《Fated To Fall: A Transmigrator LitRPG Tale》Chapter 27: Time To Make An Entrance
“Ready?” Emyr asked from where he stood next to Liliana. The girl tightened her grip on her naginata, the other hand was buried deep in Lelantos’ fur. Her heart still ached from losing Polaris the night before. She’d cried herself to sleep. The only thing that helped the ache was keeping close to Lelantos, which the large cat seemed to not mind overmuch.
Now, though, her bruised and battered heart was beating a furious rhythm in her chest. Anxiety, excitement and fear formed a potent poison in her blood, freezing her where she sat. A feeling of support, of Lelantos’ promising to eat anyone who dared to hurt her, broke the cycle in her mind. Liliana snickered as her grip on his fur loosened enough for her to pet him.
“Don’t go around eating people,” she chided affectionately at the tiger.
“I’m highly concerned that such a statement needs to be vocalized,” Emyr muttered, edging slowly away from the pair.
Without deigning the boy’s comment with a response, Liliana mentally gave Lelantos the order to move forward. The tiger ambled through the forest Liliana had been waiting in, most definitely not hiding. They emerged from the trees, quickly finding the road and making their way towards home. Liliana gulped as she felt sweat trickling down her back. If it was home, why did she feel like she was walking towards her execution? Her breath sped up as her lungs seemed to shrink. Her hands trembled as her vision tunneled, blackness filling the edges.
“-ana! Liliana!” Emyr’s voice broke through the haze on her mind and with wide panicked eyes she turned her gaze to meet his. When had he gotten on her level?
“Listen to my voice, okay?” Emyr asked, his hands tightening on her shoulders. The feeling grounded her, and some of the darkness receded.
“Breath, in. Out,” Emyr instructed, following his own instructions. He guided her through breathing until her own had slowed. As Liliana looked around, she realized Lelantos had stopped and laid on the road. Emyr had been permitted to climb on the tiger’s back and was sitting in front of Liliana.
Understanding hit Liliana. Emyr had just watched her break down into a panic attack over the thought of going home. How pathetic must she seem? Blood rushed to her face as she turned a bright scarlet. Emyr blinked, his own face flushing before he scrambled off Lelantos. The tiger felt on the verge of panic himself and with a quiet voice, Liliana calmed him, telling him she was fine. Just scared.
“Thank you,” Liliana spoke to Emyr as Lelantos stood once more. She turned away as she examined the trees across from the road.
“My brother sometimes got overwhelmed like that. So I learned to help him,” Emyr answered, trying to play it off as nothing.
“That’s kind of you,” Liliana turned to look at him, honest surprise on her face.
“Why is that a surprise?” Emyr asked, looking a bit hurt.
“Because you’ve never been kind to me before,” Liliana answered easily. Emyr opened his mouth, but no words came out. With a clack, his mouth shut, and he looked away, no answer forthcoming. Liliana left him alone with his thoughts, her own enough to keep her company.
The road was thankfully empty. Liliana didn’t know if she could handle seeing people yet. As they got closer to the manor, she gathered her poise. Her back straightened, and she placed the mask of a noble-lady back on her face. As they turned a curve in the road, the gate and wall surrounding the estate came into view. Even from a distance, Liliana could see the guards on the walls and by the gate. They noticed the trio quickly enough and, like a kicked anthill, they rushed around. Liliana could hear shouting and she sighed.
“Hold! The Lady Liliana and Lord Emyr Bealstal return!” Emyr shouted, his voice carrying over the distance and startling Liliana at its volume. She hadn’t realized Emyr could be that loud. The words reached the guards and, as if he had cast a spell over them, they froze. It took until they were close enough for Liliana to recognize the faces of some guards before one of them broke out of their stupor.
“Call the Capitan!” he shouted and someone else broke away from the wall, disappearing into the gate at a dead sprint. Lelantos stopped a few yards from the gate and Liliana could see the disbelief on the faces of the guards, and the fear. Several had their weapons out and pointed at them. She sighed.
“You would dare to point your weapons at a Lady?” Liliana asked, her voice carrying a haughty tone that made her internally wince. She didn’t enjoy this game, pretending she was better than others. Yet it was a role she had to play, or she’d never be respected as a noble.
“Put your weapons down! All of you will do latrine duty for a month for pointing your weapons at the Lady Liliana!” A booming voice shouted. Liliana couldn’t fully stop the smile from appearing on her face as a familiar hair of dirty blonde hair appeared.
“I apologize for my men’s actions, Lady Liliana.” Silas bowed, but she saw the pride sparkling in his eyes. Some of the fear in her heart faded.
“It is understandable. I fear I have quite surprised them today.” Liliana bowed her head ever so slightly.
“I also apologize to you Lord Bealstal,” Silas bowed to Emyr next, though less lowly than to Liliana. Emyr inclined his head as he stared at the man. His own icy mask was back in place and he didn’t seem to even see Silas, or the guards. As if they were nothing but NPCs to him. The irony was not lost on Liliana.
“I shall escort you inside, My Lady. Would it be presumptuous of me to assume you wish to speak to your father?” Silas inquired and Liliana nodded gratefully at the man.
“Yes, I seek an audience with my father, the Duke,” Liliana confirmed, and with a nod Silas turned around.
“Back to your positions!” he barked out at the guards who had been standing around, staring wide-eyed at the events.
Liliana hid a smile behind her hand as the guards watched her pass by.
“Is that an Evanesce Tiger?”
“It’s level fucking 90?”
“When did she get to level 39?”
“Did she really tame that thing?”
“It looks kind of cute,” one guard said, his comment drawing her eye. Liliana’s attention fell on a young guard, perhaps in his early twenties. He had shaggy blond hair and warm eyes paired with an open and kind face.
“Sam, what part of that giant killing monster says ‘cute’ to you?” Another guard asked in disbelief. Sam shrugged with a smile.
“I dunno, I think my sister would like it,” he said easily. The pair of guards finally noticed Liliana’s attention, and both straightened hastily. Liliana shot Sam a small smile before she turned forward as they passed through the gate.
It was odd to come through the gates to the estate. She had rarely left the estate at all, and the most recent experiences had her sneaking out through the forest. What made it even more surreal was the way the guards and servants they passed froze at the sight of her. She supposed she made quite a spectacle. Atop a Clydesdale sized magical tiger, gripping a weapon in her right hand and dressed in torn and dirtied leather armor. She wouldn’t think she was a noble either.
Liliana’s eyes shifted to Emyr, who was silent as he kept pace. Despite also spending the last week and a half in the woods, he still looked noble. His long bright blue hair was tied back and somehow free of the twigs and leaves Liliana was sure nested in her own hair. His black clothes hid the stains and dirt, a ragged cloak rested on his shoulders but it somehow it looked regal rather than tattered. The way the shredded ends fluttered as he moved gave it the illusion of being physical shadows draping his form.
The closer they came to the manor, the more people they saw. It was hard for Liliana to not shrink down as the weight of their gazes rested heavily upon her. She imagined her spine was a steel rod, unwilling to bend or break. She tried to channel the calm strength she felt in Lelantos. The cat oozed confidence as he moved, enjoying the way others stared and admired him. The more people they passed, the higher his head rose, and Liliana could almost physically feel his ego growing.
Without instruction from her, his coat shimmered as he channeled some of his magic, shifting the colors of his stripes. They faded through the colors of the rainbow, reminding Liliana of some of the fancier gaming PCs she’d once wished for in her past life. She had to say; the effect was far more impressive on a giant tiger. It seemed others felt the same as their eyes drifted from Liliana and focused on the tiger.
Thank you, Liliana silently sent to Lelantos. He may have been doing it partially to get more attention for himself, but he was also drawing attention from Liliana. She may have fantasized about making an entrance, but she hadn’t realized quite how terrifying it was to suffer that much attention.
The rest of the trip to the front of the manor was easier, with less attention solely on Liliana. Taking a deep breath, Liliana instructed Lelantos to kneel, and with slightly stilted movements, she slid off as gracefully as she could. She hid the wince she wanted to make as her legs reminded her they still disapproved of her activities. Head held high, Liliana walked in front of Lelantos and Emyr, waiting as Silas opened the doors to the manor and bowing for her to enter.
“My Lady,” a voice called out as her feet passed the threshold and Liliana’s eyes were drawn to her father’s Steward. Liliana struggled to keep the shock off her face. The man had never referred to her. She hadn’t even been sure he knew she existed, to be frank.
“Your father requests your presence,” The Steward continued, his face and voice impassive. As if Liliana getting called to see her father was a common occurrence. Liliana took the news in stride. It seemed her father had heard of Liliana returning. Undoubtedly, a guard or servant had run back to tell him. Or maybe he had some sort of magical communication device. There was no telling.
As Liliana walked forward, Lelantos followed and the Steward’s face finally showed some emotion as a hint of fear crossed it.
“Ah, perhaps it would be best if the Lady’s companion waited outside?” The Steward offered and Liliana froze, turning ice cold blue eyes to the man. Behind her, a low growl rang out. Lelantos did not want to be separated from her while fear ran rampant in her chest.
“Of course, my mistake,” the Steward hastily recovered and Liliana watched with no small amount of amusement as he tried to cover his fear. It was something she wasn’t used to seeing regarding herself. And it wasn’t really because of her, it was because of Lelantos looming behind her. Still, it tasted sweet on her tongue none the less.
I’m starting to understand why the original Liliana went to the dark side. It feels so good to watch people who thought nothing of you change their tune. Liliana considered with no small amount of fear attached to the thought. She did not want to follow the original Liliana’s path. She already knew how that story ended.
Her mind caught up in thoughts and fears of falling into the same traps Liliana almost didn’t notice that the Steward had stopped outside the door to her father’s study. A door she had never seen behind. Liliana turned and nodded at Lelantos.
The tiger flopped onto the ground, blocking the hallway from that direction entirely. The massive beast barely fit in the hallway as it was. There was maybe a foot or two of clearance to either side of him when he laid down and behind him, she could see Emyr stopping. She thought she saw a bit of exasperation on the boy’s emotionless face as he stared at the feline. Meeting her eyes, Emyr gave her a bow, a proper one befitting her rank. Without a word, he turned on his heel and walked off, leaving a bemused Liliana behind.
Is he really that introverted? Liliana wondered as she turned back to the Steward, who was silently standing by the door. With a deep, fortifying breath, Liliana nodded at the man.
“Your weapon, My Lady,” The Steward nodded to her naginata and Liliana almost jolted in surprise. She’d nearly forgotten she’d been holding it. She stared at the Steward for a moment before she reluctantly handed it over.
Mentally, she pushed for Lelantos to watch the Steward and make sure he did not abscond with her weapon. The tiger raised his head and fixed the man with a predatory gaze. The Steward gulped before he raised his knuckles and knocked on the ornate doors.
“Sire, Lady Liliana has come at your request,” The Steward announced her.
“Enter,” a deep voice called out, and the Steward opened the door for her. Liliana hesitated for a second before she stepped past the man and into the room. The door shut behind her and she tried not to think the sound was reminiscent of a coffin being shut.
“Your Grace,” Liliana greeted, curtsying deeply to her father despite her lack of skirts. Even with her head ducked, she still greedily took in every detail of the room. Lavish rugs covered the floor, bookshelves bursting with tomes covered one wall. Another held glass cases full of a multitude of different, possibly magical, items. Behind the Duke was a large map of the Cista Kingdom, rendered in meticulous detail.
As Liliana rose from her curtsy, she saw her father seated in a high-backed chair behind a large and ornately carved wooden desk. She could see the Rosengarde family crest placed prominently on the front of the desk, and past that rose vines curled over it. So masterfully carved, they looked as if they were real, trapped forever in a casing of wood.
What held her attention, though, was her father’s deep azure eyes. Her eyes. He had her hair as well, though his was worked through with grey. As was the style, his hair was kept long and tied at the back of his neck. His skin was paler than hers, noticeably. She had gotten her mother’s complexion. There was no doubt she was his daughter, though. They truly looked far too alike.
As she examined him, so too did he seem to examine her. She couldn’t remember the last time he had looked at her for so long, and with such interest. Her heart thumped painfully as she detected a pleased light in his eyes as he stared at her. For once, she had done something that her father approved of. As much as she tried to hate the man, she couldn’t. And the mere thought of making her father proud made her traitorous heart flutter with hope and joy.
“My daughter,” The Duke greeted her and Liliana drew in a sharp breath.
“Come, sit,” He said, nodding at a chair before his desk. Liliana took a moment to understand what he was saying. It took his eyebrow raising ever so slightly to break her free of her stupor. Quickly, she tried to cover her mistake by hurrying to the chair. She dropped in with as much grace as she could while under her father’s undivided attention. This close, she could feel the pressure of his aura around them. Though she could feel that he was trying to restrain it.
“I see you’ve Awakened,” her father stated after a moment and Liliana nodded.
“How long?” He asked, and Liliana felt her face pale at the dangerous tone in his voice. She’d been afraid of this. She knew hiding this from her family would have negative consequences, no matter what. She’d simply chosen the path that would have the least awful possible result.
“Since I woke up from my sickness,” Liliana said, her voice steady. She was proud of the fact that her voice didn’t shake,she clasped her hands together tightly in her lap to hide the tremors running through them.
“So two and a half months now then,” her father said, this time the dangerous tone was gone. Liliana searched his face, trying to decipher how he felt about it. It was like trying to break through an adamantium wall, though. He gave her no information.
“And you’re level 39, with a level 90 Bond I hear,” He continued and Liliana nodded slowly.
“Yes, your grace,” Liliana responded. Her father gave her a small smile.
“Come now, I’m your father. Am I not?” he asked and there was an order laced in there, as nice as the statement may have been worded.
“Yes, father,” Liliana’s tongue nearly tripped over the unfamiliar word. She hadn’t called someone that out-loud in a long time. It still didn’t feel like the man deserved the title. She bit back her pride though and conceded this battle. It wasn’t worth it to fight.
“Much better,” he praised, and Liliana hated herself for the way the words made her perk up with pride.
“Now, I believe we should reward you for your actions. You have brought honor to the Rosengarde family. Bonding a creature so far above you is no small feat. I believe you likely need a Summoning stone for your companion, yes?” Her father inquired, his attention finally diverging from her as he pulled out some papers and placed them on his desk. He wrote something even as he seemed to wait for her response.
“Yes, Father,” she answered dutifully, and her father nodded.
“And I imagine you’ll need some new clothes, as well as some spatial items. Some new spell scrolls and skill books, and weapons,” her father continued, and Liliana’s eyes widened with each new item he added until she felt like her eyes would pop out of her head.
“I’ll inform your governess of some necessary changes to your lessons. You will also begin training with Silas every day between the third and sixth bell,” her father continued and Liliana felt her head swim. She wasn’t entirely sure how to take this, and her father was like a whirlwind. Spinning her around and changing everything about her life in moments.
“You will not be leaving the grounds alone again. Silas will have guards assigned to you at all times going forwards. If you leave, you will take no fewer than five with you,” he added on as he finished whatever he was writing.
He reached out for a bell and rang it. Immediately the Steward opened the door and almost rushed in, still carrying Liliana’s naginata. Her father stared at the naginata for a moment before he decided to ignore it and handed off several of the pieces of paper to the Steward.
“See that these are done,” he ordered, and the Steward bowed deeply and turned to leave.
“Leave the naginata with Astrid,” Liliana called to the man. He paused and nodded to her before exiting the room.
“This is for you,” her father drew her attention back to him and Liliana mechanically held out her hand for the paper. Taking it, she saw it was a cheque for 2000 gold. She nearly choked at the amount of money she held in her hands.
“Use that to get the discussed items. I will send someone to take you to the city tomorrow,” her father informed her, and Liliana nodded, dazed. “I imagine you are tired. That’s all I needed to discuss, unless you had any other questions?” Her father asked, and Liliana opened her mouth to say she needed nothing else when a thought struck her.
“Lelantos needs a specific diet of food, and I want him to stay with me in my room,” Liliana stated confidently, and her father lifted an eyebrow, the ghost of a smile tugging his lips.
“Tell your maid what he needs and have her inform the Steward. He will provide it. We can have you moved to a larger room as well to accommodate your Bond,” her father allowed and Liliana bowed her head in thanks.
“Thank you, Father,” she intoned as she stood up. Her father nodded at her.
“You did well, Liliana,” he said, and the feeling that filled her from head to toe as she turned on her heel and left the study was a maelstrom of pride and disgust.
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