《Avatar: Awakened Gamer》Chapter 14: Secret Arts
I sighed and got up after Suki saddled me and had run off. She probably got a little too daring and high, thinking just far she could push it. But when someone else interrupted us, she woke up and became embarrassed.
Now I had two choices in front of me, to chase after Katara or Suki. Well, the right choice was to chase after my sweet little sister. A future girlfriend could never compare to family. Plus, if I was fast enough, I could do both choices.
Within an instant, I started running, and it was surprising how fast I moved. Having 38 Agility was no joke. Kicking off the ground, I sprinted to the side of the wall and it felt like gravity had no hold on me. By the time I started falling, I jumped on the roof of the dojo. Even in the dark, my body's balance was impeccable. Like a gymnast who had spent their whole life training this.
Looking at other roofs, I started running and holding my breath; I tried to jump on another roof.
Mid jump, I thought I might fall down. But luckily, my fears were unfounded, and I calmed down again, jumping from one roof to the other easily. It felt quite amazing.
I caught up with Katara in less than a minute. My movements were something truly amazing. It felt like I was in a dream and could do anything. Though I knew this was reality, which made it even more amazing. With one great leap, I landed in front of Katara and lost some HP, but no damage was visible and the pain in my legs disappeared a second later.
"Kyaa!" Katara yelped out in surprise. She took a deep breath once she saw it was me. "H -Hey…" she greeted me awkwardly.
How cute, she was acting all nervous. I patted her head reassuringly and ruffled her hair. "It was a misunderstanding, little sis. There is nothing going on between me and Suki… yet."
At first, Katara seemed relieved, but then she heard the last word. "Yet?"
"Well, I don't know how things will turn out in the end." I shrugged and chuckled. Making overdramatic motions with my hands. "Honestly, you might become a sister-in-law by the end of this."
Katara smiled and lightly punched me in the shoulder. "Yeah, right, I don't think I will ever become a sister-in-law in this life. Sadly, no one will marry someone as stupid as you."
"Hey now, I take offense to that." I messed up her hair even more in retaliation. She pouted and tried to push my hand off her hair. But her strength was lower than mine. Each time she even pushed, my hand moved like a snake, finding its way into her hair and messing it up even more. "Also, marriage should be far in the future. Dating comes first."
By now Katara had grown annoyed at me ruffling her hair, so she tried to kick my leg. But I saw it coming from a mile away and easily moved my leg. In the end, though, I stopped and turned around, getting ready to go after Suki now.
"Go, find your lady love now~" Katara snickered mockingly. But with her hair in such a mess, I let her have the last laugh.
I ran towards a tree and ran up it and jumped off its trunk, landing on another roof. This time, having gotten used to my high Agility Stats, I knew just how far my body could go. This time I moved even faster as I went towards Suki's house.
-Suki POV-
That was so embarrassing!
That was so embarrassing!
That was so embarrassing!
As soon as I arrived home, I immediately went and buried my head in my pillow and screamed. "Aaagghhh!!"
The pillow muffled my screams of shame. What was I thinking?! I was so caught in the moment that I totally forgot! "That was so embarrassing!!"
The scene of how I acted plaid in my mind repeatedly like it was in a loop. I couldn't get it off my head. Due to needing to breathe, I got my face off the pillow and looked at the wall. Once again, the scenes that had transpired with Sokka played in my mind. It was beyond embarrassing.
Suddenly the wind in my room became harsher and as I looked towards the window and saw Sokka just standing there, looking at me amusingly. "Wait… how long have you been there?"
"Longer than you think," he smirked, seemingly amused by the situation. He must think that I was some kind of harlot now, since we haven't known each other for that long and yet I did that.
"H -Hey…" I greeted him awkwardly. 'Hey?!' Was that the best I could come up with? This had to be the most awkward conversation ever.
"So~ how about we start again? This time it won't be training." Sokka said mischievously, insinuating towards the time they had spent together. I couldn't keep blood from rushing to my face as I felt myself become red like a tomato.
"No, no, no," I shook my head in refusal, showing such shameful behavior to someone I like and wanting him to see me in a better light wasn't good at all. Before, I had just got carried away, thinking that he was the first guy from the outside and he seemed kinda cute. "I am not usually like that. I just don't know what came over me."
He didn't seem to mind my words and shrugged nonchalantly. "Okay, then how about we start over again. Let's assume that tonight didn't happen."
Sokka had a thoughtful look on his face as he looked at the night sky and then pointed up. "Wanna try some star gazing? Trust me, the view is incredible."
Well, tonight happened, there was no refuting that, but I was thankful for his sincerity. Feeling a little more comfortable, I nodded in agreement and Sokka carried me in a princess carry.
"W -What are you doing?!"
He just went back towards the window and jumped off, and landed into a thick tree branch. With another jump, he soared high in the air and did a backflip before landing on my roof. I was nervous the whole way. Because while I was used to different agility styled fighting. This was a whole other deal. It felt too dangerous.
But… did he always have such a fine sense of balance? It feels unnaturally good. Some people knew how to climb walls but wouldn't know jumping and back flipping off trees, even though they were agile. Every normal human had to learn things. So Sokka showing such skills, I can only imagine just how hard he must have worked for them.
He put me down on the roof and he laid next to me. "So, what do you usually do as a Kyoshi Warrior?"
"Well, we mostly stop thieves, bandits or common criminals." I was comfortable talking about a subject she was familiar with and glad he didn't bring up something weird. Plus, I would be lying if I said that Sokka's romantic behavior didn't make my heart flutter a little (a lot).
"We don't really get attacked by the Fire Nation since we trade with merchants who trade with them. Plus, our island is small, and doesn't possess any threat."
"Also, you aren't technically part of the Earth Kingdom, so that helps," added Sokka.
Showing his knowledge of the terrain and geography. I smiled at him, impressed by his intelligence. He could guess from the story of Kyoshi that this island wasn't part of the Earth Kingdom.
"So what about you?" I asked him.
"Do you have any dreams or aspirations?"
"Yeah, I have a lot of big dreams and aspirations." As he said that, a certain fire was lit in his eyes. "I never want the people of the South Pole to experience the terrors they have experienced under the Fire Nation's tyranny. Also, stopping this war."
There was something he wasn't telling me. I could tell from his tone, as he didn't hide it. He had some secrets of his own. Oh, well, everyone had their secrets, not like anyone would tell someone they just met everything about themselves…
Wait, I kinda did just do that…
They spent the rest of the night under the dark sky, they talked about their lives. Sokka also opened up about his mother and Suki did the same, opening up about her friend leaving for the Earth Kingdom.
As morning came about, they had both fallen asleep on the roof and Sokka had brought a blanket for her. Once she woke up, Suki saw the man she talked with all night still next to her. It seemed he was fully awake and holding his entire body weight in his thumb.
"You seem like you were practicing all night," mumbled Suki, snuggling with her blanket.
Sokka glanced at her and did a one finger stand up, crouching his elbow and then straightening it out. "Yep, I always wake up early, no matter what time I fall asleep."
-Sokka POV-
[Due to continuous exercise. Agility increases by 1.]
I had finally achieved the needed stats to learn the Ultimate Skill I had been waiting for.
Name: Sokka
Title: Wolf Warrior of the Southern Tribe
Class: The Gamer
Level: 4 Exp: 70.1%
HP: 250/250
MP: 175/175
STR: 20
AGI: 44
VIT: 20
INT: 24
WIS: 24
LUCK: 11
Point: 5
This was all because of the Kyoshi Style Martial Arts, which was now at Level 8 and it gave one Agility Point for each level.
Now I used the scroll that I had in my inventory and learned a new skill.
(Passive) Lvl 1
A fighting technique developed by an unknown person to fight against benders. By hitting certain points, the user can black the chi in that part of the body and temporarily paralyze the opponent and have them lose their ability to bend, temporarily.
+2 Agility/Skill Level
These Agility Increasing skills will end up making me the fastest man in the world. I wonder how I compare to Aang in speed?
Still though, I put the last 5 of my stat points into Luck, raising it to 16. Luck was the most important stat overall.
After some breakfast prepared by Suki, we both went early to the dojo to train together. This time I used my spear, and that was when I got an idea.
"Hey, Suki, have you ever heard of Chi Blocking?" I asked her, and she seemed confused.
The smirk on my face might have seemed weird because it freaked out Suki. "Well, I just had this amazing idea."
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