《Chronicles of the last Leïn》Chapter 26


Trembling voices.

Wailing of unacceptance.

Inconsolable supplication, dismayed screams.

As she is forever lost.

Me amongst all this.

Am sat alone, bent, voiceless.

My last forever thought is of you.

My last feather writes your name.

In honour of the beyond.

Last, Janis the White.

Nay was alone in her room. She and Trinne had gotten closer since the Mission, but Trinne had asked to be left on her own for a while. Not able to fathom what her friend was feeling, Nay had complied with no discussion. She had taken the free time to send a letter to her father. As her Mission was over with a large margin of time, and her report was finished the day before, she was on leave: The success of a Mission in such a perfect way was rewarded, and she was getting a few weeks of freedom and a substantial monetary prize. That would have been true for apprentices as well as fully fledged Virnyl guards, but the latter would also have received a Star.

She did not care about a Virnyl guard Star, she was waiting for her father in her room.

Sat on her bed, in her usual corner, she looked outside the large window.

Suddenly, a knock on the door woke her up.

She had fallen asleep without realising.

“Dad?” She asked, but she knew already it was not him. The Rreico was unfamiliar. She opened her door to find a Virnyl guard facing her. She had only met this one once or twice, he was in the administrative branch, and she did not know his name.

“Commandare Darkstar asks to see you immediately.”

“I’m on leave.” She tried to explain, to no avail.

“That is not my business, apprentice, if you are called by your superior officer, you are to meet with him.”

She gave out a big sigh.

“Fine, fine, I will get ready and be there.”

“I will not be accompanying you, you know the way. I have other priorities than taking care of an apprentice.”

Nay did not know if his acidic tone was due to her being a girl, or if he was like that with any apprentice, but the man in front of her was really far out from being a bundle of joy.

“Understood. Pleasure meeting you.” She retorted with her most beautiful fake smile.

“It is all mine.” He said back, his smile just like hers.

After a few minutes getting ready and putting on her armour and blades, Nay began walking towards the Virnyl guard headquarters. She was rattling her brains, but even then, she did not have a clue why she was being called by Redrick. Which was stressing her out.

Once inside the military building, she gave a very polite hello to the secretary. The large woman talked with her for at least ten minutes about the news surrounding the Duke’s death. About his body found in the rubbles of an abandoned building, amongst a large number of known Assini. The official version was that the Duke had died a heroic death: Victim of an Assini ambush, he supposedly sacrificed himself to get rid of the filth of the city, instead of fleeing and letting the criminals leave.

Nay was quite shocked of this turn of events, even though she had heard it already.

Trinne, in her annoying usual way, had been right. Even dead, the Duke’s reputation was untouchable. Reaching for the guards during their Mission would not have worked.

She arrived in front of the Commandare’s door and knocked.


“Come on in.” He said with a suave voice.

She did as he asked.

The room, despite its large opening at the back showing the cloister, seemed darker than the last time she had come. It was probably due to the large amount of parchments and books that had piled up everywhere.

The Commandare was still bent over one of them, pen feather in hand.

He ceased what he was doing and made a sign for the young Legio to sit down.

“Do you know why you’re here?” He had his usual charming smile.

Something was amiss.

Sat in front of this man she hated so, being uneasy should not have bothered her. But no, something behind his impenetrable surface, imperceptible Rreico, was wrong.


She composed herself.

“I…No, I don’t know.”

She tried to sit more comfortably on her seat.

“The destroyed villages.”


“Those announced as deserted, I talked about it with you two days ago.”

“Oh. Yes. What is going on with the villages?”

‘And why does this have anything to do with me? And by Trayx, why is Marke and him talking to me about it?’ She asked herself internally.

“A new Volatile report came today, one of our flying Hiceras brought it. What the report describes is troubling…to say the least. They resemble another report, much older.”

Nay looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

“It makes me hopeful to see you so baffled, it seems like you really have no idea what is happening.”

Nay felt threatened. His Rreico was still not there, but she was certain nonetheless: Something about the villages put her life at risk.

“I really don’t understand.”

“Everyone is dead. First at the Richelieu outpost, situated at the base of the Unbroken Ones.” He dropped a few parchments in front of her. “Then Greror, a bit more to the south. Farmer village, ten or so inhabitants. Mostly children.” Another pile of parchments. “Hir. Twenty inhabitants, three more miles south-east.” The pile crashed in front of her, making her jump. “Jurdania, twenty-three inhabitants, south-west.” The papers crashed onto the growing pile.

He stopped in front of another pile of parchments, much larger than the previous ones.


“Yrt?” She knew Yrt, she had stopped there for a short while with the caravan during their way to Gite. It was a small city, or large village, surrounded by a wall of tree trunks and with a little harbour.

“South-west of Jurdania…Four hundred twenty-five inhabitants. Five Virnyl guards are posted there. One with five Stars.”


“Commandare…I don’t understand. What happened? They can’t be all dead. That’s impossible. A Carradinoris raid? They take slaves, they don’t…”

“It wasn’t Carradinoris, Nay.”


“No survivors. The report comes from a Virnyl guard patrolling outside the city during the attack. He left for two hours, when he was back, the walls were destroyed and the houses in pieces. Minced clean. He found no bodies, only bloody remnants.”

Nay began trembling.


He stared at her.

“The guard in question has been ordered to come back to Gite. Since he left, he stopped at two hamlets on the way. Well, he would have stopped there if there was still something to stop at. He’ll arrive here in two weeks’ time. Whatever is in front of him, it will get here in a week, at most.”


Nay felt sick. Her vision was wobbly, she tried to stand up, but had no strength in her legs.


“Nay. What do you know about Angels?”

“Angels? They are the ones who brought victory to the Conqueror.” She answered automatically.

“Do you know what they look like?”

She fervently shook her head right and left.

“Well, to say the truth, no one really knows. It is believed that after the War, they were sent back by the Conqueror. It is the reason found to explain why they disappeared. But Vestigio, my master as well as Marke’s, assured us of the contrary. I found a few documents dating from the war of the Firs. Quite reminiscent of recent events. And of those that occurred inside the Canyon of Sables. Where you were found.

“So what!?” She almost shouted.

The Commandare did not lose his smile.

She shivered.

“The day of the incident with Joanna, a large amount of magic was recorded on the plateau summit. The person creating this ‘miracle’ being dead, the Church did not investigate further than that. However, since then, a creature only spotted once last century, reappeared. And is now going straight towards the one who survived its first apparition. Do you follow what I’m saying?”

She whispered, tears falling from her eyes.

“I don’t understand. I don’t. Really, I don’t remember.”

“Nay, I cannot let such a creature come here. But I would like to be sure it is you she’s searching for. Have you seen her? Truly? Was it an Angel? Do you know why she would be following you if not for your…powers?”

“It was everything but an Angel. I don’t remember anything. Ufri! Ufri! Ji safri ne.”

She stopped talking. She was not allowed to speak that language, never in front of a man.

He did not pay attention to what she was saying. He was picking up a dusty book, blemished by the decades.

“This is the only illustration ever done of an Angel, made by an artist that served in the war of the Firs. Have you seen it before, Nay?” He repeated, as he opened the book towards her.



Moved by a voice that had been silent for a long time, Nay jumped out of her seat.

“I see.” The Commandare answered sadly.

He was not smiling anymore.



Like a madwoman, she rushed to the door, opened it, and ran.

She had no choice, flee the monster, do not stop.



Panic slowly receded.

The terror that had taken her was slowly dissipating and was letting her go with an exhausted body, a ragged breath, and a dormant anguish as a goodbye gift.

Sweat was pearling from her face. She was in front of her little stone home.

It was closed, the light extinguished.

Ra’fa and Lisana were not there.


Her refuge was not one anymore.

She walked towards the school, it was empty.

How long had she been running for? Shouldn’t there be lessons at this hour of the day?

How had she left the plateau?


She entered, her feet guiding her towards the large stone in the training grounds, at the feet of her dark cliff.

She sat on it and began crying.

Eternity went on before a voice pulled her out of her sobs.

“You have to understand me Nay. I have no choice. I cannot let the Angel destroy my city.”

The Commandare had found her. Which was not surprising. If she had left the plateau, a Virnyl guard must have spotted her on the way.

She was an idiot, she should have hidden, fled, go anywhere but here.

Why did she stop? Why let herself be cornered like this, cliff at her back?

The blond man came closer. She could see another monster in his unsheathed blade.


“Don’t make me kill you like that Nay, you’re a warrior. Get up and fight!”

He fixed her with such intensity, almost hopeful, but she did not move. She could not. She felt his rage.

“Stay there.” He knew perfectly well that she was not going to move.

He came back with a few torches, that he planted on the ground, then lit up. Still not seeing her move, he put one knee on the ground and begged her again.

“Come on Nay, please. Get up.”

She looked at him, impassive.


“GET UP!” He screamed. His Rreico burst out, making her fall from the rock. She could not even get up on her feet.

He looked at her, dejected.

“So be it.” He stepped forward.

The sound of two blades being drawn sounded in the cloister. One noise was sharp and short, the other deep and slow.

Nay raised her eyes.

The curved sword of the Commandare, Murasa, was already out. The sound had not come from it.

A silhouette appeared through the dancing flames.

“You won’t ever touch her, Red.”

The Commandare turned around to face the master Legio.

“Marke, what are you doing?”

“I’m protecting my daughter.

The blond monster started laughing.

“You. YOU!? You’re the one who is going to sacrifice a city to save one person? You’re the one who’ll stop me from thinking about the big picture instead of myself?”

“You’ll save no one, Angels don’t kill humans.”

“And this one is clearly not following the same rules, she killed more than five hundred people in her unrelenting quest of finding your daughter, human herself!”

Within a heartbeat, Marke seemed surprised, then it was gone.

It did not escape the Commandare.

“What!? What is it? Is there something else you are hiding from me, Marke?”

Nay finally managed to talk.

“Dad, I beg you, get away, she’s coming. Blue is coming…”

“I know.” He answered simply.

“YOU KNOW?!” The Commandare screamed, his legendary calm vanished.

“Yes. And we cannot do anything about it. So, I arranged for everyone I knew to leave. The students, parents, my friends, Ra’fa’s, everyone was convinced to leave Gite for a few weeks.”

“Why not talk to me, then?” The Commandare retorted.

“Because I know you too well. You’d conclude that sacrificing Nay would change her mind.”

“And you don’t think that is the case?”


“You’ll destroy the city for a maybe?”

Marke looked at his old friend in the eyes.

“No. I’ll destroy the city to save my daughter.”

The silence was heavy.

“I see. In the end, the Teller will have spoken the truth. I will be the one to end you.”

Marke smiled sadly.

“You shall not touch my daughter.” He repeated.

Nay got back up on her knees.



The voices shouted.

But she did not care.

He could not win against the monster.

Her father could not vanquish it.

He was going to fall; he was going to die. Because of her.

Just like Joanna.

She would not let it happen; she was going to get back up, just like her friend. She would never stay on the ground to see those she love die ever again.

Marke met her eyes.

She did not understand. His Rreico was…She had no words.

Because there was nothing to understand. Nothing to say.

“Nay.” He asked her softly. And she could not move anymore.

He stepped towards the Commandare, his guard down, announcing a suicidal plan.

It was ridiculous, the monster would never fall in the trap.

Redrick Darkstar raised his blade.

“So be it. New techniques won’t help you Marke, you have never beaten me.”

“True, but in the end, did either of us ever win?” Marke had spoken with immense sadness.

Redrick Darkstar did not say anything.

The flames of the torches were illuminating the two men with a warm and soft haze.

Under the last rays of twilight, the Shadowrock cliff was contemplating two old friends commencing their last dance.

Nay could not do a thing. In her state, she would only be a distraction.

She could only scream.

Because her father stepped once more, the one step too far.

The Commandare brought down his weapon. One unique movement, fluid and graceful. Perfect balance of speed, strength, and precision. It was a simple attack, that only he could transform into certain death.

Marke did not even try to dodge it. Nay heard metal pierce leather then flesh.

Still, Marke, took two more steps.

He looked at his daughter, his back faced towards the Commandare. His sword fell on the ground, but his dagger did not.

It was not in his hand anymore.

He collapsed.

“DAD!” She screamed, running, falling over, getting back up, running again.

The Commandare turned around.

He stood in front of her.

He came towards her, slowly.

His expression was one of joy.

A true smile written on his lips.

“I see.”

He sheathed back Murasa.

“It was magnificent.”

He stopped.

Nay felt his Rreico.

He was genuinely happy. Happy to have seen the birth of someone finally reaching him, overcoming him. Happy to know he had still so much to learn. Then a bit sad he would never explore this new world himself.

Redrick Darkstar’s Rreico flew away.

Her father's was flowing away as well, slowly, ineluctably.


“I…did not want you…to kill. Nor others, nor yourself. But I can’t protect you anymore.”

“Dad, you’ll…you’ll be…” Nay could not finish the lie. The Rreico slipping from her fingers was stopping her from doing it. She tried to hold the energy, just for a moment.

“Do your best, do you? Never be violent or cruel…oh…I…so many things to…”

“Dad, I know all of this. I promise. I give you my word.”

“Nay. The Angel is not your demon. That is something only you can create. Go see my master in the desert, where I was born. He…he’ll help.”

“But…you told me he hated women…that…”

He smiled weakly. “You’re trusting us too much, it’s your most beautiful trait.”

The sentence broke her heart, and tears started falling from the little girl’s cheeks.

“You…you tell Lisana to…take care of her…and Ra’fa…you’ll tell her that I…you know what to tell her…yes?”

“Yes, of course.”

“You can let me go now.”


“You’re not letting my Rreico leave, runt.”

She removed her hands, drenched in blood, and felt the Rreico leave. Then, her father was gone.

She stayed there, a long time.

Looking at her dad.

Her whole world was in ruins.

She was broken.

The Angel was coming to kill her.

BLUE, shouted the voices.

She would never be able to get back up.

Marke stood with Joanna.

She would stand as well.

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