《Fated To Fall: A Transmigrator LitRPG Tale》Chapter 11: Steel is a Girl's Best Friend
Liliana resisted the urge to fidget as she stood in the main hall of the manor, dressed to the nines. She even had on a damn corset. Something she’d avoided having to deal with since she’d reincarnated in this life. Based on Liliana’s memories, and Astrid’s gossip, corsets were out of style in the capital. A result of the Crown Princess being unable to wear them because of a sickness that had ravaged her body until recently. Because of this, the Queen had done away with corsets herself. Making more elaborate versions of the Tea Gown fashionable, because royalty always set the trends.
However, the Duchess still preferred the corseted style. As a result Liliana also had to wear it when she was expected to interact with the woman. Which was thankfully very rare. As much as Liliana detested the woman, so too did the Duchess detest Liliana. They mutually avoided each other and Liliana was quite happy with such an arrangement. But with most of the family leaving, Liliana had to be there to see them off, as was expected. It was something she couldn’t get out of, she’d tried.
Taking another restricted breath Liliana cursed the contraption pressing in on her. It wasn’t as awful as she’d expected, but she had gotten used to taking deeper breaths from her training. Taking such shallow breaths felt wrong to her now. She also couldn’t move easily with the corset, it limited a good deal of her movements. It left her feeling...vulnerable. Something Liliana didn’t enjoy being while in the midst of this viper’s nest she called a home.
Liliana was considering just slipping away as time ticked on. She’d been loitering in the main hall for close to an hour when the sound of footsteps announced the arrival of the Duke. Behind him trailed the Duchess and Alistair. Liliana dropped into a deep curtsy, head bowed. Weeks of etiquette training, and years of muscle memory from her body, ensured the curtsy was performed flawlessly. She held it for a long moment before she stood straight again.
“Your Graces,” Liliana greeted, she could feel when her father's gaze rested on her. His aura was contained but it was still almost stifling this close. He was level 260, right on the upper edge of Rank 4. The difference of power between him and Silas, another Rank 4, was obvious this close. Liliana had no doubt this man could end her with less effort than she used to kill a mosquito.
Liliana followed protocol and greeted the Duchess next. Her gaze felt like thorns against Liliana’s skin and it took a good amount of control to not flinch. The Duchess was Level 110, Rank 6, and weaker than her husband though still far above Liliana. The Duchess did not favor physical feats and was part of the noble party who didn’t approve of nobles risking themselves for high levels.
“Oh dear, that dress just does not suit you,” the Duchess stated and as Liliana raised her eyes she saw the woman slip a razor-sharp smile behind a fan. Her eyes still held the cold hatred that Liliana recalled seeing in her memories.
You’re the one who bought this monstrosity knowing it wouldn’t look good on me. Liliana thought caustically, though the words stayed carefully locked behind tight lips. Her dress was a burnt orange, a beautiful color on its own yet it clashed awfully with Liliana’s cool undertones. It would look beautiful on The Duchess, who despite being a vile woman was gorgeous. Her skin was a dark and warm sienna that her son had inherited if a bit darker than his mother as a result of his time spent under the sun. Her hair was a far warm black woven in hundreds of tiny braids gathered together in an elaborate style decorated with gold and rubies.
This world really does love to make the worst people the most beautiful. It’s just not fair! Liliana mentally lamented, a hint of jealousy coloring her thoughts. Even if her knowledge of the game meant she knew one day she would one day eclipse the Duchess in terms of beauty.
“I do apologize, Your Grace, I’ll try to be sure my appearance is more satisfactory in the future,” Lilian responded, keeping her voice quiet and demure, careful to not let the venom in her throat leak into her tone.
“Do that, we don’t need you to further tarnish our name with your pitiful fashion knowledge,” The Duchess responded, her tone haughty and victorious. The woman obviously thought this battle was hers, though there was no way Liliana could have realistically won this fight. The Duchess had the dress delivered the week prior. If Liliana had worn anything else the woman would’ve called it an insult. If Liliana said the Duchess had bought the dress for her, even if it was known, Liliana would’ve been insulting her taste. If she snapped back she’d be painted as a feral commoner. There was nothing more she could do but bow her head and endure for now.
“We will be gone for a week, see that the house is maintained to standard,” Her father was speaking, but not to her. He was addressing his steward, who would be managing the household while the Duke was gone. Liliana didn’t deal with the man often, he was her father’s dog so he had little reason to interact with her. From the memories she had, she remembered he was a cold and brisk man, though good at his job and loyal to her father. Meaning he was no ally of hers.
“Yes Your Grace,” The man bowed to her father. Satisfied her father looked towards her. He examined her much the way one would a dog, and one they did not particularly care for. His gaze left her, no words spoken as he led the way out of the manor. The Duchess followed behind him, one last glare sent to Liliana before she exited the doors.
“Do try to keep your commoner filth from getting all over the manor while we’re gone,” Alistair tossed a barb as he left, giving Liliana no chance to respond. The door shut behind the young lord and Liliana let out a silent sigh. At least she didn’t have to see Miss Beckett too. Despite being nobility she was an employee of their house, meaning she would not be exiting the house with the family.
Liliana turned on her heel and left the main hall, eager to get back to her room and remove the gods-cursed monstrosity of fabric and bone. She needed to double-check the provisions Astrid had prepared for her trip tomorrow. She had finally hit 20 Vitality a few days ago, meaning she was cleared to go and start leveling. She’d spend today preparing for her day trip and tomorrow she’d be up early to sneak out of the manor and start on her first mini-adventure.
The thought of finally getting to fight creatures, to use the skills she’d been building over the couple of months she’d been here filled her with excitement and hastened her steps. She’d finally get a chance to level and be one step closer to enacting her plans.
Liliana entered her rooms and saw that Astrid was waiting for her. She would have accompanied Liliana originally but with so much of the staff focused on making sure the departure of the Duke and Duchess went well it was the perfect chance for Astrid to gather the extra things Liliana needed without scrutiny.
“How was it, Lady Liliana?” Astrid asked as Liliana marched to her bedroom, ready to rip the dress off herself.
“As expected,” Liliana responded neutrally. And it was. The lack of acknowledgment from her father, the Duchess’s machinations, and her step-brother’s barbs were all things she had expected from the day. Though it didn’t make them sting any less.
Perhaps, before she had integrated most of Liliana’s memories, it wouldn’t have hurt so much. But now it did because a part of her now saw the Duke as her father, even if the man had done nothing to earn the title other than donating a portion of his genetics. The Duchess had once been the possibility of a mother that Liliana could remember, as her memories of her own mother were faded and weak. Yet that was continuously shot down. At the heart of it, Liliana was a child who desperately wanted love much the same as any child did. All children sought their parents' love and approval, it was almost hardwired into them to wish for it. Yet Liliana had never really known that, not the original one. Now she had memories of a loving family, of doting parents. It made it sting so much more that she knew she’d likely never have such a thing again.
Liliana stood still while Astrid worked to free her from the restraint of the dress. Layer after layer was removed and carefully put away. It felt like it took hours before Liliana was once again dressed in a far more comfortable tea gown that flowed around her.
“Did you get everything? “Liliana asked as they retired to her parlor. Astrid had already set out the current books Liliana was reading and her latest notebook. She had already filled a couple, there was simply so much to know in this new world!
“Yes, I got you a pack though it’s not spatial,” Liliana frowned at this but nodded, she’d expected that. Spatial bags were expensive and she hadn’t realistically thought Astrid could acquire one for her.
“I also got a few Health and Mana tinctures, Minor Wound poultices, bandages, some hard bread, and cheese as well as a couple of apples, two flasks of water, a compass, a map of the area, and two gathering bags,” Astrid recited all the things on Liliana’s ‘wish-list’. She produced the pack in question that seemed to be filled to the brim with all the supplies. Liliana smiled gratefully at her maid as she took the pack from her. It was weighty but with her increase in Strength, it wasn’t a burden.
“And,” Astrid continued and Liliana perked up, she hadn’t requested Astrid pick up anything else, “I finished these.” Astrid finished and from behind her chair, she produced a pile of leather clothes, carefully folded.
Liliana set down her new bag and took the clothes, eyes wide as she examined them. They were a bit different from her training clothes, there was a sturdy undershirt with leather reinforcing the arms, a thick leather vest that went over the top of it, and a pair of sturdy and form-fitting leather pants. It wasn’t mail but the outfit would keep most of the low-level creatures from doing her any true damage. Liliana carefully traced her fingers over the clothes, noticing that on the chest of the vest was a stylized water lily. Tears pricked her eyes as Liliana remembered a memory of a mother she’d never met in her new life telling her a tale of how she’d sat by a pond in the spring, singing. When her song had ended a water lily had blossomed right at the edge of the water. It’s where her name came from.
It might not have been her memory, not originally, but the emotions she felt from it were real.
“Thank you, Auntie Asi,” Liliana got out, her voice thick with tears as she hugged the clothes to her chest. Astrid hadn’t wanted her to do this, to put herself in danger, but she’d supported her nonetheless. It was obvious this was the woman's way to try to protect her however she could.
“Of course my flower,” Astrid responded and when Liliana looked up she saw the woman’s eyes were misted too.
“Do you want to wear them to see Silas today?” Astrid asked after clearing her throat and wiping her eyes dry. Liliana nodded eagerly, gripping the clothes tighter as an excited smile fit on her mouth. It was hours yet before they could go to see Silas, but already Liliana was counting down the minutes.
“I feel like a real Adventurer,” Liliana whispered as she looked at the girl in the mirror. Her hair was braided tightly back, as it always was before practice, and she was decked out in the new clothes Astrid had made. It fit her perfectly and she found no issue moving in it. Her range of movements was perfect and the new clothes wouldn’t hinder her fighting style. There was even a belt with spots for her to hang her daggers, another stylized water lily on the buckle. Liliana had no idea where the buckle came from, as far as she knew Astrid had no metalworking skills.
Liliana slipped her well-worn leather boots on, completing the look. She could see the muscles under her shirt and pants, they were close-fitting enough that it was obvious that she had gained muscles over these few months. Her body was still lithe and small but she no longer looked weak.
A breeze won’t knock me over now, though I do need to look out for strong ones perhaps, Liliana joked mentally as she spun, eyes still locked on her reflection. Her face was split with a huge grin and she had to resist dancing around in her excitement.
“It’s time to go, My Lady,” Astrid informed her, though she wore a wide and proud smile as she watched Liliana examining herself. Liliana nodded taking the offered cloak and followed Astrid out of the manor to their training location.
“Silas!” Liliana called out when she spotted the man. She bounded ahead of Astrid in her excitement to show the man her new clothes. She came to a skidding halt when she saw the man holding a naginata, a real naginata.
“Is that?” Liliana asked, her voice soft as she gazed at the beautiful weapon. Well, it wasn’t one that bards would write ballads for but to her, it was beautiful in the late day sun. Polished and gleaming dark wood made up its haft, ending where metal met wood. The metal was sparkling in the light and even from a distance, Liliana could see the sharp edge of the blade, ready to slice through her opponents.
“You need a weapon if you’re going to fight monsters Lady Liliana, or did you think I’d send you out with sticks?” Silas asked, his tone full of amusement. Liliana flushed because that was exactly what she thought the man would do. She had been content to wait for a real weapon, trusting Silas’s greater experience when it came to such things. Now that she was looking at a weapon, her weapon, she felt some nervousness in her heart. Was she ready to wield it? Such a dangerous thing? Out of habit she immediately used [Identify] on the weapon.
Basic Naginata [Enchanted]:
A unique polearm is not typical for the Costa Queendom. Made by a Master Smith out of Stonewood and steel. Enchanted with minor runes of durability and sharpness.
Durability: 20/20
It’s enchanted? And Uncommon? Is that because of the enchantments, the type of weapon, or the Smith who made it? Liliana wondered. The weapon was far better than anything she could’ve hoped for. Stonewood wasn’t rare but it wasn’t common. From what she’d been told by Silas most polearms were made with simple hardwood. Stonewood was usually reserved for more important people or weapons.
Well I supposed as a noble I’m technically an ‘important’ person, but I doubt Silas told the smith who the weapon was for. Liliana suddenly felt the weapon was far too much for her. A gift too great. Her eyes traced the faint enchantments she could see etched on the wood and metal of the naginata, obviously done by skillful hands.
“Well? Are you just going to stare at it or are you going to take it?” Silas asked and his words prompted her to step forward and take it from his hands. Silas and Astrid stepped back, out of her range, as she weighed the naginata in her hands. Its balance was perfect, better than her wooden weapons even. She performed a few practice moves. As she became more comfortable with the weapon she moved into more elaborate sequences until she’d worked up a light sweat.
“How does it feel?” Silas asked as Liliana stood down, resting the naginata’s butt in the ground and holding it to her side.
“Like a dream,” Liliana said, flushing. She still felt the weapon was more than she deserved but if Silas wanted it back he’d need to take it out of her cold, dead hands. She loved it.
“Now these are also yours,” Silas continued and he pulled out two sheathed daggers. He helped Liliana sit the sheaths on her belt and took her naginata from her as she pulled out the daggers. They seemed to be made of the same metal as her naginata, steel. She used [Identify] on them too.
Twin Simple Daggers [Enchanted]:
Daggers made by the experienced hands of a Master Smith, forged of steel. Minor enchantments for durability and sharpness.
Durability: 10/10 10/10
She could [Identify] them individually or together she noticed after playing with the skill a bit. She dismissed it and spun the daggers around as she adjusted. They too were perfectly balanced, and Uncommon like her naginata. She felt tears gathering in her eyes as she considered all the help she’d been given so far. More support than she had ever dared to hope for.
Sheathing her daggers Liliana made an impulsive decision, flinging her arms around Silas. The man stiffened under her assault and she buried her face in his chest, tears leaking from her eyes.
“Thank you,” She murmured and squeezed him tightly. Eventually, the man gave in and patted her back. She sensed he had no idea what to do with a noble lady suddenly hugging him and was a bit uncomfortable but he didn’t push her off.
Liliana pulled away and blushed as she wiped at her eyes, pulling out a handkerchief as she cleaned her face. Such behavior wasn’t appropriate for a young, unmarried noble lady but she couldn’t help it. Silas had used his own funds to buy her these weapons and had trained her for months. Even if doing so was a risk to himself. He had not once asked for any kind of compensation and the true kindness he showed to her daily was precious to her, as it was such a rare thing.
“Thank you, Silas,” Liliana said after she’d cleaned up and composed herself. Silas nodded and saluted her, a guard referring to his Lady.
“Of course Lady Liliana,” Silas said as if such a thing was nothing more than what was expected. Liliana promised silently that she’d see that Silas was repaid for his kindness, tenfold.
“Now let me show you how to properly take care of your new weapons,” Silas said and his normal smile was back, with a bit of that sadistic gleam in his eyes. Liliana sighed knowing that their training, while not focusing on any of her physical stats, would still be grueling.
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