《Fated To Fall: A Transmigrator LitRPG Tale》Chapter 7: The true villain in this story, Embroidery.
The next morning Liliana was once again awoken by Astrid throwing open the curtains and calling out to her. She winced and held up a hand to shield her eyes from the cursed sharp daggers of light. Her head was pounding, like a hundred tiny dwarves had taken up residence in her cranium and were mining away for gold. Every beat of her heart was another pulse of agony for her and she desperately pulled her covers over her head to gain some relief.
“Astrid, could you get me something for a headache?” Liliana asked, her voice soft to try to avoid further irritating her head. The doppelganger hadn’t lied; she was certainly paying for the memories she gained right now. She’d have to tell the doppelganger that the pain rated at least a 7 on the scale if she didn’t already know.
“Oh dear, perhaps we pushed you too hard yesterday. I’ll be back with something for your head Lady Liliana,” Astrid assured her and Liliana could hear the woman's steps and the opening and closing of her door.
Liliana kept herself hidden under her blankets, the silence and the darkness a balm to her aching head. Left with little else to do she reviewed Liliana’s memories, which unlike the previous memories she’d been shown felt like hers. She had lived through them, experienced the potent mix of emotions each one carried. They were now as much her memories as they were Liliana’s.
It seemed she’d been shown the memories that had the biggest impact on who Liliana was. She could now feel a low burning hatred for her Step-Mother, a woman she had yet to meet except through the game and Liliana’s memories. Yet the emotion was real, and it simmered in her chest at the mere thought of the awful woman. She felt a confusing mix of anger and desperation towards her Father. She hated him for what he’d done to her, for never standing up for her or even loving her. Yet she also desperately wanted his love with every fiber of her being.
Alistair, she felt dislike towards, not quite hate yet, and still, Liliana wanted him to like her too. Wanted a brother who would stand up for her and protect her. Liliana felt fear and respect towards her governess, Justine Beckett, she wanted her praise but the woman’s name would send fear rushing through her.
Liliana was a ball of tangled emotions and wishes, and she realized she’d need to be careful to not let these new emotions take over. She’d already seen what happened when she lashed out at her Step-Mother. No, if she wanted to stay safe she’d need to keep these new emotions under lock and key. She’d have to keep her head down until she had the power to stand up for herself, it was the only way forward.
The sound of her door opening and closing drew Liliana from her introspection, she recognized the sound of Astrid’s footsteps and she relaxed. She had half worried Alistair would come in to pull some kind of mean-spirited prank on her.
“Lady Liliana I have a tincture for the pain,” Astrid spoke when she was next to the bed, her voice thankfully soft. Liliana pulled off her shielding blanket and hissed at the light that immediately assaulted her sore eyes.
Blast you, you cursed death star. Take your painful death rays far from me. Liliana grumbled in annoyance. She was sure her complaints towards the sun were as effective as her complaints towards Vita. Which is to say they did absolutely nothing.
Liliana focused on the small glass vial in Astrid’s hand, it was a light pink and out of habit now she focused on it to [Identify] the new item.
Common Pain Tincture: Made by a Novice Alchemist or Apothecary this tincture will reduce pain.
[Identify] Reached Level 2!
Liliana smiled at the two new notifications. She had wondered how long it would take [Identify] to level up, last night before she’d left the library she’d used the skill on everything she could see to try and level it up. She grabbed the vial and uncorked it, downing it quickly. A taste like raspberries filled her mouth and she smacked her lips, earning her a disapproving look from Astrid at the unladylike behavior.
Liliana closed her eyes and waited for the tincture to work. In minutes she could feel the pain in her head fading away, as did the pain in her muscles that she hadn’t noticed with her headache taking all of her attention.
“Wow that works fast,” Liliana murmured as she opened her eyes and looked at the little glass vial still in her hand. Astrid plucked the empty vial from her and slipped it into a pocket on her apron before she grabbed the tray of food next to Liliana's bed and plopped it on her lap.
The scent of sausage, eggs, and fresh bread hit her and her stomach awoke from its own slumber, growling like a rabid beast. Liliana was quick to calm it, digging into the food with vigor.
“Auntie Asi, after I woke up, why didn’t a doctor come to check on me?” Liliana asked after she’d finished all she could eat. It had been a question that had bothered her last night when she’d had time to think about it. She’d been in a coma for three weeks, she should have been checked over by a doctor as soon as she woke up. And yet she hadn’t been, it didn’t make sense to her.
“Ah, The Duke decided it was not necessary as you’d awoken and seemed to be in fine health,” Astrid said, careful with her words. Lilian’s face scrunched as she parsed over the words.
Translates to I’m not worth the cost of having a doctor check up on me. Of course not. I’m just a half-commoner child he doesn’t even want. Liliana felt anger rising inside of her for that. She knew part of it was emotion borne of her recent dreams, but a good portion of it was her own. Her parents in her past life wouldn’t have hesitated to have her checked on by no less than three doctors if she’d been in a coma. And her mother would’ve had the entire hospital dancing to her tune in five minutes flat. The cost wouldn’t have mattered to them, it never did, they would’ve gone to whatever lengths necessary to ensure she was healthy.
To know what that was like, that kind of love and care, and then be confronted with distant apathy by someone who should love her hurt. But more than that it pissed her off.
Frederick Rosengarde, you're taking the number 1 spot on my shit list. Liliana decided. She wasn’t sure what she’d do to him if she got the power to. Killing him was out of the question, she was trying to avoid becoming a villainess as that had ended terribly for Liliana in the game. Maybe she could disgrace him?
What if I get so powerful the Queen recognizes me and he has to come crawling to me on his hands and knees for my forgiveness? Liliana mused, a small smile on her face as she indulged the daydream.
“-on’t think you should return to lessons,” Liliana jolted slightly when she realized Astrid had been speaking while she’d been stuck in her imagination. She tried to focus back on what the woman was saying.
“So it would be best if you spend the day in your rooms, as you’ve obviously not fully recovered,” Astrid finished and Liliana nodded, a bit lost but willing to stay in her rooms if it meant she could avoid seeing her family. And perhaps spend more time reading.
“I think that would be best Auntie Asi,” Liliana agreed, “Could you perhaps get me some more books from the library? “Liliana asked hopefully.
“I can but do you not want to try out your embroidery instead and see if you can get the skill?” Astrid positioned it as a question but Liliana was under no illusions that she had a choice here.
Nooo! I’ll take whatever the other option was! Liliana pouted at the maid and Astrid adopted a faux considering expression.
“Well if you don’t want to do your embroidery we can go ahead and go to your lessons,” Astrid offered and Liliana’s eyes widened, remembering the memory of Miss Beckett belittling Liliana for struggling in mathematics.
“Ah,“ Liliana coughed delicately, her eyes averted, “it has been some time since I tried embroidery. That would be a splendid idea,” Liliana ventured. Astrid beamed at her and Liliana found herself returning the gesture, warmth blooming in her chest from picking the choice Astrid wanted.
“Well let us get you dressed then and you can take your embroidery and books into the sitting room,” Astrid instructed and Liliana sighed as she resigned herself to another hour of getting manhandled.
An hour and a half later Liliana was ready, her hair in a looser braid and clothed in a different tea gown. This one was a light lilac color that brought out the blue in her eyes and hair rather nicely. It was a shame it would be unseen as Liliana had every intention of staying in her rooms, and far from any of her family or the other servants.
Liliana lowered herself into a chair and looked at the embroidery hoop and needle presented to her with distaste. She wasn’t sure if Liliana’s dislike of embroidery was so strong that it overpowered her own emotions or if she shared the girl's dislike for the task. Either way, Liliana took the hoop and stared at the pattern in mild confusion. Soon enough her body remembered the process and Liliana found her fingers moving the needle and thread through the fabric, slowly filling out the image. It was a simple design, a ring of flowers, and she found herself relaxing under the repetitive task.
Until she managed to stab her finger a few minutes into the process. Liliana yelped and examined the wounded digit, a small bead of ruby red blood balanced at the tip. She shot a glare towards the culprit of her pain.
Now I get why she didn’t like this! Liliana thought as Astrid giggled and came to her, her own embroidery hoop placed on the table. Her design was far more intricate, a moon covered in roses with two swords in front of it. The Rosengarde family crest.
“Has the needle once more bested you, my lady?” Astrid asked as she pulled a small tin from her pocket. Liliana focused on the new object immediately.
Minor Wound Poultice:
Made by a Novice Alchemist or Apothecary. Will heal any small wounds or scrapes
As Astrid opened the tin a strong scent of eucalyptus hit Liliana’s nose and made her scrunch it up as a small dollop was placed on her finger. Immediately the pain faded and when Astrid wiped it off the wound was gone.
That’s so cool! I want to learn how to make that, rather than learning embroidery! Liliana lamented as Astrid put the tin away. She had always had an interest in medicine, she had once dreamed if she got better she would find a better cure for cancer. She’d hoped to go to college for Chemistry or something similar, but she’d never gotten a chance to learn anything past the high school classes she’d struggled to attend even online.
Well, now I don’t need to worry about being too sick to learn! I could make my own potions… Liliana amused herself with thoughts of her concocting rare and powerful potions as she resumed her embroidery.
You have met the Requirements for the General Skill [Embroidery] Would you like to accept this skill?
Liliana was dragged from her dreams by a notification from the System. She accepted the skill with a resigned sigh.
Because of previous experience [Embroidery] is advanced to level 6
Liliana blinked at the new notification before grinning. Now that was cool! While it was for a skill she’d be perfectly happy never using again in her life it brought joy to her gamer heart to have a skill start out above level 1.
“Looks like you got the skill,” Astrid chimed in, her voice full of amusement. Liliana turned to her and nodded vigorously.
“It is even at level 6!” She declared, proud of her new skill. She looked back down at her embroidery hoop and hummed. How would the skill affect her now? As she went to start on it again she found her body making small adjustments to the way she held the needle, the hoop, and even the pressure she used.
Delighted by the new skill Liliana let time fade as she progressed through her embroidery. Every time there was a slight adjustment in the way she did it she smiled, enjoying the way the Skill aided her. By the time her stomach was informing her that it was past time for lunch, she was finishing the project, only having pricked herself twice more. The embroidery wasn’t anything special and would insult any noblewoman who was offered to have it on their clothing or decorations but it was certainly better than the embroidery she'd seen in Liliana’s memories.
[Embroidery] Reached Level 7!
You have gained a point in Dexterity!
The new notifications were welcome, especially the increase in her Dexterity. Though Liliana frowned a bit when she realized that perhaps the easiest way to increase her Dexterity would be through [Embroidery]. Reading would increase her Intelligence, and apparently having some restraint and common sense would help her Wisdom. It still left the rest of her stats though, and she wasn’t entirely sure how she could feasibly get away with Strength training.
Maybe I can increase it a bit by carrying heavy books around? Liliana wondered, and while it wasn’t ideal right now it might be the best way. Her eyes trailed to Astrid, who was still focused on her own embroidery. For anything else, she’d need to get away from Astrid to train. Speed and Stamina would require actual physical activity that might not be befitting her station. The ever pressent fear that seemed to dog her every breath now surged. She had to become stronger. Raising her stats so she could survive to level was the most important thing right now.
I could always ask her if she’d help, Liliana pondered. It was an option, Astrid had essentially been Liliana’s mother. She wouldn’t be pleased by Liliana’s treatment, but she would never be able to speak out against it because of her station. However if she asked for help and it was granted Astrid would be putting her job, maybe her life, on the line. It wasn’t something Liliana was eager to ask of her. But what choice did she have? She had no other allies in this house.
Best start slow, Liliana thought as she set the embroidery hoop down and got Astrid’s attention.
“Auntie Asi,” start with buttering her up, perfect, “I got a stat point for Intelligence and Wisdom yesterday and today I just got an additional point of Dexterity,” Liliana watched Astrid attentively, trying to see if the woman became closed off or against this idea.
“Raising three different stats in two days is a bit...fast,” Astrid answered and Liliana mentally cursed. She hadn’t realized the accelerated growth affected stats too! She’d have to be more careful about telling others how many points she got.
“Well, I was wondering if there were some exercises I could do to increase my other stats? Like Speed, Stamina, and Strength?” Liliana asked hopefully. Astrid stared at her for a long moment, her eyes considering as they looked over Liliana.
“There are some exercises I know that you could do, but…” Astrid trailed off and Liliana leaned forward eagerly. She knew it wasn’t taboo for women to level, or to even become adventurers. The Queen was a Rank 2 Soverign Blade after all, and she hadn’t gotten those levels sitting in her room. The Academy even accepted women. That was all information she’d gathered from the game, Liliana’s mind supplied extra information that told her it wasn’t exactly popular for young noble ladies to level or put themselves in danger. However, the Queen had made it a bit more fashionable to have higher levels.
“Well if I’m to go to the Academy in two years I’ll need to have better stats,” Liliana added in and Astrid’s eyes shone with gratitude. That would provide her with an ‘out’.
Saying she was helping Liliana train for the Academy would absolve her of many punishments. Despite how her family treated her she knew they wouldn’t stand in the way of her getting into the Academy. It was the right of every Noble to be able to try for the Academy. The only issue, and one Liliana would need to rectify before she turned sixteen, was you had to be Rank 7 at the very least to be admitted. Rank 7 started at level 55, thanks to her memories she had the ranks and levels memorized. She wouldn’t unlock her Rank until Level 10, when she would become Rank 10.
She had two years to get from Level 1 to Level 55, and she knew she was starting behind her peers. Almost all Nobles were Awakened on their thirteenth birthday, Liliana hadn’t been. It didn’t help that while Rank 7 was the minimum many started at higher Rabks than that, such as Rank 6 or even 5, and it impacted their social standing within the Academy. If she wanted to be respected she’d need to be Rank 6, which started at level 85, when she went to Academy.
Well at least I get the boons to help me, Liliana thought with a small smirk. She might be starting late but she would be damned if she didn’t eke every last drop of luck and power from the boons she’d been given.
With the boons it wouldn't be a complete pipedream for me to one day reach Rank 1, though that's likely years away. Liliana mused briefly, momentary daydreams of her with the almost godlike powers Rank 1s supposedly boasted. She focused back on the present when Astrid spoke up.
“Then I’ll talk to the Guard Captain, he’s sweet on me and I’m sure we can keep this between the three of us,” Astrid offered a mischievous smile and wink at Liliana. The girl grinned back, excited by the possibility of becoming stronger.
You have met the Requirements for the General Skill [Persuasion] Would you like to accept this skill?
Liliana blinked at the skill, not expecting to get another one so soon after her last. With a thought, she used [Identify] on it as Astrid gathered her Embroidery hoop from her.
Persuasion: Manipulate others with your words alone. Effect improved with higher Charisma. +2% increase in success for Persuasion attempts.
Alright, I’m going to need to increase my Charisma soon, I’ve gotten two skills that use it. And they’re skills that are directly useful for my survival here. Liliana looked over the skill and accepted happily. It was rather similar to [Deception] and she wondered if the two skills would stack. Could she make more persuading lies? Her hands itched for the Skill book so she could read it and get a better idea of how skills worked together.
As if hearing her prayers Astrid deposited the three books Liliana had been reading the day before on the table before her.
“You finished your Embroidery,” Astrid explained with a smile and Liliana happily grabbed the very book she’d been wanting to examine.
“Do we also have any books on the different types of magic?” Liliana asked, she wanted to ask for books specific to Soul or Bonding magic but she didn’t want to tip her hand anymore than she had. She had already messed up by letting Astrid know she’d Awakened early and gained Stat points faster than normal.
“I’m sure we do, I can gather some while getting your lunch,” Astrid offered as Liliana’s stomach growled again, annoyed it hadn't yet been fed.
“Thank you, Auntie Asi,“ Liliana bowed her head before opening the book in question and falling into it eagerly.
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