《A Fungal Dream》Chapter 27. Moving up.


“ God rest ye. God rest ye. God rest ye. God rest ye. GOD REST YE!”

“Hold Him down!”

The priests strapped the old man down on his bed.

Ever since he was rescued by those knights, he was in a catatonic state, attacking what it saw.

When they put him in a cell, so that they could isolate him from other people, he bit down on his fingers to the bone and started to draw pictures on the walls, made from his blood, muttering that song without stopping.

To stop him from killing himself, they strapped him onto a bed, with leather strips.


“ He is biting his thong! Sedate him now!”


Sick of the noise, one of the shortest tempered infirmaries punched him in the jaw, knocking him unconscious.

“ There, now strap him and put a cloth into his mouth! He might bite his thing off!”

Once they were sure that he wouldn't harm himself anymore, the doctors left him alone, some shaking from the experience.

“What could have caused this to happen?”

A man in bright golden armor looked at the poor man.

As he pondered, a doctor approached him, holding onto a clipboard.

“ We checked the priest’s body as you ordered. Any wound which may have resulted during his torture has been healed, and we cannot tell what was done to him. For now, we put him on another batch of strong sedatives, and keep mon-”


Their conversation was interrupted by the screams coming from multiple cells at the same time.

“What is happening?! “

The knight looked around, shocked and scared by the noises built. The doctor seemed unfazed by it.

“Your holiness, please be at ease. As I have already reported it to the higher-ups, this is a daily occurrence now, amongst newly infected by God’s Hand who were treated with several potions and other medicines. They will soon start singing, then things become quiet.”


Amongst the heartless monsters, you surround yourself with,

Feeding off the pain and misfortune of others,

A maniacal breed of sub-human parasites,

Thrown into a feeding frenzy at the smell of fresh blood,

Open your eyes and see the creatures for what they are,

A swirling mess of hatred and envy,

Don't be naive enough to think you're unaffected,

The conversion has already begun.


When the chorus ended, a heavy silence fell upon the knight, as if a beast was looking at him.

“ This is a new one. Usually, it’s in an ancient language we cannot understand.”

AS the doctor walked next to the knight, the latter looked into an empty cell.

It belonged to the old priest, its walls covered in drawings and random words. At the wall, facing the open door, was a huge drawing of a rough face, with crosses for eyes and a mouth with a name under it.




You're frightened, so am I

A world of demons wait

Watching the movements and filling my heart with hate

You're burning, so am I

When I awaken, discover how I have been ravaged by your


Dishonored by your world

Your world

I'm haunted by your world!

(Haunted by Disturbed.)

And by this newer ending paperwork!

It has been months since the kayeri joined the kingdom.

At first, there was some hostility between the two people, thanks to the elves spreading all kinds of rumors.

The King helped a little, by commanding blacksmiths and carpenters to take in some of them so that they could learn some traits and become integral parts of the city, but most of them became soldiers to swell the numbers of cannon folders. The soldiers who I bought back with me with the elves(yes, they came with us. Did you really think I killed them?), had the short end of the stick. Let’s just say that slave trading was a thing around here.


Fun fact, I finally discovered the name of the king! It was Elizabeth Morgum the First, and it referred to itself as a woman, yet she prefers to act like a man.

When I had a small moment of insanity, I tried to tease her by treating her as a woman, I discovered that she was insanely strong. I still had nightmares about that day.

Anyway, to contain the spores from spreading, with the help of some leather and cloth tailors, I created several clothes for the smallest kayeri, with masks similar to mine.

Right, I started naming the different types, to more easily differentiate them.

Those who were turned into monsters were named the Wild, mindless beasts, now used as guards to the village.

The kayeri who didn’t show signs of reason got the name the Little Folk.

As for the giants, I named them Hecaton since the description did fit them.

In these categories, those who could think themselves the Lighted, as in lighted by knowledge.

Maybe because of my influence, their society started to develop quite fast.

That religion which Igor talked about, quickly disappeared, becoming nothing more than a memory, the only thing which was retrained from it was that they still called the mold Mother.

As things settled above ground, things also changed under the surface.

We got rid of this hive-like system and instead, built apartments like structures, in the walls. There were no bathrooms or kitchen, but it seemed like that kayeri received their nutrients from the mold itself.

Don’t ask me where the mold gets its nutrients, I haven’t the slightest idea.

As for me, I moved up in life.

I was no longer the physician of the king, but rather a representative of the kayeri, with powers similar to that of one of the generals.

Since that time, I sealed the entrance of my laboratory, burned the mold which grew in the corridors, containing the exposure to a minimum.

For the kayeri to reach the surface world, with the consent of the King, I built something like a sewer system under the town, which had several exit points leading to specially built houses.

These houses didn’t have windows but had a changing area, where the kayeri could put on their clothes, to minimize the chance of containing the population.

Naturally, I also circulated the suppressant, to make sure nobody turned into an abomination against nature.

To tell the truth, I have been slowly building a secondary colony of kayeri, deep under the mountains, connected to us by a tunnel, filled with mold and spores, in case things turn…bloody on this side, and we need to escape.

Sadly, while I was busy managing all of these things, I had no time to continue my experiments or level up.

Even though the feeling of evolving still haunted me, there was still a part of me that wanted to go through it.

The only thing I have improved upon was magic and clothing.

Thanks to the skill] [Prayer Knowledge], saying short incantations, I finally managed to use offensive magic.

The problem was that these prayers were difficult to use.

First, I don’t just invent prayers, they just show up in my head, as if somebody sends an email to me. These emails don’t stick along long, making me forget some pretty powerful ones. Then there was that the prayers were quite long, and the mana consumption was quite bad.

It was troublesome, but it was a step forward in the right direction.

As for clothing, I now wore a priest's uniform, playing onto the name of my main class. I also now have white gloves, matching with my white lab coat.


The only thing that seemed to stay the same, was my mask, but I added a rudimentary respiratory system, courtesy from the blacksmith team, which saturated the air I breathed out, hopefully minimizing the number of spores I breathed out.

With the current situation, the last thing I needed was an epidemic, caused by something stupid.

I even bought one of those heavy-duty sunglasses, blacksmith uses when hitting the iron.

Right now, I was in my new office, located on one of the top floors of the castle, reading through reports of the kayeri and the state of the city.

With the educational level of this world, I had no problem understanding these official documents.

Knock! Knock! Knock!


The doors of my office opened, and a female lizardman brought me another stack of paper.

“ These are the reports from this afternoon. I will bring the rest at eight.”

“Alright. Thanks. “

I took the papers and when she left, I ran through. It quickly before throwing it into the bin next to me.

"Lord, nourish these flames born from my fingertips so that they become a roaring fire. Fire Spark."

Using one of the prayers I memorized, a small flame from the tips of my fingers set the papers on fire.

“I read it.”

It was the copy-pasted bullshit from yesterday, repeating the same imaginary issues.

Some people just want attention.

Once I was done with my actual paperwork, I stretched and poured a little amount of whiskey into a nearby glass.

“It’s almost empty, I need to refill it later.”

I took off the mask, drank the alcohol, and put it back on.

“Bah, that hit the spot! I needed this!”

Satisfied by the taste, I put the glass back in its place, and grabbed a thick leather book from one of the drawers of my desk.

“Alright let’s continue.”

I flipped open the book and went to one of the blank pages.

“What sort of prayer will I get? I have a ton of offensive spells now; some defensive ones should be good.”


“He is writing again!”

“Who’s turn, is it?”

“Mine! I will give him a good one.”

“You already gave one to him! It's my turn!”

“No, I will do it!”

“Ahhh, too late, Airmed just sent one.”

“Wha’! Just because you blessed him, it’s not fair to cut before us!”

“ Speaking of blessings, has anyone seen Nergal around?”

“He is sleeping, like always.”


As I was thinking about it, I had an udder headache as the words formed in my head, forming the new prayer.

Quickly, I grabbed the pen and started writing it down on a nearby piece of paper.

“Goddess of Rebirth, sanctify this land by your tears as you bless your brother's grave with your flowers, heal our wounded as you healed the silver armed one. Healing Hymn.”

Once I was finished writing, I already started forgetting it, only remembering the name of the prayer.

I repeated this process till I gathered a dozen.

“Now I will test each one of these and write down what they do.”

My plan was to make an arsenal of prayers ready to use in every situation.

I put away the pieces of paper in my pocket and, with the book, I exited my office.

“Taking a break. Be back in an hour.”

The receptionist didn’t look up from its book, just nodded.

When no one was looking I passed through the walls of the castle and jumped out into the air, gracefully landing on a nearby rooftop, not stopping, I turned invisible, and walked to the training arena.

This time the place was empty, probably the soldiers taking a break or something

Good, I don’t want to talk to an-

“Phil? Is that you?”


Next to me, the crown prince walked to me, in his familiar noble clothing and holding a wooden broadsword over his shoulder, dripping with blood.

“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be behind a desk? “

Before I could do anything, he grabbed my shoulder, not letting me escape.

… Damn it.

Not knowing what else to do, I turned visible and tried to sound friendly.

“My prince, I only came here to train like anyone else.”

“Then why did you turn invisible?”

“Did I? I have to excuse myself, it became a habit of mine, when I leave my office. As somebody with an important position, if I go out, some… unpleasant people would bother me.”

I hoped that he would get the message, but this guy was thick as rock, it just flew over his head.

“Really? Then spare with me!”

“… My prince, I am going to test out spells. It is going to be boring to watch and there will be a lot of misfiring.”

“ I don’t care. I am sure that using them during a real fight, your usage of those spells will be better! Now come on, fight me!”

“Prince, you…fine.”

Resigned about my fate, I put the book next to my leg, pulled out one of the new prayers I got, and started to chant.

“By the blood of the blessed, I beg the lord of pain to whisper the words of true agony to the enemies of his people. Acid Arrow!”

From my open palm, a small ball of green liquid formed, which suddenly flew in the direction of the prince.

Startled, he raised his sword, blocking the projectile. Where the liquid touched the weapon, a vial smelling mist raised from it, clearly burning the wood.

Not stopping, I pulled out another paper, chanting it.

“Wind of west, brings me strengths. Cripple my enemies as the storm cripples the soaring bird! Wind Slashes!”

Around, half-moon-shaped green blades appeared, flying towards the prince with great speed.


Releasing a great shockwave of energy, he pushed away from the attacks with ease, his muscles growing bigger before my eyes.

Not good. I need another! Lady luck doesn’t leave me!

I pulled out the next ones, as the prince approached me, started to jump backward.

Shit, this is a long one!

“At the beginning of time, there were two powers! Then from these powers, the elements were born, raging fire, shifting wind, calming water, and solid rock! The creators looked at each other and saw that their creation was flawed and wished to hide its mistakes, as I pray to my lord to hide my sins as well. Twilight Whale!”

From my fingers, now multicolored dust started to flake out, the wind carrying it towards the eyes of the prince.

It did nothing! I am in big trouble!

Feeling the mana consumption hitting me, I stumbled a little.


I was preparing to be blown to pieces when his sword stopped a few inches away from my face.

A little scared, I looked at him, seeing that the dust had gathered around his eyes as if it was a swarm of insects.

“My God… it's beautiful.”

Slowly, I backed away from him, and I shook my hands before his face, but he didn’t react at all.

“… Well, I am sure it's temporary. Better get out of here, before he wakes up.”

I quickly ran back to my book and disappeared from sight.





Name: Phil Smith 'Plague Father'

Race: [Molded High Elf] Lv: 1/100 (0/100)

Main Class: [Life Father]

Sub Class: [Rouge]

HP(Health Points): 240/240

SP(Stamina Points): 26

MP(Magic Points): 160/160

TMN (Tamed Monster Numbers): [231.810]

Blessings: [Blessing of Nergal] [Blessing of Airmed]

Active Skills: [Basic Steady Hand] [[Hive control] [Hive Absorption] [Hive Repulsion] [Mold Field] [Basic Spirit Voice] [Aether Vision] [Steam Engineering] [Dagger Arts][Presence Concealment] [Lock Picking]

Passive Skills: [Body Knowledge] [ Plant Knowledge] [Medicine Knowledge] [Stamina Enhancement] [ Movement Enhancement] [ Reflex Enhancement.] [Basic Sponge Mind] [Perfect Stomach] [Hive Mind] [Music Instrument Knowledge[Healing Hands][Medical Senses] [Medical Mind] [Surgical Precision]

Affinities: [Basic Farming Affinity] [Basic War Affinity] [Basic Pestilence Affinity][ Basic Fire Affinity.] [Basic Life Affinity] [Basic Death Affinity]

Titles: [The One Who Saw A Thousand Worlds] [Knowledge Driven] [Chosen by Flies] [Medicine Pioneer] [Hive Master] [Giver of Life]


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