《A Fungal Dream》Chapter 21. What the hell?



I panicked. I didn’t want to do that. Shit, why did he startle me!

I didn’t kill or infect him, at least, just knocked him unconscious.

Need to get out. I couldn’t find any useful books, so there is no point in me staying here any longer.

Quickly, I ran out of the shop, facing another policeman.

“Holy shit!”

Quickly, he turned whatever he was holding at me, firing right at me.

That instant, the surrounding time slowed down, almost becoming still.

My brain raced through the things I did, the best moments of my life, my worst mistakes, my regrets, my hopes.

The things I couldn’t do, the things I wanted to do.

I wanted to return home, I wanted to create wonders which would help humankind. I wanted to be a famous researcher, not a nobody without a name.

I tried to move, but I was just too slow.

I felt the bullet. I felt the tearing sensation, the force, going through my head, after exiting it from my neck.

My vision turned dark, as my body fell on the ground, with my mind slowly slipping away.

I…don’t want to die.

[User’s HP reached 0]

[Death been registered]

[Terminating Dive.]

[Secret function of blessing: [Blessing of Nergal] activated]

[Automatically activating affinity [Basic Death Affinity.]]

[Automatically activating affinity [Basic Life Affinity.]]


[System failure detested.]

[Restarting program…]


[Restarting program…]


[Calculating options…]

[Options calculated.]

[Initiating program; safeguarding body, till initiated time for dimensional dive is set.]


“What the hell, what was that?!”

Shaking in fear, the new policeman held his gun tightly to his chest.

The cloth doll fell on the ground, motionless.

“Damn it, where’s Dave?! Dave!”



Without any reason, the cloth doll started to shake violently, while letting out a deafening sound.

What the hell is happening.

Holding my ears in pain, I saw as the cloth doll stud right back up, from the hole of its head, some sort of black liquid was pouring out.

“W-What the hell is that thing?!”

Slowly, the mouth opened with a horrible tearing sound, from the darkness more black liquid came out, with some black smoke .

The fear paralyzed the young officer, with a stain appearing on his pants.

He was just recruited, never experiencing something like this before.

How could he? In this world, any supernatural thing in this world was eradicated. Ghosts, fairies, and any other strange things are now just stories from books.

Yet, one of those stories was standing right before him, about to eat him.

Mother, father, please forgive me…


Next to the police officer’s neck, something fast flew by, hitting the creature again in the head, making it fall back on the ground.

“Yare Yare (AN: couldn’t help it, I had to), to think that this night was supposed to be calm.”

From a black allay, a man wearing a trench coat walked out.

His facial features were obscured by the dim lights and the top hat he was wearing.

In his right hand, he held one of those newly made revolvers, with its tip still slightly smoking.

“Don’t nag, this is why you are being paid!”

Another voice just talked to that guy, but the officer couldn’t see who it was.


“W-Who are you?”

“You are one of the new recruits, right? If I were you, I would step aside, that thing isn’t entirely dead yet?”

He was right, the monster was back up, bow bleeding from another wound from the head.

“This is a tough bastard. Lily, create a defensive perimeter, we don’t want to let our prey escape.”

“I’m already on that, stupid!”

From the tip of the top hat of the mysterious individual, a small spark of light flew up in the sky, which exploded into a gentle blue wave.

“Area locked. You won’t be able to leave for 30 minutes.”

“Enough time for me to kill this thing.”

The mysterious man lifted his revolver again but was met with an obstacle.

The monster opened its huge mouth, exhaling a thick cloud of black smoke.

“Hey there! That looks dangerous!”

Somehow managing to grab the officer by the wrist, he jumped back a few steps, evading the cloud.

“So, it’s able to do that. That thing is definitely a high-tier cursed item. Sadly, unlike me, it seems like this thing is unable to think rationally. You idiot, keep on shooting, the damage must do something to it.”

“Copy that.”

The man gripped tightly on his gun and fired another shot.

Somehow, the creature bent down at the right moment, evading the attack completely.

“… Live… Must live…”

The words which escaped from the mouth of the monster were horse and

“It can talk? Lily, you said that it had no mind at all!”

“It doesn’t! It must have picked up some words from the previous guy! Keep shooting!”

“… Must…LIVE!”

Screaming the last words, the monster jumped in the air, landing on the roof of the house.

“He is escaping.”

“Not with my barrier, he isn’t.”

“Still, to be sure.”

He opened his pistol and put a red-colored bullet in it.

“Using that already? HQ won’t be happy about it.”

“Having them angered is much better than dying, in my opinion.”

The man pulled the trigger, firing a blood-red projectile.

The monster tried to dodge it, but I exploded in midair, releasing a blinding light.

“You like it? It's light from the Holy Source! A cursed item like you should feel something after being bathed in its light!”



The monster roared in furry as it fell back on the ground, its body covered in flames.

“Now, finish it!”

“Bye-Bye, monster!”

The man pulled the trigger again, firing the same bullet at the beast.

“… I hate… you…”

The monster opened its mouth wide open, releasing a thick cloud of black smoke, which covered its entire body.

When the bullet hit the smoke, it set it on fire, illuminating the entire area.

Once the flames disappeared, there was no trace of the monster, only a pile of ashes on the ground.

“…HQ is going to kill you.”

The top hat suddenly jumped up into the air, floating right before the face of that man.

“You destroyed a very strong cursed object! They won’t be happy about it!”

“Then, don’t tell them!”

“Ehhh, excuse me, but what just happened?”

The two of them completely forgot about the still shaking officer, who was still holding onto his gun.


“Damn it, you are still here. Lily, he is going to need your special, mind erasing spell.

“One, ‘Forget It Shot’ coming right up.”


Inside the bookshop, near the unconscious body of the old officer, the monster was lying low, the body which was invisible to the nacked eye was full of wounds, from which tentacles grasped out.

From the open mouth of the mask, a

[Extreme damages located on the body]

[Remaining time till the end of dimensional dive: 10 minutes]

[Calculating odds of survival in current conditions: 0%]

[Calculating course of action…]

[Action decided]

[Due to unique circumstances, the user will receive temporary skill:[Possession]]



“What was that?”

The man looked up from the hat which was currently brainwashing the young police officer.

From the shop, a shape walked out.

It was the ragged cloth thing, but now somebody was wearing it.

Somebody wearing a policeman's uniform.

“Did that thing… possess someone?”

“Does it have multiple abilities? What the hell is that thing?”

Slowly, the possessed officer drew out his single-edged sword and got into a battle stance.

“It seems like that thing can use the combat abilities of the ones it possesses. Be careful.”

“Not planning to become a zombie, Lily. Just keep on brainwashing, I will deal with this one.”

Not wanting to harm the officer, he put back his weapon and raised his fist.

“Ten years of drunk fights, don’t fail me now.”

The old man moved forward, stabbing towards him.

Avoiding the attack, he grabbed the left arm of the officer and twisted it upward.

This should dislocate it for now. I will do the same with the other one then-He?!

The dislocated arm grabbed his hand and threw him at the wall of the nearby wall.

Bewildered, he saw that the arm of the officer relocated itself without any problem.

“Hey, hey, this is turning into something troublesome! I will seriously need to use my gun if this continues!”

“H-Help… me!”

Using the sword of the officer, the monster jumped forward, screaming.

“Let him go, you monster!”

The young officer was still conscious enough to speak.

“Lily! Knock the kid OUT!”

At the words of the policemen, the monster stopped in his tracks, then it slowly started to speak.

“Monster? Monster. Monster… How should I feel? Creatures lie here. Looking through…the windows…”

Slowly walking towards them, he swung his sword up and down.

“Is it chanting? What is it chanting, Lily?”

“How should I know? I am not good at chanting!”

The monster stopped a few meters away from them, pointing its sword at them.

“That night he caged her… Bruised and broke her. He struggled closer. Then he stole her… Violate wrists and then her ankles… Silent pain… Then he slowly saw their nightmares! (Monster(Meg&Dia))“

The monster launched itself forward to them, in a murderous rage.

“Fire that thing!”

“I am all out!”

“Then use the other thing!”

Quickly, the man pulled out from his coat a baton made from silver with several magic symbols engraved on it, hitting the monster in the head with it,

Startled, the monster stepped away, its head smoking where the weapon touched it.

“….looking through…the windows…”

The monster screamed as the cloth thing's mouth opened up, burping up the black smoke.

The mysterious man tried to react to it, but he was incapable of doing anything.

While he was covered in the smoke, he felt something growing on his exposed skin.

What is happening to me?


[Time’s up.]

[Ending dimensional dive.]


Once the cloud disappeared, there was no sign of the cloth monster, only the unconscious body of the old officer was lying on the floor.

“Where is it? Where is that thing?!”

“It’s not important! The kid is suffocating! We need to take him to a hospital.

“…Damn it!”


“W-Where am I?”

I was laying down on the floor, with a huge headache.

[Return successful]

[Alert several errors been noticed during dive]

[User’s body data accidentally fused with cloth]

[Temporary skill [Possession] been set as permanent skill]

[Skill [Possession] is not usable in the main world]

[Skill [Possession] is usable during dive.]


[Unknown item been bought back while diving]


[Item been identified as a copy of the Music Book of Calces]


[Downloading data from Music Book of Calces]

[… Download complete]

[Data been rewritten as new skill]

[New skill received: [Music Instrument Knowledge]]

“Ugh, my head.”

I stood up while holding my head in deep pain.

“I remember being shot then…nothing. Did I get sent back after I arrived back when I got killed? Ugh, thinking hurts.”

Searching through my stuff, I grabbed the last of my healing potions and I drank it, easing my headache.

“Bagh, that hit the spot.”

I threw the empty bottle on the ground as I massaged my head.

“At least I got the musician skill, so that is that.”

Preparing for the out coming dungeon excursion, I prepared several knives, potions, poisons, and several vials filled with my diluted blood, in case I saw a cool animal that I wanted to turn into an abomination against nature.

When I was done with my preparations, I took out something special.

It was a bottle of whiskey, which I stole from a bar, with a pack of cigars, also stolen from a bar.

Using one of the candles, I lit one of them and breathed it in.

“AAAaahhhh, this is the stuff. And this” I drank a little of the bottle” is the best.”

Now I only need to continue my experiments, upgrade my stuff and… I will do that later. I am in heaven!


Name: Phil Smith 'Plague Father'

Race: [Molded High Elf] Lv: 1/100 (0/100)

Main Class: [Life Scholar]

Sub Class: [Runner]

HP(Health Points): 240/240

SP(Stamina Points): 260

MP(Magic Points): 160/160

TMN (Tamed Monster Numbers): [231.810]


Active Skills: [Basic Steady Hand] [[Hive control] [Hive Absorption] [Hive Repulsion] [Mold Field] [Basic Spirit Voice] [Aether Vision] [Steam Engineering]

[Basic Body Knowledge] [Basic Plant Knowledge] [Basic Medicine Knowledge] [Basic Stamina Enhancement] [Basic Movement Enhancement] [Basic Reflex Enhancement.] [Basic Sponge Mind] [Perfect Stomach] [Hive Mind] [Music Instrument Knowledge]

Affinities: [Basic Farming Affinity] [Basic War Affinity] [Basic Pestilence Affinity][ Basic Fire Affinity.] [Basic Life Affinity]

Titles: [The One Who Saw A Thousand Worlds] [Knowledge Driven] [Chosen by Flies] [Medicine Pioneer] [Hive Master]


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