《Amazonian and her captive》Chapter 31 - The Mad Goddess
Kenyanire, Yantraki, and Thorn sat along one side of the wooden table. Outside the door sat the Huntresses and Boruma. The Boruma mingled and played with the Boruma from Morgarina’s tribe. The Huntresses on the other hand were understandably far warier of the Daughters of the Moon. As far as the Huntresses were concerned, they were deep in enemy territory.
Morgarina waved a hand and several of her Amazons approached Kenyanire, Yantraki, and Thorn carrying trays of food and drink. The servants carefully placed the trays down and began offering the beverages to the three. Thorn took a drink and thanked the servants. Yantraki sneered at the Amazons, prompting them towards Kenyanire. Unlike Yantraki, Kenyanire gracefully accepted the gifts of hospitality.
“Are any of your party hurt? I heard our sister Kreoilipe tried to kill you and that your little human friend was able to get a hit in on her? She is strong and smart, but too quick to act on a whim,” Morgarina said. Yantraki folded her arms as she eyed the room.
“Where is my Liam, I wish to prepare him for the mating season,” Yantraki said, annoying Morgarina slightly at her rudeness.
“He is tired, he needs sleep and relaxation. He doesn’t need you bouncing up and down on his pelvis, breaking it with your fat ass!” Morgarina said, starting to lose patience with her sister.
“Well at least I don’t need to use magic to see, you fucking cripple,” Yantraki spat at her sister.
“Yantraki!” Kenyanire yelled at her daughter.
“We are guests, where is your respect?” Kenyanire said, giving an apologetic look to Morgarina.
“Well at least I do not rape the men I like,” Morgarina snapped back.
“Rape? He is my property; I can do with him what I see fit. Gracing him with my body was a great honour I have bestowed onto him,” Yantraki said smugly.
“Honour? Gracing? Bestowed? The only reason that male stays by your side is he believes you would burn his people to death if he left you alone! I have seen his thoughts; I know why he is as kind as he is. He has lost much, his friends slaughtered by his own hand!” Morgarina placed a hand over her mouth, realising she was giving away Liam’s secrets that even he didn’t know she had taken from him.
“What? S…say that again?” Yantraki said, her eyes widening as she reached for her interrogation knife (not to be confused with her larger slaughtering knife).
“Tell me everything you saw in his memories, or I shall tell him you have stolen secrets from him,” Yantraki said, her hand now firmly gripped around her knife.
“Girls, calm yourselves,” Kenyanire said as the sole voice of reason.
“You are not children anymore, there’s no need for petty fights. Now Yantraki, apologise to your sister,” Kenyanire said as she glared at Yantraki.
“Fine, sorry sister,” Leaning forward, Yantraki whispered to Morgarina.
“I apologise as well… you tend to bring the worst out in me,” Morgarina said, struggling to suppress her desire to strangle her sister there and then.
“Still, where is my husband,” Yantraki said, immediately going back onto her main objective. A sly smile spread across Morgarina’s lips.
“Follow me,” she said, getting to her feet.
Liam kept his eyes shut, trying his best to act as if he were asleep. He clenched his eyes closed even more tightly as the door opened. From the sounds of the footsteps, he guessed that several figures moved into the room. The intruders moved around his bed. They muttered quietly amongst each other as they surrounded him.
Listening carefully to the voices, he picked out several of them to be those of the sisters. Ah, there was the last one, Kenyanire. It seemed her daughters had somehow managed to rope her into this as well.
“What do we do at this point?” Thorn whispered in Amazonian to Yantraki.
“Well, I usually attack him, force him down, then politely make him have sex with me,” Yantraki said, drooling slightly at the thought of pinning Liam down and forcing him to her will.
Morgarina had to admit she was also tempted to give in to her primal desires as she saw the defenceless human on her bed. Mabey it wasn’t so morally incorrect to make such an adorable creature submit sexually to her. After all, he was property by Amazonian law.
Kenyanire could see the look on the faces of her daughters, giving her a good idea of what the three salivating girls were planning. Sighing, she sat back onto the floor, it was nearing mating season after all. The plan was to have the four of them together, monopolise him for themselves.
Shrugging away any moral questions that could be raised, Kenyanire decided that it was probably best if she was the one to make the first move. Leaping past her daughters and onto the bed, she crawled like a lioness hunting its prey, towards Liam. A hand gripped firmly over Liam’s mouth. He immediately moved his hand to swipe away the attacker, but several more pairs of soft hands quickly restrained him.
“Do not run my love. There is no use, it is the night before the mating season and we must begin to prepare you for our mating ritual,” the soft voice of Kenyanire whispered into his ear. He jumped slightly as he felt the sharp teeth of an amazon nibble on his ear.
“I can’t wait to see you dressed in the ritual attire,” Yantraki giggled into his other ear. Liam felt shivers of fear grip him as the bodies of the Amazons started to engulf him. Both Yantraki and Kenyanire lay their warm bodies along his chest, both being very careful to not crush him.
“He will look adorable covered in ceremonial paints. I can’t wait to see him squirming under our touch,” Thorn murmured as her hands caressed his shaking legs.
“Look at him, he’s like a child,” Kenyanire awed as she saw the look of fear in Liam’s eyes as he came to the realisation that the Amazons around him were on the verge of going into heat. Like a switch had flicked in their minds, the Amazons were solely focused on one thing, mating him. Looking to his side, he tried to make out the figure in the dark next to him.
He shuddered as he realised it was Morgarina. The one he thought was the most reliable, now had his arm pinned under her body.
“Oh shit,” Liam muttered to himself as the Amazonians began their torment.
Hours passed before Liam finally came to his senses. Sweat drenched his body. Slowly he went to move, as he expected, his body was aching. Small beams of light came into the room from an unknown location. The light illuminated the curves of Yantraki as she snuggled into his thigh. Thorn lay opposite her, her face pressed against his other thigh.
Kenyanire lay under him, presumably the last one to have sex with him as it appeared she had laid him onto her body after using him. Staring carefully at the sleeping face of Kenyanire, he could see she was probably deep in sleep. Carefully Liam pulled his legs from the grips of the first two Amazons. He took good care to make sure he didn’t wake Kenyanire as he shoved her breasts from his face.
Her eyes flickered open as she saw Liam trying to get up from her chest. Grabbing his head, Kenyanire shoved him back down onto her body. Placing a firm hand on the back of his head, she started to gently stroke his hair.
“Stay, we won’t have much time for such loving moments as this once the mating season starts. And we only have a few hours until it is night, and the opening ritual starts. We also need to get you ready,” Kenyanire said as she started to run her fingers through his hair.
“I know”, said Liam, “but I still have things to talk about with Morgarina, but I can’t see her here so I should probably find her. As you said, we don’t have much time” Pushing himself off Kenyanire, Liam tried to leave again. Kenyanire grabbed the scruff of his neck. Forcing his head back down onto her chest, she made sure he was in a comfy position, making sure his face was pressed against her breasts.
“Stay and sleep. Take in my warmth, Morgarina is busy preparing some sacrifices for the opening ritual,” Kenyanire explained as she went back to stroking his hair.
“Feed from my breasts, you should take as much energy as possible before we prepare you. After all, we don’t plan on letting you relax, you will be busy.” Kenyanire purred in her thick accent. Liam shivered slightly as she licked her lips, her other hand started to move down his back while the other wrapped around his neck to keep him in place.
“You know I hate breastfeeding from you. It's fucking weird for me, and I rather not be snapped in two yet,” Liam said as he shoved Kenyanire’s arms off him.
“But if Morgarina is performing sacrifices, then I’ll probably just sleep for a while,” Liam said as he climbed off Kenyanire again, moving her breasts out of his face. Chuckling slightly, Kenyanire allowed him to climb off her. She could see a mixed look of annoyance and anger in his eyes as she mentioned the word sacrifice. A feeling of sympathy fell over Kenyanire as she came up with a plan to both distract him and entertain herself.
She watched as he rolled onto another part of the bed where there were no Amazons lying. Smiling, she watched as he crawled over to a pile of furs and fur pillows.
“You look cute when you are scared,” Kenyanire said as she crawled over to him. Liam sighed as she followed him onto the pile of furs. Almost immediately she lay down, beside him. Wrapping an arm around him, she pulled him closer.
“Come, I want more cuddle,” Kenyanire said as she snuggled her face into his hair. Liam wasn’t surprised, he thought she was going to try something like this. It was probably due to her taking leave of her senses during the mating season.
“Try anything and I will stab you,” Liam said as he cuddled into Kenyanire. Kenyanire’s eyes widened for a few seconds. She was surprised he was actually going along with it. She assumed he would struggle.
“How disappointing, I didn’t think you would be so willing to accept my love. I was actually looking forward to having to pin you and mate with you, seeing you squirm would have been fun,” Kenyanire wined as she nibbled on Liam’s neck.
“Sadist, just let me sleep,” Liam said as he closed his eyes, hoping this was going to deter her from carrying on with her advances towards him. Like most things about the Amazons, Liam greatly misunderstood their sense of morality. Almost immediately after he closed his eyes, her hands started to probe him.
“Literally not even a second,” Liam said as he rolled off Kenyanire.
“I’m sorry!” She said, putting her arms out to him, making grabbing motions with her hands like a child. Still not having the strength to leave, Liam crawled back into her arms.
“One more chance,” he said. He narrowed his eyes at Kenyanire before resting his head against her once more. Closing his eyes, he tried again to go to sleep. Kenyanire gave out a little giggle as her hands started to probe him yet again.
“Alright,” Liam said as he sat up.
“I was kidding!” Kenyanire moaned as Liam moved from her arms.
“Please, I just want to sleep,” Liam said as he slumped back onto the pile of furs.
“Quiet, you will wake the others,” Kenyanire giggled as she tried to grab him.
“Please for the love of God, just let me have five fucking minutes of peace,” Liam said as he tried to ignore Kenyanire.
“I’m sorry, I promise I won’t do anything this time,” Kenyanire said, doing her best to hide her childish grin. Knowing what was going to happen if he went into her arms, Liam slowly moved away from the scheming Amazon. Seeing her prey was escaping, Kenyanire wasted no time in pouncing onto him.
“Please, just let me cuddle for a while,” Kenyanire pleaded.
She knew he was annoyed, but it was better to keep him distracted by acting like an idiot instead of allowing him to dwell on the thought that there were Amazonian men being brutally sacrificed at that moment. Just another hour, she would just torment him for another hour until the sacrifices were finished and it was time to get him ready from the beginning of the mating ritual. She hadn’t explained what the ceremony was, but for her, that was simply part of her sadistic fun.
“On a serious note, you should rest. We did use you for a good few hours and for the ceremony you will probably need a lot of stamina,” Kenyanire said as she pinned Liam onto the pile of furs.
“You keep going on about this bloody ritual, what is it and why should I give two fucks?” Liam said, too tired to be polite.
“let’s just say you and I shall have a lot of fun tonight,”
“No, no please don’t. You and the three fuck-wits almost broke my pelvis several times. Thank fuck that whatever the priestesses’ magic did when she healed my bones before when you broke them, has finally somehow strengthened them, otherwise I think I would be dead right now,” Liam said as he clambered off the bed.
“Where do you think you are going?” Kenyanire questioned.
“I’m going for a walk,” Liam said, wanting to get away from the approaching death trap which was sleeping with an Amazon. God his back hurt, he barely survived the first time so sleeping with Kenyanire alone for a second time was enough to make his body somehow aroused and yet physically cringe at the same time.
“Why? do I not satisfy you?” Kenyanire said, putting on her pouty voice in an attempt to be cute.
“Don’t do that,” Liam said as he started scavenging his clothes from around the bed.
“Don’t do what?” Kenyanire purred as she admired the small abbs that were beginning to form on Liam’s chest.
She was too in heat before to take notice, but it seemed that Thormoenia’s training had toughened him a little. Chuckling to herself, Kenyanire could tell that what he said about Thormoenia’s training being what kept him alive during sex was probably true. Unknowingly, Kenyanire licked her lips slightly as she saw the toned butt of Liam. Thormoenia’s training really was doing good work for his body, maybe she should make him train more when they return home? Seeing Liam with some abbs and an even better butt was something that now started to bubble away in her mind.
Electricity shot through Liam’s back. Turning around, he saw the salivating Kenyanire staring at him.
“Try something, I fucking dare you,” Liam said as he waved his shirt at her jokingly. Kenyanire waited patiently for Liam to turn around again. After a few minutes, Liam finally turned and allowed his guard to drop. Smirking, she struck and placed a quick slap onto his butt. Liam snapped around, his fierce eyes staring down Kenyanire.
“You…” Liam signed, realising that lecturing an Amazonian on their nature wasn’t worth his time.
Liam went to start dressing, just for Kenyanire to rip his shirt from his hands.
“Remember, we need to get you dressed in ceremonial attire, not your usual clothes,” Kenyanire said as she stretched her arms and got off the bed. Walking over to Liam, she placed a reassuring hand onto his cheek.
“Don’t worry, the position you shall take in the ritual was traditionally a sacrificial position, but we have made a few decisions,” Kenyanire said as she planted a soft kiss onto his forehead. Liam narrowed his eyes, untrusting of the morality of their decision.
“What kind of decision?” Liam questioned. Kenyanire placed another kiss onto his head.
“Don’t worry, you won’t be harmed…that much. We would usually have the leader/leaders of the tribe/tribes have sex with a male, like tonight,” Kenyanire said as she gestured to the bed where Yantraki and Thorn lay.
“We would then have sex with him again on an altar at the top of a temple. We would mate him, then eat him alive as soon as he spills his seed. The decision we made was to have sex with you, but eat another man,” Kenyanire said solemnly as she saw the look of all too familiar sadness and anger in Liam’s eyes.
“I’m sorry,” she muttered as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Seeing his deteriorating mood, Kenyanire quickly acted.
“ON the bright side, this will be the first time I have sex with you. Last time you fell asleep so we kept having to use drugs to keep you hard, but now we can keep you awake for a long time!” She cheered, wanting to take his mind off the approaching blood sacrifice.
“I see…fine then,” Liam said, trying not to think about the approaching ritual. Knowing he was probably going to be a little more mentally prepared now, Kenyanire was alight with ruining her surprise that he was to have sex with her. Nodding, Liam stepped away from Yantraki. Pulling on his shirt and trousers, he moved to the door.
“I need a walk,” he muttered before opening the door and leaving. From his mood, Kenyanire could tell it was probably best to simply leave him be for the time being. She waited until he left before deciding to wake her two daughters.
Little light filled the hallway. Only a few trickles of light came from under the door to Morgarina’s room. Down the end of the hallway, he could hear the rapid beating of the drums. Down the other stretch of hallway, there was the wafting scent of oils and – Liam clenched his nose at the putrid smell of a thick wine that had to have been mixed with some other vile concoction.
A few chirping voices echoed from the end of the hallway to his left, the direction where the smell was coming from. Giggling Amazons came into the dim light of the hallway. Haughtily they strode down the hall, giggling and laughing in their thick native accents. Not knowing his way around the temple, Liam approached the Amazons with the intention of asking for help.
“Sorry, excuse me!” Liam said, smiling as he approached the girls. They fell silent. Even in the dim light, he could see the eyes of the blushed Amazons widen as they left no time in surrounding him.
Liam gagged slightly. He could smell the rotten stench of alcohol on their breath. Annoyed, he started to swat away the hands of the Amazons as they went to molest him. This was it, not an act of viciousness, nor was it that of a sexual act, more it was out of drunken curiosity than anything else.
Muttering, bickering and what sounded like debating came from the group of Amazons. Their constant chatter drowned out anything Liam tried to say. Taking a deep breath, Liam raised his foot up as the hands of the Amazons started to probe his body again. With his patience exhausted, he stomped down onto the foot of one of the Amazons.
Silence again filled the room. The Amazon whose foot he had stamped on look down at him with raised eyebrows and her mouth open slightly as if she was to try to ask a question. His attacker had obviously not been harmed as she showed no physical or verbal signs of pain, instead, it seemed his attack had just been enough to confuse the drunken Amazon.
“Morgarina,” Liam said, understanding that the amazons did not speak English, but there was a high chance they did understand the name of their master. Baffled, the amazons looked at each other.
“Morgarina!” He out louder.
After a few more random words thrown in alongside the name of their high priestess, the drunken bunch eventually understood what he wanted. All simultaneously lifted their fingers to the right. Down the hallway, from where the sound of drums had come. It seemed this is where they believed Morgarina to be.
Nodding his head in a sign of thanks to the Amazons, Liam quickly turned and strode to his right and proceeded towards the sound of beating drums. A small group of drunken amazons escorted him down the hallway. Turning the corner, Liam squinted his eyes shut as the golden rays of firelight flashed over his face. Taking a few more steps forward he allowed himself to slowly get used to the light.
He moved forward again; his eyes now adjusted to the light, he walked out into a large, open room. He was on a small, elevated flight of stairs that led down into the main area, but he was in the room, nonetheless. There were hundreds if not thousands of Amazons sitting around long tables where Boruma happily hopped and danced around the plates of food and drink, their wild shaking hips clearly bringing entertainment to the lustful Amazonians.
Scanning the room, Liam’s eyes soon fell onto Morgarina. Towards the far side of the room stood a large, elevated, wooden platform. On top of the platform were several rows of highly decorated native dancers. Each happily shook their hips to the beat of the drums. Behind the dancers was another elevated stage, here lay Morgarina. A long stone altar sat along with the top steps of the second stage, many flowers and ornaments decorated it, as did numerous streaks of scarlet red blood.
Morgarina Stood next to the altar, her face and body were already covered in red splatters of Amazonian blood. Raising a hand, she pointed to another platform on the opposite side of the room to her. Liam looked to his left to see where she was pointing. There he saw another platform with about fifty or so Amazonians from what appeared to be the Sun Sisters tribe and the tribe that bared the marking of the purple serpent, the tribe that tried to assassinate him.
It was easy for him to say that he didn't feel much sympathy for these people. After all, both of their tribes had at some point tried to have him killed, so why would he try and prevent their deaths at the hands of a potential ally? The dancers from Morgarina’s stage hopped down from their places and started to move towards the bound women, still making sure that their swaying hips and dance continued.
All made way for these warriors as they shimmied over to the bound captives. Reaching into the backs of their skirts, each woman drew a concealed knife made from white bone. Liam sat back and decided at that point it was probably best to watch and get a good understanding of this ritual if he was to try and understand more of the Daughters of the Moon culture.
Five of the captives were cut from their bindings. They were dragged through the crowd where the hands of teasing and mocking Amazonians pulled and tugged at their sacrificial attire. Not even an ounce of sympathy was shown for these unfortunate souls as they were dragged up the steps and the first was placed onto the stone altar. The first sacrifice was a Sun Sister. Her golden locks quickly being cut off by one of the dancers as four priests held down her arms and legs.
Instinctively, the second Liam saw Morgarina raise her sacrificial knife high into the air he turned his head to avoid having to look upon the stoic face of the victim. As the knife cut into flesh, Liam could see the drunken Amazonians were still behind him waiting for him to move forward. The eyes of one of them widened as a smile came over her face. Bending down she placed a soft kiss onto his forehead and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Still not understanding Amazonian, Liam didn't understand her words, but he could guess from her tone they were some of the comforts.
It had to be obvious that he was scared as even drunken Amazonians helped him down into the chamber, where they immediately dragged him over to a table of their friends who spent no timing offering him drinks and hugs of solidarity. ‘Thunk’, the knife hitting flesh again as the next captive was sacrificed. Liam kept his eyes down and chose to listen to the voices of the Amazonians to avoid having to see the death of the captives.
Coward, that's all he could think to himself. He had come in here originally to find Morgarina but then had decided to stay and watch the sacrifices so that he could understand more about their culture, now he sat like a coward. Cradled behind the strong body of an Amazon to hide from the bloodshed. Pushing down the foul taste of bile in his throat, Liam leapt to his feet and started to stride towards the stage where the dancers and Morgarina were.
Reaching the bottom of the steps, Liam straightened his back as he watched the fourth captive being sacrificed. He watched carefully as the woman was held on the altar. Morgarina’s hands probed the chest of the woman until she found the space between her two breasts. Memorising this space Morgarina lifted her knife into the air. With great force, the knife came down into the chest of the woman and blood flew out, even splattering around the feet of Liam.
A warrior from his tribe noticed him and quietly made sure to inform Morgarina of his presence. Morgarina nodded as the woman informed her, but this did not stop her from performing the fifth sacrifice. The victim was laid down on the altar as the bodies of the other sacrifices were carried off for reasons Liam dared not to imagine. Liam kept his eyes fixed on Morgarina as he suppressed any feelings of hateful anger.
The fifth was sacrificed and her bloody corpse was carried down the altar. A wicked sadistic smile curled onto the face of Morgarina. Looking upon her, that’s when Liam realised this was her true side, but aside she only ever showed in the rituals and around her inner circle. There were no grand gestures or entertainment added to the death of the sacrifice, Morgarina simply killed her with a wicked grin and allowed the dancers to be the ones to entertain. Once the body was carried off and the Amazonians continued to dance, chant, sing and do all kinds of celebratory things. Morgarina put out a hand to Liam.
“Come, allow me to welcome you our great guest of honour!” Morgarina yelled to the heavens as two dancers helped escort Liam up the steps of the platform and over to Morgarina. Not wanting to cause offence, Liam allowed the dancers to carry him up to Morgarina.
Carefully they placed him down next to her. Almost immediately upon standing, Morgarina dipped two of her fingers into the blood of the sacrifices, her smile growing even wider as she saw the look of fear on the faces of those still bound that were being taken to the altar… they would be next. Liam scowled slightly but managed to hold back his disgust as Morgarina use the blood to paint two red stripes onto either side of his face.
“Come, Liam, allow me to get you dressed and ready for the Opening ceremony,” Morgarina whispered to him as her hands probed his trousers. Liam bit the corner of his mouth to avoid vocalising his disappointment at seeing a seemingly good person take such pleasure in killing people. Tonight, was the beginning of a long, hard journey, but more importantly, it was a struggle for his own survival.
Morgarina pulled Liam to her side, placing a soft kiss on his cheek.
“Don’t worry, I will take good care of you. After all, we are destined to be together.,” she said as she kissed him again.
“After this ritual, we shall get to work bringing back your memories. The memories of us. A Moon God and Moon Goddess,” Morgarina said as she kissed him again.
Ah, so this was it. Her real self. A delusional monster that believed itself to be a Goddess.”
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Tales of Ordinary, Completely Unremarkable Contractors
"Where life had no value, death, sometimes, had its price. That is why the mercenaries appeared." - Artur Xerxes, in A Century of Disappointment: Memoirs of a Travelling Dwarf It's never too difficult to land contracts for a set very specialised skills in a continent teeming with werewolves, vampires, giant leopards, undead and, god forbid, elves. The difficulty comes when these contractors find themselves suffocated in the dense atmosphere of this world's rigid - and mostly unfair - rules; death, suffering and misfortune await those unwilling to sacrifice to bend these in their favour. In this non-linear plot, you will observe a scarred and deformed farm girl cashing her first bounty posters, a seemingly ordinary barmaid at a tavern in the bustling centre of a sprawling, corrupt city and an enigmatic leader of a firm specialising in dealings any other would consider suicidal. Watch them all take everything to the next level at every available opportunity, and then feel dread at the thought that this still might not be enough to halt the physical embodiment of doom about to do what it does best Please, feel free to review and comment! Any sort of feedback can help me become a better writer and write more engaging stories for you. I used to update once every 3-5 days, but this rewrite is taking much too long...I do hope it will be worth it.
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Halloween Specials
Short stories of ghosts, supernatural, and other sorts of scary and exciting things.This segment will only be open till Oct.-Nov. 20, 2015you can message me to tell your stories and I'll post it here but make it 1000 words long so that I don't have to make it longer.And also it doesn't need to be scary as long as it's supernatural or exciting you can send it.It doesn't need to be real as long as it's a STORY you createdWarning:All stories you send to me must be created by yourself don't crib it someone else's work it might have some similarities it will be ok as long as you didn't stole someone else's work If you will post someone else's work dedicate it to them or seek their permission to post it here.Some of the stories here might endanger you so please don't follow the instruction if there is one. Playing with the unknown might get you in to a bad situation.It was just posted here for the sake of satisfying your curiosity and as they say curiosity kills the catThanks google for the cover, the cover was well I'll let it to your Imagination hope you sleep well seeing it.Yours truly your Idiot Cat,BakaNeko
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The Princess And Her Warmonger
"Let me tell you a true story about a mouse and a Warmonger, and the unlikely relationship that sprouted between them in the time of endless war." Nostalisk is a world in endless constant war. The Factions of this world endlessly fight for power, this fighting called the Great Wars, a war that has been alive for over four million years. Currently, one of the largest Factions has withdrawn from the endless fighting. This Faction, known as the Kingdom, hopes to forget their past of endless bloodshed and how they were almost destroyed because of it. In the Kingdom, Princess Isalene, the only princess of the Kingdom, is stuck choosing a new personal guard after her previous one died. Despite her father, King Robert, helping her choose a new guard, Isalene decides to head to the arena to see how the knights on the list her father gave her act outside of the eyes of royals. When she arrives at the arena, she sees a knight fighting that is not on the list her father gave her. Named Cruel Knight, this knight is a vicious knight with confusing morals. Despite hating violence, Princess Isalene can't help but be drawn to the knight and their graceful yet cruel fighting style and strange weapons. Princess Isalene continues to watch them and soon learns that Cruel Knight is a Warmonger named Sharia, and is female at that, meaning she is a prisoner. She isn't in there for something simple as disobeying a direct order or killing a noble, but for prolonging a war. Despite knowing this, Princess Isalene can't stop thinking about the Warmonger and suddenly gets a "smart" idea. She'll make Sharia her new personal guard to find out more about her! What could go wrong? And so begins the odd relationship between Sharia The Warmonger and Princess Isalene. One is a peace-loving sheltered naive princess who hates violence and the other is a vicious, cold, twisted, and cruel Warmonger who hates the kind of peace Isalene and the current Kingdom loves. Polar opposites. Yet, even the Warmonger can't help but grow a strange liking to her new "annoyance". But, can the two really get along? After all, Sharia's whole mindset sees Isalene as a waste, and it seems that everyone Isalene talks to tells her to fire Sharia before something terrible happens. But, then again, during this time of budding danger, this odd couple may be what the Kingdom needs. After all, when a large faction such as the Kingdom starts growing soft and weak, they become a rather irresistible target. [After thinking on it, I decided to start a re-write of The Princess And Her Warmonger, adding more details, fixing the switching POVs somewhat, and fixing some of the issues with the story. Don't worry, all of the chapters are still here, I am just making new ones and replacing the old chapters one at a time] (This story can also be found on Scribble Hub and Webnovel) [Cover art is not mine]
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If you could turn into any creature, that'd be awesome... wouldn't it?Seth had been hoping for a fun rest of his senior year of high school. He was going to go on dates, go to parties, and maybe even actually pass his classes.But when he and his friends decide to have some fun on his friend's birthday, things don't really go how they expected.Now, what seemed like just a one time bit of risky fun, may threaten to ruin Seth's whole life.And it's all the gene juice's fault.Highest ratings#1 Genetics#1 - transformation#1 - tf
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Reincarnated As A Mob!?!Rise of the Demon
(authors note: mob as in monster/ npc opponent)Categories: action, drama, adventure, fantasy, mature, comedy, slice of life, reader interactive,original,Prologue and more as we progress most likely a harem at some point.(description? who needs a ow! Right brain san stop ow! okay okay! Left brain will make description!)Description:Join us oh loyal minions! as we follow the story of the newly reincarnated Seamus Finnegan as he begins his new life from the lowly form of a mob! to that of the unknown that he shall forge ahead unto. but will he stay himself? let alone keep his humanity and memory's as time passes onwards?
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Conversations with a ghost (Ghostface x reader)
DisclaimerThis book contains Sexual content Violence BloodknivesAnd stalking in this story ghostface is Danny Johnson or Jed Olsen From dead by daylight NOT STU OR BILLY Cover art by @demonic.king_012 (kris) on InstagramAlso, I do apologize for any grammar mistakes.You were a average person, nothing special. So why did this cold-blooded killer take an interest in you?
8 105