《Transcripts》Transcripts Chapter 7: Unscheduled Meetings


Salhor Laandi’s black eyes scanned the data from Duuarn’s latest report, she had read the numbers over and over again and still she was overwhelmed. Between the three specimens there were more than 200 stable phenotype mutations, and yet the creatures were still ultimately the same genome. The possibilities alone filled her with a hope she had long thought lost. Laandi looked down at her own main hand, an amalgamation of at least four species. The sensitive finger-pads of a Savori, the four digits arrangement of a Sulin, the long thin limbs were obviously Arvas in design, all of it wrapped within her own Qzetilla pale grey skin. A cruel reminder, for all her species had lost and fought for, they would never be a whole.

Her office door chimed.

“Laandi.” Xant’s voice came over comms, “May I speak with you?”

Laandi quickly closed the open report on her terminal, and composed her thoughts.

“Please Xant, when you’re ready.”

The white door slid open and the large Zenthi walked in, his walk slow and precise, he came bearing bad news.

“I’m afraid I must inform you of an unforeseen development.” Xant did not take his usual seat at her desk, Laandi noticed.

“Is this an official report?”

“I have no qualms if you wish to record my statement.”

“For company policy.” Laandi opened her recorder and began the report statement.

[These transcripts are for office use only, unauthorised distribution will result in immediate termination and a fine in accordance with the Conglomerate Espionage Act 26.051, Transcripts are official property of the Esaander Corporation]

ED Laandi: It is 0125 [hours] of the 26th [day] the second quarter of [year] 306, Rejuvenation Dynasty. Dr. Xant arrived in my office to make an unscheduled report. Dr. Xant you have the floor

DH Xant: Thank you Laandi, when Jasmine and I approached the Medical department Dr. Krydon informed us he was running behind schedule with the Perception tests. He offered his office as an interview space where Jasmine and I could conduct an impromptu test with the increment of time spare. However, as Krydon was finishing the last specimen’s ocular tests the creature ripped out its translator, broke free from its handler and was attempting entry of the office. In the commotion the handler held the creature inappropriately, Jasmine bore witness to this and became aggressive.

ED Laandi: She was upset over the handling of the creature?

DH Xant: Yes, she became commanding in a way I could only describe as ‘Royal’. Her presence was felt Director, and yet it was never imposed upon the creature. Our assumption that the Specimens were genetic test subjects will need further inquiry, a clear bond is present between the User and the Creator. She calmed the creature, before escorting it to her living quarters. The Subject informed us she was not to be disturbed until further notice.

ED Laandi: She just, took the creature? Were there any attempts made to secure them both?

DH Xant: As I said before, her presence was like that of an Arvas Prince or Princess, it should also be noted that Jasmine issued orders through her dominant Frequency while speaking calmingly to the creature at the same time.

ED Laandi: Contrasting neural messages.

DH Xant: Indeed Director, the phenomenon was recorded and the entire staff was there to witness it. I will try to replicate the effects whilst ensuring not to upset Jasmine further.


ED Laandi: Very good. Also Xant, before I forget, I've secured a translator technician from headquarters they will be arriving with the two engineers Duuarn had requested earlier.

DH Xant: Two bioengineers? I recall Duuarn requested three.

ED Laandi: Yes, but it would be a waste if we didn’t diversify resources, after all, it is clear now that a Zenthi translator does not meet the demands of the new Creator. I can justify the expenditure if it means a prototype for an entirely new market will be available. Was that everything you wished to discuss?

DH Xant: Yes.

[Session Ended]

Laandi turned off the recording and relaxed a little. Xant did not.

“Xant, I know this whole ordeal must be weighing heavily on your shoulders, please do not work beyond your means. You ensure Jasmine is well rested, you should do the same with yourself.”

“The workload is challenging but not immensely so Laandi. This is a discovery worthy of a new Dynasty, and it requires my full attention.”

“Of course, but please, take the next half [day] rest without stims, I will clear with Isk about changing your schedule.”

“Thank you Laandi.” Xant turned to exit the room.

Laandi waited until Xant left before she pulled up his reports on Jasmine. A Creator species with so much raw potential, the genetic material alone was priceless. Untold years of construction linking the Creators’ home space to the Council systems and the potential markets therein would boost the Galactic economy across all sectors. As for the cultural enrichment… Laandi paused, and gave an uneasy sigh. Xant was a professional in every sense of the word, a true career scientist. Jess, on the other hand, couldn’t be trusted to answer her own questions in the reports she handed in, multitaskers were troublesome.


Xant approached the smallest department on the station, Behavioral Studies. It was located out of the way from most of the other divisions, since cross-referencing was near non-existent. Xant’s ears folded down as he approached the door, sliding his hand over the sensor.

“Behavioral Studies Department” the door informed him and there was a slight yelp from inside.

“Dr. Xant!” One of the assistants looked up from her terminal (Myra if he remembered correctly) she left the terminal running as she rushed to formally greet him. “We weren't expecting you, uhh, sorry for the disorganisation.” Myra gestured with her tail over to the cluttered communal desk, several dataslates were strewn across its surface, flashing the familiar illustrations of Jasmine’s work. Myra coughed grabbing the doctor's attention, turning her head to the side in an attempt to be demure.

“Is there anything I can help you with?”

“You’ve been studying Jasmine’s actions for the past few [days] now, I was hoping you might be able to share some insight-”

“Ahh!” Myra clamped her trimmed claws over her mouth in attempt to cover the shock “You’re asking for my help??”

Xant blinked his second eyelids.

“Not specifically,” he answered bringing up his own dataslate. “But I need to know the social precedent when dealing with User intelligences.”

Myra looked back in disbelief.

“Has Duuarn actually let you near his User specimens? We’ve been requesting for days to be able to look at the footage of the pack in action and he's denied every single one!”


“Duuarn has made no such arrangements with me, but I need to be one step ahead of him regarding this.”

Xant showed the Sulin assistant the security footage from Krydon’s office and laboratory. Myra stared intently, her claw moving the footage around as it played.

“Oh my, very ‘Royal’ there, she even got Ceaan’s attention, and quite aggressive, poor Nyk…” She muttered under her breath “Wait, now that is unprecedented!” She paused the video as Jasmine had embraced the creature. “DR. JESS!!” Myra called out, darting over to her superior. Dr. Jess had been completely engrossed at her three terminals at the end of the office, flicking between video, audio and her own notes. Jess’s tail stood up as her assistant thrusted Xant’s tablet into her face.

“Dr. Jess!! Your hypothesis was correct!!”

“Myra, what?!” Jess snapped, “I’ve got less than 48 hours to compile a report for ED Laaaa….?!” but her voice trailed off as Myra replayed the footage for her.

“Your hypothesis was correct!” the assistant gleamed. “All the subtext in the songs, affection towards others and-”

Jess snatched the dataslate from Myra and fiddled with the controls, within a second the footage was up on her own visual terminal, shoving the dataslate back into her assistant's hand before focusing her attention to the larger screen to study the details.

“...” Jess was intense, watching the point of affection and rewinding it to the aggression toward the staff. Myra looked to Xant sympathetically, handing him back his dataslate.

“It can't be.” Jess mused, “She's putting the comfort of the User over the reassurance of the staff. The creature doesn't even have a translator in. Even if it was a familiar species, the gap of understanding is too large for this kind of affection. It's almost maternal.” Jess turned to Myra. “Where did you get this footage??”

“Ahem…” Xant made his presence known, Jess froze.

“Dr. Xant? Y-you came down here yourself?” She stuttered, her bold tone vanishing within the presence of the Zenthi.

“It is a matter of urgency. Duuarn will be informed of this and I need to know before he starts quibbling about breaches of containment. Does this constitute a symbiotic relationship?”

“I… don't know.” Jess turned to the monitor and scanned over it again. “I've seen this behaviour in User pack animals before, but it's never crossed over so strongly into Modifier or Creator level to have a study on it. The familiarity with the creature suggests that it’s her own cub or a clanmate but...” she rewound the footage, “Here she puts the staff on edge, we’ve seen this plenty of times on Arvas ships, Princes and Princesses command through frequency intimidation, but she's also grabbed Ceaan’s attention, Qzet’s are usually immune to that sort of thing. She takes a moment here, looking away as though she knows she's done wrong by singling out Nyk, but doesn't try to correct the social imbalance, leaving the staff in suspense of her actions. They don't know whether she’ll attack or relax so they must wait in order to respond accordingly.” Jess let the video play until Jasmine approached the specimen. “But here, she grabs the creature’s attention and lowers herself! This should undo the front of intimidation for everyone but because it's so focused on the creature it creates an intimacy she- oh, She even excluded you Xant.”

Jess looked at the doctor for a reaction, but there was none.

“Dr. Jess, you were explaining.”

“Oh! I mean, by placing herself on the same level as the User she is signifying that they are equals, at least in User Pack societal norms. She's putting herself at the User's level whilst excluding the clearly more intelligent and communicative beings around her. Then she offers a gesture of affection and oh,” Jess’s eyes narrowed as Xant slowly exited the office in the footage. “How did you know to do that Xant?”

“Dr. Jess,” He emphasised, reminding her of her over-familiarity “Jasmine is able to communicate through Zenthi Frequencies. While she is still learning to use the translator properly in this instance it was quite clear what she required me to do. But you were continuing your explanation.” Xant replied more firmly.

“Well, once you have left the room it clearly shows she's socially dominant over you but equal to the creature. Then, when it accepts her affection and reciprocates, she lifts the creature into her protection. The intimidation Frequency from before is still present, otherwise I’m sure any of the staff would have been able to restrain the creature and Jasmine, and then she just... walks out of the lab uncontested.”

“Dr. Jess, is it symbiotic?” Xant's curt question caught Jess off guard, the doctor was usually more amiable when it came to Subject discussions.

“No, it's not like with plants or parasites, this isn't a mutually beneficial relationship, nor is Jasmine gaining anything from the creature. She is going out of her way to protect a lesser being of undetermined value.”

“Empathy…” Xant stated his ears flicking up, pleased.

“Yes, but this is at an unusual scale-”

“That is all I wanted to know, Dr. Jess” he responded bluntly “I’ll have Isk inform you of our scheduled sessions with Jasmine.”

Xant turned his back and hurried out of the office, leaving Myra and Jess to contemplate over the footage.

Jess scrambled from her stool almost pushing Myra out of the way.

“Nern!” She ordered her other assistant, who was manning the audio library for references.

“Yes?!” The other female snapped up, completely unaware of the entire conversation.

“Bring up every reference for mammal pack mentalities we have from animal, User AND Modifier. Now!”

“Yes Doctor!”

“Myra! I want you to go through Jasmine's audio songs, and single out the ones that mention affection and loss.”

“Yes Doctor!”

Jess sat down at the inter-station comms and made a direct link to Dr. Duuarn’s office.

“Marsen,” she cooed sweetly to the recorder “I know you're going to be very busy arguing to get your specimens back to take my advice now, so I’ll just leave a message for you to get back to me. I might have a way to make you the lead of the User AND Creator projects. I'll be awaiting your transmission.”

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