《Transcripts》Disparity Chapter 18: Negotiations


Nako stood opposite the pair of humans, a steel table between them.

They had made their way through the wrecked stations underbelly up to the docking station, where they refused to take a step further until negotiations had been made. A general consensus between the pair, although even through the small interactions Nako had noticed it was the larger, darker coloured of the pair leading decisions.

The mere presence of the younger, lankier human was still the epitome of uncomfortable, Nako’s men were waiting by the docking port, most of them keeping distance as ordered for their own well being.

but the humans had since calmed down when the promise of ‘real’ food had been given.

“While I can only offer you the humble ‘Ah’tau’, it is what your kind would consider proper sustenance,” The Lieutenant commander, explained as they waited. “Not quite as rich or as varied as human culinary technology goes, but far above the usual galactic council rations.” He had ordered one of his more robust soldiers to return with the plates, meals dispensed from the company food boxes, it was closer in size to the citizen nutrient requirements. A soldier's meal would have been more than half their body weights.

The warm and sizzling slices of waudress were placed on the table before the humans, wide eyes and the familiar look of salivation crossed their faces, but they didn't touch the food.

“What is it?” The younger asked.

“Waudress and Kuukat, plant based proteins,” Nako reiterated. The young human pushed the plate towards Nako.

“You first,” he insisted.

A test of trust, Nako had already put his pride aside to appease these aliens, but it was getting more and more irritating that they didn't seem to appreciate that. The lieutenant picked up a single piece of waudress and exposed his secondary mouth, nibbling the piece of food infront of others was, uncomfortable, he quickly finished the piece and pushed the plate back.


“Hardly, (god knows what’s actually in it),” came the reply and the young one turned to his companion. “Food, eat.”

The larger of the pair nodded and took his own plate, after taking an intrepid taste he soon began using the spoon provided to shovel the food into his mouth, And to Nako’s surprise, the plate was finished within seconds. The larger, whose dark eyes glared at Nako in the same untrusting way, spoke in that same rhythmic set of purrs and hums as Jasmine did.

“What did your companion say?” Nako quired, fascinated to watch the aliens talk.

“He wants to know if you have any more food,(the man could eat a *****)” The younger replied with his spoken words and that curious second voice.

“An abundance,” Nako replied, and ordered his attendant to get another plate.

The large human held up his appendages and barked an order.

“Three plates,” The young prince relayed.

“As his honour demands,” Nako concurred, “Prehaps we can speak to the terms of the negotiations? I am Lieutenant Commander Tar-Nako, of the 138th sector, what title might I address you with, human?”

There was a long silence, the younger human chewed his waudress slowly on purpose, mulling his reply over, waiting for it to rot in his mouth.

“You can call me (Your Superior) Ryo,” came the answer finally, “if this really is a misunderstanding then I expect to be treated as such.”

Nako’s wings ruffled under his cape, the anger and arrogance flowing out of the human was akin to Kotorn’s rages. A seething untrust as though Nako had personally defeated him in conquest.


“And your companion’s title?” Nako inquired, hoping to keep conversation flowing.

Ryo turned his head to get the elders attention, who picked up on the motion immediately, it was then that Nako understood why Jasmine concentrated so hard to avert her eyes when talking to him. Without Freq, humans naturally looked into each others eyes when talking.

“(Damn, how do you ask again?) What name you give him?” Ryo asked the larger human, pointing to Nako. Much to the lieutenant's relief, the elder gave out more than a single name.

“Sargent Bo Mah-fuse,” Ryo tried to pronounce, his frustration evident in a small pulse and a click of his tongue, the sound caught Nako off guard.

“Is communication difficult between you two?” Nako asked curiously, “You speak to him as though he were of lesser intelligence,” He was answered with a glare.

“His language (English) is backwards, lousy with weird constants and hard to pronounce anything. (I only use it for the internet anyways)” Ryo replied dismissively, Nako had to admit he had noticed the different cadence between the two languages, but human sounds were still very pleasant to listen to, even if they were from angry, uncooperative, rouge alien.

“So our communication will be even more difficult,” Nako lamented “It is already hard to decipher your spoken word and your second voice, I fear the subtle of my message will be lost to him,”

Ryo leant forward on his stool, pushing aside the empty platter and folding his hands on the table in front of him.

“(You mean my internal monologue is getting in the way? It would be easier if I just didn’t speak and communicated telepathically, I don’t have to worry about formalities then.)” The human smirked, as though he had achieved the first sword in a duel.

“If that is your want,” Nako replied. Jasmine had done everything she could not to use her secondary voice, yet this one was far more comfortable speaking with his mind.

Jasmine was desperate to please and impress, Ryo was waiting for an excuse to not be civil, Nako would have to treat him like a high queen's personal spawn. Then there was the matter of this 'Sargent Bo', a title at least, a rank given with merit, while still hostile he was the one who pushed for negotiations. Clearly of increased size, strength and possibly intellect, but without a proper translator there would be no communication without the sour pupa in the middle.

Tainted words to say the least.

“You and your companion have been wrongfully classified as organic materials by the Kyu-Kage corporation, and have been treated below your actual classification.” Nako began, silently summoning a soldier to bring him his equipment. “You are entitled to compensation for this treatment, however, you have also destroyed personal assets and equipment belonging to the Kyu-Kage company. We will need to find out exactly how much you have destroyed before we can properly assess your compensation-”

“(Fuck off)” Ryo sneered, “(as far as were conserned, what happened to us was an act of war, we only did what we did becuase you were hostile first.)”

Nako stopped his wings from flaring up, the situation was more dire than he had anticipated, threatening war without an army? Would they really fight such a desperate battle?

After the damage they had done to the station, Nako had no choice but to take them seriously, there was too much at stake and too much to gain to let it fall to that however, hopefully, they could be swayed with a display of power.


A soldier came to his side with a portable holoscreen, placing it on the table infront of the lieutenant and activating it.

A minature sulin director floated before them, dressed in a fancy ruffeld coat and sleek scarf in the company colours. The humans let out impressed noises, while Nako put on his professional, commanding air.

“Executive Director, do you have your reports for me?” Nako addressed the miniature lizard.

The humans glare was finally off Nako himself and to the simple piece of technology, they were amused and muttered quietly to themselves as the Company representative began his speech.

“The reports are being compiled Lieutenant Commander,” The executive director extrapolated, beginning to pace in a circle, “but the damage is so extensive it will take [weeks]- what are they doing here??” he exclaimed in a panic, pointing a shaking claw at the humans “I thought you had removed them from the station!”

“They are in my custody for the moment,” Nako replied firmly “Executive Director, they are for the time being, no longer a threat to you, or your company, infact, we were discussing the matters of compensation,”

"Yes, compensation…" The holographic Executive Director repeated, doing his best to put on a brave facade infront of the Commander, "as representative executive director of Ky’ler Station, Kyu-Kage progenitor sector, the damage done by the two unregistered amalgamations-"

"not amalgamations Director, Undiscovered Creator level intelligence not of this sectors origin." Nako interrupted, partially to correct the citizens mislabling of the humans, and partially to give a show of power. However, the humans did not seem to understand the gravitas of his display. The hologram lagged a little in response, unused to being interrupted while this high on the command chain, whilst also understanding the improbable information he had been given. The Executive Directors jaw dropped and tail stood up in surprise as the clawed finger returned to point at the humans.

"but that means?!-" he stammered.

"(I'm an alien, idiot.)" Ryo very pointed and rudely scoffed "(You should know, you abducted me)"

"that is where our misconceptions begin, Lord Ryo,” Nako interjected “We, that is to say The Galactic Council and its related dignitaries did not abduct you, an Exiled Rajavan cell did,"

The human shook his head in disbelief.

"(right, you only intended on experimenting on us, that makes it Sooooo much better/sarcasm extreme)"

"Kyu-Kage corporation bought organic material for research and development-" the executive director tried to assert his authority over the conversation but was clearly outmatched by a military commander and the abominably powerful alien.

“(So you didn’t even consider us animals? Beau was right, you’re all fucking monsters-)”

"Again, a misunderstanding in the highest degree," Nako felt his diplomatic skills receiving the workout of his life. "The Rajava do not tend to keep the consciousness of their cargo intact, ever, under any circumstance, the mere fact that you were processed and yet still retain your, distinctive personality is unprecedented your honour, and without a detective frequency were thought you and your companion to be less than animals… "

"(and that makes it better how?!)" Ryo spat, Beau nudged him on the shoulder and asked a question. "mind talk" he told him, along with a tap along the surgical scar the med-gel had failed to heal completely. Beaus reply did not have a happy tone, the broad, muscular arms crossed in front of him, “Military, company man, CEO, we cargo, bought and sold.” was Ryo’s oversimplified explanation and Beau nodded, taking a defensive stance and returned to 'watching' the proceedings, .

Nako folded his hands infront of him, Ryo certainly wasn’t able to deliver any sort of nuance, especially to such delicate negotiations, he could feel his opportunity for co-operation with the humans slipping away.

“Young lord, you have to understand just how unprecedented this entire situation is, you are at the turning point of an unfortunate situation. Your companion wished to negotiate, and we are willing to negotiate.” The Lieutenant warned, holding back as much of his ill intent to the youth.

“Someone is going to need to compensate the company!” the Executive Director whined, “we’ve lost potencial pentillions worth of contributor credits!!”

Ryo laughed smugly, turning to his friend.

“We fucked them good, (boo hoo, cant profit off our ‘organic materials’ now, scumbag.)”

Nako’s antenae twitched.

“The damage you did was murder thousands of staff assets and destroyed untold millions of embryos of innocent citzens. This is a serious matter young lord-” Nako retorted.

The smug smile disappeared, and Ryo leaned forward, baring his teeth.

“(We were abducted from our planet, stripped naked, held prisoner, tased and beaten, treated like less than animals, our DNA experimented on, MY HEAD WAS CUT OPEN AND AN ALIEN THING IMPLANTED INSIDE ME WHILE I WAS STILL CONSCIOUS. YES I CONSIDER THIS A SERIOUS MATTER DESERVED OF COMPENSATION.)”

The pulse was painful, Nako could feel his nerves adjusting to the frequency, exposure to a constant deluge of erratic pain. The lieutenant commander threw back his cape, and let his wings fly open, he was done palacating the unrelenting parties.

“Compensation for all involved will be discussed, once Kyu-Kage corp has filled for damages and the humans have been recognised as Council Species and received their credit scores.”

The Executive Director’s jaw fell open at the suggestion while Ryo sat silently on the otherside of the table, glare averted to the floor and hands gripping the table.

Beau took an offences stand but, thankfully, Ryo calmed him down with a single unassuming hand motion.

“You expect me to go to head quarters with the flimsiest of verbal contracts-” The Director gwaked.

“Think of it as a guarantee from the military itself,” Nako snapped back, eager to get rid of the meddling Director. “You will be sent the verbal contract before the REFINED departs, Executive Director, you cannot seek compensation without the damage report, perhaps you should concentrate on that?”

The Director signed off without a farewell, much to Nako’s relief, it was hard enough to keep the humans onside without the citizen wailing in his ear.

“(So,)” Ryo leant back, folding his arms behind his head “(You seem to be under the impression that we will willingly go along with whatever bureaucratic dystopia you have going on here. Well, just because you fed us, doesnt mean were going to go along with shit,)”

Nako was absolutely done with pleasantries.

“So what do you propose you will do then? Stay here and wait until you are too weak to stand? Or would you rather, take command of your situation? Perhaps have your own ship?”

Ryo blinked, the hostile facade flickered with it.

“(You- You haven’t given us any reason to believe you can deliver on that promise,)”

“What does your companion think of that offer though, hmm?” Nako glared back at the young human with all six of his eyes, Ryo shifted in his seat, “I’m waiting for his reply young lord,”

Ryo grit his teeth, and let out a sound of frustration as he translated to Beau;

“He says we get space ship, if we play nice,”

That got a reaction out of Beau, a lot of rapid fire words came out of the older humans mouth, and Ryo turned to argue back.

“I dont trust him! He talk smooth-” but Beau was quick to interrupt him and Ryo scoffed “why? Ugh,” Ryo returned his attention to Nako.

“(So ‘lieutenant’, Beau wants to know where did you learn to sing hallelujah?)”

Nako folded his wings back under his cape, he was finally getting somewhere.

“I learned from listening to it. Another human was courteous enough to share its beauty with me.” he explained while smoothing out his cape back to its formal pleats.

Ryo wrinkled his nose up.

“(So, you’ve got more of us locked up somewhere?)”

“Namegiver Jasmine is hardly a Prisoner young lord, closer to an honoured guest, she is treated with respect, the same you shall receive if you are willing to cooperate.” Nako answered bluntly, perhaps he had been too subtle, Jasmine had appreciated such things but this ‘Ryo’ had a swollen stinger. He really was looking to instill conflict, his every action construded to be hostile.

“(Namegiver Jasmine? What the hell kind of name is that?)”

“A title she chose for herself, a noble one at that.” Nako emphasised but Ryo laughed, it was cruel, condescending, and his translation was down right insulting.

“He learned from a girl with a stupid name,”

Thankfully, Beau didnt find it funny, he interrupted Ryos laugh with a stern command, one that ripped the laughter right out the youngers mouth.

“What?! No!-” Ryo’s already pale face flustered red, but Beau was firm, expressing a complex line of reasoning the Lieutenant wasn't privy to.

“(He says we’ll go with you, and meet up with this girl...)”

“Very well young lord,” Nako adjusted his cloak to hide his armour, “perhaps you and your companion would like a tour of my own ship? For future reference when purchasing your own?” The lieutenant couldn’t help but feel victorious, he was right about the larger human being far more reasonable. The pair argued a little more, but Beau, even without freq capacity, still had power over the small death construct.

“This way, your honours,” Nako turned and began giving orders for his crew to start the ship engines “Get us off this station and back to branch,”


The REFINED’s crew gave them all a wide berth, bowing deeply as the three walked past and scuttling out of sight as soon as they could. For now, Nako would lead the humans away from the rest of the crew, a safe holding in his ship where he had kept Jasmine and her unusual consort.

Keep them fed and comfortable until they had arrived on branch, or silently waiting for the ships brain to boot up and blast the pair of them with Industrial strength Freq. Keep them long enough to have the pair of them sedated and safely secured for travel, enough to have the elder translator implanted and calibrated, and to have the younger permanently put in stasis.

But as always, the humans were full of surprises.

Nako gave them a brief tour of his ship, mostly around the cargo rooms, there was no chance in the void he was going to let them anywhere near the bridge. The last thing he needed was to have his navigators incapacitated.

“And this is your room,” he said, opening the door to the spacious yet minimal captain quarters. “Food and water can be procured from the meal box, the bunks acclimate to your body temp. The ship will be readying for transit soon,”

“(as if were going to be sleeping anytime soon,)” Ryo muttered, holding onto his segmenter sword tightly. Beau inspected the room and it seemed to be to his liking, choosing the bottom bunk.

“You can certainly try, but I haven’t seen a human last more than [18] hours without sleep,”

Nako offered them a few dataslates, “Some entertainment to keep you occupied, and I request you keep your movement on my ship a minimum, traveling in reclaimed space is disturbing enough without your presence distracting my crew.”

“(Well fuck you too, shunshine)” Ryo replied, snatching the dataslates from the lieutenant and began looking them over.

Nako’s mandibles snapped together in distaste when he heard Tifera’s voice over his comms.

“Sire, the ship is ready to launch, permission to break away?”

The lieutenant commander smiled to himself and gave the order.

“Permission granted.”

Soon the ship would be flooded with industrial Freq, harmless to desidens of the Galactic council, but strangely near lethal to humans who could perceive it.

The sour prince stuttered, but did not fall to his knees as Jasmine had done under the same conditions, he held his head and began to fire off his own, confused pulses.

“Is everything alright lord Ryo?” Nako asked knowingly.

“(I’m fine,)” He snapped back, wobbly walking back to the open bunk, throwing a dataslate to beau, “(I Just need to lie down,)”

“Very well, should you need anything, we will be listening to your summons-”

“(I just need you to leave, now, you're giving me a headache)”

“May your path be clear-”

“(Just piss off already!)” Ryo snapped.

Nako stepped out from the doorway letting to door slide close, before storming back to his own chambers.

“Tifera!” he commanded into his comms, barely slowing down, “I want constant surveillance, no one is to go anywhere near their room and have the entire section forbidden, I don't want any contact between the crew and no one is to disturb me, baring a Rouge queen encounter or a council summons, is that clear?!”

“Yes, my lord”

“Good.” he muttered before terminating the link. He decided then and there, that he was going to train more than ever before. If only so when the time came he could put that wretched youth in his place.

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