《Don't Fear the Reaper》Chapter 22 - False Knight on the Road
Chapter 22 – False Knight on the Road
No sunlight would ever brighten the vast, windowless room that spread before them. Instead, oil lamps fought a losing battle against the surrounding darkness.
Once again Hall thanked the shadows for hiding most of the ground’s surface.
Countless bones of all shapes and sizes, pieces of rotting flesh and unfathomable amounts of blood covered the floor.
The retched stench of decay threatened to impede his thoughts.
You have been affected by the area effect: Putrid Air
-50% Movement Speed
+25% Casting Time
-10% Stats
Your class and resistances allow you to resist 50% of the effect.
This is worse than in Bathory’s dungeon.
“Moira, do you know if this is magic or an environmental effect?” Hall asked the grimoire.
It took her a second to answer. “I’m not sure, but I think it’s both. Somebody cast magic to enhance the environment and use it against their enemies. But this magic is… it's evil. Be careful, Harbinger.”
He felt it too. Different from Benmal’ach, not as ferocious or primal, but filled with malice and invoked by the desire to cause pain.
The sound of splintering bones and tearing flesh drew his gaze to the end of the room.
A small table with a single tea cup on it, a bowl with pastries next to the pretty, little teapot, all of it seemed out of place.
Behind the table, the only chair in the room seated an old woman. Countless wrinkles and sunken eyes revealed her age. She remained unmoving and cobwebs in her thin, grey hair gave the impression that she had died long ago. But Hall sensed her very soul and she was far from dead.
The sounds that disturbed the eerie silence in the graveyard that once was a room, came from the ground beside the table. Again, he could perceive the soul in the mountain of a man who sat on the filthy floor.
Yet, his senses should have told him more. His skill level climbed high enough to gather more information. He could feel the wickedness in them, but something impeded his perception, counteracted his ability, made it hard for him to see.
But the figure on the ground pushed away his concerns. A man, as tall as himself, though three times as wide and only wearing an oversized diaper, sat on a pile of bone and flesh. The colossal amounts of fat on his massive body wobbled while he devoured something that looked disturbingly similar to an arm. Blood and pieces of flesh fell from his open mouth as he stopped chewing and his beady eyes focused on Hall.
“Mama.” He said. “Who is that man?” Spitting scraps of flesh over himself, he spoke to the old woman. A slapping sound echoed through the room and the man’s cheek turned red.
“Baban, my dear, I told you, if we have company, call me grandmother or Lady Gorti. Anyway, I do not know my little baby boy, they are not welcome here.” she lectured the man lovingly. As if she hadn’t used it in a while, her voice resembled an unoiled hinge.
The lips of the disgustingly obese creature trembled, but instead of crying, he just grinned while drool trickled from the corner of his mouth. “Can I have him grandmama? I’m so hungry.” Viciousness crept into Baban’s infantile tone as the old Gorti’s hand patted his bald head.
“Yes my dear baby boy, have fun.”
Speechless, Hall watched as the giant baby struggled to stand up. His knees almost gave in under the enormous weight. Baban’s hands, stretched before him, opened and closed while he took large, unstable steps towards Hall.
A large, middle aged toddler tried to eat him. His grandmother watched him in silence, her face distorted in a mix of bliss and hatred. Images of gore and slaughter surrounded them. It was just too surreal.
When Baban reached him, Hall swung his fist and a bone shattering punch clashed with the bald man’s jaw. The giant buried pieces of dead bodies under himself as he crashed to the ground.
He sat up and blinked at Hall, uncomprehending of what just happened. His lips trembled, tears formed in his eyes and a bloodcurdling wail erupted from him.
The old Gorti’s face twisted in rage and she screamed, “You dare to hit my boy?” Her anger vanished and a cold, calm voice replaced it. Her words sucked out what little light and warmth the room held. “I’ll give your soul to my little boy and make a puppet out of your corpse.”
A wave of darkness emerged from the tip of her fingers and washed over the whole room. The blood on the ground evaporated as soon as it came in contact with Gorti’s magic and the scattered pieces of flesh turned to dust.
Hall reacted in an instant. His skill ‘Watching Over Me’ kicked in and slowed down time, giving him the chance to step in front of Lily. He imbued his chains with soul energy and cut through the shadows that threatened to swallow them.
“Aren’t you full of surprises? You are able to manifest the power of your soul.” Gorti said in astonishment. “No matter, with that you are entering my personal field of expertise. You will make an excellent toy.”
The old woman overcame her surprise in an instant and a grin spread on her face.
Movements in the dark caught Hall’s eye. Six figures rose from the ground and staggered towards him.
Guess the guards weren’t just sent away.
All six walking corpses wore the same armor and carried long swords. Thick metal chains tied their necks to the wall. Their souls had already disappeared from their bodies and only traces of foreign magic remained.
“Sorian magic, am I right?” Hearing Hall’s words, Lady Gorti raised an eyebrow and replied.
“Why, yes, you are right.” She confirmed. “I’m beginning to think it would be wise to keep you around, though of course your soul will still belong to me. Now get him my puppets!”
Hall chuckled for a moment before he strengthened the grip around his chains. “Your darkness cannot stand before me. My own will devour it.”
Raising his chains, he swung them at the undead. Their lack of speed and coordination proved the casters lacking ability. But even under Hall’s repeated blows, they didn’t die.
Bones shattered and flesh burst. Broken limbs and tattered clothes remained after numerous attacks. Yet they rose, again and again, and moved towards him.
They still only posed a minor threat to Hall. It was the witch Gorti who he needed to deal with.
While he kept the walking corpses at bay, she fired black flames and blades of shadows at him, slowly shaving away his health.
Lily supported him with song and the occasional heal. Unfortunately they needed to move often. Gorti’s spells covered whole areas, making it impossible for Lily to stay in one spot which interrupted her channeled healing.
The battle dragged on and though Hall remained calm and careful, he gritted his teeth in frustration. It shouldn’t be this difficult, why won’t those zombies fall and what’s with that hag’s speed?
The few attacks Hall unleashed at the old woman always missed, or rather, she dodged with quick movements that seemed to contradict her appearance.
He ducked under dark flames, fired from withered hands, and stumbled backwards, barely avoiding a heavy blow the undead to his left threw at him.
“The chains around their necks.” Moira almost yelled. “I sense a… flow of energy coming from them. Look at them, really look, not just with your eyes.”
Damn it, easier said than done. Swords and magic filled his field of view, but he waited patiently for an opening. With two wide swings he pushed away the closest undead and Lily shackled half of them with the mana chains she used to buy him room to breathe. It allowed him to focus on the witch.
It had been a few days since he tried it, but he needed it to work, now! Hall put all his strength into the next attack and let both his chains rain down on the puppeteer before him.
Laughing, she evaded the strikes by an inch. Moments before his chains crashed into the ground, Hall flicked his wrists. Like a whip, his weapons followed his motion.
The cracking sound of the chains, together with the exploding marble floor, created a blast that pushed away the rubble and ash covering the ground.
Yet it was the ringing in his ears that caused him to grin. It worked! Lady Gorti’s eyes widened in surprise and shock as no words left her mouth.
But Hall wasted no time to gloat and used ‘Soul Perception’ to investigate the metal that bound the undead. Even now something interfered with his abilities.
At least I know where to look at. Moira’s discovery helped greatly. After a moment he could sense the energy in the steel shackles. He felt a flow of power between the wall and the undead.
“So you supply them with strength, that’s why they don’t die.” Horror replaced the surprise on Gorti’s face. Though shaken, she still held the upper hand. The silencing effect already wore off, so she prepared another chant.
Hall evaded her magic as well as the strokes of the undead and drew his sword.
“Do you really think you can sever my chains?” She scoffed at him.
Standing close to the wall, he raised the blade over his head and smiled. “I do!”
Blue light clawed its way through the dark metal in his hands and with a brutal strike, Hall cut the shackles that tied one of the undead. The puppet collapsed as its strings were slashed.
Before Gorti could recover from the shock, Hall severed two more chains. An atrocious scream emerged from the witch as she sent wave after wave of dark fire at Hall.
Damn, how long can she keep this up? Though he tried to evade or cut through the magic, his health dropped at the continuing storm of flames.
Gritting his teeth, he took a stand. The brunt of the fire hit him, but he endured it to prepare the attack he unleashed at the raging witch. The same he used before and, again, he welcomed the ringing in his ears.
While he received one more blow from an undead, Hall severed the remaining chains and robbed Lady Gorti of her shields. She stood alone and realizing it, her face distorted.
The silencing effect wore off faster than before. The mechanic called diminishing return not only reduced the effectivity of repeatedly consumed potions. It also affected the duration of negative effects on targets if they are applied again within a short amount of time. Yet, it still proved fatal for the magic wielder.
Now, Hall stood before her, bloody, but the burning fire in his eyes reached deep into her soul and dragged out her darkest nightmares. Unlike her undead puppets, she possessed no immunity to his fear inducing skills and her resistance only dropped during the battle.
Gorti’s façade cracked. Her shoulders dropped and the defiant spark in her eyes vanished, replaced by dull fog. Chains wrapped around her neck and she fell to her knees.
“Who are you?” she asked crestfallen.
A dark scythe blade appeared in Hall’s hands and he leaned forward to whisper in her ear. “I’m Batman.” He spoke and rammed the metal into the old woman’s chest, tearing the darkness from her soul.
An uncomprehending look in his eyes, Baban watched his grandmother die. As if unaware of Hall’s presence, he tumbled towards her corpse and sat beside it.
Without a sound, tears streamed down his face. He grabbed the fingers of the only family he had and opened his lips. Yet instead of speaking, he lifted the hand towards his mouth.
Hall closed his eyes for a moment and sighed. “Pitiful creature.” The scythe blade pierced the crying giant’s flesh and took another life.
When silence returned to the mansion, Hall looked through the messages that popped up after the battle.
You have leveled up!
You have been gained a new skill!
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Sound of SilenceBeginner10%The explosion of soul energy in your chains, combined with the sound wave, produced by their impact when striking, creates a deafening blast. Every sound within the impact zone will be silenced.
Can only be used if chains are shorter than 4m. Enemies, as well as allies are affected.
Causes silence within the blast radius of 5m
Causes deafness within the blast radius of 5m
Cost: 90mana
+3 Strength
+2 Agility
Even though the limited range reduced its use and the drawbacks couldn’t be ignored, the skill could prove invaluable against casters. The fight against Lady Gorti showed it.
Kneeling, he checked the corpses for items. Unfortunately enemies rarely left behind the equipment they carried, so the dead puppets gave him no loot. At least the old witch dropped an impressive jewel.
Soul GemType:AccessoryQuality:UniqueA flawless crystal that can not only hold, but also transfer soul energy. Has to be used in combination with another item designed for the purpose of transferring energy.
+5 to all stats
+2% to all resistances
Can only be inserted into a predesigned socket by a master.
The plumb sized stone resembled the soul shards he found before.
“This is all rather cryptic.” Hall said. ”Moira, do you know something about it?”
She seemed to hesitate, so he began to search the room.
“I know... knew it.” She answered. ”But… my memory is hazy.” She sounded dejected, but mostly frustrated with herself. “I think it can be used to transfer energy to other stones.”
Hall grabbed a soul shard, dim black crystals that accumulated in his inventory, and lifted it in front of his eyes. “Stones like this?”
“Yes, exactly like that.” A trace of excitement entered Moira’s voice. “You see, normal material can’t handle soul energy, it either remains unaffected or it gets destroyed by it. Then there are things than can conduct and profit from the power of a soul, take your sword for an example.
“These stones though have the ability to store the energy of a soul for an extended period of time. Unfortunately… I can’t remember how, but I still know where you can gain that knowledge. The knowledge of soul weaving.”
“Amazing!” Hall’s expression brightened. “Thanks, Moira.”
Though she tried to conceal it, her tone carried happiness when she spoke. “That’s the very least Death’s Grimoire should be able to do, no need to be impressed.”
“Alright, alright.” He chuckled, but refrained from retorting. “Then let’s wrap up this mess, it’s getting late.”
Aside from the corpses, the sparse furniture and the lamps, the large room was empty. Leaving through the thick wooden doors, scarred by countless scratches, he continued his hunt for bounty.
Houses, no matter the size, rarely held unfathomable riches. Bathory’s treasure was already considered extraordinary. Else, a group of thieves could hit a few noble houses and bathe in gold for the rest of their lives.
So, as to deter bandits, players as well as NPCs often trusted banks with their fortune. Banks, similar to auction houses, stood as a constant in the world of Novus Vita. They were—quite literally—untouchable.
Of course most mansions still contained a vast amount of valuables. Thieves—ambitious or brazen enough—could even steel the furniture if they secured some carriages beforehand.
Unfortunately the Gorti Family thwarted Hall’s hopes for a nice payday. Paranoid due to her age, the old witch locked most doors and purchased magic to protect them from damage. He only cursed as he attempted to break the wood and barely left a scratch.
At least he gathered a few pretty pieces around the house, but far less than he imagined.
Lily watched him in worry and Moira flicked her incorporeal tongue. “A harbinger shouldn’t care for worldly needs such as gold. It’s below your rank.”
He simply shrugged off their objections. “A man has to eat.” Only when they entered one of the last rooms, did his mood change for the better.
Not because of the countless, common books that filled the shelves or the dusty coins that wandered into his pocket. But because of the papers that covered the large desk that dominated the small study.
One page in particular caught his eye.
Purchase Order of the Gorti Family concerning the Cattle Hunt
By royal decree the Gorti Family has purchased seven heads of cattle and shall retain their prey.
All royal guards and soldiers of the king are to comply with the bearer of this document.
The paper alone would not suffice to prove anything, but together with others he found, it painted a gruesome picture of guilt. The sound of a bell and a message window confirmed his opinion.
Quest: The Running ManQuest complete
You found several documents implicating Bredon’s royalty with The Cattle Hunt.
Increased intimacy with the common people of Roselake and Bredon
Quest Part 2 Unlocked
Quest: The Running Man – Part 2Roselake, the capital of Bredon, is on the brink of a civil war. You discovered something that might tip the scale in the conflict. The decision how to use the information lies in your hands!
Difficulty: F
Quest requirements:
complete Part 1
Depending on your actions
Failure: impossible
Impossible to fail the quest? Does that mean even if I do nothing, I help one side by not using what I know?
Hall barely received any experience for completing the first quest and the raised intimacy with Roselake’s people didn’t count for much. Shrugging, he left the study and returned to the room he left the corpses in.
Jorn’s quest demanded more than just killing the nobles connected to the cattle hunt. So he grabbed the chains that still bound the corpse of the guards who once protected the Gorti family.
“Harbinger, those chains aren’t made of common metal.” Moira pointed out as he collected all six of them.
“I thought as much. They transferred that witch’s energy after all. So, can I reuse the material somehow?” Hall asked, hoping he found something useful.
Though Moira shattered his hopes without a shred of remorse. “No. The metal is imbued with rather precious ore that allows soul energy to flow through it. They probably received it from hidden soul shards in the walls.
“The power in the metal is mostly gone, but it will be immensely difficult for a blacksmith to separate the valuable and common material. There’s also the high probability of destroying its transferring properties should it be recast.
“Honestly, if you want to keep them, use them for what they are—chains. As they are, they won’t be easy to cut and have several times the strength of common steel.”
For a few moments, Hall contemplated on his options while he held the heavy chains in his hands. Might as well use them.
The grey metal reflected the light of the oil lamps as he stored four of the chains in his inventory. He wrapped the other two around the necks of the two corpses that represented the end of the noble house Gorti.
The silence of the lifeless mansion weighed on him as he worked on the cold corpses. Sometimes the game felt too real.
While the game usually prohibited players from doing it, NPCs could move and handle corpses. After all, countless people inhabited the world of Novus Vita. They celebrated births and mourned their dead. Funeral procession and cemeteries added to the whole picture.
Often monsters, animals and even bandits just vanished after their demise, only to appear, to spawn, again after some time. Different from those, the people who populate cities and villages lived real lives. Or as real as it can get in a digital world.
So it was only logical that death was a part of their lives. Their bodies never simply disappeared. They would remain at the site of their demise until someone took care of them, or until their bones turned to dust.
Hall’s quest allowed him to use the corpses before him and though—in theory—they consisted of ones and zeros, the dead, pale skin under his fingers felt authentic enough.
Gritting his teeth, he finished his grisly work and pulled the bodies behind him, out of the mansion and into the open.
The weakened snowfall allowed Hall to see the facades of the luxurious stone houses that lined the narrow street he chose. More than that, he sensed people, sleeping in their warm beds. Yet, some, not many, stood not far from the windows.
Maybe they heard screams from the Gorti mansion or maybe they experienced battle in the past and perceived the presence of a threat.
“Lily.” He whispered, just loud enough for the girl beside him to hear. “This time I won’t be surprised again, cast ‘Velvet Thorns’ on me please.”
She nodded and her voice filled the empty streets. A few seconds that turned snow into brilliant flakes of light, dancing around the delicate figure of a girl in white.
Glowing vines tangled around Hall’s body, around his limbs and torso. Their dazzling warmth soon changed into a threatening glimmer as ebony thorns sprouted from them.
Where Hall walked, the corpses he dragged behind turned the white snow crimson and, accompanied by the rattling of chains, only the sound of dead bodies grinding on cold stone filled the air.
Movement behind closed doors, muffled screams and quickly extinguished candle light followed him through the streets.
Might as well go all out.
Hall placed a camera icon on the ground before him to adjust the angle of the video the game continuously recorded.
He waited a few moments for the wind to die down. An eerie silence spread over the whole district. Hall grinned and his words cut through the night and reached the ears of those hiding behind windows and walls.
“I can sense your sins, your cowardice and fear! But you don’t know real terror. I will show you fear. I will show you earthquakes and lightning! I will show you, a Bad Moon Rising!”
A hint of red crept into the sparse light the street lamps spread. The falling snow seemed to turn into a rain of blood as a crimson moon broke through the cover of clouds and loomed over the dark figure who dragged the dead through the street.
His skill caught several people in its range as he passed dozens of homes. All they saw was a demon, clad in darkness, adorned with thorns. His fists tightened their grip around the chains he used to pull their neighbors to hell.
The nobility of Roselake, dragged by the very shackles they forced upon the common people. A fist, raised in defiance, grasping the chains of suppression.
Pure horror filled many hearts that night. Nobody would forget, no matter how much they wished to do so. Those with a reason to be afraid, those with tainted souls, those would remember—forever.
Hall panted heavily when he reached the Somero mansion where three more corpses waited for him.
“Lily, get the horses.” He instructed his companion when they entered the backyard.
“So?” Moira asked. “What are you standing around for?”
Scratching his head, he admitted. “I may have forgotten that I don’t know how to hitch the horses to the carriage”
While Lily failed to hide a giggle behind her hands, Moira just sighed and murmured. “Unbelievable.”
“Let me do it.” Lily suggested. “It’s been a while, but… there, all done.” It only took her a few seconds to attach the horses’ harnesses to the carriage. The darkened windows prevented anybody from looking into the wagon, so Hall stored the five bodies inside it.
The soldiers, guarding the main gate into the noble district, greeted them with harsh words. Yet a look into Hall’s glowing eyes and the papers he presented to them changed their attitude in an instant.
Lily showed him how to properly guide the horses through the cold night that wouldn’t last much longer. Soon the first rays of sunlight would brighten the sky and uncover their crimes.
For now they rolled through the dark streets of Roselake. The patrols lost the ability to enforce the curfew, so they remained undisturbed. Few people crossed their paths and it never took more than a single glance from Hall to persuade them to carry on.
Well, at least for tonight it’s handy.
The snowfall picked up again as their carriage drove onto the deserted market place. Book burnings or merchants may pull in crowds, but now it felt like a graveyard.
He deactivated his skill ‘Bad Moon Rising’ long ago and ‘Velvet Thorns’ expired soon after. Invisibility trumped intimidation, for now.
“No guards around.” Hall said. “Guess this place is as good as any, well, better than most actually.”
He hauled the corpses out of the wagon and piled them at the base of an iced up fountain.
In the summer, the beautifully crafted bronze statues filled the base pool with clear water and offered refreshment for playing children and hard workers. The wintry night however, froze the water in time and created a sculpture of metal and ice. Magnificent, but cold. Elegant, but fragile and hard.
Hall fastened the first chain to the highest statue in the middle of the fountain. At around five meters it towered the whole market place. Now the carcass of a noble dangled from the bronze figure that portrayed an angel with spread wings.
He asked Lily to keep watch. His ‘Soul Perception’ reached farther than her field of view, but his hands were already soiled. No need to taint her. He shouldered the darkness gladly.
For over an hour he continued his gruesome task. By then the cadavers of the Somero brothers adorned the fountains central column. The old Gorti’s body hung from the angel’s sword while her grandson’s corpse, which was the first he strung up, dangled beside her. His enormous weight almost broke the statue.
The rigid carcasses slowly bled over the ice and colored the crystal formation into a crimson nightmare. Blue and red icicles and the stench of death added to the horror.
Without another word, they climbed onto the carriage’s driver seat and left the scene. Hall gazed at his work one last time, closed his eyes and shook off the image he created
A frozen fountain, decorated with blood and flesh. A piece of art, spawned from hell. A reminder that—no matter how mighty, no matter who—they no longer lived in safety. Punishment awaited them.
When they exited the market, a string of messages appeared before him.
You killed several nobles, desecrated their remains and caused great disturbance to the public order.
Your bounty has been raised to 250 gold.
Guards are ordered to kill you on sight.
While your name remains unknown, your description has been spread. The chance of detection is very high for the next 28 days (will be reduced over time).
Tread carefully!
The outrageous bounty meant Roselake turned into enemy territory. The offered sum could sustain a normal family for months, maybe years and Hall couldn’t trust on his charm to win over the general populace.
“Moira.” He said. “I think after we visit Jorn, I might need that location we talked about.”
The next message evoked mixed feelings. But he gritted his teeth and swallowed his uncertainties.
Quest: They can't keep us downQuest complete
At great personal risk you stirred up the emotions of Roselake’s nobility and shattered their trust in the king to protect them. You proved to the resistance, that you are worthy of joining their cause.
Support and information from the resistance
Reward and quest by Jorn, one of the leaders of the resistance
You have leveled up!
What’s done is done, time to collect my blood money.
He put his unspent attribute points into strength and agility and took a glance at his status and skill progress while the street around him got busier.
Wordless, their hearts heavy, they drove into the dawn as screams of terror and panic emerged behind them.
Back to Main Page
Author’s Note:
Alright, Chapter 22 is done, hope you enjoyed it, I added the status, skills (overview and descriptions), equipment, quests and titles below, so if you’re interested, check it out.
Now, a few people approached me over the last weeks and asked if they could donate. (Which is really awesome, wouldn’t have even dreamt about it^^)
I was hesitant at first, but now that the admins created the option I thought, why not :D
So, I won’t offer any extra chapters or milestones (I generally don't hold any chapter back). I can only guarantee that I will continue to do my very best to improve myself and Don’t Fear the Reaper. And please only donate if you can really afford it. I will continue to write regardless of the result. All I hope for is that I can put a little more time into writing this story.
Well, if you spot any mistakes, have suggestions or questions, don’t hold back :grin:
Oh, and as always, please rate, follow and favor, it means a lot,
Spoiler :
Status Window Hall:
Spoiler :
Status WindowName:HallAlignment:DeathLevel:46Class: Harbinger of DeathRace:HumanGender:MaleTitles:Somewhere I BelongFame:1037Infamy:0-Health:3295 / 2235Health Regen:4.6/ SecMana:0 / 2375Mana Regen:5.0 / SecStamina:910 / 910Stamina Regen:6.4 / Sec-Strength:157+70Agility:120+70Vitality:81+10Endurance:89+10Intelligence:111+10Wisdom:118+10Willpower:163+10Luck:40+10-Attack:34+48Defense:25+120Magical ResistanceFire:10%+10%Water:11%+10%Wind:11%+10%Earth:11%+10%Lightning:10%+10%Illusion:40%+5%Light:10%+5%Darkness:40%+25%+ 30 added to all stats
+ Willpower stat raised by 80 points
+ Magical Resistances raised by 10%
+ Resistance to Illusion and Darkness Magic raised by an additional 30%
+ Enables you to equip certain items or equipment specialized for this class
+ Increases attack power for attacks with soul energy
+ Unable to learn most crafting professions
+ Skills that use soul energy will be 10% more effective and will gain experience 50% faster
+ Strayed from the path of humanity. Your appearance causes fear or hatred in NPCs.
+ Unknown
Skill Overview Hall:
Spoiler :
List of skills Bad Moon RisingBeginner LVL2 (33%)The Sound of SilenceBeginner LVL1 (0%)In my Time of DyingpassiveAin't no Grave, can hold my Body downpassiveKeep me in your Heart for a WhilepassiveJudgementpassiveI'm Still StandingpassiveWatching over mepassive/activeDeath’s GrimoireBeginner LVL1 (19%)Turn the PageBeginner LVL1 (0%)Soul PerceptionBeginner LVL6 (11%)Soul PressureBeginner LVL3 (21%)Soul ChainsBeginner LVL7 (91%)Mana DrainBeginner LVL3 (79%)Soul DistortionBeginner LVL2 (92%)Hells BellsBeginner LVL2 (39%)AmbidexterityBeginner LVL3 (69%)IdentificationBeginner LVL5 (75%)Down with the SicknessBeginner LVL2 (29%)Blast TyrantBeginner LVL2 (38%)Chain MasteryBeginner LVL6 (42%)Sword MasteryBeginner LVL3 (83%)Dagger MasteryBeginner LVL3 (28%)
Equipment Hall:
Spoiler : Weapons:
Blade of the Soul Weaver (incomplete)Damage:44-57Durability:89/90Quality:UniqueAn incomplete sword covered by shadows. Can only be wielded by those that have control over soul energy.
Remnants of soul essence mark this sword as property of Hall, the Harbinger of Death.
Ignores 30% of the enemies armor
Ignores 30% of the enemies endurance
Slight chance to confuse or stun the enemy
Wounds caused by this sword won’t bleed
If cut by this sword the effect of all healing spells are reduced by 50%
+10% Darkness Resistance
+20 Strength
Area of Effect damage around the sword (5% of hit damage, Range: 10cm)
If imbued with soul energy, damage can be increased (max. +50%)
Willpower: 130
Strength: 100
Agility: 80
Short Blade of the Soul Weaver (incomplete)Damage:32-44Durability:75/75Quality:UniqueAn incomplete dagger covered by shadows. Can only be wielded by those that have control over soul energy.
Ignores 50% of the enemy’s armor if the dagger is used to stab
Ignores 50% of the enemy’s endurance if the dagger is used to stab
Slight chance to confuse or stun the enemy
Wounds caused by this dagger won’t bleed
If cut by this dagger the effect of all healing spells are reduced by 20%
If stabbed by this dagger the effect of all healing spells are reduced by 40%
+10% Darkness Resistance
+20 Agility
If imbued with soul energy, damage can be increased (max. +50%)
Willpower: 130
Strength: 80
Agility: 100
Not equipped:
Harvester of SorrowDamage:0-100Durability:-Level:1 (2%)Durability:-Quality:UniqueA truly terrifying weapon. Although incomplete, this blade carries the ability to cut deep into the very soul and devour the darkness that lies within.
It will grow with the energy it gathers and with the one that wields it.
-50% damage against enemies without grave sins
-50% damage against enemies without a soul
+50% damage against enemies with an enslaved soul
+50% damage against enemies kept alive through a foreign soul
Ignores 50% of the enemies armor
If lodged into a soul it causes 20 damage / sec, reduces recovery and incoming healing effects by 50%
Damage increases with the weight of the sins
Damage reduced by the enemy’s willpower
Cuts through divine protection (10%)
Class Harbinger of Death
Willpower: 150
Bloodcount’s Silkshirt Defense:5Durability:35/35Quality:RareBlack shirt made of high quality silk by a skilled tailor for high nobility.
+10 Agility
+10 Intelligence
Armor worn over the shirt will lose its durability slightly slower
Requirements: (not fulfilled!)
Level 60
Agility: 100
Intelligence: 100
Bloodcount’s Silkpants Defense:5Durability:35/35Quality:RareBlack pants made of high quality silk by a skilled tailor for high nobility.
+10 Agility
+10 Intelligence
Armor worn over the pants will lose its durability slightly slower
Requirements: (not fulfilled!)
Level 60
Agility: 100
Intelligence: 100
Hardened Leather Chest Defense:30Durability:58/60Quality:MagicLeather armor of good quality made by a skilled craftsman without any special features.
+5 Strength
+10 Agility
Level 35
Strength: 50
Agility: 80
Hardened Leather Pants Defense:30Durability:59/60Quality:MagicLeather armor of good quality made by a skilled craftsman without any special features.
+5 Strength
+10 Agility
Level 35
Strength: 50
Agility: 80
Hardened Leather Gloves Defense:15Durability:44/45Quality:MagicLeather armor of good quality made by a skilled craftsman without any special features.
+5 Strength
+5 Agility
Level 35
Strength: 50
Agility: 80
Hardened Leather Boots Defense:15Durability:60/60Quality:MagicLeather armor of good quality made by a skilled craftsman without any special features.
+5 Strength
+5 Agility
Steps are muffled slightly
Level 35
Strength: 50
Agility: 80
Armored Cloak of Ella’s Heritage Defense:30Durability:89/90Quality:UniqueAn armored cloak made from rare dragon spider silk. It is harder than steel and at the same time almost as light as linen. An incredible piece of work improved by generations of craftsmen, imbued with powerful magic.
+5% Resistance to elemental magic (Fire, Earth, Water,Wind,Lightning)
Cloak will apply a low level form of stealth, diverting the attention of others
+5% Chance to evade, deflect or divert an enemy attack
Strong feelings of affection and gratefulness blessed this item:
+5% damage against beings you deem evil
If your health drops below 50% the material of the cloak hardens, doubling its defense for 10 min
Extremely high intimacy with Ella, blacksmith apprentice of Gelt
Strength: 100
Agility: 100
Wisdom: 80
Ring of Ogre StrengthType:Accessory[/td2s][td2]Quality:MagicA ring made for the chiefs of ogre clans as a bribe.
+15 Strength
+1.0% melee damage
Level 40
Strength 150
Gold Ring of a Blade Dancer NoviceType:AccessoryQuality:MagicA ring given to those that chose to become blade dancers and pass the initial test of the dancers guild.
+5 Strength
+10 Agility
+1.5% Chance to Dodge
Level 40
Strength 60
Agility 110
[td100]Pendant of the Soul Weaver (incomplete)Type:AccessoryQuality:UniqueAn incomplete pendant covered by shadows. Can only be worn by those that have control over soul energy.
+10 to all stats
+5% to all resistances
Willpower 140
Active Quests:
Spoiler :
Quest: Carry on my Wayward Son – Part 2After lifting the curse, Lily’s soul is still not complete. Dravan, who made the curse, still holds part of it after draining her soul energy for so long. Rip it from him.
Difficulty: C
Quest requirements:
lift the Grand Curse of Shattered Trust from you and Lilith
Rewards: Unknown
Failure: abandon Lily
Quest: No Sympathy for the DevilThe great mage William Henley asked you to hunt down his disciple, Dravan, the last one of the Sorian people.
Dravan rules over a land of darkness unbeknownst to mankind where he controls an army of evil.
Difficulty: C+
Quest requirements: Be cursed by Dravan, survive the curse and find the scroll of his master
Restore what was broken, find what was lost and return what was stolen
Additional rewards depending on your actions
Failure: exceed the time limit of one year
Quest: The Running Man – Part 2Roselake, the capital of Bredon, is on the brink of a civil war. You discovered something that might tip the scale in the conflict. It is up to you how to you use them!
Difficulty: F
Quest requirements:
complete Part 1
Depending on your actions
Failure: impossible
Completed Quests:
Spoiler :
Quest: Rest for the WickedQuest complete
The quest that was given to you under false pretense and that was part of the ploy to betray you and leave you to die was deemed impossible to solve. Against all odds you did it.
The Banshee’s soul found peace at your side because you set her free and gave her the ability to trust again.
Quest: Carry on my Wayward SonQuest complete
You and Lilith managed to lift the Grand Curse of Shattered Trust and to leave the area after destroying the tower.
Quest Part 2 Unlocked
Quest: Peace of MindQuest failed.
Because you refused to bow to the will of the gods of light you will be punished.
Your relationship with the churches of light deteriorates.
Quest: Follow the ReaperQuest complete
You exceeded Death’s expectation and decided to join her as a companion.
Quest: Master of PuppetsQuest complete
Not only did you destroy the goblins inhabiting the abandoned mine, hindering them from creating more undead animal servants, but you also destroyed the cause of the dark magic.
You also released the souls of those imprisoned by darkness and gave peace to the souls of the dead villagers.
Quest: Mama liked RosesQuest complete
You gave Ella a little peace of mind and a chance to bury her beloved mother.
Furthermore you destroyed the cause of her grief.
Quest: The Witch’s PromiseQuest complete:
You chose to destroy the witch, releasing her prisoner, hindering her from summoning a great blood demon that would have terrorized the kingdom.
Quest: Alice in ChainsQuest complete:
Facing gruesome trials, overcoming your inner turmoil and defeating unimaginable darkness, you entered into a contract with Moira, Death’s Grimoire.
Quest: The Running ManQuest complete
You found several documents implicating Bredon’s royalty with The Cattle Hunt.
Quest: They can't keep us down[td]
Quest complete
At great personal risk you stirred up the emotions of Roselake’s nobility and shattered their trust in the king to protect them. You proved to the resistance, that you are worthy of joining their cause.
Available Titles:
Spoiler :
Title : ParanoidThe betrayal of your friends scarred you for life but you learned a lesson to choose careful who to trust and are now a little bit tougher than before.
Effects when equipped:
People think you’re insane because you are frowning all the time
Title : Solitary ManFor breaking a curse of betrayal you will be marked by dark powers to keep you alone in this world
When in a party you deal 15% less damage for every party member
Familiars and Pets are not included
Effects are applied even if the title is not equipped
Title : I Stand AloneFor breaking a curse of betrayal you will be marked by dark powers to keep you alone in this world
When in a party you receive 15% more damage for every party member
Familiars and Pets are not included
Effects are applied even if the title is not equipped
Title : Damaged beyond RepairYou damaged your own soul irreparably and because you forcefully destroyed the connection between cursed chains and it’s source the remaining dark magic will taint your soul.
Relationships with the churches of light suffer and can’t advance beyond friendly
Effects are applied even if the title is not equipped
Title : Losing my ReligionThe gods punish you for refusing them.
The seven churches of light of the continent Akreton declare you a Persona non Grata, an unwelcomed person.
Your reputation with the churches can’t advance further than unfriendly.
You are not allowed to enter the churches premises.
Healing fees are tripled.
If a member of one of the seven churches of light kills you, he will not gain infamy
Effects are applied even if the title is not equipped
Title: The bigger they are…For defeating a unique, named quest boss more than 40 levels above you, you are granted with knowledge of how to deal with experienced and dangerous foes, bigger and stronger than you
Effects when equipped
+5% damage against named monsters
+5% damage against monsters bigger than you
Title : Somewhere I belongYou stood up to gods and devils, to angels and demons, and with your soul at stake you formed a contract, binding your being to another. By forsaking your humanity you gained a powerful ally that you saved from vanishing into nothingness.
After giving part of your very soul to your familiar, you now shared it a second time, bringing light to the hopeless and forgotten.
Effects when equipped:
Your trusted companions, those inseparably bound to you will benefit from the home, the purpose, you give them (includes familiars, contractors and pets)
+5% range of skills
+5% effectivity of support magic
+5% resistance against all magic
Heightened resistance against crowd control effects
+5% experience gain
Stat Window Lily:
Spoiler :
Status WindowName:LilithAlignment:DeathLevel:47Class: Familiar of the Harbinger of DeathRace:Human (Spirit)Gender:FemaleTitles:--Health:0 / 1060Health Regen:3.5/ SecMana:10510 / 8135Mana Regen:40.6 / SecStamina:-Stamina Regen:--Strenght:32Agility:40Vitality:55Luck:35Intelligence:369Wisdom:379-Attack:4Defense:-Magical ResistanceFire:10%Water:10%Wind:10%Earth:10%Lightning:10%Illusion:40%Light:10%Darkness:40%+ 15 added to all stats
+ Intelligence and Wisdom stat raised by 20 points
+ Magical Resistances raised by 10%
+ Resistance to Illusion and Darkness Magic raised by an additional 30%
+ Unaffected by physical attacks if not in corporeal form
+ Increases magical damage if the target is affected by the magic of the Harbinger of Death
+ Soul bound to Hall, the Harbinger of Death
+ Unknown
Skill Overview Lily:
Spoiler :
List of skills Soul Meets BodyBeginner LVL5 (68%)Angels don’t KillBeginner LVL4 (89%)Spiritual HealingBeginner LVL3 (38%)Voice of the SoulBeginner LVL7 (9%)I will follow you into the DarkBeginner LVL4 (98%)Prayer for the DyingBeginner LVL1 (39%)The Sound of PerseveranceBeginner LVL2 (58%)Tears of HeavenBeginner LVL3 (31%)Velvet ThornsBeginner LVL1 (3%)Garden of Thornspassive
Skill Descriptions:
Spoiler :
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Bad Moon RisingBeginner233%Your enemies shall tremble in fear. Your opponents shall gravel in the dust beneath your feet. Nothing may stand in your way as you tear through every obstacle.
Darkness will fall and only the light of death shall illuminate your battles and bear witness to your power.
-1% accuracy for enemies
-5% stats for enemies
-10% movement speed for enemies
-15% health, stamina and mana regeneration for enemies
Effects doubled if an enemy stands alone against you
Effects reduced depending on the enemies will
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:The Sound of SilenceBeginner10%The explosion of your soul energy in your chains, combined with the sound wave, produced by their impact when striking, creates a deafening blast. Every sound within the impact zone will be silenced.
Can only be used if chains are shorter than 4m. Enemies, as well as allies are affected.
Causes silence within the blast radius of 5m
Causes deafness within the blast radius of 5m
Cost: 90mana
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:In my Time of Dying (passive)--100%If your health drops below 10% you gain strength through your proximity to death.
+100% Willpower
+30% to all stats
+30% speed
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Ain’t no Grave can hold my body down (Subskill of In my Time of Dying,passive)--100%As you are affiliated with it, death holds no fear for you. Be aware though, those who underestimate death will suffer greatly.
Should you die, you can choose to rise again within 5min
You will be revived under the effects of In my Time of Dying, the effects will last for 10min after your revival
Should you die during the same battle you will lose 3 levels and the corresponding stat points, your willpower will also drop by 5 points
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Keep me in your Heart for a While (Subskill of In my Time of Dying,passive)--100%Those who oppose you shall remember your promise of vengeance
You will remember the soul energy of those who kill you and can track them down within a range of 25 miles
Duration: 1 month
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Soul PerceptionBeginner611%Through continuous training and concentration you are able to sense the energy that the souls around you carry. Through affiliation with death, soul perception is now more effective and can read if the soul is pure.
you are able to see your own soul energy
you can sense the souls of people and animals around you
you can sense the stream and the remnants of soul energy
you can sense if a soul is pure or burdened with sin
you can sense the strength and the state of a soul to a certain degree
Range: 10m
Cost: 4mana/sec
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Soul Pressure (Subskill of Soul Perception)Beginner321%Exuding an immense amount of pressure with your soul energy can overwhelm an opponent
can confuse, harm or even kill weak willed enemies around you
Cost: 50 mana / sec, 25 stamina / sec
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Soul ChainsBeginner791%The cursed chains that bound you, yielded to your will and now obey your command. After being affiliated with death the chains are imbued with its power.
incorporeal chains can be imbued with the power of your soul, allowing you to wield them
chains are invisible to others as long as they are not imbued with soul energy
current length: 2.5m
current speed of charging the chains with soul energy: 1.8 m/sec
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Mana Drain (Subskill of Soul Chains)Beginner379%If you wrap your chains around an enemy you are able to drain him of his mana
drains 1.3%, but not more than 30 of the enemies mana per second
The chains have to be corporeal while the skill is active
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Soul Distortion (Subskill of Soul Chains and Soul Perception)Beginner292%Because you can sense a souls properties you are able to distort the balance of your enemies soul energy with your own while your soul chain is in contact with them
Enemy is confused and may go into a Berserker state, not being able to differentiate between friend and foe
For every second the skill affected an enemy, the duration of the aftereffects will increase by 31 seconds.
Very weak willed enemies can be killed
Speed -15%
Defense -15%
Health-, mana-, and stamina regeneration stopped
Cost: 9 mana/sec
Only enemies with a weaker will than you are affected.
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Hells Bells (Subskill of Soul Chains)Beginner239%Your soul resonates with Lilith’s heart, you chains with her voice.
Together with her you create a special sound, a unique melody instilling terror in the hearts of your opponents.
Fighting Spirit / Willpower of the enemy is reduced
chains cause 10% more damage
the stamina consumption of the enemy is increased slightly
Can only be used in combination with Lilith's skill Voice of the Soul
Effect is increased by 30% if Lilith is in her corporeal form
Chains have to be corporeal.
Cost: 3 mana / sec
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Judgement (passive)--100%With the power over death you are able to judge a soul in its last moment
killing sinful beings won’t raise your infamy
killing someone with more infamy than fame won’t raise your infamy
killing someone with a pure soul will cause you to receive 3 times the amount of infamy
destroying people and objects that oppose death will raise your fame and depending on their strength may give you additional stat points
a soul you reaped will find its peace and can’t be raised as an undead or trapped in this world
[*] freeing trapped and cursed souls will grant you fame and depending on their strength may give you additional stat points
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:I’m Still Standing (passive)--100%Unyielding in the face of agony, unwavering if pain torments you. No matter how often you fall, there is nothing that keeps you from rising defiantly to your feet.
Endurance raised by 5%
With every 10% health you lose your damage increases by 0.5%
Attacks directed at your mind will have a likeliness of 10 % to fail
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Watching over Me--100%Even though they aren’t with you anymore, your loved ones continue to protect you.
Sneak and stealth (close and ranged) attacks won’t cause any additional damage
Attacks from the back won’t cause any additional damage
One second before incoming damage, your perception of time will be changed (instead of 4:1 to 16:1) until you receive the attack or half a second later if you evade. (time dilation will accumulate to a maximum of 6 perceived seconds, meaning you will experience 6 seconds while 1.5 pass) Does only apply once, at the beginning of combat.
The next incoming negative effect will be nullified (for example damage or curses)
If 10 seconds pass after activation without any effect, the boon will expire
If activated as a passive skill it will consume 10% of your maximum mana and won’t refill past the 90% mark
Activation won’t use any mana, but it will consume the protection granted to you. New passive activation can only be granted after 6 hours.
Mana consumption by the boon is disabled during this time.
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Death’s Grimoire (passive)Beginner119%Knowledge is power! Currently weak, this tome can be filled with information and wisdom, granting great power to its partner.
Damage of skills related to Death (class skills) increased by 1.5%
Range and effect of skills related to Death increased by 1.5%
Defense against skills related to Death increased by 1.5%
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Turn the PageBeginner10%Carrying the grimoire that is bound to your soul grants you strength.
Grimoire has to be equipped in one hand.
Skills of familiars and pets are also enhanced.
Damage of skills related to Death (class skills) increased by 15%
Range and effect of skills related to Death increased by 15%
Defense against skills related to Death increased by 15%
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:AmbidexterityBeginner369%Through constant training your left hand becomes a lot stronger and more skillful
+11% left handed damage
+2.1% agility
the stamina consumption with left handed attacks is reduced
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:IdentificationBeginner575%Allows you to identify items with special properties.
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Down with the SicknessBeginner229%You possess knowledge to cleanse blood as well as the soul. The higher the skill, the more you’ll be able to affect your target.
Able to cleanse tainted blood (including many poisons and diseases)
Able to lift blood curses
Able to cleanse tainted souls
Able to lift curses caused by soul energy
Casting Time: Depending on the target
Mana Cost: 40 mana / sec
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Blast TyrantBeginner238%A deafening roar filled with anger and despair but also with the promise of defiance.
Enemies are confused and their morale will be reduced depending on skill proficiency and enemy strength
Allies are filled with new hope:
health and mana regeneration doubled for 10min
one negative effect is lifted randomly
Cost: 50 mana
Weapon Mastery skills:
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Chain Mastery (Subskill of Soulchains)Beginner642%Constantly training with the chains around your wrists and even jumping into battle armed with nothing more than those, you have gained control over them and are now able to wield them with frightening skill.
Damage increased by 19%
Speed increased by 7.5%
can be varied from zero to three times its original length
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Sword MasteryBeginner383%Constantly training with the sword increased your proficiency in combat.
Damage increased by 11%
Speed increased by 4%
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Dagger MasteryBeginner328%Constantly training with the dagger increased your proficiency in combat.
Damage increased by 11%
Speed increased by 4%
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Soul Meets BodyBeginner568%After restoring part of your soul you are able to regain your body for a short amount of time.
You can affect your surroundings
You are able to deal physical damage
You are able to receive physical damage
Invisible and untraceable until corporeal
Cost: 11 mana / sec
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Angels don’t killBeginner489%To avoid harming innocent souls you are able to create mana chains that pin down the enemy without harming them. You are able to conjure four chains at the same time.
Mana chains have 500 health
If the mana chains are destroyed they will cause a shockwave stunning the target for 2 second without dealing damage
Range: 30m
Duration: if not destroyed a chain has a lifespan of 4min
Cost: 80 mana / chain
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Spiritual HealingBeginner338%As a spiritual being you are close to death. Having a contract with the Harbinger of Death allows you to transform mana into health.
transforms 1 mana into 1.4 health point
transformation rate 9 mana / sec
Cost: 9 mana / sec (will be transformed into health)
Spell has to be channeled
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Voice of the SoulBeginner79%Your voice gives your allies strength. In times of despair you can give them hope. In times of grief comfort and in times of battle courage.
Allies can only hear you if you are corporeal
Your soul bound partner can hear you anytime
Effects are increased by 7%
Cost: depending on the subskill used
Only one song bonus can be active at the same time
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:The Sound of Perseverance (Subskill of Voice of the Soul)Beginner258%In dire situations this song will grant the strength to persist when others fall.
Willpower (Fighting Spirit if Willpower stat is not available) raised by 8.5%
Endurance is raised by 6%
Effect duration after the song is finished: 10min
Cost: 90 mana
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:I will follow you into the Dark (Subskill of Voice of the Soul)Beginner498%Although betrayed before, you are finally able to trust again. When you sing only for the one who thawed your frozen heart you lay bare your very soul for him and only he will be able to hear your voice.
Stamina consumption is reduced by half
Endurance and Willpower is raised by 13%
Strength increased by 3%
Effect duration after the song is finished: 10min
Cost: 155 mana
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Prayer for the Dying (Subskill of Voice of the Soul)Beginner139%In the midst of battle there is always hopelessness and fear. Those dying cry out for salvation which you can grant.
Allies gain courage and a higher morale even if confronted with great obstacles
Enemies that hear your song will have a reduced will to fight
Effect duration after the song is finished: 10min
Cost: 65 mana
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Tears of HeavenBeginner331%You had to endure incredible hardships, your soul was tormented, your heart felt sorrow and your companion was punished for staying by your side. The souls of the dead cry for you. A rain of tears will fall from the heavens and annihilate your enemy.
devastating Area of effect damage
Area of effect can be controlled with a maximum radius of 2.3m
will only hurt those that you see as an enemy
Range: 25m
Casting time: 25 sec
Cost: 125 mana / sec for every meter of radius
Spell has to be channeled
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Velvet ThornsBeginner13%To protect what you care for most, to guard the one you share a bond with and help him retaliate against his foes you will let vines of energy spread over and entangle him.
His energy will allow your vines to grow thorns, threatening those that mean harm.
Can only be used on soul bound companions (currently: Hall, Harbinger of Death)
-10% received melee damage
-5% received magical damage
10% melee damage will be reflected to the attacker
Duration: 15 min or until 2000 damage was absorbed.
Cost: 200 mana
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Garden of Thorns (passive)-1-If your most precious, the one you tried to protect, perishes in battle, these thorny vines will use its remaining energy to overgrow the surroundings, guard the remains and protect it from all enemies.
Activates upon death (only when no option of revival exists)
thorny vines will overgrow an area within a radius of 2m
-50% movement speed within the field of thorns
50 dmg for one second, damage doubles each second
Duration: 120 min
- In Serial6 Chapters
The Shadowhelm Wolves (The Moonlight Chronicles Book 1)
When a string of unsolved murders occur in the mysterious town of Shadowhelm, Pennsylvania, Detective Brynn Frost and her partner, medical examiner Rex Snow must figure out what's happening. But when they arrive, they learn that the case isn't as simple as it originally seemed.
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A [Hive], the body of a creature that lures in prey like [Humans], monsters and animals in order to grow. Devouring their [Magic Power] which resides in every living body. Within the [Hive] exist many creatures to guard it and kill the lured in prey. But not all of these creatures are mindless monsters. A 'breeder' is born to help the [Hive] with converting the [Magic Power] and creating monsters and soon starts to wonder about the world it is living in. A quest to satisfy its curiosity begins. - Warning: This is my first story and english isn't my native language. There might be grammatical errors and badly chosen sentences. - - Sadly still on HIATUS due to work and living expenses and such stupid stuff.. -
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A Legend Reborn
This is the story of Morgan Ayers. The boy who witnessed and fought during the Apocalypse and became one of the seven gods, to rule creation, only to be reincarnated on Earth 1500 years after his presumed dissapearance. Join Morgan as he tries to unravell the reasons for his death and reincarnation while he tries to become a god again. But will his path lead the new and old races of Earth to peace or destruction just for the sake of fun? (To the readers: This is my first novel so go easy on me, but do tell me what you think! (Depending if I feel like it or I am on vacation and I have the time to write, or there is a big demand for it I could post one or more chapters sometimes even in one day, but lets see where this goes. Also English isnt my first language so again go easy on me!) (WARNING: there might be loads of blood and some mature parts do watch out!)
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Eein Saga
In a desert province, the sudden arrival of a foreign nation brings war and slavery. A young girl Aya and her friends, facing adversity are introduced to a secret sect, offering great powers and wonders and refuge. They embark on helping to fight for their freedom to explore the new world she is thrust into and the right of revenge. Met with problem after problem and the scale of the Nation they are going up against leads the group to be at the edge of the sword at every turn. Follow Aya as they carve up the world! In this age of Civil Turmoil! Will Deceit and Evil corrupt the young girls' heart!**WARNING!**Also, my first Novel ever written. Cover art is done by Me! This is not your typical revenge, happy go lucky story.... you'd be ill-advised to think so! Follow me on For art and lore about the world THIS PROJECT IS ON PAUSE WHILE I FINISH SCHOOLING...IT WILL RETURN IN EVIDENTLY TWO PLUS MONTHS OR SO....
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