《The Reluctant Court Wizard》Chapter 23 Interlude - Rebecca’s Chapter


Rebecca and Lily sat a long table where much of the mansion's staff ate, a sort of mess hall for the workers. They'd already been talking for a while, with Rebecca managing to get the shy Lily to open up slightly.

“So you just kept throwing yourself at him over and over again, and he keeps saying no? Oh man, that must suck…” Rebecca laughed, munching on a sandwich.

“He said he didn’t want to date his own apprentice,” Lily said a bit defensively.

"Hey, I'm not judging, well maybe a little," Rebecca admitted. "But I do feel bad for you, I mean, you put your heart out there and he just sort of left it on the ground."

"I don't know why I'm talking to you, I hardly know you," Lily muttered.

"Maybe you just needed someone to listen to you," Rebecca said sympathetically.

"Well, thank you, I guess it does help, a little," Lily said, "If only you weren't so mean about it."

"Sorry, truth hurts. So you going to move on, find someone else?" Rebecca asked.

"No... I plan to wait until my apprenticeship is over, then try again, like he said." Lily said.

"But what’s your game plan for when you’ve finished your training? You going to just throw yourself on him again?” Rebecca asked, leaning on the table with one elbow, examining Lily with a grin.

“I… I don’t know. I guess?” Lily replied hesitantly.

“Wow, the two of you are pretty similar… as in totally clueless.”

“Hey! I may be clueless, but wizard Jason is a perfect gentleman. He’s been nothing but nice and helped me so much,” Lily objected.

“So, he’s not just clueless, he’s extremely clueless,” Rebecca said with a nod, pretending Lily was agreeing with her.


Lily frowned and was at a loss for words. “I get what I did wrong, but what did he do wrong?” Lily asked, finally.

“He should have been decisive, instead he’s just keeping you around as a “maybe” when you deserved a “yes” or a “no”.”

"You're terrible!" Lily protested, "You make it all sound so black and white, I shouldn't have even told you anything. It's more complicated than that!"

"It really isn't," Rebecca disagreed, patting Lily on the hand.

Lily was silent for a while, pensive, “So, you think this is Jason’s fault? I’m not sure…”

“Of course it’s not just Jason’s fault, it’s also yours!” Rebecca interrupted. “Haven’t you ever heard of playing hard to get? Girl, you need lessons on how to properly seduce a man. You don’t just verbally offer yourself like you’re trying to give away a free sample! You tease, you insinuate, you play coy, but then, when he’s considering it, you pounce."

"You think that would work?" Lily asked, intrigued.

"Of course," Rebecca said confidently, "Type like that needs a woman who takes the lead, you’ve basically just kept asking him to take the lead but haven’t made it easy for him. You got that, “I want to be eaten, submissive vibe”, but also the, “I’m so helpless, please don’t hurt me vibe”. It’s no wonder he doesn’t know what to do with you!”

“Ah… I don’t understand. What do you mean, "vibe"?” Lily asked.

“Hah, you've got a lot to learn." Rebecca laughed. After a bit, she leaned closer, "But maybe I can help you. Here's your problem; you want someone who is both nice and takes control. You want to be told what to do so you don’t feel guilty, but also want him to be kind so you don’t feel scared. It’s not going to happen, people tend to be one or the other.” Rebecca explained.


“I don’t understand you at all," Lily complained. "I mean, I understand what you are saying but... why are you doing this?”

“Amusement value." Rebecca said with a strait face, before laughing. "Let’s start with the basics.You need to practice your game." Rebecca told her. "Pretend I'm Jason, and you've just finished your training."

"Congradulations Lily, looks like I've got nothing more to teach you. Well, go have fun out in the world without me!" Rebecca said in a deep voice.

"Um... wait, I'm..." Lily hesitated.

"I'm off to go do some more amazing adventures elsewhere, see you around!" Rebecca said waving her hand, still speaking in a faux masculine voice.

“No, I don't know what do!" Lily said, "I don't like this at all."

“I’m trying to teach you,” Rebecca told her, smoothingly. “Just start by opening up a conversation, maybe try to get me to come back to your room or make me ask you to take me back to my room. It’s just pretend, so don’t be shy.”

Lily struggled for a bit, then said, “Why are you doing this? I mean... are you just having fun at my expense?"

“Well, maybe a little," Rebecca admitted, “But I’m also seriously trying to help you.”

“Help me do what, exactly?"

“Help you be less pathetic,” Rebecca replied with a snort, speaking in her own voice, “And yes, I know I’m being mean, but it’s for your own good, girl. A little tough love to toughen you up.”

“Um… can I say no to this lesson plan?” Lily asked.

“I don’t know, can you? Don’t ask me, tell me. That's half the problem there, you need to be more assertive, but at the same time, more subtle.” Rebecca shook her head, “I’ll back off if you tell me to, Lily, but honestly, I think you need all the help you can get. Do you want to get Jason or not?”

Lily thought about it deeply, then sighed, “No. I'm just going to be honest. It's only been four days since I met him. I was wrong to push myself on him like that, I want a chance to learn to be friends first. Not ... whatever this is.” Lily said, resolutely. "So no thanks on the lessons."

“Well, I'm a little disappointed," Rebecca said ruefully, "But I think you've learned something after all."

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