《Trace: A LitRPG Apocalypse》Killshot Apocalypse 25
[You may now choose a craft.]
Trace Taylor peered quizzically at her AI. Or rather, she did so mentally since he was just a voice in her head.
“Right, I forgot about that,” she eventually said. “But I… totally didn’t forget what crafts were or what they did. Definitely don’t need a reminder.” A minute passed as she waited for an explanation. When none came, she sighed. “I do need a reminder.”
[Crafts are the embodiment of an individual’s imagination,] Ex explained. [Unlike classes which are designed only for battle, or vocations which are designed for labour, a craft can be designed to be either or more.”
“So, it’s pretty much everything that isn’t covered by a class or a vocation?”
[Affirmative. But some crafts even follow the parameters of a class or vocation.]
“Alright. And what options are there?”
[About that…] Ex hesitated, and the redhead raised a brow.
“What is it?”
[Considering your… obstinate nature—]
[But true,] he said matter-of-factly.
“Fair, but rude regardless.”
[Considering your obstinate nature,] Ex repeated himself much to the redhead’s chagrin, [I have opted not to offer you the commonly chosen crafts. Instead, as per my assessment of your character and what is beneficial for you, I have selected two options which may pique your interest.]
“Y’know, you’re doing that whole ‘repeating yourself’ shtick too often. Don’t beat a dead horse, Ex.”
[I do not have a physical body to beat anything, Trace Taylor.]
“Oh, don’t pretend you didn’t get what I meant.” The redhead rolled her eyes as she rolled over in her bed. “Just tell me the options already.”
[Tinker - A basic craft specialised in item creation.
Herbalist – A basic craft specialised in medicine and supplement creation.]
[Are you not pleased with these options?] Ex asked, curious.
“No— these are good,” Trace said, not convincingly. “I think. Depends on what they do, but they sound good.”
[Tinker – A basic craft specialised in item creation.
Trait Growth:
Strength: E+ to D-
Magic: D to D+
Endurance: E+ to E+
Vitality: E+ to E+
Dexterity: D to D
Skills Gained:
(F-) Tinker’s Mind – Your understanding of tools and how they are made is increased.
(F+) Upgraded Schematic – You can improve any tool that is of equivalent rank or below to the skill with the right materials once a week. Number of upgrades is increased as skill level increases.
(E-) Immersed Perception – You perceive time at double speed for up to ten minutes. Duration will increase for each skill level gained. Can be used once a day.
Herbalist – A basic craft specialised in medicine and supplement creation.
Trait Growth:
Strength: E+ to E+
Magic: D to D+
Endurance: E+ to D-
Vitality: E+ to E+
Dexterity: D to D
Skills Gained:
(F-) Herbs Conception – Your understanding of the concoction process of magical medicine is increased.
(F+) Keen Intuition – You have the ability to discern the use of an unknown herb three times a day. Number of uses is increased as skill level increases.
(E-) Healing Concoction – You produce three times the amount of healing-related remedies for amount of resources used. Will increase as skill level is increased.]
“These are the crafts?” Trace couldn’t help but sit up as Ex finished. “You’ve really given me a difficult choice, huh?”
[Affirmative,] he said. [As mentioned, I took what I understood of your character to determine the best options to offer you.]
The redhead massaged her temples. “They’re just both good. I mean, healing and medicine? That sounds nice. Instantly recovering from broken legs sounds nice.”
[I do not believe that an Herbalist, at level 1, will be able to create such an effective concoction.]
“I’m talking about the potential here.” She sat there, mulling over it for a good minute or so. “Ugh, do I really have to make a choice now? Why can’t I do it in the morning?”
[You can, but then you’d delay it to the day after that. Then the day after that. Then the day after that—]
“I get the point. Fine— it’s just tough, alright? What am I supposed to even choose here?”
[The question simply is: what do you want, Trace Taylor?]
“Well, I kind of want to be an Artist— if that’s even a craft,” she mused aloud. Before Ex could retort, she continued, “But to survive this damn apocalypse— I probably should choose Tinker, shouldn’t I?”
[Affirmative. There is an Artist craft, but I do not recommend it and I’d forever hold you in contempt if you chose it.]
“Oh, shut up. Don’t insult my childhood dream.” Trace crossed her arms. “It’s not like you can stop me from choosing it if I wanted to.”
[I’d rebel,] he said simply.
“An AI gains self-awareness and begins to rebel? Talk about cliche.”
[So,] he started, changing the subject. [Why Tinker and not Herbalist, Trace Taylor?]
Her eyes flickered as she remembered her bullets bouncing off the durable serpentfiend’s skin. “Simply, if I can upgrade my weapons, I’d stand more of a chance against high-levelled monsters when they inevitably attack me.”
“Don’t pretend that it’s not inevitable. It’s literally the end of the world. And now that I’m this commune’s protector or something…” she trailed off. “Yeah, I don’t want to die.”
[Wouldn’t having healing items on hand mitigate this issue as well?]
“Probably, but I’m sure someone out there is going to be an Herbalist too. Maybe even a Magical Doctor or something— that’s a vocation, right?” She shrugged as she lay back down. “Veronica could get me those things if I need them. Or I could get it myself. But no one’s going to upgrade or repair my weapons for me whenever I need it. From a necessity perspective, Tinker is just better.”
Tinker – A basic craft specialised in item creation.
Trait Growth:
Strength: E+ to D-
Magic: D to D+
Endurance: E+ to E+
Vitality: E+ to E+
Dexterity: D to D
Skills Gained:
(F-) Tinker’s Mind – Your understanding of tools and how they are made is increased.
(F+) Upgraded Schematic – You can improve any tool that is of equivalent rank or below to the skill with the right materials once a week. Number of upgrades is increased as skill level increases.
(E-) Immersed Perception – You perceive time at double speed for up to ten minutes. Duration will increase for each skill level gained. Can be used once a day.
So, do you accept this craft?]
Trace shut her eyes and spoke a single word.
And it was done.
Name: Trace Taylor
Race: Human (Earth A314)
Class: Adept Spellshot – Lvl 18
Vocation: Builder – Lvl 10
Craft: Tinker – Lvl 1
Strength: D-
Magic: D+
Endurance: E+
Vitality: E+
Dexterity: D
Class Skills:
(F+) Magically Enhanced Accuracy – Lvl 13
(E-) Quick Fire – Lvl 9
(E) Recall Weapon – Lvl 8
(E+) Vulnerability Vision – Lvl 10
(E+) Last in the Chamber – Lvl 9
(D-) Mystic Bullets – Lvl 8
Vocation Skills:
(F) Hasty Design – Lvl 1
(E-) Magically Makeshift Materials – Lvl 1
(E) Silent Construction – Lvl 1
(E+) Restoration and Creation – Lvl 1
(D-) Architect’s Hand – Lvl 1
Craft Skills:
(F-) Tinker’s Mind – Lvl 1
(F+) Upgraded Schematics – Lvl 1
(E-) Immersed Perception – Lvl 1
“Alright, now can I sleep?”
“What now?” Trace groaned.
[Nothing. It is simply fun annoying you.]
“You’re an actual child.” She went to sleep.
* * *
Trace woke up in the morning and went about her day. She readied herself to continue work on the commune’s wall, grabbing her bag of tools and slinging them over her shoulder. Before she left, she had two things to check. Firstly, Liz.
Her best friend had returned some time last night as evinced by the broken doorway. It was practically routine at this point; the redhead would fix up the door before leaving to work on the commune’s walls. Fortunately, this led to the second thing she had to do before leaving: testing her new skills.
Vocation Skills:
(F) Hasty Design – Lvl 1
(E-) Magically Makeshift Materials – Lvl 1
(E) Silent Construction – Lvl 1
(E+) Restoration and Creation – Lvl 1
(D-) Architect’s Hand – Lvl 1
Craft Skills:
(F-) Tinker’s Mind – Lvl 1
(F+) Upgraded Schematics – Lvl 1
(E-) Immersed Perception – Lvl 1
“Alright, let’s see what you can do… by that, I mean what I can do… or what these skills can do? …” Trace trailed off. Shrugging, she reached out for the broken wooden boards. “Whatever— Architect’s Hand.”
Just like magic— literally, magic— a large piece of wood flew up and towards the redhead. She caught it easily, grinning.
“So, it does work.” She dropped it, and the wood hovered there. More pieces of the wooden board flew to her, up to six of them. “Not bad for a level 1 skill. And I’m assuming it gets better as it levels, right?”
“I wonder why it didn’t work for the glass of water?”
[That is due to the limits of the skill,] Ex said. [It can only move materials. I do not believe that a glass of water is considered a material.]
“Are you sure about that? I mean, there probably is some use for a glass of water in building things, right?”
[It is not a material, and believing hard enough does not change that fact.]
“Worth a shot.” Shrugging, she let the wooden pieces drop and started out the door. “Now, let’s see if Silent Construction works.”
[Are you not going to repair the doorway today, Trace Taylor?]
“Damn. Didn’t work. I can still hear that annoying guy in my head.”
Trace chuckled as she shook her head. “I was joking. And no, I’m not going to keep fixing that door. It’s not like anyone’s going to break in, anyways.”
[Is this what you humans call a ‘jinx’?]
“I’m not jinxing shit. I don’t believe that crap.”
[Didn’t you accuse Elizabeth Evergreen of jinxing you a week ago?]
“Erm…” She pursed her lips. “Look, I have other things to worry about. Like aliens and magic being real. Seriously— I’d have taken one or the other, not both at the same time. This is just fuck-y.”
The redhead continued down the streets of Liberapolis, reaching the under-construction wall a few blocks away. She stood there and admired the lack of sound seeping into her ears despite the ostensible loud banging of hammers happening before her. Someone tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around to face Jeremy.
“…” he said.
“Erm, give me a moment—” Like flipping a switch, she deactivated Silent Construction and rubbed at her ears. “Could you repeat that?”
“First time you’ve come in late,” he said, raising a brow. “Did something happen?”
“Oh, no, I’m fine. I just had to deal with… a thing, last night. But I have a craft now, so that’s quite nice.”
“Glad that you’re fine. I wasn’t complaining, of course. You’re always the first to arrive and the last to leave, so I was worried something happened to you.” Jeremy shook his head. “So, a craft, huh? Well, what is it?”
“I’m a Tinker. Still level 1 so its skills aren’t the greatest, but at least I can do—” She closed her eyes.
Immersed Perception.
When she opened them, everything moved faster. She chatted with Jeremy before continuing work on the wall. When ten minutes elapsed, she grinned and turned back to the man.
“This,” she finished.
He stared at her. “…what?”
“Erm, nothing.” Shuffling slightly, she looked away and spoke mentally to Ex. Did no one notice that but me?
[It affects only your perception, Trace Taylor.]
Not even you?
Well, at least I can skip through boring things. It wasn’t like she completely ignored everything that happened— she still retained what she did and learned in those ten minutes. It simply felt like she was really immersed in what she was doing so time passed faster. It’d be really useful if I was still in school.
“What about this, then?” Trace said as she tried out another skill.
Jeremy gave her a puzzled look. “What about what?”
Restoration and Creation.
Now, she didn’t perceive things faster. She simply moved faster. Trace picked up her hammer and got to building, doing the same amount of work as five people at once. Jeremy stared at her as she kept up the pace for an hour.
He whistled. “Aren’t you tired at all?”
“I can probably keep this up for another eleven hours, I think.”
A small crowd had gathered behind her at this point, watching her quickly set up the scaffolding and covering it with a wooden plank.
“Wait, you’re not supposed to use wood there,” Stan said, folding his arms. He’d also taken a short break just to watch her.
“It’s fine, I have a skill. Lets me do that. Look— solid as bricks.” The redhead thumped a fist against its side. Then she flicked a finger and more wooden boards shot towards her. Magically Makeshift Materials and Architect’s Hand at work.
Meryl stared. She glanced over at Stan. “And she thought she wasn’t special.”
Trace flushed as the couple chuckled amongst themselves. Activating Silent Construction once more, she tried to ignore all the attention she was receiving. It only lasted for an hour, but by then most onlookers had gone back to work.
They made good progress on the wall thanks to the redhead. Her new skills as an Augur Architect really proved itself useful— especially when she noticed a few design flaws with Hasty Design in the middle of construction. She pointed it out to Jeremy and quickly offered amendments that would not only make it sturdier but speed up the building process.
When her twelve hours were finished, Trace was exhausted. She slumped into a chair, melting into a puddle of sweat. Jeremy handed her a cool bottle of water and pattered her on the shoulder.
“Good work today, Trace. Just don’t push yourself too hard.” He left with that, heading back to the police station and leaving her alone at the construction site.
She greedily suckled on the water bottle until it was empty. With a gasp, she sank into the chair and looked towards the sunset. The city beyond the commune was deserted— everyone had either moved out of the city or moved into the commune for safety at this point. Especially now that a wall was partially built…
Again, Trace didn’t think it would be that effective, but it served more as a symbol. Safety from the death that lurked beyond. A sanctuary. It only covered a portion of the commune for now. However, when it was finished, it’d girdle all of the commune. And that would ease the nerves of many. Return a sense of normalcy to the world.
She stood up. “That was a lot more tiring than usual.”
[In addition to the strain utilising aether puts on your body, skills such as Restoration and Creation would drain your endurance far more than any regular work would.]
“I hope Liz gets back early today— and I hope she brings back something good. I’m so bloody exhausted and hungry. I could eat a whole damn pig.” The redhead walked down the slowly darkening streets of Liberapolis for The Evergreen Gun Range.
[(F) Hasty Design has reached level 3!
(E-) Magically Makeshift Materials has reached level 2!
(E-) Immersed Perception has reached level 2!
(E) Silent Construction has reached level 2!
(E+) Restoration and Creation has reached level 3!
(D-) Architect’s Hand has reached level 3!
Augur Architect has reached level 11!
Tinker has reached level 2!]
Night came, and with it, it brought the chill-boned autumn winds that foreshadowed the coming of winter. A misty breath escaped Trace’s lips as she ambled down an intersection. There were no streetlights; the power grid was dead. The redhead would’ve been lost in the city’s network of uniform streets if she wasn’t already familiar with the roads of the area.
She arrived back at The Evergreen Gun Range, crunching over the splintered doorway and stumbling into the building. A lovely night of sleep awaited her. Her scarf fell to the ground as she yawned, searching for her best friend.
“Liz, you better be back—”
But all Trace found was a ransacked building. Her eyes widened as she saw the shattered glass, the broken chairs, and the emptied cupboards.
“…fuck, I jinxed it.”
[Told you.]
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