and I'm pretty sure I'd be able to pass any test that may be given to me," Leo said bluntly, forgoing mentioning that basic pokemon knowledge may be lost on him. Things like habits of rarer or more dangerous pokemon, or how they used their abilities and whatnot. But that was what the internet and libraries were for, and it wasn't like Leo couldn't learn.
That's probably a pretty arrogant thought, Leo realized after a moment. I can't learn everything by myself, and just because I got lucky for those six months doesn't mean that trend will continue. Not that I'm looking for a repeat, either…he grumbled to himself.
"No," Oak said flatly, and Leo winced. He'd been expecting that, he'd admit, but had been hoping Oak would think otherwise.
"With his skills it would be a cakewalk for him to pass the test…the practical exam, anyway. His…pokemon would be a problem, however," Giovanni added thoughtfully, earning himself a glare from Oak.
"The Slowpoke is a little young to be used in battles," Victoria said, and Leo wilted a bit further. That was true, but he could always catch a Pidgey or something to use until Santiago grew up, right? Using a pokeball should make the capture process much easier.
"Regardless, it is not a good idea for you to begin your journey so young, Leo," Oak said. "Especially not one in your position," Leo frowned at that and scratched the back of his head, agreeing now that he thought about it but still unsure what else to do. He couldn't work – too young – and it wasn't like he could expect the winnings of a trainer would cover all of his expenses.
But on the flip side, there was no way in hell he was going back to school for another four years. He'd done that song and dance, and in no way, shape, or form did he want to revisit his elementary/middle/high school years again. It wasn't like he could ask Oak to take care of him for the next few years, either. That wouldn't be fair to the man, regardless of whether Leo found Archibald's journal or not.
Sure, Leo would like some help from the kind Professor, but still.
"Indeed. Funds for orphans don't extend that far, after all," Giovanni said. "Training can get expensive, just as it is lucrative,"
Leo sighed and nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. He hadn't given up, not yet, but there was definitely some more thinking he had to do. Ways to make money so he wasn't dependent on the generosity of Professor Oak; heck, he needed to see if there was some sort of League-sponsored fund for people in a situation similar to his. Meaning, people without backing.
"He could always join my Trainer Initiative," Giovanni suggested casually, and Leo whipped his head to look at the man so fast his neck popped. Coming from anyone else, that statement was innocuous, or perhaps hopeful. Coming from Giovanni? Leo was suspicious. Seeing as he was a mob boss, it was likely he used this "Trainer Initiative" for some purpose involving Team Rocket.
"What's that?" Leo asked, and Giovanni smiled knowingly.
"It is a program I am supporting in Viridian. It aids young trainers in becoming the absolute best they can be, teaching and training them for when they might, eventually, start their journeys," Giovanni explained. Oak's snort of amusement caught Leo's attention, but his gaze remained fixed on Giovanni, his mind processing what he heard and filing it away for later perusal. He didn't actually know if Giovanni was genuinely being chivalrous here or if there was some underlying scheme.
What he did know was the he needed to warn Professor Oak about Giovanni potentially being the leader of Team Rocket. The Trainer's Initiative was sending up all kinds of red flags. Perhaps a screening process, for potential grunts?
"I do not think that will be necessary, Giovanni. I intend to bring Leo back to Pallet Town – at least for a while," Oak said firmly, earning himself another look from Leo. He hadn't been told anything about plans for the future yet.
"The legendary Samuel Oak is intending to tutor a child? Now that is interesting news indeed," Giovanni said humorously, making Victoria chuckle for whatever reason and Oak frown. "Relax, Professor, I am not one to spread gossip. I leave that to the gossip mongers, of course. Their reach extends far enough even without my aid," Giovanni said with a laugh that sounded like he had enough experience with the topic. Even Oak cracked a bitter smile, nodding his head in agreement.
Leo glanced down at Santiago, gently shoving him away from Giovanni's lacquered black shoes with his foot. Don't try to eat Giovanni's shoes, you little idiot, Leo thought with a shake of his head. I've attracted enough of his attention as it is.
The next day Leo sat in Oak's lab, still blinking away the disorientation of being teleported an hour prior as he sat on a cold, metal table, bare-chested and many wires and monitoring devices attached to his body. Professor Oak sat staring at a computer screen directly to Leo's right, his fingers typing at blazing speed as he "constructed an algorithm," as he had called it, while the man's Alakazam levitated cross-legged in front of Leo, watching him curiously.
"So, what are we doing again?" Leo asked.
"Wormhole energy," Professor Oak replied as he stared at the screen, absolutely no help at all. He'd been like this for the past half-an-hour, after ushering Leo inside his lab and doing a few things to prepare for whatever test he wanted to run. Leo frowned and scratched at one of the pads on his chest, wiggling uncomfortably. This was all kinds of weird.
"Fret not, youngling. Oak simply wishes to understand the effects of travelling through the space-tear. He fears it may have effects on your body," A voice whispered inside Leo's head. He jumped about a foot into the air at the suddenness and strangeness of the event, noticing the voice as not his own not because he could tell the difference between the voice and his own, inner thoughts, but because he knew his own mind, and he didn't construct sentences like that.
"Was that you?" he whispered to the Alakazam, earning himself a nod and an amused smile from the psychic type.
"It is a pleasure to finally speak with you, Friend of the Slowpokes. I did not expect your mind to be so…mature, upon first touching it," Alakazam said.
"I'll take that as a compliment," Leo thought back, remembering his interaction with Queen and making the sentence the foremost thought in his mind, almost burning the words into his subconscious so the Alakazam could read it. He didn't know how psychic powers worked here, so he figured he'd just test it out to find the boundaries.
"It is indeed. Tell me, for I am interested, what is it you wish to do in this world?" Alakazam asked, and Leo frowned. The question itself was simple, but that was not all the Alakazam was asking. The full weight of its curiosity was imposed on that question, pressing down on Leo's mind and enfolding it like a blanket, wrapping it in the emotions the Alakazam felt – curiosity, excitement, concern, wonder – and the depth of the question itself. It wasn't just asking what Leo wanted to do casually, it meant it down from the very fundamental level of Leo's being. What was it he wanted?
Leo's mind screeched to a halt as he considered the question, no real words coming to mind. There was much he wanted to do. And to give full credit to how he felt about the situation, he figured putting it to words would not do it justice. So, Leo did what he did with Queen, and brought forth all his emotions on the matter. He thought of finding Jack, his best friend whom he wondered if he would ever see again, he thought of finding his own purpose in the world (tied to the feeling of having his old life, and any purpose he found therein, stripped away), he thought of warmth of family, of the intense joy he found in exploring the world. Leo remembered playing for the Bellossom and watching Tyrus fight, but most of all he impressed his own idea of what he must do in the face of adversity.
Stand up, and keep going.
Alakazam was silent for a moment, regarding Leo as it parsed through his thoughts, eyes glowing blue for brief moments. Finally, it nodded.
"I do doubt my friend will allow one as young as you leave on a journey so early. Him allowing you to leave before you have reached fourteen years of age would be nothing short of a miracle from Mew," Alakazam said. Leo smiled.
"It's a good thing I'm not actually ten then, isn't it?" he asked, and the Alakazam smiled.
"We will see," it said cryptically, and said no more. Leo was silent as well, trying his hardest to not think as he sat on that table, occasionally scratching at the wires and watching Oak as he typed away like a madman, examining whatever he was finding with intense scrutiny.
It was another good hour before Professor Oak finally finished, standing up and rubbing his eyes tiredly. Leo had long since laid down, content to nap even though the table was anything but comfortable, though he still opened one eye at Oak's movement.
"Seems like there's no serious abnormalities. He does radiate wormhole energy, but on a scale that seems manageable. Still no guarantee, but…Merri, would you go over this again with me? I want to make sure I'm looking at this right," he muttered. The Alakazam, whose name was apparently Merri, floated forward and peered over Oak's shoulder. Leo frowned, something about that statement tugging at a memory in his head. But what was it…? Something about the wormhole energy Oak mentioned, but he couldn't quite recall all the details of the Sun and Moon games, and he never really watched the anime.
After a few moments Professor Oak sighed and stood, stretching and groaning, which in turn prompted Leo to sit up.
"I am getting too old to be sitting in this chair all the time," he grumbled, turning and smiling at Leo. His smile didn't quite reach his eyes, however. "The good news, Leo, is that travelling through ultra-space didn't have any unforeseen consequences on your body. We already knew you were healthy enough due to the medical exams you took, but I just wanted to do a deeper scan just in case,"
"Good to know," Leo said, nodding. "What happens now then? All you told me was that we were coming to Pallet Town, not what was going to happen after."
Professor Oak hummed, pinching the bridge of his nose and wincing. "I will not lie to you, Leo, your situation is precarious and unique. There is a chance legendary-class pokémon may come through an ultra-wormhole and chase after you, due to you also having come through a wormhole," Leo sucked in a deep breath, eyes widening. How could he have forgotten such a crucial piece of information from the games? Sure it was just, like, one line in the post-game that said ultra-beasts did that, and he hadn't played that game in years, but still!
"Which leaves us here. In Pallet you will be relatively safe, my team from my Champion days still resides around the ranch, and we have enough firepower to fight off a legendary if need be. Victoria, too, is near Elite level, though she is in town with less frequency than I. It would not be a bad idea for you to get a Youngster License, if that is your wish, but I still advise against it. Of course, there is always Giovanni's Trainer Initiative," Oak rattled off, stroking his chin thoughtfully. Leo chewed his lip for a moment then, his mind made up, nodded.
Outing Giovanni would cause insane ripples, no matter what version of the world he was in, but it would be remiss of Leo to not do anything, either.
"Not Giovanni. In my world, he was the leader of a terrorist organization called Team Rocket," Leo said bluntly, giving Oak pause.
"You're joking," he deadpanned, and Leo shook his head. "That's…news. I will take that into due consideration," he said, falling silent for a moment. Leo allowed the man to absorb the bombshell he dropped, but eventually his patience wore thin and he cleared his throat.
"Uh, you were saying about the Youngster License and stuff?" Leo asked, eyes flicking to Merri for any hints as to his thoughts. Merri shrugged, giving him no information to go off of. He decided, however, to assume that Oak would fight him on getting the License, even though there really was only one choice for Leo here. He had to get strong enough to fight off any ultra-beasts that may come after him. If he didn't, that was dangerous not only for himself, but for all those around him.
It wasn't like Oak could dedicate his life to protecting Leo, nor did he want that. In fact, Leo realized, he was treating the news much like he had thought about his own survival in the mountains. Either he got better and polished his skills, or things go haywire. Simple.
"Right, that. I'll see what I can do about Giovanni though – you do understand that we cannot make a move against him without proper evidence. Even more so if he is in charge of a Team," Oak warned, and Leo nodded. He expected nothing less. "Good, good. Where was I? Right, Leo's options. Thank you, Merri,"
"I want the Youngster License," Leo blurted out, cutting the man off. "If legendary pokemon will come after me, I don't want to put anyone else in danger. So, I should travel, gather a team, and get stronger while I can," he said.
Oak tried, and failed, to hide a grimace. "I can let you take the test, but what if you fail?" he asked. Leo hummed thoughtfully.
"I can take the test once every three to six months, right? I'll probably study, then keep taking it until I pass," Leo reasoned. It's not like Santiago can battle right now anyway. I need to pass that test if, for no other reason, than to get a combat-ready pokemon. I believe the article said something about handing out starters to trainers even if they already have a pet, right? Does Santiago count as a pet?
"Tell you what. Pass the test, and you go on your journey. Fail, and you can stick around and help out around the ranch. We could always use more help, and I was raising Growlithe litters by your age," Oak reasoned. Leo's eyebrows raised and he once more glanced at Merri, whose expression was unreadable. This was suspicious, but…helping out around a pokemon lab? This was an opportunity, wasn't it? This way, Leo almost wouldn't mind if he failed…almost. He'd be pissed if Oak sabotaged him somehow.
"Deal," Leo said, shaking Oak's outstretched hand. The older man smiled, and Leo inwardly scowled as he ripped off all the monitoring equipment still strapped to him and followed Oak out the room.
"Oh, I almost forgot. Here, for Santiago," the older man said, pulling a red and white orb out of his coat pocket and handing it to Leo. His irritation momentarily forgotten, Leo accepted the pokeball and stared at the metal ball almost reverently. "You can officially catch him now, if you want. He'll be registered to me until you get a license, but transferring a pokemon to another trainer is a relatively pain-free process. There's a few things I want to catch up on since I'm back in the lab. I'll show you around a bit later, and show you where you'll be sleeping," Oak said, planting a hand on Leo's head and ruffling his hair. Leo scowled at him but the Professor didn't see, having already moved off to talk to another white-robed lab assistant to talk about whatever.
Leo shook his head and headed out of the lab, following the long, white-tiled hall out to the lobby where Santiago was keeping himself entertained with the help of the friendly secretary, the brown-haired man casually tossing a small, blue ball across the room for the little Slowpoke to trundle after. Acts more like a dog than anything else, Leo thought, amused, as he watched Santiago bat the ball into the wall with his head.
"Thanks," Leo said to the secretary, nodding to him before kneeling down next to Santiago, pressing the center button on the pokeball and nearly dropping it when it expanded. "Now, how does this work? Do I just," Leo muttered, pressing the ball against Santiago and dropping it when it snapped open, sucking the slowpoke in with a flash of red light.
It didn't wiggle. No lights blinked. Instead the ball just sat there, and, to the soft congratulations of the secretary, Leo sarcastically congratulated himself on his first capture. It wasn't much of a capture. Not really, but what did Leo expect? It was a baby pokemon. Still, that didn't mean Leo wasn't excited about it. He couldn't contain his grin as he picked the ball up, pressing the button once more to see if it would release his slowpoke and, to his pleasure, the ball cracked open. Santiago appeared on the floor in a flash of red, blinking up at Leo owlishly.
"Sloooow?" It called.
"Trippy, huh?" Leo asked, rubbing the Slowpoke's head and glancing out the sliding glass doors of the lab. Outside sat the rest of Pallet, the small town a good mile from the front of the lab, with rolling green hills and the Silver Mountains looming in the distance. Orange blobs played on the hillside outside, watched over by the massive, majestic form of an Arcanine.
A pang of excitement rolled through Leo as he watched the Growlithe play. He should probably answer Oak's challenge by going to study or something but, dogs were playing outside. Puppies. More importantly, fire-breathing puppies. He had to go say hi, didn't he? Besides, this would just be practical experience right? He'd need a lot of that to be a trainer, Leo was sure. At least, that's what he told himself as he rushed out the front door, excitement coursing through his veins as he rushed out of the lab, Santiago following behind with a low call of excitement, to go play with the Growlithe. After, of course, he made sure the Arcanine watching over them was ok with it.
He didn't want to piss the fire-breathing hound off, after all. Leo didn't fancy becoming barbeque.
Oak hummed idly to himself as he examined Leo's test, eyes tracing the papers for the umpteenth time. The boy had, in truth, surprised him. His grasp on pokemon biology and the way pokemon moves worked was shoddy at best, some of his answers to the essay questions sounding more like educated guesses than anything concrete. But still…he had an almost encyclopedic knowledge of pokemon species and their evolutions, not to mention being able to deduce the type of a pokemon relatively easily and, while not wholly impressive on its own, had memorized the type chart. How far his knowledge of pokemon descended, Oak wasn't sure, as most of the questions involved base-level knowledge in that category.
What really intrigued Oak was some of Leo's answers to pokemon evolution. How in the name of Mew did he know a slowpoke could evolve into Slowking with a king's rock? The official stance was that slowpoke evolved when a Shellder bit them on the head, using a king's rock was a far more specialized way that resulted in far more intelligent Slowking – Slowking like his father's Longinus. Oak had added that question to the test on a whim, but now he was glad he did. He'd have to talk to Leo about that later.
Sighing, Professor Oak set the papers down and looked out the window of his lab, watching the subject of his current headache as he animatedly described his adventures in the Silver Mountains to Gary and Daisy Oak, his grandchildren. The eight and thirteen-year-olds listened on, enraptured, as Leo re-enacted some form of combat with a Growlithe, the energetic little fire-hound all too happy to wrestle and play. Oak smiled, glad to see his grandchildren having fun, laughing at Leo as he tried, and failed, to shove the Growlithe off of him as it enthusiastically licked his face.
Daisy smiled and laughed less after their parents – Oak's daughter – had died two years ago. Gary, being six, didn't remember much, but he tended to catch onto his sister's moods. Time was healing the children, but it was slow.
"Did he pass?" Victoria asked, slipping into the room behind Oak, who resolutely ignored the pain in his chest at the memories of his daughter.
"No," Oak said truthfully, handing the test to Victoria, who took it and scanned over the questions with a frown, brushing away an errant strand of brown hair that hung over her eyes. "But I also didn't give him the Youngster exam. Didn't stop him from passing the practical exam, which I expected, but his theoretical and battling skills need work," Oak ran a hand through his hair, fixating his gaze on the ceiling and counting the black dots on the plastic panels.
"He would've passed the Youngster exam," Victoria stated more than asked, flipping through the test and shooting the Professor a glare. "You do realize that you can't actually keep him here like this. He may very well go behind your back and take the exam elsewhere – kid's smart, I wouldn't put it past him," she deadpanned, and Oak grumbled, standing and looking out the window.
"I know, I know. But he needs this. Ten is too young for him to go adventuring, staying on the Youngster Routes or not. This way I can keep an eye on him, and make sure his education is up to snuff," Oak reasoned, shoving his hands into the pockets of his long, white lab coat. "At least for a few years. Maybe until he's twelve or thirteen; that's when I started my journey. But things were different back then. We needed trainers more than we do now,"
That wasn't the only reason, of course. Privately, Oak felt like Leo could most definitely cut it as a trainer if he left right now – he showed maturity beyond his years, and though his book knowledge was lacking he did do well on the practical exams – but he also wasn't one to send someone out underprepared. Leo needed a deeper understanding of the world he lived in now, because he suspected there was quite the difference between where he had been, and where he was now. More than Leo let on.
On another hand, Oak didn't want to be seen as supporting the Youngster License. It wasn't as bad an idea as some of the news outlets made it out to be – deaths were actually relatively low, quite a few of which due to unavoidable mishaps like natural disasters – but Oak still wanted the law gone. Given a year or two, it very well might be rescinded, what with all the flak Champion Marvin has been taking for the bill. Even if the current Champion didn't make a move to rescind the law, the next champion very well might. That young dragon tamer, Lance, was a promising candidate, though dragons were notoriously slow to grow…
"Isn't this the exam you give to Starter applicants?" Victoria asked, tossing Leo's exam onto the desk next to Oak, who nodded. "And he still got a forty percent on it?"
"He did decidedly well, considering that. Most of his wrong answers were founded in solid logic too, he just lacks a deeper understanding of the mechanics involved. Who knows, I might even be able to give him one of the Kanto Starters if he studies hard enough," Oak said, grinning. It was unlikely, there were plenty of brilliant young trainers vying for the prestigious reward of the regional starters, but still a possibility.
Victoria stared at him searchingly, the gruff woman folding her arms across her chest and staring at Professor Oak long enough to make him feel uncomfortable. Then she grinned cheekily.
"Sounds like you've found yourself a protégé," she said mockingly, and Oak's smile immediately flipped into a frown. "Don't give me that, you're taking him under your wing! Taken an interest in him, or feel bad because of his sob-story?" she asked, and Oak frowned harder, fixing her with a glare.
"Get out," he said, though the statement held no heat. Victoria laughed and held her hands up defensively, backing out of the room and shutting the door behind her. Oak sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, fighting off the oncoming headache. He just hoped Leo wasn't as quick to learn as Oak feared he would be, judging by his already impressive knowledge base for his age, or else keeping him on the ranch would be a chore. Not to mention, somehow the boy had gotten Merri onto his side. The Alakazam hadn't been subtle in telling Oak Leo was ready for an adventure.
Another glance out the window of his office, and Oak relaxed slightly as he watched Leo roughhouse with Gary, the brown-haired boy picking Gary up in a bear-hug and spinning him in a circle, head tossed back in a laugh while Daisy watched, smiling to herself. Kids should be kids, Oak thought firmly, then pushed all those thoughts out of his mind. He had a project to finish, after all, and what a project it was.
Hopefully he'd be able to finish his pokemon encyclopedia prototype before Daisy left on her own pokemon journey in a year. Though all trainers would benefit he hoped above all else that it would help keep his grandchildren safe. That was all he could hope for. It was all he wanted, anymore.
True to his word, Professor Oak had Leo working on the ranch in a farm-hand type position the day after he had shown Leo that he failed the test. It wasn't a surprise, the written test was way harder than Leo thought (not that tests were his forte anyway), and Leo had promptly shut down the ugly voice in his head that suggested Oak had rigged the test. As it were, working on the ranch, and by proxy in the pokemon lab, was doing wonders for his knowledge of pokemon.
He learned more by doing, after all, and it didn't get much more hands-on than wrangling the hordes of pokemon Oak kept around his lab. Nidoran, Growlithe, lakes full of water-types, Tauros, Rapidash, and seemingly a thousand other kinds of pokemon called the Oak ranch their home, and Leo loved it. Daisy Oak had helped him out a lot in the beginning, guiding him around showing him which pokemon were too ornery to deal with, or how to get around that ornery-ness, what they ate, how to soothe them…honestly, there was so much to remember Leo's head felt like exploding sometimes, but he threw himself into learning the processes with all the gusto he could muster.
Though he still never studied. He hated studying. And tests. He did, however, look up things that interested him – such as Tyranitar. Now that he was on his way to becoming a trainer, Leo had his heart and mind set on capturing a Larvitar. It would happen.
He also met Ash Ketchum for the first time, the little black-haired kid being just as energetic as Leo remembered from what little he watched of the anime. He didn't actually interact with the boy as much as he might've liked, but seeing as how he and Gary Oak were still friends at this point, Leo ended up getting to know him at least a little. But Oak kept him pretty busy regardless.
At one point, about a month into Leo's stay, (Professor Oak had a repurposed room above his garage he let Leo stay in, and though it seemed like a cozy enough home, it seemed lonely with just him, the Professor, and his two grandchildren to occupy it. But it felt wrong for him to ask about the children's parents, or about Oak's wife, so he didn't pry) Professor Oak enrolled Leo in the Pallet Town elementary/middle school.
Leo protested by ditching class. Repeatedly. As in, Oak would drop Leo off, and as soon as the man was gone Leo was racing off into the forests surrounding Pallet Town. He'd tried to show up for science class on the first few days, but they'd been learning such basic stuff Leo had forgone all idea of attending. He knew the mitochondria was the powerhouse of the cell. Couldn't file his taxes properly, but he knew about the mitochondria.
One good thing did come from those few classes he did attend though; he'd found out something that had been bothering him for a while about people eating were two different, official classifications for certain pokemon. Domestic, and Wild. Wild were the ones used in battle, while Domestic often enough never evolved, never got stronger, and didn't show the intelligence Wild pokemon tended to. Not all species of pokemon were differentiated this way either, as not all pokemon had Domestic variants.
Leo hadn't really understood what it all meant until Victoria had shown him her Tauros, Duke, next to a domestic Tauros. Duke had been intelligent and prideful, his almost-black fur shining in the sun and eyes boring into Leo with relentless determination and the unquenchable fury of a perpetually angry bull. The domestic Tauros, in comparison? They were just cows. Big cows, with the capability to occasionally use attacks when startled.
People ate domestic pokemon. They shied away from eating Wild ones.
When Oak found out Leo had been ditching school he wasn't too happy, and had immediately sicced his Arcanine on Leo, who brought him back to school happily and covered in dog drool. Leo, true to his nature, didn't let that deter him and turned it into a game, eventually roping Merri, Oak's dragonite Mizuchi, and even Victoria into the mix whenever she was around. Leo jokingly called the game "Escape of the prisoner," because he felt much like a convict escaping the law. Victoria called it "Find the F-ing brat and beat some sense into him." Leo found that amusing and, say what you will about how often he was caught, Leo got really good at hiding and running away.
It was on one of these little escapades that Leo had surprised Victoria by showing her he knew at least a little bit of martial arts, shoddy and rusty though they were. She had responded by transforming the game of chase from metaphorically trying to beat some sense into Leo, into literally trying to beat some sense into him. She tried to disguise it by calling it sparring. Leo knew better. She was just annoyed he kept doing this, especially because she was so brutal about it. Very rarely did he not have bruises from those sessions.
What really got to Leo wasn't those "sparring" sessions though. It was when she would use her Persian to chase him down. He could run from Oak's Arcanine, who acted more like a puppy than any Growlithe, and Dragonite all day long – especially Dragonite. The kindly-yet-battle-scarred dragon more often than not took him on joy-rides through the blue skies of Kanto rather than take him back to school, and Leo made sure to always treat the noble creature with respect. But Victoria's Persian? That thing was terrifying, and it truly enjoyed scaring the daylights out of Leo. Many a time he found himself flat on his back, the cat's claws pressing dangerously into his skin, as it stared at him with deep green eyes that pierced his soul, fangs bared and poised above his throat.
Leo shuddered every time he remembered it.
By the time the sixth month of Leo's stay in Pallet Town rolled around, he was getting pretty good at escaping even if it was officially winter now. He'd never truly been successful, mind you, but Victoria wasn't always around and Oak's pokemon weren't willing nor able to always keep an eye on him. On those days Leo would slip into the woods and vanish for hours on end, playing with Santiago, the slowpoke steadily growing bigger and more intelligent with each day even if he picked up more than one bad habit from the Growlithe litters plaguing the Oak Ranch, and harassing wild pokemon.
He whistled and sang for Bellossom as they danced, his own Bellossom leaf having finally withered, dove into snowdrifts to go hunting for ice-types whenever snowstorms rolled in, stalked Rattatta, poked Pineco as they hibernated beneath tree roots, and raced with the Pidgey as they flew south, some flocks much later than others.
Unfortunately during this time there had been no moves to oust Giovanni either, and very little actual news about any Team Rocket. Which Oak said was because there was no real evidence that Giovanni was the Leader of Team Rocket. Irritating as it was, Leo figured it made sense. One did not simply become the leader of the Viridian Gym and lead a terrorist organization, especially in this world, where Gym Leaders were essentially Governors of their respective territories, without knowing how to cover your tracks. (The government in this world was weird, Leo was still trying to figure out how it all worked with Leaders and Councilmen, and Elites and Champions even with Oak's patient explanations.)
And every three to four months, Leo would try to pass the increasingly Youngster exam, failing each and every time. Until, a year and a half after his arrival at Oak's ranch and at the beginning of his second year in the pokemon world, he suddenly didn't.
- In Serial22 Chapters
Nowhere Stars
For as long as anyone can remember, humans have been preyed upon by Harbingers, living nightmares which devour dreams and passions and souls, and defended by Keepers. These children alone hold the gift of magic, the wild and wondrous ability to impose emotions over reality and empower their frail bodies with the splendor of their souls. Under their protection, humanity was able to survive and thrive. While modern Keepers have come to enjoy a social position somewhere between celebrities and religious idols, very few accept the mantle simply to be a hero. The Messengers of the Goddess Claiasya, spirits charged with awakening the magic in suitable souls, promise that Keepers who consume and purify enough Harbingers will obtain the power to change themselves or the world in nearly any way they wish. It’s for this purpose that Liadain Shiel, a young girl born terminally ill, throws herself into life as a Keeper when her opportunity comes, hoping against hope to rewrite her fate and save her life while she still can. But magic wants its wielders to grow and change, not simply continue living, and the secrets swimming beneath the sea and behind the sky have lives and designs of their own. Nowhere Stars is an ongoing fantasy-horror web novel about traumacore magical girls, nightmares clothed in ribbons and lace, alienation from reality, and broken children twisting the world into whatever shape they must to make their dreams come true. This is a mirror of Nowhere Stars' home site, located here. Updates will be posted at the same time, currently once a week on Wednesdays. Support Nowhere Stars on Top Web Fiction here!
8 163 - In Serial56 Chapters
Tales of the Old World Demon Lord
1984 had indeed come, however it was 100 years late. In 2084 a man named [Sovereign] had taken control of the entire globe and the destiny of Humanity itself was in his hands. Many called him evil, perhaps he was, but Sovereign believed that he was cultivating the future of humanity; he knew that if Humanity continued on its current trajectory it would not last. However his plans came to an abrupt end when he was tragically murdered by his closest confidante. For a time after that the world finally found peace as their evil overlord had been overthrown but as Sovereign had predicted the world indeed came to an end. Humanity had returned to its old ways, they reconstructed borders, created separations known as 'countries' and in the end without unification and a single future, war had once again engulfed the world. Slowly as it choked on its own ineptitude the humans killed themselves off as their resources depleted and the planet was made uninhabitable. However this was not the end of the story for Sovereign, but a new beginning. Born again in a world of swords and sorcery he quietly evaluates the mettle of these new humans. Should they not come to meet his standards then 'Sovereign' would also be reborn. "To the primitive fools who believe magic reigns supreme, allow me to demonstrate the might of the old world technology."Arc 1: Kenesis Enhancement Project/SovereignArc 2: Human Immortalization Project/Nemesis Arc 3: The Skyfall Project/Gungnir
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Syche: The Dark Element
In a modern world where the four elements (no, not those elements; don't stop reading yet) are controlled by the select few born with the gift, seventeen-year-old Joshua Rasgard is horribly, painfully normal. And that’s not changing. No really. He survives by his wit and acute knowledge of how adventures should go, unlike his younger brother Kael who would rather disintegrate his problems to ash. Together, they're on a globe spanning treasure hunt that is about to take a dark turn. While hunting for clues, Joshua decides to rescue an ex-superpowered-assassin named Gianna. Doing so puts a target on all of their backs and thrusts them into a global conflict not unrelated to the treasure hunt. The one thing Joshua knows is that he is out of his element.
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Embracing Tears
An innocent little girl was being ostracized and persecuted in her small village. People refer to her as a daughter of a Demonic Witch. With the death of her mother, her entire life came plummeting down. Her fate was turning for the worse. Her future was grim. Life was not fair to the innocent little girl. However, things began to change when she met a particular young woman and a Dragon. Will they be the stars that will light the little girl’s path towards a brighter future? Cover Image Source: https://pin.it/7LAMHP6
8 246 - In Serial26 Chapters
2450 - Age of Corporations
Cover: https://i.imgur.com/GhGrA2d.png - 400 Years into the future -Humans have ventured beyond the confines of Planet Earth, spreading across the Milky Way Galaxy.Governments and archaic societal structures have all collapsed, and unrestrained capitalism has found firm footing in human civilisation. In this dog-eat-dog society, where value of human life can be assigned a monetary value, we follow our protagonists:- a group of unassuming orphans with a dark secret,- a bastard scion of a massive multi-system corporation,- and a 'garage start-up' comprising of optimistic and starry-eyed inventors setting out in the unforgiving free-market,in their adventures and exploits across the galaxy! AUTHOR'S NOTE:Hi guys! This novel is just a pet project of mine, to exercise my imagination and vocabulary. The regularity of uploads will depend on how well this catches on (but nonetheless, expect at least 1-2 ch/wk).I proofread my own work before uploading it, so there may be grammatical errors or misused vocabulary. Please let me know in the comments and I'll fix it. I found inspiration for this novel from various sources (Cyberpunk 2077, The Mech Touch, etc.) so in some places you may find some similarities. Please note that it is just an inspiration and I'm not trying to blatantly copy those works. While I do have a general plot line in mind, the various volumes (or arcs) will be quite fluid and susceptible to influence from reader suggestions. This is so that my creativity doesn't stagnate. I hope you guys like my work. If not, please leave reviews! I appreciate any and all constructive criticism, and opportunities to improve myself. Scribblehub: Scribblehub_AoCWebnovel: Webnovel_AoC
8 203 - In Serial19 Chapters
I Just Want to Live a Peaceful Life!
Some people do their best in their second life, others become heroes after getting isekai'd. A handful of people go off to do great things after reincarnating in another world. Arthur just wants to work the safest job possible in his new, fantasy world. Sure, there's the threat of a Demon Lord ravaging the world with his giant armies, but there's already other people that's been reincarnated before him. Why use your overpowered ability to risk your life for a kingdom you barely know when you're living off minimum wage in a fantasy world?
8 149