《Who Says This OL Can't Become A Splendid Slime!?》Prelude - The Twin Seekers
"And as you can see here, class, the magic circle is complete."
Within the Kingdom of Brita, there existed an academy for the would-be rulers and nobles of the land—the Britonian Sorcery Institute.
"Once the circuit is whole, then it is simply a matter of activation. Mind you to be careful of any faults. Proper knowledge and testing of the circuit is imperative. Should mistakes be made, you will be lucky if the outcome is as simple as the circuit not working correctly."
Within one of the classrooms stood an elderly man, appearing to be in his early 50s. He was at the forefront of the room, levitating a piece of chalk, forcing it to write upon a blackboard with deft dexterity. His white hair and beard were nearly two feet long, and a pair of half-rim glasses adorned his straight nose. A jet-black robe crisply embroidered in gold was worn by the man.
Whether it be his robes, hair, hands, or even his mannerisms, the man exuded a peculiar charm that seemed to captivate anyone who gazed upon him. There was a bewitching sensation that seeped into his every word, snaring the students before him in his sonorous lecture. He was also unnaturally handsome, despite his age.
He spoke in a deep and rich tone, "Now, can anyone tell me how to activate this particular circuit?"
Several hands shot up, prompting the man to casually point towards a young girl on the left.
With a small gulp, the girl spoke up in a tiny voice, "The Sacred Flame circuit is activated with three parts Light Mana and two parts Fire Mana."
A gentle smile broke upon the man's face, revealing a set of white teeth. He ushered the girl to sit back down.
"Good, very good, Penelope," he cooed, "Now, can anyone tell me of one of the commonly used catalysts for this circuit?"
This time, fewer hands went into the air. They were less straight—a bit uncertain. He motioned to a young lad.
"The Sacred Flame circuit can be completed by using a ... Light Drake's scale?"
The old man beamed yet again, "Most excellent, Damien. That is correct. While the Sacred Flame circuit can be activated using one's own Mana, catalysts are often invoked to prevent the user from having to divide their focus in battle and using their own Mana resources. While the spell efficacy is largely dependant upon the quality of the catalyst, it has obvious upsides and is harder to interrupt."
The remainder of the class went on for quite some time. When that ever-familiar chime from the school's magic alarm system went off, the class unfortunately realized that the lecture was over. Next followed an uncommon scene within the Institute, one that largely happened only in this same classroom.
With great disappointment and reluctance painted on their faces, the 15-odd children shuffled out of the classroom. They didn't want to go so soon. Several even dared to linger behind with some questions for the professor. Yet after a short discussion, the man was forced to politely shoo them off to their next lesson. He didn't want them to be late.
After all, time was so very, very precious.
The shuffling of a bag being filled with books was heard. Afternoon classes had concluded and the man was tossing a few materials within one of his Lesser Bags of Holding. As he was walking out into the corridor, he noticed a familiar face at the far end of the hallway.
The figure before him was that of an otherworldly beauty. Propping her back up against the stone hallway, she stood next to an ornate, stained glass window. The light that trickled in dyed her in a rainbow hue, showcasing her cascade of silvery hair and form-fitting attire. Her figure was lush; her attire revealing. Many would say it immodest, while others perhaps 'saintly' and something not to be desecrated.
A pair of beautiful eyes peeked up from behind a thick book she had in hand, locking on the old man. Truly, those two orbs were more inviting than the finest pair of rubies.
The book flipped shut.
Behind that book was an incredible, unfathomably repulsive smile—twisted and angry and giddy, all-in-one. It was a complete contrast to all the woman's other angelic features.
With a fanged grin, the woman's hand shot out. There was a flash of light, as several objects sailed through the air at a near-imperceptible speed. Well, imperceptible for the average human, at least.
A sigh noiselessly escaped the man's lips, as he raised a hand and stopped the knives midair. They floated rather harmlessly.
"Ggrrriiinnn-wald!" came a growl, boisterously from the lady's lips, "Why didn't you pick me up!? I had to take a carriage for three days to make it back to this dull city! I read your stupid book five times on the way here! It was absolutely nauseating!"
The man named Grinwald sighed, casually beckoning the knives back toward their owner in reverse at a sluggish speed.
"You have issue with me, Lucretia?" he cocked his brow.
She ground her teeth, "I certainly do! You know I hate such mundane affairs, yet you gave me all the legwork. I need to start killing things, or my head's going to split open!"
Lucretia wagged a venomous tongue at the man, before striding forward. The soles of her shoes made a rhythmic clop! noise as she closed the distance in stride. The knives that had been suspended in midair remained between the two. Oddly enough, she made no attempt to dodge the midair hazards as she walked right towards them. The light sound of tearing fabric and metal piercing flesh could be heard.
The knives had found their way, lodged half a finger's length directly into the woman's abdomen, breast, and neck. She paid them absolutely no mind as she continued walking forward, the metal-on-skin contact area making an odd fizzing noise.
"Ah ehm gh, ... ah ehm, ..."
She paused. A mildly annoyed frown appeared on her face before she ripped the knife out of her throat and tucked it back underneath her dress.
Lucretia cleared her still sizzling throat, "I am going to report this to the Order Master if you don't accompany me immediately. We've been assigned work. There may be a war brewing, and I won't let you keep me from such a delicious morsel."
At this, Grinwald frowned. He drew his voice out, taking his time and choosing which words he wanted to use on the monster before him.
"I've still a few more preparations here at the Academy before I can take an extended leave. My students still need lesson plans for—"
"—I don't have the patience for your stupid cultivation project, Grinwald! We go, now-!"
The venom in the woman's tone was palpable. Her shoulders shook in anger. The monstrous look on her face completely destroyed the image of beauty.
Grinwald's lip twitched, "I won't tolerate your misguided anger, demon-mutt. We will leave when I am ready."
Sparks of light began swirling around the man's irises as they grew white and agitated. In response to this show of aggression, the inhuman grin of Lucretia's face only deepened. This time, it was comprised of something a bit more ... unconventional.
"Oh? So you want me here? Then, you don't mind if I 'play' around at the school a bit? You won't miss one or two toys, will you?"
"Only if you want me to tear both of your arms off, for the second time."
"Hahaha! Are you trying to entice or dissuade me, dear? I honestly can't tell!"
Lucretia's face had begun to get flushed, while Grinwald's became ever-more stony and resolute. After a long exhalation, the woman straightened her hair and pulled the two remaining knives from her torso.
"King's orders, Grinny. We need to move East. Don't play games with me, your students will be fine for a few days. Besides, I was kind enough to distribute a hundred copies of your silly book to one of the schools in Riverwood while passing through. That should add at least a few weeks to your lifespan, no? So spare me a day or two. I've been a good girl."
Lucretia sauntered close to the older man, close enough to whisper the last few words seductively into his ear. Her hand went up his cheek, caressing it gently.
... Grinwald clicked his tongue, "Fine. We shall leave this eve. I must make preparations."
"That's all well and good, but I'm still sooo~o bored, darling! Won't you play with me a bit more this evening? One way or the other? You're such a tease!"
"I've better things to do than entertain your masochistic thrill-seeking. Behave yourself for a few hours. There's a brothel down the street, and the magic firing range out back if you want blasted into pieces."
The mood soured, as Grinwald snorted at the attempt at 'seduction'.
"Tch! You say that like those young whelps would be able to satisfy me. They just don't have the vigorous magical energy like you do. And don't get me started on the brothel suggestion. You remember what happened last time?"
Lucretia unglued herself from the old sage, an oddly neutral expression now on her face.
"You read the report too, yes? This could be important. If anything fun happens I want you to butt out. Grinwald, if there's really a war, it might be enough to give me what I want. Don't ruin things for me, or I really will kill you—you faulty, half-elf bastard."
A flash of anger appeared on the man's face at those last words, before disappearing just as suddenly.
"Don't worry, dear. I know the pain of what you wish all too well. I wouldn't dare dream of ruining such a thing for you should it occur. Just try not to leave too much of a mess for me to clean up after."
He turned, facing away from the young woman. A silver ring studded with a black gemstone was on the man's hand, which he clasped gently between his fingers.
"And, Lucretia, ... don't get your hopes up. The Gods are fickle."
Grinwald strode away from the woman, leaving behind an assurance of contact. Lucretia stood there, watching his aged back recede from her vision. Now alone in the hallway, she fell to the ground, legs spread at the knees.
Labored breaths could be heard from the deserted hallway. It was now after-hours, and most of the students were returning to their dorms, homes, making way to the library, or at other training grounds. A wet schlick! noise crept up in tempo from the hallway. One of Lucretia's hands was buried in her dress, the other had fetched a knife from a thigh strap and was twisting it into her stomach.
"Ahh! You-! Fucking-! Prick-!"
It was a bizarre and grotesque scene, though some disturbed individuals might find it enchanting.
"I'm gonna-! Kill you-! One of these days-! Hnn-! R-Right after you-! You give me-! What I want-!"
Lucretia's thoughts were in her own bizarre and warped reality. One where she was simultaneously ripping apart Grinwald and having the same done mercilessly to her.
Yet, she would not act out on these thoughts. She had a great deal of respect for the man, and as much as she'd love to bathe in his blood and watch his entrails spill to the floor, that very same respect kept her 'reason' in order. If she could get what she wanted from him, then she should reciprocate. And having a duel to the death did not bode well for the ever-so-slowly-aging man.
Rather, death was the polar opposite of what Professor Grinwald Osleus wanted. So as hard to imagine as that was for the woman's brain, she still chose to respect his wishes and lend a hand towards giving him what he wanted. After all, that's what 'friends' were for, yes?
Or so she thought. The strangeness of the two's relationship could hardly be put into words. So twisted in nature was it, that most would become gradually repulsed as they delved deeper. And yet, it suited them both perfectly.
The Order of the Black Blades operated on many principles. Naturally and especially due to their nature, some of the members did not get along. But one of the rules was that all members must operate in at least twos. That was how this fragile partnership first sprouted, then bloomed.
With a final, satisfied huff, the woman pulled herself off the ground and straightened her clothing. She still felt that encounter could have gone better, but perhaps she had underestimated Grinwald's stamina. It was the end of the day for him, she supposed. He seemed unusually tired and cranky, and far less charismatic and convincing than usual. Though she did love seeing him act so cold to her.
She became lost in thought, then began muttering to herself, "Just because you're over 100 years old now doesn't excuse you from turning down a maiden in distress. I'd almost swear he's becoming impotent to refuse me. Me, of all people! ... Or am I becoming part of his strange Skill cultivation? He has been on my mind, for better or worse lately. Wait, did he trick me? Ohh, that sly snake-!"
With a few more distressed utterances and wild thoughts, the existence known simply as 'Lucretia' decided to prowl the school grounds for a short while to spy on the fruits of her partner's efforts. Despite the unfairness of the world, there were still many pleasures to be plucked from life's branches. In what took great willpower, she refrained from indulging today.
And so, time passed.
Later that evening, Lucretia and Grinwald stood alone, having traveled outside of the BSI's magic protection barriers. For what Grinwald was about to do, there'd be less interference. Also less disciplinary action would be taken against him, as spatial magic directly from or onto the grounds was difficult, easily noticeable, and frowned upon.
"Damn luggage," the old man muttered, "You really should look into requesting a bag of holding, Lucretia. What happened to the one I lent you? Honestly, if you stopped spending your salary on all those silly daggers and poisons, ..."
A small giggle escaped her lips, while she shrugged at the cursing wizard. She knew he wasn't truly bothered by such a thing. He just tended to take a more aggressive and playful tone towards her when no one else was around. People needed to unwind a bit, after all. She knew all too well he had an image to maintain. And she also knew just how rotten the man truly was. It gave her shivers sometimes.
"Let's go~ Let's go~ The faster we investigate and unravel this mystery, the sooner I get to stab something."
Though she said it with a childish chuckle, Lucretia was dead set on doing exactly that.
"Quiet, girl. I'm trying to focus here. It's been a while since I've been out East so the image is hazy. And I've all your belongings to take with us."
Grinwald scolded his companion, before turning inward. He barely had a recollection of the small town of Berrios, so he had to either start from Kulve and move south, or go to Fort Eigach and travel west. The latter would give them a warmer reception and supplies, so the choice was obvious.
The dirt on the ground trembled lightly as Mana began to envelop the two. For her part, Lucretia did nothing to resist the surge and let it carry her happily. In a small flash of light, the party of two disappeared with a small pop! and seconds later appeared in a courtyard at Fort Eigach. Their presence was immediately noted.
A small gathering formed, after which one of the Colonels leading the stationed garrison appeared. Many of the soldiers there were uneasy, though they did not know why. Lucretia let that inhuman, wide smile creep onto her otherwise beautiful face. Her fingers anxiously twitched under the white cloak she'd donned.
The Colonel finally cleared his throat, "Ahem! You are within the Eigach regiment's military encampment. Might I ask you to identify yourselves and state your business, Sir and Madam?"
The nameless Colonel was used to commanding respect, but he knew the number of mages capable of Teleportation were few in Brita. No doubt, this was someone worthy of his care and attention.
Grinwald took a handkerchief from his breast pocket and wiped his brow, before casually adjusting his half-rim glasses. Several of the men present went from staring at the old sage curiously to oogling the charming woman before them.
"My name is Professor Grinwald Osleus, member of the Order of Blades, here on official business," he said, causing most of the men present to seize up and stand at attention. A mix of awe and adoration flashed upon their faces—with a tiny tinge of fear. A few others stood by, less informed.
He continued, "Present is my companion, Lucretia, here on the same business. I hope we might enjoy your hospitality for the night before setting off. Thank you for your service to our fine country, proud knights. You do it justice."
It was halfway through Grinwald's remark that the Colonel finally recalled exactly who the two present were. The members of the 'Black Blades' were well known in Brita, most for better or worse. Amongst them were arguably the best and worst. That tiny bit of 'fear' from earlier turned into full-blown panic.
—Grinwald, the Black Sage, the Great Teacher, and other titles of endearment.
—and Lucretia, the Demon Princess, the Devourer, the Immortal. And many, many other titles. Ones with far less cordiality.
The middle-aged Colonel trembled. And then he said a small prayer from the bottom of his heart.
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