《Who Says This OL Can't Become A Splendid Slime!?》Chapter 10 - Cloudy with a Chance of Slime Pt.1
Before taking on that fire-wielding kobold, I decided to try delving deeper into my lake's Mana vent. With any luck, I'd be able to get some benefits. As it stood now, I could make three Multi-Shots or four Long-Range Shots. The problem was I had no experience with my new acquisitions. I wanted to remedy this before making a move, so I spent a short time firing off a few test shots and attempting to see whether my Tough Hide skill might be useful against fire, though it seemed unlikely.
Multi-Shot actually managed to chip stone when fired from point-blank range, which was surprising. The 'bullets' of slime were even smaller than a regular shot, so it really reminded me of a shotgun. The Long-Range Shot made a small indentation in the wall when I fired it across the cave. If I hit an enemy in a weak spot, it might be enough to severely injure. Body shots would probably just hurt these kobolds.
Tough Hide was less eventful, but it did seem like my goopy body hardened when I focused some Mana into an area. I lacked fire to test further, but some poking with my stone knife showed it was harder to pierce. Rather than rely on this to defend against fire, I considered trying to shoot any fireballs or whatnot midair.
Perhaps I could throw a slime 'net' at projectiles and pray it didn't break through. Losing some mass was worth keeping half my hp. The last fireball seemed to explode on contact, but I was just speculating at this point. I hadn't watched behind me closely while running. It didn't help this idea relied on my reaction time and how quick I could sever some of my body.
Still, I didn't want to waste too much time or Stamina shooting bullets so a few hours of practice and Meditating was all I was willing to spend. My food supply didn't seem to be depleted quite yet, but I wasn't sure how long it would last, especially now that they'd begun moving torches into the adjacent cave.
It was probably under that fire kobold's orders, 'increase security' or something of that nature. Still, were they understaffed? Light was unnerving, but actually having guards in that cave would've been debilitating for me.
Whatever the case, it was time to move on with my plans. I reached a slimy tendril out towards the vent, slowly taking in more of that deliciously painful magic power. By the time I'd reached my previous record of 70, I realized that it was taking more magic power to increase the Mana Poisoning number any further. Still hurt like hell regardless.
I had a feeling I just needed a little bit more. It wasn't immediately obvious, but I noted the descriptor for severity changed at 21, 41, and 61—mild, moderate, and severe. Hopefully this meant the same would happen at 81. If that didn't qualify as 'Extreme' Mana exposure, then I wasn't sure what to do at that point. It felt like I'd die regardless if I hit 100. Wasn't this condition a bit unfair!? Seriously.
The biggest problem was I needed to maintain consciousness. My plan was to shoot up from 70 to 81 at a quick rate, sever my slime tendril so no more Mana could seep into my body, then quickly expel Mana as fast as possible.
It was a great idea. In theory, anyway. Once I put it into practice the glaring flaws came forth.
"Flttpp! Bttlgh! Ttthhhh!"
Ah. This really hurts. I'm rethinking my vow not to die yet.
Perhaps if I were a human, my body would have long gone into shock. I was beginning to think I'd worried needlessly and a Slime couldn't be rendered unconscious by pain. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing, as I almost wished I could just pass out and be done with this whole ordeal.
Confirming that I hit 81 percent, a small sliver of joy blossomed forth in my gooey heart.
Status Menu Name : n/a , Deathwarded Race : Tiny Slime Level : 10 (MAX) HP : 45/48 (-11.6/hour) Stamina : 29/36 MP : 26/26 (+0.88/hour) Strength : 12 Vitality : 18 Intelligence : 13 Wisdom : 8 (+5) Dexterity : 13 Luck : 30 (+5) Status : Mana Poisoning (Extreme - 81%)
Now I just had to get rid of this stuff before I pass out and fizzle into a puddle of green waste.
This part of the process was much easier. I just had to re-enact a drunk college girl kneeling in front of a toilet. This was surprisingly something I had a little experience with. Though this time it's with magic instead of blueberry schnapps, so I guess there's still a small difference.
I am never doing this again.
My toxicity levels quickly dropped to 65, which was apparently now enough for me not to feel like I was being ripped in half. Most joyous. Rather than waste all the magic energy, I slowly incorporated it in an attempt to get some benefits. Nothing noteworthy happened, but I felt a little better knowing I didn't just puke it all out.
I lay on the stone shore for a short while, trying to get my thoughts in order. I was mentally exhausted from this excursion. This was the moment of truth, however. If my Evolution Overview Menu had another condition fulfilled, it was worth it all.
???????? Unavailable. 8 of 10 conditions met.
Laughter nearly exploded from within me. I'd finally gotten that damn mana exposure condition fulfilled. Now even if I ate the assumed Mana Spring Crystal down there, all I'd have to do is Devour enough things to get 4 Wisdom.
I did manage to get a point from a kobold, so with any luck there'd be more in my future. I'd hoped eating the kobold leader would give me a few Wisdom and Intelligence. I mean, she did throw a freakin' fireball at me. She was some type of mage. And she seemed to be smarter than the rest of them. If she didn't give me Wisdom, I was lost.
Ghh, this is driving me nuts. Worrying wasn't getting me anywhere. If the difference between a basic spider and a Huntsman was that great, I could only imagine how much stronger I'd be after evolving. The primal tugging in my mind was getting harder to ignore. I needed to do something.
If necessary I'd give up on devouring the Dungeon Core, assuming there was one here. I wanted to eat it too since I expected it'd give me some kind of great benefit, but it wasn't worth dying for. I was originally curious about what would happen if I ate both, but that 'bonus goal' was seeming to become less and less likely the more I considered it.
Focusing my attention back toward the Mana vent, I changed the approach I'd been taking. I would continuously expel and absorb the leaking Mana while I dug a wider entrance. This took me only a short period of time, and when I looked in I felt something within me stir.
Within the narrow crevice was a pure blue jewel, similar to an aquamarine and the size of a fist. It gave off a light glow with specks of yellow floating within it.
Now I just had to figure out how to eat this gorgeous rock.
If I wasn't actively expelling the Mana it produced, it would build up and kill me. Even coming close to it would be lethal without using Mana Control. The crystal was closer than I thought it would be, so I must have been nearly brushing up against it. Would physical contact result in a faster rate of poisoning or some sort of shock? I hoped not. If the stone was directing the Mana outward, then there might not be too much of a difference. Maybe? I was trying to apply common sense to magic. What a joke.
I quickly pulled it out of the vent, my tendril already growing a bit numb. The crystal was left at the bottom of the lake while I recovered. The damage wasn't as bad as I expected. I decided to bring it ashore and attempt to study it further before deciding if it was safe to eat.
The process of dragging it a couple feet and recovering repeated several times. When I got the crystal to the shore, something strange happened.
Ah. Why did its light go out?
As soon as I'd pulled it out, the crystal stopped producing water and glowing. It had gone completely inert. Logic dictated the cause must be exposure to air or lack of water, so I tested this idea by chucking it back into the pond. It began glowing again.
I pulled it back out of the lake and my mood brightened considerably. It had gone inert again. No more magic power was violently leaking out of the crystal. While it wasn't possible to be 100% sure eating this thing was even remotely safe, I quelled the hesitation in my heart. I'd miss my little source of delicious water, but immediate strength was needed. Especially if I were forced to flee this cave, I was taking everything I could with me. Now I just had to hope my instincts were on point. Maybe I'll start with just a little nibble.
... ... ...
This. This is. Heavenly.
A gentle crunching and popping that soon dissolved in my mouth. The most exquisite and divine bursts of flavor. A rich, vigorous stream of energy swirling in my body. I swear I could even taste colors.
If I could eat this crystal for the rest of my life, it would still be worth living. My mind went blank—the immense pleasure nearly causing me to go stupid for a moment. Had I a real body, my eyes would surely have rolled back and my toes curled. This was better than sex. Or at least, better than any I'd ever had. My entire being shuddered in orgasmic bliss.
A special object has been Devoured - Mana Spring Crystal (Water Attuned)(Grade F-3) Skill unlocked! Skill increased!
Mana Regeneration Lvl.1 Acquired!
Magic Resistance Lvl.1 Acquired!
Water Bolt Lvl.1 Acquired!
Rejuvenation Lvl.1 Acquired!
Mana Control Lvl.2 → Lvl.3
Devour Lvl.2 → Lvl.3 Attribute increase!
Strength - 12 → 13
Vitality - 18 → 19
Intelligence - 13 → 16
Wisdom - 8 → 9
Dexterity - 13 → 14 Title Acquired! - Glutton
There are some things that aren't normally meant to be eaten. Pesky details like these never seem to bother you. No time for regret. Bon appétit, little piggy!
This title has no effect other than to denote an achievement.
Oh god, yes. I need another one of these. Or five. Or maybe I can ...
Wait. This is a lot of information to process. Plus I think my boxes just indirectly insulted me. Again. And what is the point of having such a useless title? 'Little piggy' my squishy green buttocks, you square green asshole! You wanna fight!?
In 'hindsight', do I even have a butt anymore? Haven't noticed any slime droppings. Wouldn't that make me an incomprehensibly efficient organism, able to use every single part of what I took in? How does that even work?
Chalking it up to magic. Alrighty.
Putting a few annoying questions aside, I began to browse my new acquisitions. First of which were my evolution conditions.
???????? Unavailable. 9 of 10 conditions met.
I didn't know what an 'F-3' meant, but apparently the crystal I ate was enough to satisfy the evolution conditions. I was assuming 'F' was the lowest grade, but that could have been wildly incorrect. I'd underestimated how difficult the mana exposure condition was, so if this crystal had been a grade 'E' or whatever 'lower' was considered I would've cried for a while.
I was so, sooo very close.
As for the new skills, hmhmhmm...
Mana Regeneration Lvl.1 - Passive
Increases Mana Regeneration by approximately 50%
Higher proficiency levels increase regeneration rate bonus. Magic Resistance Lvl.1 - Passive
Slightly increases resistance to most forms of magic. Exceptions exist. Higher proficiency levels increase resistance and may reduce or nullify negative status effects. Water Bolt Lvl.1 - Active - 5 MP
Creates and shoots a pressurized jet of water in the shape of a 'bolt'. Higher levels of proficiency increase damage, accuracy, and velocity, along with general ability use. Rejuvenation Lvl.1 - Active - 1 MP per 2.1 HP
Water-attuned Healing/Support Spell. Touch based. Provides a much slower rate of healing than most Light-attuned spells. Works with target's natural regeneration and is poor at mending grave wounds. Tends to leave minor scars. Higher levels of proficiency will increase Spell potency, conversion rate, healing speed, and reduce chances of failure. Conversion rate calculated before applicable bonuses.
Wow was that last one a mouthful. Or rather, 'mindful'.
Wait, doesn't this mean I could now be a Healer? I remember whenever I used to play MMOs years back they were usually in high demand. Ugh, that feels like a lifetime ago. Wonder if people would mind a Slime drooling over them to recover their health? Heh, they'd probably try to set me on fire or crush me. That'd make a terrible video game.
Still, that sounds kinda fun. Go adventuring with a group of friends in 'extremely realistic 3D'. So realistic, you don't even respawn. We could be the only group with a Slime as a member. Heh, like that's ever gonna happen though. Whatever.
The loss of my 'mana lake' had been slightly lessened with this Mana Regeneration Skill. I figured the Magic Resistance would help some against fire-type spells and wasn't sure what to make of this Water Bolt Skill. Testing it would set me back over 2 hours if I Meditated to recover.
Though if I had a chance, those damn candles and torches might be good targets. Maybe I could push them back into the cave system and shoot any torches from the dark whenever they tried to advance. Well, for now I had other kobolds to fry. Since my home base was now lacking a source of water, I'm sure it'd dry up eventually or the magic in the waters would begin to dilute.
I tested both my Water Bolt and 'lake dilution' theories once and discovered a few interesting things.
The Water Bolt spell seemed to turn moisture in the air to water and multiply it. I couldn't examine it very thoroughly from a single use, but as someone with a modern education, this made me wonder just what the air and water molecules were doing. Or how magic worked. Kinda wish I had some books or a teacher, but I suppose bashing waterballs against a wall worked too. And practicing this way instead of going to school meant I didn't have to go through student debt again. Cha-ching!
As for the lake, I didn't notice much of a difference in MP recovery yet. All I could do was hope it lasted for a few days and I'd still be satisfied. If things went smoothly I wouldn't need to be here long anyway.
So far I had at least a cursory understanding of my Skills and I was topped off on HP and MP. Now I just needed to do a little sneaking and play the waiting game til my target decided to take a dirt nap.
When I poked my slime out into the adjacent cave, it was just as lit up and lacking in humanoids as last time. I continued staring out at the empty cave for several minutes before frustration began to well up.
All this second-guessing myself was getting annoying. One minute I felt my life in jeopardy, the next I felt I was vastly overestimating my enemy. Why were there no kobolds stationed here? Was this really all there was to their forces? There were three more doors I hadn't been in yet, and the slope leading upward to what I assume was either more lodgings or the cave exit. Did they really only have a handful of kobolds left, including their leader?
Ghh-! Whatever! I just need to kill her and then I can finally relax. Just one more, then go back to eating all these spiders and centipedes alone in the dark. Depressing as that may be, I can slow down and readjust my time budget. Think things over, maybe even try going outside. Y'know, Slime stuff. That doesn't involve lizard-rats setting me on fire and stealing my food.
I quickly circled to the other end of the cave, slipping into the tunnel I'd connected with their leader's room. When I finally squeezed through, what I saw surprised me.
Sitting atop the bed was that kobold that had nearly roasted me alive earlier. The large animal skull that had been on her head previously was set aside on a table beside her bed, of which she sat upon. It took me a moment, but the choked gasps and sniffling noises made me realize something.
She was crying.
Her yellow, lizard-like eyes were moist and each buried in a scaled claw. She was hunched over with knees to her chest. The sobbing was quiet, but there was little to detract from the vibrations off the cave walls.
Oh no, we are so not doing this. Nope. No.
Thoughts began swirling around my head. Memories and glimpses from the previous days, and of the past.
It doesn't matter. It's you or them. When she's asleep, we'll just put her out of her misery. Stop thinking. Stop thinking. Stop thinking.
Yeah, it's fine. I just have to wait. There's no sense pitying them. Pity is a luxury the strong have. You aren't strong. You need to do better. They'll kill you if you slip up. Then you'll lose. You don't want to lose, do you?
But this one at least is more intelligent than the others. Maybe I should leave her alone. I don't need to Devour her. I can find some mindless beasts and just keep snacking on them for the Wisdom. I can make the gnawing feeling disappear that way.
No. That's a horrible and inefficient plan and you know it. This isn't time for a moral dilemma. Even if I'd eaten her lover, her friends, her family, it was necessary. What if you start feeling bad for the 'mindless beasts' next? What about the little baby beasties? Just shut up already.
I sat there for a long time watching the kobold woman. Her weeping ended after a short while. I sat there quietly for the entirety, soaking it in. One of the other kobolds came in and said something to her. I didn't understand their conversation or her reply, but she seemed upset. So I continued to wait for a chance. As soon as she slept I would eat her too. Then forget about those annoying feelings that were threatening to surface. I needed to.
My state must be worse than I anticipated. I hadn't felt that kind of emotion so strongly in at least several years. Compassion? That's something that isn't needed. Not right now. Put on your big girl pants and get on with it. It's time to work.
I counted backward from 10.
Ten ... Nine ... Eight ...
Just like I was told. Just like I practiced.
Six ... Five ...
Then these thoughts would be gone, just like always.
Three ... Two ...
Thump! Thump!
Something startled me out of my meditative state. There was a knocking at the set of two doors leading back out into the hall. I heard a loud crashing noise, stifled by the wood and stone. The lizardess hurriedly donned her odd skull headgear and grabbed something off the table. As soon as she opened the door, there was an explosion and she flew back several feet along with one of the doors that had come unhinged. My vision shook for a moment.
She was grounded, wisps of flame slowly eating into her skin and the drab clothing she wore. As she rolled around in pain and tried to get up, I watched a fleck of reddish-white soar across the room into her throat. Then she stopped.
The animal skull she'd worn landed somewhere near that bloodied altar in the center of the room. The kobold's head hit the floor, as a final pained gasp managed to find its way out of her seared throat. Licks of fire smoldered slowly on her clothing.
After the fire came a splash of water, then footsteps. My body had tensed up. Who?
Voices. I strained my hearing.
"-but if you douse them afterward, you don't have to deal with the smell of burning meat. Aim for their neck or underbelly with bolts and arrows. And keep your fire in mind, it somehow burns the air and makes it hard to breathe in cave systems. Extinguish it quickly. Remember this especially when going deep in labyrinths or you might suffocate."
An old woman strolled through the door, shuffling in with a walking stick and shrouded in a thin charcoal colored robe. Her hair was various shades of gray. In her 60s? Two people were behind her. Humans.
Did she do that? What ... What do I do now? Can they find me somehow? Should I retreat, or gather information, or?
"I'll work hard to master those spells, Madam Castella."
There was a younger girl behind her, blonde hair, late teens or so. A man behind both of them, staying near the doorway. He wore a getup that reminded me of those renaissance festival knights. Or rather, was he a real knight?
"Was it necessary to use magic on these kobolds? They aren't a high threat rating," the man huffed. I think he was frowning.
"Necessary? No, boy. But it's annoying to try counter-spells if an enemy mage casts first. These Kobold Shamans usually use poison, healing, nature and fire magic. It's better not to get burnt or poisoned, else Aryana would have to heal us. Her Mana pool isn't large enough for us to fall back on her yet. I'm no good with healing or poisons. Potions are expensive. Don't take risks or I'll cane ya. Besides, do ye really want to clean kobold blood off your armor?"
"Mm, that's true," he assented.
I looked down at the lifeless kobold. It was ironic. To think I thought this being dangerous. Now, the three before me caused panic to surge and my mind to go into overdrive. I was weak.
"Did you get that, Aryana? It's important to know how your party members will be thinking if you ever go adventuring. Just pretend it another form of politics and you'll do fine. Of course, if you're just shut up in a hospital ward or medical station during wartime, all you need to focus on is healing. Whatever the case, keeping your surroundings in mind is key."
"What is that disgusting pillar in the center of the room, master?" the young woman asked.
I watched the old lady hobble over it, completely disregarding the kobold I was prepared to fight tooth and nail against. For some reason, a small part of me began to get angry at that sight.
The old woman, Castella, was it? She walked around the bloody altar a few times. The girl, Aryana, she stood off to the side looking at the tables and few other pieces of furniture.
"... I'm not certain. I'd need to consult a Druid or some other scholar. I'm not knowledgeable on these rituals. Sacrifices in a Dungeon are usually made to influence it in some way. This one appears to have been small-scale, but this is a fledgling Dungeon so it might've sufficed. We'll need to be extra careful as we continue."
The man spoke, "Think there are kobolds further ahead? I was expecting more than a handful of 'em. They didn't even have an alarm system. Can't say I'm disappointed, but perhaps they fled inward?"
The old woman continued to walk around. Was she looking for something? She shook her head a few times.
"Dunno. Just mind yer feet. There've been nearly no monsters down here 'n that worries me. The Mana flow feels wrong. If the Core's gone abnormal, we might have to burn these bodies, else they'll turn into undead instead of Dungeon fertilizer."
I didn't fully understand what they were saying. Or rather, the pieces and bits of the conversation were painting a picture outside of my expectations. I knew the words, which surprised and relieved me, but making sense out of them was dizzying me. They killed all the kobolds then? And there really were only a few left. Undead? Corpses into fertilizer? Did the Dungeon eat the corpses somehow?
That old woman turned and hobbled out the door, followed by the girl and then the man. As the door closed behind them, I heard a clink! noise. The only thing left within this room was a few lit candles and the corpse of its former owner.
I dug my way down from my perch on high. It took me only a minute, after which I rolled my way slowly across the floor toward my former foe. Her lifeless eyes continued to stare at the ceiling. The still silence was eerie.
They were so nonchalant. That old woman didn't think nor hesitate. They looked at the kobold's corpse the same you would a rock on the roadside.
Should I commend her? Am I jealous at how easily she struck down this kobold? Giddy that someone did the work for me? Furious that I lost potential 'experience points'? That didn't quite feel right, like there was also something else amongst all those reasons. All kinds of thoughts and feelings flowing around in my mind. I wasn't sure what to make of them, so I did what I normally did with such emotions. I ignored them. Indirectly at least, I'd won.
Despite things having turned out better than I could've ever hoped, a sickness was festering in my stomach as the koboldess was gradually absorbed and turned into liquid to fuel my mass. There was no sense of satisfaction. It was the least appetizing meal I'd had since I came to this foreign and bizarre world.
Skill unlocked!
Detoxification Lvl.1 Acquired! Attribute increase!
Intelligence - 16 → 17
Wisdom - 9→ 11
Dexterity - 14 → 15
Ah, I hate this.
It tasted ... heavy.
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