《Trashmancer》C3 Trashmancer
C3 Trashmancer
Congratulations! You have received the class Trashmancer!
“What?!” Eddie questioned with furrowed brows. “Trashmancer?”
I was just about to explain it but I-
“No, no, sorry- my bad. Go ahead.”
Class: Trashmancer
Description: A Trashmancer is a class meant for the chosen. They are the ones who can summon hordes of trash against their opponents and crush all that challenge them. Versed in powerful, unorthodox magic, you will be able to control and summon trash. You will learn the path of the Trashmancer and therefore will become one.
+10 Wisdom
+10 Intelligence
+3 Luck
Trashmancer’s Deodorant
Description: A Trashman will always smell, his hands will be stained and women/men will waft their noses. (P.S. I have nothing against trashmen). But a trashmancer, they use their powerful magic to turn their smell into glory and power. Charisma will be multiplied by -1; the smellier and dirtier you are, the more charisma you will have. However, to players, you will smell like a high school boys changing room. This skill is passive, though you are able to turn it off.
“Soooo… I can summon trash or..?”
Spells and Skills
SPELL Tier 1- Trash Chute Rank I
Description: A Trashmancer's basic spell. Summon fourth trash from the palm of your hands or staff, and shoot it towards your enemy. Is this skill unreliable? Yes. Can it screw you over? Yes. But will it absolutely decimate a poor level 3 horned rabbit unexpectedly? Absolutely. All items will disappear after hitting their target. This spell has minute chances to cause nausea, poison, blunt, piercing and mental damage; be warned.
Mana Cost: 15
Distance: 2-30m
Damage: 2-40
Cooldown: 5s
PASSIVE SKILL Tier 1- Trashman’s Sense Rank I
Description: Is this skill like spidey sense? No, not at all sorry. This skill helps you identify valuable trash. Example: If you’re looking for a specific broken sword type, this skill will tell you where to go and will highlight it. Also, this skill can detect flying trash from above and warn you. Limited to only Uncommon thrown out items as of now.
No cost requirements. Permanent. Can be deactivated(I do not recommned).
Congratulations! You have earned the title: Mage
“I really do now summon trash,” Eddie mused. He was slightly disappointed he didn’t receive {FIRE WIELDER OF WORLDS} class but realistically, that was a long shot. Although he wanted a mage class- it wasn’t what he had in mind.
“So system,” Eddie pondered. “Can I receive a different class?”
“C’mon… How about a basic fire magic class? Ash wielding? Oh, oh- I got it. Ice, to slow monsters down and then I can like blast them with a spear made of ice- and then- and then-”
Listen, my paste-eating friend. Those classes are extremely hard to get.
I’m doing you a favour here.
“Fine,” Eddie grumbled with distaste. “So what are the requirements for this class? Epicly handsome?” he questioned with a devilish smile and raised left eyebrow.
I shouldn’t be telling you this but…
Trashmancer Class Requirements
-Spend at least 2 hours in a trash pit
-Kill 5 Trash Type enemies
-Weird personality (See Pers#192 for more details)
-Level 10
“I don’t understand the weird personality bit, but I’m only level one- well, two now.”
The developers and myself made this class as a jok- test!
Yes, test; to see if people would actually enjoy it. No one’s picked it so far so I decided to give it to you, minusing the level 10 requirement in my own awesomeness for you.
“Well I’m not enjoying it.”
Tough titty, get what you’re given.
“Screw you!!! And how come you can swear?!” Eddie exclaimed to the air in front of him. No response from the system came however, and he sat down in defeat. He was at his breaking point now. He did so much walking to get here, was thrown into a trash pit, killed a bunch of monsters for the quest to only receive a terrible class. All because he was a gullible fool to think one could actually enjoy gaming- poor Eddie.
To use your new spell, think or say the spell and it will activate.
“Ugh, fine. I’ll use your stupid spell,” Eddie groaned, rolling his eyes while getting up. “So just think of the spell and it will activate,” he repeated. “Ok, here we go.”
Cracking his neck and knuckles, Eddie then held his palm up and pointed to a nearby compacted wall. “Trash Chute, fire!” He felt a warm fuzzy feeling run down his arm and into his hand. White light projected itself from Eddie’s palm and a rotten banana peel formed in the centre. His eyebrows were furrowed by the sheer strangeness yet amazement. The banana peel flew out from his hand and splattered into the compacted trash wall. He took a step back, watching the banana peel gently fall onto the ground and disappear into small blue cubes. “Did I just summon… A banana?”
Trash Definition
Anything which is thrown out- unwanted.
“Well, that could be almost anything,” he remarked in thought. “Wait, so I can summon eyeballs or toenail clippings?”
Note: As long as it falls between 2-40 damage- anything.
Eddie rolled his shoulders, lunged, and then stood back upright. “Ok, let’s go again.” Aiming with his palm upwards, he shouted. “Trash Chute!” A broken potion glass formed from the white light and smashed against the wall. Amazed, he waited five seconds and reactivated the spell. A broken dagger shot out at 20mph and jammed itself into the wall. “This… This is kinda fudging awesome!”
You are welcome.
A grin grew on Eddie’s face and his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. He pointed to another wall and called fourth the powerful spell; four metal guitar picks flew out of his hand and impaled themselves. He looked at his hand like one would after acquiring the all father’s lightning. “I’M A FUDGING MAGE!” he screamed at the top of his lungs, the trash pit echoing the call of the powerful master.
He poorly performed a barrel roll which looked more like a fall, and he held his palm up to once again fire it on one knee; making an iron man sound as it left. An old stool shot out and it exploded against the wall in spectacular fashion. He was left for words as he impatiently waited for the short cooldown to come off. He did it again, and again, and-
“Oh fudge, I’m out of mana,” Eddie complained, glancing at the blue bar at 0% in his HUD. He looked at the recovery rate which stood at 1.3 M/S now. It meant he was going to have to wait at least 8 seconds to fire it again. “Speaking of my stat sheet.”
User: EDDI3456
Level 2 (2 Points to Allocate)
Progression to next level: 139(+122)/500 EXP
Titles: Mage
0.3 HP/S
2 SP/S
1.3 (+1)MP/S
(-1)x-2=2 (-4)
Status Effects:
Smelly II: -3 Charisma
Dirty: -1 Charisma
Passive Skills
T1 Trashman’s Eyes
T1 Trash Chute Rank I
Perks (Class)
Perks (Profession)
Trashmancer’s Deodorant
“Holy jesus balls! I have 130 mana?!”
That isn’t that mu-
“This is so fudging cool! Oh! Thank you system!” Eddie proclaimed with admiration. “I shall slay the monster overlords with this powerful spell… Trashman’s Eyes and Trashmancers Deodorant, they are?” Eddie questioned the thin air before him. Not receiving an answer, he scrolled back up his notifications. “Oh, ok. So, two passive skills.” He had read about them before, skills he wouldn’t need to activate basically- unlike Trash Chute.
Trashmancer’s Deodorant he was most happy with, but it also meant that if he was clean or turned it off he would stink like a Mcdonald’s toilet. It just meant he always had to be smelly and dirty- he could revolte back to his rebellious teenager days. Trashman’s Sense was technically a scavenger skill and could warn him of- he felt a little tingle go off in his head. He looked up and saw a grand piano falling straight towards him. His face filled with fear as he dove away. It came crashing down a second later in musical fashion. Eddie got up and stuck out his belly to recover the lost oxygen. “Well that was scary,” he remarked, hands on hips.
Nice Job! You have discovered land!
Are you the British? I hope not.
You may claim this land before anyone else. (I like British people)
Would you like to claim this land as your own? Yes/No?
The area you are able to claim has been highlighted on your minimap.
“Urm- cool, I don’t know how that can help me,” Eddie thought out loud as he looked. The large basin area he was standing on was all coloured a faint green. It ran up to where he fell into the trash pit and also through the cave which led down into the main dungeon. However, there was a portion of the cave that was red with a skull and crossbones in the center.
Eddie rubbed his chin. “I guess, I’ll claim it?”
Congratulations! You have earned the title: Landowner
Wow! Look at you! Really moving up in the world!
You are now able to build properties on your land.
You may use the building guidance and blueprints for buildings or build them yourself.
You also may designate what areas people are allowed into.
“C-c-c-c-cool. So what does this mean?”
You own land? (One of the only few spots in Aridought's Trash Dump, plus, it’s in an open dungeon which is very rare.)
Eddie brought out the new icon flashing in his bottom right corner. He opened it up to see a bunch of settings that governed the land. He could invite people to help, designate areas from private, public, workshop, guild and communal. He didn’t understand the difference between public and communal but he didn’t look any further.
He clicked on a tab that led him to an array of buildings. There were all sorts, furnaces, cooking tables, anvils, etc. He assumed they were for people to practise and make their own items. They could be made with different materials. One needed 70 bars of iron, 20 planks of timber(any type) for a Tier 1 Smithing Table. 120 Carved Stone Bricks and 40 Coal/Charcoal for a furnace. Although, they were actually only blueprints and guidelines. It appeared you had to actually make them yourself which helped with the realism factor. There was one thing that disgusted him though.
Tier 7 Elven Smithing Table Purchase Only- PREBUILT
Is able to craft up to Legendary Grade Weapons.
+35% increased chance to receive a modification
Was: $399.99 Now: $359.99
“Who would even buy that?” he questioned the air in disgust. He wondered if people actually liked playing the game or just poured money into it to be the best. He guessed the latter since Chronicles Of Fantasy was ‘the game’ right now. He changed the tab and it switched to buildings. There were houses, many of them. The material cost was astronomical. Yet again, he saw a bunch of the P2W houses.
Tier 5 Grand Wood Woven Mansion Purchase Only- PREBUILT
Four {Recall To House} available. 1 Hour cooldown per recall.
+2% ALL damage.
100m^3 of storage.
+25% Charisma when talking to Nature Type NPCs.
Was: $1799.99 Now: $1699.99
Eddie screwed up his face; annoyed, disgruntled and ashamed of the human race. He was going to prove them wrong; that gaming should be purely made for fun and NOT for profit. “Ok, Mr System.”
I do not have a gender. My pronouns are zei, zer and zi.
“Ok... z-eir-ziza. System, how do I make a house but not gather these materials?”
House Requirements
Four sides, roof and door. Size must be more than 3m^3.
Your house will then be judged by the system and you will be given a Tier.
Depending on the tier, material, location, type and overall look,
you will be given bonuses.
A player may craft their own house or use the blueprints to help them build.
All houses except for houses purchased with real tender, will have to be built by hand and may require tradesmen depending on the craft needed.
Eddie pouted, rubbing his chin in thought. He still wanted to escape the trash pit but he would have to brave the dungeon all by himself. Eddie was not a fighter, so he needed some extra hands or fodder to protect him. He looked at the golem in his inventory; he really, really wanted to make one. “System, what do I need for a workshop? To work on golems?”
Workshop (Any) Requirements
Four sides, roof and door. Size must be more than 5m^3.
Worktable, 10 different tools and a mana battery for lights.
“How about a cave?” Eddie asked, eyebrows raised. The same message prompt came up again.
Workshop (Any) Requirements
Four sides, roof and door. Size must be more than 5m^3.
Worktable, 10 different tools and a mana battery for lights.
“Ok, ok,” Eddie pondered. He made a checklist in game and put it up to the top of his HUD. There wasn’t much to get- or so Eddie thought. Heading into the cave, he began searching for a rounded off area he could possibly make a house out of- or cave home- or anywhere to put a door on. He kept noticing the red area portion of the cave; it was bugging him a lot. He could still walk past it to get down into the dungeon, but Eddie being Eddie, decided to investigate. He didn’t want to have any monsters in his ‘new home’. Dragging along his testicles of steel, he rounded a corner where he arrived into a large open area.
“Ohhh, this is niceee,” Eddie mused, slowly nodding his head approvingly. The only route in was a small circular cave he could easily block off with a door. The cave itself had a bubbling pool of acid in the center- it looked like a bat cave- except a trash cave? All was good, until Eddie took a step further into the ‘room’.
“Why do I hear boss music?” he questioned innocently, looking around.
“Dun-Dun-Dun-Dun!” (Epic dubstep/Chivalry music plays)
“Getting a bit creep-”
The bubbling acid pool moved and Eddie’s eyes pinged onto it. He felt like he was in a movie. The pool of acid moved again and he took a quiet step back. His new boots crushed an old crate and all the hairs on his arm rose. His heart was beating a million miles per hour and his legs shook.
A gigantic figure started to rise from the bubbling pool of acid. It was made from interlocking sheets of metal that slithered into a cylindrical body. It moved like a snake but it was no snake. As the viscous black liquid fell off of it's head, two glowing red eyes pierced Eddie’s soul as he met them.
Eddie coughed, clearing his throat nervously. “Ok, big guy. I’m sorry to of disturbed you but I need to go- pfft, lie down? If that's ok with you?”
MINIBOSS Bionic Gigantic Trash Metal Serpent, Level 36 💀Ω
You have discovered an OMEGA BOSS (Ω). An Omega Boss needs at least 50 people of half the boss's level- recommended that is. But since you are only a small, weak, frail, trashmancer, I’d suggest you run.
He swallowed the boulder in his throat. “You’re-you’re b-b-b-” Eddie couldn’t spit it out. The miniboss reeled up and opened its mechanical jaws, letting out a screech that shook the cave along with Eddie’s legs. He bolted out and ran as fast as his malnourished body could take him. He skidded round a bend and fell to the ground- breathing heavily to recover the polluted oxygen in his lungs. He grabbed his forehead with his palm and reconsidered living in the cave. “Wait? Can it follow me out?!” The system didn’t respond so he searched it up with one eye looking sideways to check if it had. Thankfully, it seemed it was stuck in there. That calmed Eddie down a bit, the entire cave system was his except for the bit the boss was in. It was also the best room he had found. Gutted, he carried on looking for a better room.
After wandering around the caves for a few minutes, he found a closed off series of small caves that had an entrance he could block off. He was almost satisfied with it. He looked at the map and dropped a pinpoint on it so he could find it again. He dumped the half-corpse golem into one of the rooms and chucked the rest of the loot there. It appeared that it wouldn’t despawn but the expiration time on the food kept ticking down. He most probably needed to cook it or find a fridge of sorts.
Making sure he had the make-shift club and full mana, he headed off into the main area of the trash dump.
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