《Fated To Fall: A Transmigrator LitRPG Tale》Chapter 25: What's In A Name?
The light that encircled them built, blinding in its intensity. It surrounded the pair, surpassing blinding until it felt like it was seeping directly into them. Liliana realized, as what felt like electricity surged over her skin, that was exactly what was happening. The electricity quickly transformed into a feeling like fire as her skin seemed to burn. A scream worked itself out of her mouth as it felt like she was being burned alive. A roar echoed her scream shaking the very ground. The fire on her skin slowly sunk below until it felt like her entire being was burning. She’d never felt a soul being burnt before but there was no other way to describe the agony she suffered that surpassed the limits of her very body.
Millennium disguised as minutes passed as the heat burned through Liliana. Slowly the fire retreated from her body until it all seemed to concentrate on her forearm. With a final climax of pain so great Liliana was convinced her arm had been seared off the pain vanished.
Liliana collapsed into a heap on the ground. Her legs had been locked up from the pain, and with it gone she was like a puppet with its strings cut. Beside her the Tiger had similarly dropped, his sides heaving. Her head felt like it weighed a million pounds but Liliana slowly moved it to look at her arm, afraid that she’d see nothing but a burnt stump left.
Did I do it wrong? There was nothing about it hurting so bad in the books! It said it was a difficult experience, but I thought that was about getting the creature to not eat you! Liliana mentally cursed out the writers of every book on Bonding and Soul magic she’d seen. Relief filled her as she saw her arm still firmly attached to her body. With slow movements, she gingerly lifted her sleeve, convinced that the amount of pain she’d undergone couldn’t be without a mark. As colored lines were revealed Liliana’s movements sped, panic fluttering her exhausted heart.
As the fabric was lifted away an image, tattooed onto her skin, was uncovered. Delicate lines of artistry not able to be matched by a mortal hand were painted upon her forearm. A perfect rendition of the very Tiger she now rested half her body on.
“The fuck,” Liliana whispered as she turned her arm this way and that. Light glittered off the image on her arm, a copy of the prismatic quality of the Tiger itself. A light finger traced over the image. Liliana half-expected pain feedback from the contact but nothing came. Emboldened she pressed harder and felt nothing. The pain had truly left as fast as it had come. Running her fingers more confidentially across the image she marveled at how it felt no different from her skin. No raised line or scarring that could accompany traditional tattoos.
Well, I did always want a tattoo. Liliana mused wryly as she continued to ogle the newest addition to her body. She hadn’t expected this, not at all. There’d been mentions of Bond Marks in the books of course, but she’d assumed they’d be small things.
I need better fucking books. What else don’t I know? Liliana wondered, no small bit of fear attached to the thought. How much false information had she been working with, assuming it was right? How many times had she potentially flirted with Death and never known it?
A groan rudely interrupted Liliana’s mental musings and her head followed the noise. Emyr was slowly sitting up, rubbing his head and back.
“So you didn’t die,” Liliana called out, going so far as to add in faux disappointment. Maybe she appreciated his help with the Tiger, but he never needed to know that.
“You could at least pre-“ Emyr started before he cut off with a choking noise. His eyes had finally spotted Liliana, lying against the Evanesce Tiger as if it was a particularly large pillow. To be fair the Tiger was incredibly comfortable, though his fur was nothing compared to Polaris’. It was rough in comparison, but Liliana did not much mind as the Tiger radiated a comfortable heat that seemed to soak into her very muscles.
Liliana ran a hand through the rough fur, marveling at the way the light danced off of it and changed the colors. Almost as if someone had shrunk thousands of clear crystals and turned them into fur. A chuffing noise greeted her ears as she continued to pet her Bond as if he hadn’t been trying to eat her five minutes prior.
“Aww, do you like pets?” Liliana cooed and a giggle escaped her when the Tiger shifted his weight, putting more of it on Liliana. Her hands finally made it to the Tiger’s head and began scratching behind his ears, prompting a symphony of chuffs that resonated through Liliana.
“Are you…petting it?!” Emyr asked voice horrified. Liliana shot him a dark glare.
“He is not it,” She hissed, tone venomous. Sensing her shift in emotion the Tiger beside her turned his gaze to Emyr, a low growl rumbling through him. Emyr’s eyes widened. The boy scrambled back, doing some sort of backward crab walk until he tripped over a root and collapsed. Staring at him Liliana blinked for a moment before giggles erupted from her lips, gradually transforming into full-blown laughter tinged with hysteria.
Emyr stared at her for a long moment as tears gathered in her eyes, spilling down her face as the raucous laughter continued. Soon his own deeper laugh joined hers as her mirth fueled his own. Before long the two teens were both on the ground, cackling madly and falling back into fits of laughter every time they looked at one another.
The Tiger, calmed by the fact that Liliana no longer felt angry, was content to watch the two humans rolling around. A stark contrast to his behavior minutes before. Slowly the two teens calmed their laughter, letting the last spurts of giggles die down.
Panting on the ground Liliana rolled over. She stared up at the sky between the woven leaves above them as her hands gripped her sore stomach. Her breathing slowed as she continued to stare up at the sky.
“We didn’t die,” She stated it, almost conversationally. A silent offer.
“Somehow,” Emyr answered her, his voice still a bit breathless from where he laid.
“I thought for sure you were going to die when he grabbed your cloak,” Liliana continued, her hands balled into fists. She might not like Emyr but she hadn’t wanted him to die. Not when it would've been her fault for choosing to take an impossible quest.
“I saw my entire life flash before my eyes,” Emyr confirmed, “even things I’d rather forget,” he finished with a mutter and Liliana snickered.
“Oh what? You call the Queen ‘Mom’, or something? “She joked with a giggle. The silence that answer had her turning her head sharply to look towards the boy. An uncharacteristically pink blush had spilled across Emyr’s face before he turned it away from her.
“Oh my gods, you did!” Liliana whispered in a delighted voice.
“No! I didn’t!” Emyr protested, “it was Duchess Barrigton,” he finished petulantly. Liliana stared at him for a long moment before giggles spilled from her once again, though far more controlled than before.
“You can’t tell anyone!” Emyr said it more like a plea than an order and Liliana only cackled louder.
“Or?” She finally asked him as he turned to meet her eyes. Her own were dancing with mirth, happiness, and relief making them nearly glow in the sunlight.
“Ah,” Emyr seemed to trip over his tongue for a moment before a smirk crossed his face, “I’ll tell Alistair you snore,” he finished triumphantly.
“Really? My stepbrother? That's the best threat you have?” Liliana asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. She pointedly looked towards the giant Tiger lying next to her, sunbathing happily.
“I’ll give you my dessert for a week?” Emyr asked, his voice far more hesitant. Liliana’s eyes lit up at the offer and a greedy expression crossed her face.
“Deal!” She spoke so quickly Emyr jerked back in surprise.
Liliana sat back up, energy slowly refilling her. Out of curiosity she quickly checked her Stamina.
That explains it. Her Stamina had been drastically drained, as it was only now back at 700, still not full. She had to of drained it entirely or just about for it to still be regenerating. Her Mana was doing barely any better, sitting at 620. She supposed the [Bonding Contract] had drained a good deal of it to tie her to such a higher leveled creature, she knew the percentage taken was impacted by level disparity. 51 levels probably had a large percentage to go with it.
Liliana turned to the culprit of her diminished Stamina and Mana. Sensing her attention the Tiger lifted his head, turning it to meet her eyes. Once more caught under the spell of the shifting colors swirling in his eyes Liliana lost track of time for a long moment.
A foreign feeling in her mind drew her out of the spell. With dawning realization, Liliana became aware of something else in her mind. Or perhaps, attached to it would be a good way to put it. It felt as if her mind had been expanded, rather than invaded. She could easily feel what the Tiger was feeling as she focused. He felt…sleepy. A wash of emotions not her own flooded her as she further explored the new connection. He was curious, interested in this new being who he had tied himself to. He didn’t entirely understand the sounds she was making but his mind was startlingly intelligent. He had the barest foundation of comprehension already, based on the way her own mind had felt when she’d spoken.
A suggestion was pushed through. An image of the Tiger curled up in sunlight and sleeping away the day with her resting on him. As curious as he was he apparently felt now was the perfect time for a nap. Hesitantly trying out the new connection Liliana pushed a feeling of mild urgency to him. She needed to go home. She tried to keep the conflicting emotions she had tied to the word ‘home’ now out of the connection but some still leaked through. The Tiger’s ears flicked forward as his curiosity grew. He didn’t understand why the word ‘home’ felt like fear, but also love.
“That’s a conversation I don’t think I can have in a day, “Liliana murmured with a dark chuckle. The Tiger remained curious, pushing it towards Liliana. With a frown, Liliana grasped onto an idea to distract him.
“You need a name, I can’t keep calling you ‘Tiger’,” Liliana stated. The concept seemed to excite the Tiger, and immediately diverted him from his uncomfortable train of thought.
“You’re going to name i-him?” Emyr called out, hastily correcting himself. Liliana didn’t look towards the boy as she nodded.
“Obviously,” She responded tone heavy with derision. She stared at the Tiger for several long moments.
“Prism?” She asked.
“No,” Emyr called out and Liliana picked up a twig and tossed it over her shoulder towards the unwanted peanut gallery.
“Kalideo?” Liliana murmured but her nose wrinkled at the name, it didn’t fit. Emyr snorted behind her and a stone joined the twig in her list of aerial assault weapons.
“Opal?” She wondered next but when she presented the image of an opal to the Tiger he returned it with an almost insulted refusal.
“Why is naming so hard,” Liliana groaned as she rubbed her head. A warm nose pressed into the side of her face and she jumped, startled. Polaris stood beside her, eyes dancing with amusement. Liliana broke into a wide grin as she set a hand on the fox’s head, nails scratching him gently. The Tiger turned to the new visitor with interest. Liliana felt a thought of ‘prey’ come from him and immediately sent a harsh refusal that had the Tiger flinching.
“Polaris is a friend, not food,” Liliana sternly lectured the Tiger, who stared at her for a moment before turning away. He set to cleaning his paws as if he hadn’t done anything wrong.
“Lelantos,” Liliana stated, tone final as the name rang out. It felt right. It meant ‘move unseen’. It was the name of a Titan in Greek mythology. While he was technically a God of air his main ability was moving unseen and stalking prey. What better name for a Tiger of titanic proportions, who moved unseen while he stalked prey? The Tiger stopped his cleaning and looked at her as a feeling of approval washed over her. Liliana stood and dipped a curtsy to Lelantos.
“It’s nice to meet you, Lelantos,” Liliana greeted solemnly. The tiger rose to his own feet and performed a clumsy bow of his own in response. Liliana giggled at the sight and reached out to rub behind his ear. His ear alone was the size of her hand, and he had to bend his head down for her to reach.
“I wonder, can I ride you?“ Liliana mused curiously, mentally sending him the idea. Lelantos didn’t seem opposed to the idea and he mentally responded with an image of how fragile he found her, feeling her being on his back would keep her safe. Liliana pouted at him.
“I’m not weak! You’re freakishly strong for this area!” Liliana argued, getting a sense of heavy disbelief from her new Bond.
“…You’re arguing with him now?“ Emyr asked, Liliana, turned a glare to the boy who had also found his feet.
“He said I was weak,“ Liliana explained, though her tone was verging on whining. Emyr cocked an eyebrow and pointed looked between the girl and the tiger, not saying a word.
Liliana huffed and turned on her heel. Walking to where her weapon had been discarded in the battle she scooped it up and turned back to Lelantos. The tiger crouched on the ground and after a few minutes of struggling and adjusting herself and her naginata she was finally seated.
As Lelantos stood back to his full height Liliana grasped tightly to his coat with one hand, the other gripping her weapon. Her lack of experience riding anything was coming back to bite her now as she almost toppled off. However, Lelantos seemed to adjust quickly to her weight and counterbalanced her, waiting until he felt she was steady before starting to walk.
“Polaris, lead us home,” Liliana called out and the fox yipped, running between the tiger's legs with zero fear before shooting off. Lelantos set off after him, a surge of competitiveness flooding the Bond. Liliana yelped as she gripped tightly with both her hand and legs to avoid being tossed off as Lelantos bounded after the more dexterous fox.
“Hey! What about me?” Emyr shouted after them, when Liliana spared a moment to look back at his shrinking figure she could see he was running to catch up.
“See you at camp!” She called back with a grin that quickly vanished as she had to duck a tree branch.
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